The Year Of Rain

By LazyWriter96

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Summer has ended, heavy clouds covering the blue sky, light unable to shine through. Tragedy has struck, your... More

Broken lives
Inheritance and children
At home
Memories flood one's mind like poison
We walk, lost and with no purpose
Blood ties us, but we cannot feel it
Born of Ink. Part 1. Let the healing begin
Born of Ink. Part 2. What hides in the dark
Born of Ink. Part 3. Moving Pictures
Born of Ink. Part 4. Meeting the Ink Demon
Born of Ink. Part 5. Even in hell, we shall fight to protect
Born of Ink. Part 6. Betrayed
Born of Ink. Part 7. End of Madness, Beginning of Hope
Last days of summer
Friendly Reunion
Disaster countdown
Studies and shenanigans
Merry Christmas
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Valley. Part 1. Here we go again
Valley. Part 3. Lost chances
Valley. Part 4. Price to pay
Valley. Part 5. Facing the nightmare
Untitled Part 30
Four days
The Hour of Truth. Part 1
Hour of Truth. Part 2.
Let's take this slow
Holding on to what we have
Forgiveness and memories
Contain, neutralize, or set free?
Winter storm
Just a bit more
Bitter goodbye
A night to remember
Beginning of the end. Part 1. Let's go catch some bugs!
Beginning of the end. Part 2. Awakening
Beginning of the end. Part 3. Welcome
A wild ride
Birthday Present
A memory

Valley. Part 2. Mistakes of the past, consequences of the present

65 3 3
By LazyWriter96

Hey! Sorry to be bothering you guys. I've rewritten the last chapter and this one of the story,  since I had a much better idea of how things should go. Sorry for the hassle. I'll be much more careful in the future.

The next day came, morning still dominated by the darkness of the night. Everyone woke up, preparing for another day and eager to know what will happen next.

You were all in the kitchen, enjoying a warm breakfast, you, Pure, Cody and Hornet helping the Doll with taking the chores that needed to be done. Slenderman's team was there as well, Jeff and Ben enjoying the service, acting like kings and treating the others like peasants, earning themselves a few slaps here and then but it still wasn't enough to get them to drop it. The food was delicious, warm and sweet, everyone complimenting it, Hoodie jokingly trying to get the Doll to come with them rather than return with you, James and the bugs. After breakfast, Ghost and Robby were quickly swooped by Splendor and taken to the basement where they were going to spend the entire day playing and keeping Ace company.

"I'm really sorry about disturbing your hydra, sir. I will go and g-" Slender said, but Olaf quickly stopped him.

"It's ok, sir. They are no bother at all. Ace always liked children and I'm sure he prefers their company compared to that of this old man." he said, smiling from ear to ear.

He was feeling much better that morning compared to the day before, but his back ached and his movements had gotten slower. His age was beginning to show and with it, a truth that everyone was blind to revealed itself, hitting them and disturbing the normality they were used to, like a rock sending ripples through still waters. Olaf was old, his time would soon be over, and so was Ace's. It was a painful revelation, one that they wanted to run from but there was no pat ahead to do it.

When all was done, you gathered with the others in the living room, the moment you were eager for and also dreaded the most having finally arrived. It was time to talk about Gertrude and what had to be done.

"Alright everyone." the Pale King began, clapping his hands out of habit.

Besides him, there were Grimm, the Radiance and Slender, his other two siblings having no interest in the situation making it clear to him and having left back, Trendy to his shop in a town of monsters, miles away, and Offender returning to take care of his rose garden back home. Slender didn't hold it against them. Were it not for the Valley, he would have abandoned them to their own devices as well, but he cared about it and the consequences that could happen if something went wrong there.

"I'd like to begin, if no one minds." he said, looking at everyone present.

No on opposed, curious and eager to find out what he knew.

"Very well, thank you." Slender continued. "I'd like to tell you all about the place Gertrude had gone to. The Valley. It is an ancient place where the Susurians, humans of old that lived in harmony with the supernatural, especially the gods and giants. It is the birthplace of the strongest magics in the world, ones...that I'm afraid humans have defiled already, disturbing its balance." he said, heading to the window and staring out at the scenery,

"What do you mean by that?" James asked, giving voice to the question on everyone's minds.

Slender didn't respond right away, continuing to stare at the sight outside, a world covered in sparkling white as the light of day filled the ether.

"World War II." he said after a long pause that felt like forever. Time was of essence, but some things cannot be rushed no matter what. "Have you ever heard of the Lifeseed?"

Everyone shook their head. It didn't surprise him. It was a pretty old legend after all.

"The Lifeseed is the heart of the Valley. Only one exists at a time and is replaced every 1000 years, and it feeds the entire Valley, keeping it alive and maintaining its balance. As you can imagine, its power is enormous since it has to last for so long. Legends said that the Susurians used its energy in order to never grow hungry so that they would never have to hunt and risk enraging the gods. Quite interesting if I say so myself." Slender commented, nearly losing himself in his thoughts. "But I digress." he quickly added, returning to the situation at hand. "As it is expected in such situations, some of the Susurians were corrupted by the Lifeseed's power, but fortunately, they were stopped before anything too bad could happen. However, because of that, the gods and giants decided to seal the Valley and erased it from the memories of men, leaving only whispers behind. But that didn't last. The thing is, those gods died and with them, the Valley wasn't protected anymore. Thankfully though, it was hard to access which did offer it some security but not nearly as much as it needed. During World War II, an American scientist found the Valley and with it the Lifeseed, and a new one at that, in its full power."

"And what did they do with it? From what I know, nothing of supernatural origin had been used during the war. I mean weapons, and the like. I'm fully aware that among the soldiers there were supernatural creatures as well and they contributed a lot, but I imagine that if someone had gotten their hands on such a powerful artifact then..." James said, recalling everything he knew about the World War II.

"Indeed. Fortunately, nothing came of it, or at least so it seems. The project was closed to the public and not even the highest powers in the Government knew about it apart from a selected very few who sponsored the whole thing. They sought to create a weapon, one so dangerous that it could rival the atomic bomb, even destroy it. But their plans were foiled when someone from the inside betrayed them along with their own foolishness." Slender said, looking out the window once more, back turned to all of you. "'The gods of the Valley might have died, but their offspring, the daemons, live on, protecting it just like their forebears intended. When the Lifeseed was taken and defiled, they were driven insane and turned into monsters. It provided them with food and power, and when it was taken, they were left to wither and starve which in turn made them into cannibals, devouring each other and anything else that had any bit of life apart from plants. The power of the Lifeseed wasn't enough for the scientists and they planned to use the daemons' life force too. They tried to lure them into a trap, but unfortunately for them, the daemons had become too wild to be stopped and were wiped out in a matter of seconds."

"That sounds great. They gave those assholes what they deserved!" Jeff chimed in, getting up from his sat on the floor and punching the air.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Slender said, a black tentacle reaching out from his back and grabbing the adult, putting him back in his place. "Since the scientists were dead, there was no one there to return the Lifeseed to its rightful place and thus, the creatures had been left to starve though I must admit, not as bad as before. Imagine however, how they would react if they found humans."

"They would eat them." Jane said so low, almost a whisper.

"Indeed. I found myself in the Valley once. While humans are unable to find it easily, for us creatures it's another story. Monsters which had been born there yet left, still share a connection with it, their lifeforce tied to that place, a connection that can be passed down through blood for all eternity. Even I barely made it out of there alive and would have probably died if it weren't for a doctor that I met during my travels. I own him a great deal for that. " Slenderman said, ready to end his story.

Everyone was speechless, too stunned by the information. To think that something like that could have happened and no one knew. It felt too horrible to be real. Poor creatures.

"Is that why it attacked my sister and her family? That monster? The one who took everything from her?" Olaf said, voicing his thoughts.

Everyone looked at him, concerned.

"Yes. It was starved, dying and..." Slender said, pausing at the end, unsure of how to proceed next.

"And? Please go on." Olaf said, his body beginning to tremble as fury and sadness began to take over.

"This is my own personal opinion and I have nothing to back it up, but..."

"But?" Grimm asked, slowly going towards the old man. He could feel the feelings building up in him.

He looked up at your uncle, the look in his eyes pleading. The Doll and James took notice of it and got up to go by the Olaf's side and help him should there be the need to.

"I believe the daemons have not abandoned their duty of protecting the Valley and the creatures in it, and in their own twisted way, still strive to do so, thus they strike to prolong their own lives by all means." Slender continued, expressing his theory aware that it won't be received with open arms.

"But you said they killed all lives apart from plants? What use is prolonging their own lives if they kill that which they are supposed to protect?" you said, Pure nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, that doesn't make sense." Bendy added.

"Not exactly." Slender continued. "As I said, the creatures born in the Valley are connected to it through their own lifeforce, even if they leave, their offspring carrying the link as well for generations. Given that, if the Valley were to die, then... "

"The creatures will die as well." Jane said, the truth hard as it was needed to be said.

"Exactly." Slender agreed, fists clenched behind his back. "The daemons are aware that they can't save the beings inside the Valley, so they will try to save those who have left, no matter what sacrifices must be made."


"W-Whoa!" Gertrude yelped, as she got up, the metal suit she was wearing still usable despite the rust that covered it , sign of how long it has been there, abandoned.

It surprised her that she hadn't found it before, back then, when she was together with her family, and it also infuriated her. But what had happened was in the past and nothing could be done to change that. She could only move on and get her vengeance.

She made one step forward, a bit scared as the machine moved along with her. It was a bit hard, since she needed some strength to maneuver it, but it was doable and somewhat enjoyable as well. Small creatures, resembling phantoms with a greenish hue, almost like emeralds and wearing masks with antlers like a deer's were watching her from a distance, confused. Gertrude noticed them, pictures of her daughter chasing them around while laughing pouring into her mind, her heart aching again. Oh! How she missed her. She thought she would be strong, able to face the memories and what happened so long ago, revenge being the only thing that occupied her mind. But that was not the case.

She was here now, where it all fell to ruin, where she lost it all. Her time was running, her body growing old and soon about to fail her. She wanted to put an end to it all, to clench the pain in her, the one that still haunter her at night. She couldn't keep running away from it. She had to face it, while she was still able to.

She chuckled, thinking of how her brother would react if he were be there, by her side, seeing her in that suit of metal and rust. He would scold her that was for sure. That old fart never had the sense of adventure. Not now, nor when they were children. She still remembered how they would run through the fields of wheat, but he would never venture further than that, how she would run through forests while he stayed behind to help his parents take care of some creature seeking out their mother's healing knowledge. Oh! Their mother. With her bright smile and kind words, she was the kindest woman in the world. She was so wise, making sure to teach her children everything she knew. She never turned a poor soul away from her door, treating even the worst of demons. Some would return her kindness. Other would spit in her face, disgusted at the thought of being cared for by a human. She never cared. She had a duty and she was going to fulfil it regardless.

Gertrude could never be like that. She was too explosive. If someone dared treat her bad for no reason, they were going to pay for it. She was much more like her father, an army man who valued discipline yet knew how to joke around. He hated when monsters treated his wife with disrespect but her soft nature never allowed him to take the action he wanted to for she would never forgive him should he ever do it. Hatred answered with hatred only harbors more pain and discord. He didn't agree with her but arguing after a long day at work was never a good option. He could overlook bad words, and laugh at the ignorance of some monsters, but if things escalated further then he cared not. When push came to shove, a man needed to defend his family. Fortunately, there was rarely a need for him to do that. Maybe twice or thrice in his entire life but nothing more. They lived in a good community and that was a great advantage. Gertrude loved her father, his strength and determination, how he always stood up for what was right and never backed down. He taught her many things, how to fight, how to survive in the wilds. She inherited his love for exploration, the need to travel and move her feet around. Oh! Hoe she missed him now.

A tear rolled down the old woman's cheek, an effect recalling old memories had on her all the time. She wiped it away, laughing at her own foolishness. She came this far only to be overtaken by memories now. How stupid of her.

One step and then another, she was slowly making her way towards the heart of the valley in that costume, getting accustomed to it and how it worked. The more she exercised, the easier it got, and she quickly got hold of how it worked. It was pretty funny actually, this feeling of going faster and faster as she was becoming more comfortable with using the suit, the sensation of the wind flowing through her hair at high speed. It was...liberating in a way.

She continued to run, a smile cracking up on her lips. Oh! If only the situation would have been different. Then she could enjoy this experience more. She could share it with Olaf, James, (Y/N), the bugs, now that would have been a show. To get the Pale King to use one of these machines. Pft! Of dear! She would pay money to see that!

Suddenly, she stopped, her smile fading as she saw the huge figure in front of her.

"You're really persistent, you know that?" the old woman said, crossing her arms.

Flora growled, shaking her head, hissing, talking in her own language.

"Speak till your throat bleeds I still won't understand a word you're saying." Gertrude told the Great One, grinning.

The Moon Presence groaned, smacking the ground with her fist.

"Ok. I can tell that's a swear there." the old woman chuckled.

But there was no time for jokes. She wasted enough as it was anyway. It didn't take a genius to know why Flora was there.

"I know you're here to take me back but guess what squid-head." the old woman said taking one step closer towards the Eldritch Being, "I'm not going back, not now, not until I'm done with what I came here for. So take your tentacled ass and get back home and spread the news. Understood?"

Flora was astonished. She knew Gertrud was one with little fear, but to this extend? It them. The hunters. Oh. She would have gotten along with Eileen so well. What a team they would have made! But Eileen was no more, neither Gehrman or Djura, or the rest. They were all gone, abandoning her dream, the never ending night.

Gertrude sighed and walked away. As far as she was concerned, this conversation was over. She won't come back, not until she had her vengeance. Suddenly, she felt her arm being grabbed and turned to look at the Great One, rage taking over her.

"Why can't you understand?! You're a mother too! You lost children as well! I need to do this! I need to avenge my husband and daughter!" the old woman screamed, tears rolling on her cheeks, her face red from fury.

The Moon Presence was taken aback. Yes, she was a mother and knew the pain of child loss. The pain. The despair. She could understand her feelings very well, more than Gertrude could imagine. But that still didn't mean Flora was ready to leave. Or had that anywhere in her plans.

The old woman was expecting the Great One to drag her all the way back to Sweden, and she was ready to put up a fight. Much to her surprise though, she did the opposite. She let go of her arm and motioned her to lead the way. Gertrude stared at her for a few minutes, confused, reality taking a few seconds to settle in.

"Well..." she said in the end, beginning to walk, with a smile on her face, "glad to see that we are of the same mind."

Flora nodded, following the old woman. She couldn't change Gertrude's mind, but she couldn't leave her alone either. She saw the pain in James' heart, the fear of losing someone dear to him, and the Great One couldn't bring herself to allow it to come true. She would help Gertrude with whatever she needed and make damn sure that she would be back home safe and sound. It was the best she could do.

"Wait, I feel like I forgot something." Gertrude said, stopping abruptly in her tracks.

As if on cue, her answer came to her in the form of a small baby wendigo chasing one of those emerald ghosts from before, followed by a confused doctor that didn't understand how his little friend gained so much energy all of the sudden. But most importantly, he was concerned that she might get into trouble and her being hurt was the last thing he needed.

"Lavender! Come here girl!...No! Don't chew the ghosts!" he screamed as he was chasing after her, lunging forward in an attempt to catch her, but she slipped through his hands, leaving him there and resuming his game.

Gertrude and Flora looked at each other and then at the man cladded in black on the ground. Yeah, it was going to be a long journey.

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