Flicker in the Night

By Violet_Rain95

677K 21.2K 1.2K

Hit with an unplanned pregnancy, Valentina finds herself thrust into a life she never saw coming. She struggl... More

Authors Note
Author's Note!
Where I am at.


22.5K 671 45
By Violet_Rain95

The rain had finally stopped when I was about half way home. I figured that I should find the will to get up and go home, because it sure was not a good idea. With me being pregnant. Walking through the front door then closing it as quite as I was able too. A sigh of relief left me when my dad was nowhere in sight. He will be pissed off that I came home this late. I started to tip toe to the stairs in hopes I can get change and dry before he sees. But I had no such luck. Just as I was about to get to the stairs he popped out from the kitchen. I looked at him with wide eyes, scared of what he has to say. Wrapping one arm around my waist as if it would protect me from him.

I waited.

"What the fuck is this." He hissed out stepping forward making me take one back. I had no idea what he was going on about until he threw my pregnancy test on the floor in front of me. Making my eyes go wide with fear.


"You went through my things?" My voice came out horse for crying in the rain. My body started to shake and not from the rain this time. But, from my dad.

"I can go through your shit anytime I want. This is my house! Is this shit yours?" he yelled at me causing me to flinch back at his tone. When I didn't answer him he got even madder and next thing I knew I felt pain go across my left cheek.

The hit was hard sending me to the floor. Putting my hand over my stinging cheek. I looked up. This was the first time he had ever hit me. I felt tears brim my eyes as I looked at him. "I thought I raised you better. I didn't raise a whore, and I'm sure in hell not going to help you with this shit! You have till tomorrow to pack your shit and get out." with that he turned on his heal leaving me on the floor.

Watching his back retreat into the back room. I could not believe that he just hit me, he use to just yell. But this. This was a whole next level for him deep down I wanted to feel bad that he kicked me out. But truth is I felt relief, what if he hits me again? Or worse he beats me till I lose the baby? I got up and ran to my room, what was I even going to take with me because I can't take everything. I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling as silent tears ran down my cheeks. Where was I even going to go? I can't go to Brianna's my dad will still see me. I need a place I can't be homeless not with a baby on the way.

I need to find a job first.


The loud sound of my alarm woke me up. Rolling over I rubbed my eyes I wasn't even sure when I went to sleep. Sitting up in my bed I got that sick feeling once again so I raced to the bathroom. When was this morning sickness going to go away? I'm so over this now. Walking back into my room. I pulled out my big duffel bag and started putting my clothes. Some pictures and then my tooth brush. I didn't know what else to take since I did not have anywhere go. I even texted Bri last night. She wanted to skip school with me again but I told her no.

Taking once last look at my room I left the house. I have never felt so down in my life, I never even felt like this when Kim was telling me shit. But some of the things she said to me do hit home. But, I pushed through it. Here I was sitting at a little café about ten blocks from my house. Old house I mean. I took the liberty of picking up a newspaper to look at the housing section. I can find something, I hope. Over the past summer I got a job. Working long hour and put the money away from college, my dad never knew I got the job I hid it from him. I even snuck money from him when he was drunk and passed out. Not like he needed it anyways. Right now I have five thousand dollars. That should help me get a small apartment and cover the first few months of rent till I get a job.

Maybe I can asked my old boss if I can maybe get my job back. He liked how I worked around the restaurant. Always cheerful with people even when the customers were mean to me. Picking up a newspaper I started looking for apartments then I will go see Frank. As I as looking down circling ones that seemed good enough a shadow came over the table.

Looking up a girl smiled at me "Hi I'm Lacy, I'll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Yeah, I'll have some water and a club sandwich." With a nod, paired with a smile she walked off to place my order.

Giving a heavy sigh I looked back at the paper. This was harder than I thought what if they don't rent to me, then what? I am only eighteen after all. I heard a familiar voice making my head snap up. I felt relief when I saw Frank. My old boss, he was on the phone but when he looked this way, he froze, and just taking me in. I'm sure I look like hell I've been crying all night and then didn't get much sleep either. I wave to say hi as he made his way over to me when he hung up the phone.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you in school?" Frank said stern. He looked at all my things then back to me but I didn't say anything. "Are you alright, you look like you haven't gotten any sleep." I nodded at him.

"Well, I've had a crazy few days," I saw his eyes look down at the paper and frowned.

"Why are you looking for apartments?" I felt my eyes water. "Is everything okay?" he questioned this time I shook my head no.

"I'm pregnant, my dad found out and kicked me out. So now I have to find somewhere to live." I whipped the tear that fell down my cheek.

"Have you told the father of the baby? He is half responsible as well, since he was the one who didn't think to put on a condom." He said looking at the girl who was bring the food out to me.

But he didn't look long he looked back to me.

"Can I get you anything Sir?" she asked him and he shook his head no. Nodding she walked away.

"I told him, he didn't believe the baby was his."

I pushing the food away my hunger went down the drain.

He pushed the food back to me. "You need to eat you're eating for two now. Valentina." my heart tugged a little at least he cares a little right?

When I wasn't picking up the food to eat. He moved to the seat next to me and picked up the sandwich and held it up for me to bite it. "Come on, I know you're hungry." I sighed giving in and taking a bite. After that he left me eat the rest myself.

When I was going to start looking at apartments again Frank's hand covered it. "C'mon, I know somewhere." He said putting money on the table grabbing my bag. I tried to argue about the money but he told me not to worry about it.

"So where are we going?" I said a little unsure about where we were heading.

He took a side glance at me then looking forward again. "You'll see," was all he said making me frown. Yeah that was a great answer! I thought to myself.

So I decided to just look down at my feet as we walked. Because the last thing I need was to trip or something. When I finally looked up I saw the restaurant Frank owned. Smiling to myself, I thought he was going to kill me. Not that he would never do that. I followed him inside and sighed. Great stairs! Note the sarcasm, we went all the way up where he pulled out keys. Putting it in the door knob he pushed the door open gesturing for me to walk in first.

So I did.

I walked in looking around, I never knew there was an apartment up here. There wasn't much, it had a small dining table, a basic kitchen. I walked around the corner into the living room it had one long sofa and a small medium flat screen. Then a hall way which I'm sure the leads to the bathroom and the bedroom. I looked over at Frank.

He was watching me.

"What do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"About the apartment. What do you think?" he said, throwing me off making me looking around again.

"It's nice, plain, but nice." I said taking a seat on the sofa.

Frank nodded and walked closer to me. "It's yours. If you want it, well it's mine but I hardly stay here and since you need a place. You can stay here free of rent." I stared at him like he grown a second head.

"I can't, I'll feel bad." Looking round then back to him. "I like to work for what I get."

"Fine, then you can start working in the restaurant again. I'm down a server anyhow." he said "you can start next Saturday it gives you enough time to settle in." My heart tug again.

No one has ever been this nice to me. I always felt like I had to work harder to get things and just to make it by. I felt tears fill my eyes. I looked down at my hands I can't do this it's too much. Next thing I know Frank is sitting down next to me and patted my back.

When I worked here before he found out about me getting bullied at school. Because Kim came here and he saw everything. So I told him, he became a second dad to me. I have a lot to thank him for. "Go get some rest, you need it. I'll be down stairs working if you need me." He lend over and kiss the top of my head then walked out leaving me alone.

I rubbed my hands down my thighs looking around the room. I guess I can make this work for now, till I can finish high school then go to college. I'm not going to be one of those girls who get knock up then drop out of school. No! I'm going to finish school then I'm going to make something of myself for my baby and me. I'm going to be the best mom I could be for my little one. Because any one can be a mother but not everyone can be a mom. It also takes a real women to fill the role of the father as well.

I got up and made my way over to the bedroom. When I saw the bed, it was just calling out to me. So flopping down on it I sighed feeling good it was soft, I felt my eyes closed then I was out like a light.

Hearing a soft beeping sound I came around to realize that it was my phone. I looked down to see that someone had put the blanket over me. My guess was Frank. Finally finding my phone on the bed side table. Looking at it I realized that Brianna has blown up my phone nonstop. Just when I was about to call her my phone went off. Laughing to myself

This girl I swear.

"Oh thank God, you're okay! You had me worried, why didn't you answer your phone?" she rushed out.

"I'm okay, I ran into Frank and he gave me a place to stay. All I have to do is work for him again and I can stay here free of charge. He told me to get some rest so I've been asleep." I said feeling happy for the first time this week.

She sighed out "Oh well, that's great. I'm glad he gave you a place and your old job back." I can hear the smile on her face. "Hey are you hungry? Maybe I can pick you up and we can get a bite to eat?" Right when she said that my stomach growled.

"Yeah that sounds great! We can eat at Frank's since he gave me the apartment above his restaurant." I said getting up and walking into the other room.

"Okay sounds good, I'll be there in ten." We said our goodbyes and I went to where Frank left my bag and took some things. Out and walked into the bathroom to clean up a bit.

After I went down stairs to the restaurant. I saw Frank behind the bar so I walked up to him. He looked up and gave me a warm smile which I returned. "You look well rested," he said giving me a hug.

"I feel well rested." I looked around the dining area it was too busy today I saw some girls from school and I rolled my eyes. What losers, But I also caught this creepy man sitting in the corner.

What's with the hood?

"Are you hungry? I can put an order for you." Frank brought my attention back to him.

"Yeah, but I'm waiting for Bri. She coming down so we can hang for a bit," just as I said that I saw Bri making her way inside.

I waved her down.

When she reach the bar she smiled at Frank "Hey Frank, how are you?"

"I was doing good but now I'm doing great. I got my number one worker back." he said winking at me making Bri and I laughed "What would you girls like?"

"I'll have the usual thanks Frank," Bri said then turning to me.

"Well, I don't think I can have shrimp. So I guess I'll go with what Bri is having." Frank nodded writing it down.

"Okay girls go ahead and have a seat. I'll bring it over when it's ready," he smiled walking into the kitchen.

Bri and I took our usual seats by the window. "So I talked to Armani yesterday. After I found out you left crying." she said unsure I looked at her, she looked hurt.

"What did you tell him?" I asked little worried things got out of hand.

"Well I told him like this," she straighten up a bit and I smiled at her. She trying to make light of this which I'm thankful for.

"I don't care who you are. She is my best friend and you sure as in hell not going to fucking sit here while she is out there. You don't know half the shit she's been through. And this whole thing just added more to her plate. Weight she cannot handle! You need to go now before something happens!" she started while waved her hands like a crazy person.

I laughed at her knowing full well she did this then too.

"He looked at me in shock. I'm guessing because no one ever talks to him like that," she waved her hand dismissing it. "Then he glared at me and said."

"Just who the fuck you think you are. Talking to me like that? I can care less, it is not my problem. You need to mind your own god damn business before I make your life a living hell." she said in her best guy voice. Making me laugh even more.

"So I glared right back and said. Go ahead and try to make my life a living hell but you won't touch me. Because my mom is not the best lawyer out there for nothing! So I think it's the other way around, you try to make a fool of me. But make my words Armani Samuels! I will come down ten times harder. If you don't want nothing to do with the baby then that's fine. My mom can work something out but you best believe that my mom is still coming for you bitch ass." she took a big breath in calming down.

But I was laughing so hard, this is why I love her.

"God you should have seen his face. He turned white then I slapped him and left," she finished.

Oh I was dying of laughter.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I said once I calmed down she smiled and nodded.

"By the way my mom wants to talk to you. She got it out of me you know her and her lawyer self." I nodded. "She said we can come up with any agreement that all rights will go to you. Because she knows how he is she worked on his case once." I nodded but before we could say any more Frank brought the food over. We ate and talked sillies after all we had enough drama for one day, as you can see.

After we finished I walked Bri to her car "I'll pick you up tomorrow say about ten?"

"Yeah that sounds great I'll see you then." We gave each other a hug I walked back inside as she pulled away. I told Frank goodnight and went back up stairs.

I have a feeling that everything is going to be okay after all.


Can you believe her dad man kicked her out, but luckily she found a place huh....anyways till next time



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