Flicker in the Night

By Violet_Rain95

677K 21.2K 1.2K

Hit with an unplanned pregnancy, Valentina finds herself thrust into a life she never saw coming. She struggl... More

Authors Note
Author's Note!
Where I am at.


19.1K 619 50
By Violet_Rain95

The sun was shining happily in to the room. It was going to be a very good day if you ask me. I woke up with a smile today. But I will have to do my happy dance after I throw up. Rushing to the bathroom I emptied my stomach. Once that was over I did my morning routine. Which consisted of having a shower, getting ready for work. Putting my hair in a ballet bun, and then my shoes. I went down stairs to meet Frank and get something to eat like every morning. I keep forgetting to go to the store to buy something for my kitchen.

I should really do that today.

Getting down stairs I looked around for Frank only to find he was not here. Which is weird, he is usually here before I come down. Al. who was the cook was not here yet too he usually comes about ten. So I started on my breakfast and ate it slowly. I didn't want to upset my stomach right now. Looking down at my phone just in time to see Frank's name flash, putting my fork down I answered.

"Hey Frank,"

"Hey Val, something came up with my mom. I won't be able to come in today. So I need you to man the place for me." His voice was on edge a bit.

"Oh, I hope she is alright and yes I can whatever you need," I replied.

"She is okay for now. She is at the hospital I'll find out more when I get there. But listen. I have this party coming in today. My Son and some of my old friends. I called my son and told him what has happened. That I left you in charge of the restaurant they will be there soon to set up." I nodded taking in what he said.

I didn't know he had a son.

"Okay, I can do that. Is it closed off to the public?" I asked next.

"Yes it is, so put out the sign as well. I'll call later to see how things are going." I was about to hang up when he called out "Oh and Val, my son's name is Aidan. It is an all-day thing I already called everyone in as well."

Sighing I looked around, I wonder what kind of party? I went outside to put the sign out that read. "Sorry, restaurant is close for a private party." I was about to walk inside. When someone called out to me. "Valentina!" I turned to see Hayden once again

I smiled and waved "we got to stop meeting like this." I joked, this is twice now. "How are you?"

He laughed nodding "Not my fault, and Pretty good I think. What about you?"

"That's good and I'm doing well,"

He looked down shaking his head "did you get bigger from the last time I've seen you?"

Is he going to say that every time he sees me?

"Are you going to say that every time we meet? Because if you are you should know I will get even bigger." We both laughed in agreement.

"You work here?"

I couldn't help but smile "I like this job. Frank is like family to me,"

He nodded smiling "Yeah, Frank is good people,"

He looked at someone behind me, so I turned to follow his gaze.

I saw four big guys walking our way. As I looked at them you can tell they owned every room they walk into. Anywhere they go for that matter. My eye's landed on one of them. He caught my eye his eyes bored into mine. Again those grey eyes. I can tell he was analyzing me, so I looked away from him as they reach us.

"Boss, this is Valentina the one Frank left in charge," Hayden put his hand on my shoulder

Boss? I thought his name was Aiden? He put his hand out for me to shake. Putting my small hand in his "Nice to meet you. Valentina, Frank said you were good people and I value his word. You can call my Aiden or Boss. Whichever you prefer," he finally letting go of my hand.

"He's good people too and please call my Val."

"This is Slash, Blade, and Strider." He pointed to each one but for some reason. I felt draw to the guy Strider Pushing the feeling away fast.

You can't go down the road, Val!

"Oh hey Val, how did the Custody hearing go?" Hayden brought my attention to him.

"I won! I got full custody. I don't have to deal with baby daddy drama no more."

"Right on, that's good. How did he take it?"

I shook my head "He didn't really care. So the judge didn't want to hear his side." I said remembering how he acted "But that's behind me. I'm moving forward I don't have time for kid games,"

He nodded listening to me, he was about to reply when Slash did "How do you know all that?"

"We share the hospital room. It was hard not to listen," I shook my head at him.

I don't blame him for listening.

They all nodded then getting straight the point I jumped at the small pause. "Okay enough about me. Let's go inside and we can walk through the plans. On how do you want things set up?"

Aiden motioned for me to walk in first. We spent at least an hour talking about what they wanted to do. What kind of food along with other things. After that they took their leave to finish getting the things they would need. I also told them how Frank let me move in upstairs and asked if they would be kind enough. To let everyone know not to go up there.

Aiden kindly agreed.

Setting up the table music was playing in the back ground. From time to time I would nodded my head singing along. My favorite song started to play and my hips started to sway a little to the beat. But then, the music cut off making me pull a small face turning to see why it stopped my heart stopped. Armani stood by the stereo looking pissed off more than ever. Everything in my body told me to run!

But I didn't.

I looked around to see if anyone was around. But I was unlucky. When did the guys say they will be back? "Y-you can't be in here."

He took his time with the reply. His eye filled with nothing but hatred. "What not so tough when your friend or lawyer isn't around?"

Every time he would take steps forward I would take some back. There was no way I wanted to be close to him. Not while I was alone. I did not know what he was able to do and I did not want to find out. I want him to just disappear.

"Who say's I'm scared now? Like I said, you can't be in here. We're closed for a privet party."

"What party? This dump is empty,"

"They will be here soon so you need to leave,"

I was hoping they came back sooner they said.

"I have business to discuss with you," he said walking closer.

My eyes snapped to the door a mistake I was going to pay for. Armani took this time to lunge at me knocking tables and chairs out the way in the process. As I made a break for. It he grabbed my forearm pushing me up against the wall. Making me hissed in pain. I tried to push him off but he didn't move. He pushed more into me, I was able to feel his hot breath fanning my face.

So I closed my eyes and prayed.

"What's wrong baby. You loved it when I did this that night," he taunt me.

"I was drunk."

He laughed "You weren't too drunk to agree to have sex with me."

This bustard!

"What have nothing to say now? Huh." he taunt me some more.

Tears fill my eyes "Stop Armani, just leave me alone!"

"You made my life hell! You should have taken care of this little shit when you had the chance!"

He said looking down at my stomach in discussed.

I swallowed hard trying to push him off again.

"You're going to be a worthless mom. You're going to fail the kid, just like yours did you,"

He smirked when tears fell down my cheeks.

"What guy is going to want a messed up single mother. With nothing to show for?"

"Stop." More tears started to fall.

"Awe, why am I hurting your feelings." He pushed me more "Can't handle the truth, huh babe?"


I looked him in his eyes only to find he was enjoying this "Get off me! You sick mother fucker."

I started to hit his chest trying to get him to let go of me. I felt my put pressure on my stomach making me freeze. I had to take care of her first before I even thing about taking in Armani like this. I was helpless.

Amara will always come first.

"She said let go." A deep a voice I recognized as Aiden's echoed off the walls.

Turning my head to see that he and the other's standing there watching us but more Armani. But no one was glaring as hard as that guy Strider. He looked ready to kill if need to be. And I had no idea why.

Armani finally let me go putting his hands up. He looked back to me and said "Like I said, worthless."

With that he left.

My legs gave out. I sat there on the floor looking down feeling ashamed. Maybe he was right, what if I turn out like my dad? What if I'm not a good mom to my baby girl "Valentina, are you okay?"

I was not able to find my voice.

I didn't look up to see who was talking "Did he hurt you?"


Hayden was suddenly bent down in front of me lifting my chin up so I was looking at him "What did he want?"

This was all just too much for me right now. I need to be alone, no. I wanted to be alone. I was always told that crying in front of people made you look weak. I hated crying in front of people! Pushing off the wall I stood on shaky legs. "I need a minute." I whispered rushing to the stairs. Once I was sure they couldn't see me.

I ran up them as fast as I could.

How can this be happening to me! I did everything I could to better my life just as thing start to look up. I am reminded of all the bad. Why is it that the world is against me am I just the horrible that I will never be happy? Laying on the bed and cried my heart out. Why does he have to be an asshole? This is his kid as well, he should pull his weight! I mean right? Yes granted I agreed to have sex with him and didn't make sure that he used a condom. But at least I manned up and going to take care of my little girl. Unlike him. Coming here and threaten me like that. Sickness hit me. Everything was starting to come up so I rushed into the bathroom.

I threw up till I was dry heaving, there was nothing left in my stomach. Having no strength left in me I laid in the bathroom for a few seconds. When I was sure I wasn't going to throw up anymore. I headed back down stairs. I took one last look in the mirror and my eyes were red and puff. Closing my eyes trying to calm my raising heart.

I made my way back down.

With each step I took it was like my heart was racing faster and faster. Were they going to bug me or are they going bomb me with questions. Question I do not want to answer right now. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I stopped closing my eye trying to calm myself once again. Stepping out from the safety of the stairs everyone look over at me. But didn't say anything. I went straight to the bar and started to fill the salt shakers. I was on my third one when someone wrapped their arms around me. Frowning I turned to see Brianna.

She gave me a sad smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well a little birdy told me what happened today and before you go all crazy on me. Saying it's not true and sorry to break it to you babe but you're an open book to me."

Sighing I said "I'm fine really."

"Yeah, say's the one with red puff eyes. I'm many things but stupid isn't one of them,"

"Who told you?" I asked wanting to know.

"You did, you butt called me." She waved her phone in front of me.

I nodded. Damn Phone! I feel bad that she stopped everything for me and came here. "Would have come earlier. Right after I heard you but I knew you need some time."

She was right I did. I continued to pour the salt and we didn't say anything. I looked around to see that the guys were busy setting up. The workers had already came in to help them. I looked over at Strider to see that he was already looking at me. I looked back to the salt. I wanted to talk to Bri but not here.

But I have no choice.

"He said I was going to turn out like my dad." Bri's arms tighten around me. "That I was worthless."

He had no right to bring me down!

"Don't listen to a word he says. He is just trying to make you feel bad. You know that," she started "after all you only gave visitation rights to his dad." I started laughing lightly.

I see her point.

"Imagine how much that must have hurt?" she laughed with me "and second you are better than your father. You are far from where he is, you already have a good start. You have a job, a good place to live, and one hell of a family behind you." I turned to look at her confused

What family is she talking about?

"What family?" she rolled her eyes at me.

"Mine. Duh, my mom is already planning on kidnapping you this weekend to go shopping." I could not help but laughed.

"Man I was planning on sleeping in!" we both looked at each other than started laughing.

"You sleep in. Yeah that will only happen when pigs fly." she said and I started laughing.

"Pigs already fly." She gave me a weird look trying to figure out my little joke.

You see I know I shouldn't have been mean. I respect everything the police do but you know how gang members call cops pigs? Well yeah, cops fly in air planes so that's where the joke 'Pigs already fly' comes into play. I took a couple of salt shakers and started putting them on the tables. Looking back to Brianna only to see that she was deep in thought I shook my head at her.

"Is she okay?" Hayden asked coming up to me.

"Yeah, she's just trying to figure out my joke I said,"

"What was the joke?"

"Pigs already fly," he looked confused too making me laughed "not you too!"

He shrugged smiling "Are you okay?"

My smile dropped "Yeah, I've had worse. It's just my hormones are everywhere now."

He nodded as Bri yelled out "I got it!"

I looked over at her to see she is dying of laugher "I get it. I totally get it," she laughed out.

Once she calmed down she looked at me.

"That's fucked up. Funny, but fucked up." I laughed walking over grabbing more salt shakers.

"Took you long enough," she glared at me as I walked away.

I started walking to where Strider was sitting with Aiden. I looked down not wanting to see their faces "Bitch!" I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"I heard that. Slut!"

"Only on weekends," I turned around looking at her. With my eyebrows together. She just shrugged then started filling up the shakers.

"What was the Joke?" Aiden asked I looked up at him

"Pigs already fly,"

He started laughing "That's a good one. I never thought of that before,"

"See he got it right when I said it," She waved me off while I just laughed.

"Hey Val, my mom wanted to know what theme you wanted for the party?"

I frowned what party?

"What party?"

She rolled her eyes "You need to keep up mama bear. Did you really think my mom was going to pass up the opportunity to plan a party? I mean yeah she is a hard-core lawyer and all. But she still likes to do shit like that," I groaned.

"I don't want a party,"

She snorted "Have you not seen my mom when she all." She made and face waving her hands making me laugh "So tell that to her. She combining two. Just so you know. It's going to be a baby shower. Slash. Congrats on winning. So you can't say no." I sighed deeply "Oh and she said if you try to skip out. To tell you that you have a warrant for your arrest,"

I started laughing. "I didn't know giving the skipping your own baby shower was a crime."

She joined in.

"That's what I told her. So either way you're showing up," she said helping me set the tables.

"You don't have to do that. You don't work here."

Giving a careless shrugged. "I got nothing better to do and my mom was driving me crazy at home." She said "when do you get off I need a girls night."

"I might be working all night. Frank won't be here till later," her face fell a little.

Now I feel bad.

"She will get off at one." My eye snapped to Aiden where we had a small stare down "That's when we will finished setting up. Then, you're free to do what you like. I'll talk to my dad and after what happened earlier today. You shouldn't be on your feet."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded "You can go now if you like?"

"Deal!" Bri yell grabbing the shakers putting them down. Then taking my hand dragging me to the stairs.

"Well, call me if you need anything," Aiden nodded turn away getting back to work. I sighed as I followed Brianna up the stairs I felt tired.

I just wanted to sleep and eat.


Hmm crazy huh? When she thinks she is done with Armani he keeps popping up maybe after this time he will stop...hmm we will see and what do you guys think about Aiden and even Strider? and Hey Hayden seems like a nice guy right?...anyways till next time



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