By Jkslifesaver

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Moving to a large city from a small midwestern town Matilda (Mattie) Leman is away from her overprotective f... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Eight

Thirty Seven

297 11 6
By Jkslifesaver

Mattie yawned and cuddled into Jordan

The next morning Mattie woke before Jordan

Laying next to him she studied his profile in sleep

He looked much younger

She took in the slight smile he had on his face and hoped he was having a good dream .

Laying her head on his chest she listened to his heartbeat as she nuzzled in closer

"Good morning Mattiebug "his raspy voice broke through her thoughts

"How long have you been awake ?"she whispered

"Long enough to know you were checking me out "

Mattie buried her head in his chest

"Don't be embarrassed I check you out every chance I get "

Mattie raised her head and looked at him

"Why ?"

"You're beautiful that's why "

Mattie felt heat creep in her cheeks

"It's true you're beautiful inside and out that's why I love you so much "

"I love you too and I can't wait to marry you "

"We have about ninety minutes before we have to be there so how about a shower together ?"

"Sounds perfect "

Jordan kissed her softly before climbing out of bed to start the shower

Mattie followed him into the bathroom and wrapped her arms around his waist

When the water was ready Jordan helped her into the shower before following her and closing the glass door

They tenderly washed one another before making love

Jordan shut the water off and wrapped her in a towel

They dried one another off before getting dressed

After dressing for the special day Jordan led her out to the rental car

They drove to the church Mattie spent her life in before moving to Boston .

Jordan parked behind the massive structure and got out of the car to help Mattie

They met the pastor at his office where he hugged Mattie and shook Jordan's hand

"I thought you'd go for a big wedding like your parents always dreamed "

Mattie shook her head

"We want something simple and we didn't want months of planning "

The pastor smiled

"Well let's begin"

They walked into the sanctuary and Jordan looked around

"Too much ?"Mattie asked

"No baby it's perfect "

"Shall we get started ?"the pastor smiled

Jordan and Mattie both nodded

"Have you written your own vows ?"

"Yes we have "Jordan replied smiling

"Begin whenever you are ready "

Jordan cleared his throat and took Mattie's hand

"Mattiebug I thought love was something I'd never find after the events of my past.Then you walked into my lab.You challenged me and made me see how amazing you truly are .I tried to stop my feelings for you but they just got stronger.I've never met anyone like you and that's why I knew I had to make you mine and never let you go .Today I give you myself and all that I am and all that I ever will be is because you made me a better man .I am the man I am today because of you and the love you give so freely .You are my sun , my moon and my everything .I promise you here and now that I will love you all the days of my life and beyond .You are my everything "

Jordan slid a diamond wedding band past Mattie's knuckle to the base of her finger snug against her engagement ring before pressing a kiss to her hand

Mattie wiped at her tears before clearing her throat

"Jordan when I moved to Boston I didn't know what to expect.It was a new beginning for me .You pushed my buttons and drove me crazy .I was ready to head back home with my tail between my legs but then I got to know you and you let me into your life and I realized what an amazing man you truly are .You showed me what it feels like to be loved unconditionally.You treat me the way I always dreamed a man would treat me ,making me feel loved and cherished everyday .I give you my love today because you are my breath my soul and my everything.No matter what we face in this life I know we will make it through because we have each other and I know we can face and conquer anything together.I love you and will love you all the days of my life and beyond "

Jordan squeezed her hand before she slid his band on his finger

"After the exchanging of vows and rings I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride " the pastor said

Jordan pulled Mattie into his arms and kissed her tenderly at first before deepening the kiss

They signed all the required documents and walked back to the rental car

Jordan pulled her into his arms before opening the passenger door for her

"Now to tell my parents "Mattie muttered

"It'll be okay baby girl "

"I hope so "

"You're a grown woman and I'm a grown man it's not as if we're two young kids who don't know what they're doing "Jordan reasoned

"My father won't see it that way "

"I'll handle your dad if need be "Jordan reassured her as he closed the door

Leaning in the window he pressed his lips to hers

"I'm your husband now I won't let anyone disrespect you even your father "

Jordan climbed into the driver's seat and reached for her hand

Squeezing it before lifting it to his lips he smiled at her

"You ready Mrs. Knight ?"

"As much as I'll ever be "

"It'll be fine baby "


Jordan pulled into his in laws driveway and parked

Matthew Leman greeted them in the driveway

"Have you eaten yet ? Mary made lunch "he asked as they followed him into the house

"No we haven't"Mattie answered

"She made your favorite "

Mattie smiled

"It's Jordan's favorite too .I've made it for him many times "

Jordan looked at her puzzled

"Bacon mac and cheese "Mattie explained

Jordan smiled and stifled a groan

"You're gonna love my moms cooking her bacon mac and cheese is better than mine "

"Impossible "

"You'll see "Mattie chuckled

Mary hugged them when they walked into the kitchen

"Sit down it's ready "

They all sat down around the kitchen table and Matt blessed the food

After filling their bowls they all began to eat

"Mattie told me this is one of your favorites "Mary mentioned to Jordan

"She's an amazing cook and so far I've loved everything she's made for me "

Mary smiled at her daughter

"I learned it all from my mom "Mattie chuckled

Jordan took a few more bites before speaking

"Mrs Leman this is delicious "

"Jordan I thought I told you to call me Mary and thank you "

Jordan smiled nervously "My apologies I guess I have to get used to that "

Matt cleared his throat while looking between the two of them

"So are you waiting to tell us you got married this morning ?"

"No sir we were going to wait until after lunch "Jordan explained

"Who told you ?"Mattie asked

"The two of you did when I saw the wedding bands on your fingers "

"Congratulations and welcome to the family "Mary beamed setting her fork down and standing to hug each of them

"Jordan after lunch I'd like you to take a walk with me "Matt said when they all sat back down

"A walk sounds nice ,Sir "

Mattie gave him an uneasy look

"Relax it'll be fine "Jordan reassured her

They finished lunch and Matt stood from the table

Jordan leaned in and kissed Mattie before following her father outside

Mattie helped her mother clear all the lunch dishes and load the dishwasher

Fifteen minutes later Matt and Jordan re entered the kitchen

Mattie couldn't read the look on Jordan's face

"Everything okay ?"

"It's perfect baby "

"What were you and Dad talking about ?"

"He just wants to make sure that I'll always take care of you "

"I can take care of myself "

"I know you can but you said yourself how old fashioned he is "

Mattie nodded

"I told him that I will always put you first and that your happiness is my priority "

Mattie opened her mouth to say that she already knew that but Jordan's finger to her lips silenced her

"I know what you're going to say baby but you don't have to .We'll always be on the same page and I know how strong a woman you are .He knows you're my top priority and always will be "

Jordan kissed her tenderly

"Welcome to the family ,Jordan "Matt said after clearing his throat

Jordan shook Matt's hand

Mattie's phone chimed with a message as they sat down again

"Jordan did you just get the same message from an unknown sender ?"

"What message ?"

Mattie handed him her phone

Jordan opened the email to see photos of them leaving the church earlier that morning with a message attached

You married him ?He's not who he portrays himself to be

Mattie looked at Jordan anxiously

"Aiden ?"

"It has to be "Jordan sighed

"Something wrong ?"Mary asked

"Nothing we can't handle ,Mom .It's just a case we're working on "

Jordan's phone began to ring "Excuse me I have to take this "he said as he walked into the living room

"Is this the arson case you've been working on ?"Matt asked

Mattie nodded

"It sounds pretty dangerous "Mary pointed out

"It's not that bad "Mattie reassured her mother

Jordan returned to the kitchen

"It was Henry he got the same message and wanted to make sure we got it as well as send his congratulations "

"Doesn't Aiden realize this will only draw him out more ?"

Jordan shrugged "I don't think he nor Richard cares at this point.I think they're taunting us to get caught "

"Maybe we shouldn't stay here and put my parents in danger .I didn't think the asshole would follow us here "

"I have to agree babe "

"Does that mean you're leaving ?"Mary asked

"Mom we have to "

"We'll be back once this case is closed "Jordan reassured Mary

They bid Mattie's parents goodbye before getting into the rental car


Three hours later Jordan strode into Knight Forensics

"Any more messages ?"

Henry shook his head no

"But there was someone lurking around your place and cars while you were gone.You should have said something and we would have cleared the house before you got here .Where's Mattie ?"

"I dropped her off at the house "

Henry gave him a look

"What ?"

Henry shook his head

"Fuck ! How long ago was someone spotted by the house ?"

"Probably while you were in the air "

Jordan cursed under his breath

"Grab your car and let's go "Jordan barked

Henry followed him out to the unmarked police cruiser and got into the drivers seat

Jordan flipped on the lights and hit the button for the siren

They made it to the house in ten minutes

When they arrived Jordan jumped out of the car and ran toward the house

When he opened the front door he smelled gas

Running into the kitchen he checked the stove

The pilot was out but the burners were turned on

Quickly shutting the burners off he quickly opened a window

"Mattie !!" he shouted searching the house

He checked every room shouting her name

Henry checked the first floor again as Jordan ran upstairs

Jordan raced down the stairs meeting Henry in the kitchen

"Did you check the garage?"

"No I haven't checked the basement yet either "

"I'll check the garage while you check the basement "Henry said

Jordan made his way down the basement and stopped in his tracks

In the middle of the room stood Aiden with a knife to Mattie's throat 

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