Industry • 6ix9ine

By Sxpremex

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From the same writer of Brooklyn Based, this is Industry. Dawn works behind the scenes in the music industry... More

Chapter 1- The Snitch?
Chapter 2- Loyalty
Chapter 3- Trapped
Chapter 4- We
Chapter 5- Nothing
Chapter 6- I'm Sorry
Chapter 7- So Right
Chapter 8- Cake and Eat It
Chapter 9- Every Word
Chapter 10- Lucky Shot
Chapter 11- Black
Chapter 12- Dawny
Chapter 13- Everything
Chapter 14- Other Ways
Chapter 15- Prosecutor
Chapter 16- Not In That Way
Chapter 17- Reciprocation
Chapter 18- Closet
Chapter 19- Like A Bitch
Chapter 20- May 8th
Chapter 21- Blur
Chapter 22- Say That Again?
Chapter 23- It's Only You
Chapter 24- Hawaii
Chapter 25- Inevitable
Chapter 26- Ten Months
Chapter 27- Woman to Woman
Chapter 28- Options
Chapter 29- Room 172
Chapter 30- I Hate You!
Chapter 31- Rat Bastard
Chapter 32- Viral
Chapter 33- Damn Daniel
Chapter 34- Adrian
Chapter 35- Confessions
Chapter 36- Greif
Chapter 37- 10pm
Chapter 38- Upstairs
Chapter 39- Try
Chapter 40- Possesive
Chapter 41- Queen Bitch
Chapter 42- King and Queen
Chapter 43- Smoke
Chapter 44- #FreeDawn
Chapter 45- Change The Law
Chapter 46- Decisions
Chapter 47- Fuck You
Chapter 48- Platinum
Chapter 49- (Diss)appointment
Chapter 50- Loyalty Is Vintage
Chapter 52- Merry Christmas
Chapter 53- Closure
Chapter 54- Raw Talent

Chapter 51- All That Matters

871 27 13
By Sxpremex

I looked at my messages, my thumb hovered over the keypad, wanting to reply so bad. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her so fuckin much. I gotta get her off my mind somehow..she's all I been thinkin' bout. But I can't just fall into her arms like that after what she did.

I was in the studio with Andrew, we were waiting fuh my producer cause he was running a little late.

Andrew scrolled through his TL on Instagram, and I watched as he did out of boredom.

Damn..she looked so delicious on that album cover.

He liked the photo and even commented some emojis. I instantly shot him a glare.

"What?" He asked defensively.

"Why you still even following her?" I questioned. "Look at what she did tuh me you think that shit was iight?"

Andrew sucked his teeth and gave me a dismissive wave. "Man, you doin too fuckin much. You act like she cheated on you or somethin'. Maybe she was wrong fuh preforming the song but I ain't never seen no female who cares about you like she do. All these other bitches ain't gonna do shit but use you like they've been doing. You'd be a dumbass tuh let her go over this."

"What?..You taking ha side on this?"

"Nigga you need tuh get over that diss track. Let's not forget the reason she wrote that shit in the first place. You violated the fuck outta her. I ain't saying she's right for making it, but she had a damn good reason, you left ha wit a baby."

"I know that and we moved past that. I did her dirty, so that was her retaliating. I get it, but we been moved pass that. So if she doesn't mean any of those things she shouldn't be preforming it."

"We all know how you are, your ego would be destroyed if niggas booed you off a stage. Maybe you should think about how humiliating that was fuh her, she was in the moment and had tuh make a quick decision, and she decided to save her show but it wasn't tuh purposely humiliate chu, it was to give the people what they wanted." He said.
"You gotta accept the fact that the song is out, everybody knows it, and everybody knows y'all business. It's all out there but niggas still fuck with the song whether y'all together or not. The song is hot, you gotta deal with that just like she had tuh deal with the fact that she went through a whole pregnancy by herself, just tuh lose the baby at the end. Man, you put that girl through hell, you shot and almost killed her, you had her as a side hoe for almost a year, and after all of that you left ha wit a baby. And she forgave you fuh all that, never cheated on you, stayed loyal, and now you breaking up with ha cause she preformed her hit song? You bugging, man atleast let her explain herself. There's mad niggas lined up ready tuh take ya place, you know how many niggas want her and we both know if she moved on today you'd lose ya mind."

I sat there silently, thinking about everything he had said and the points he made.

Dawn's Point Of View

I ripped another page out of my notepad, crumbling it up and throwing it across the room. I can't focus for shit.

There was a knock at my door, and I rolled my eyes as I got up to answer it. I didn't wanna be bothered right now, by anybody.

I opened the door, and there Danny was standing. The one person I couldn't get off my mind, the one person I've been crying over for days. The last time I saw him he told me it was over and slammed the door in my face. Like it was nothing.

"..Danny uhm, what you doin here?"

"Tuh talk." He said rudely. "Das watchu wanted right?"

I moved to the side, letting him inside. He took off his jacket and laid it across the arm of my couch; then sat down.

"Go head." He said. "Explain ya self. I wanna hear why you thought it was okay fuh you tuh throw me under the bus tuh save yourself."

"Well why was it so easy for just break up with me like that? Why is it always so easy for you to just pick up and leave me? Like I mean nothing to you."

"It wasn't easy, I didn't even mean that. I was just hurt so I said the first thing that came to my mind. I never wanted to actually break up, I was just angry, and felt betrayed so I wasn't thinking straight. Dawn you just don't understand how much that shit hurt me, I know I act tough all the time but I'm still a human with fuckin feelings. I felt like you were taking me as a joke. Like you ain't take me seriously, how can I be with someone like that? You have tuh understand how I felt in that moment, I felt lied to and embarrassed; betrayed..that's why I said I ain't wanna be witchu. But even after that, I couldn't get chu outta my head, there was multiple times I wanted tuh pick up the phone when you were calling. I didn't wanna end us, but I ain't know what tuh think after you did that. You promised me you wouldn't preform it, but chu did anyway. You stabbed me in the back."

"Stabbed you in the back? Danny how can you say that? You saw how everything went down. Of course I take you seriously, I risked loosing the whole opportunity by asking them to compromise. I spent hours and hours rehearsing to preform a completely different song. You think I wanted to get up there and preform Damn Daniel? I wasn't even prepared for that. Why are you making it about you? It was never about embarrassing or humiliating you, it was about saving my performance. It shocked me just as much as it shocked you. But I had to get myself out of that disaster of a show and that was the only way out.." I explained. "You always come first, no matter what. And I'll admit when I decided to preform the song I wasn't putting you first and I apologize for that. But Danny all this fame stuff is new to me, and so much negative shit has happened since my career started: Jade exposing me as a home wrecker, the sex tape getting leaked, me getting arrested, so the last thing I needed was to get booed off a stage and have terrible first performance to add on to all the bullshit that already happened.."

He looked at the ground, and sighed. "I get still new to all of this and you still at the point where you care what people say about chu. But Dawn you have tuh get pass that point, you can't sit here and try tuh please the world. You'll drive ya self crazy, and ruin relationships you actually care bout all cause you trying to please people that you don't even know."

"I know, I need to work on that. I'm just still adjusting to all of this; but none of it is worth loosing what we have. I'm just tired of fighting over this's causing a issue between us. You're so hurt over something that I don't even really feel. It was for shock value, you know how that works. I did write to it to intentionally hurt you and embarrass you, and for that I'm sorry. But I can't keep apologizing over the same thing over and over if you're still gonna hold it against me. Danny there may be times I have to preform the song, even though I don't want to. Unfortunately this song is gonna stick with me for the rest of my career..if you can't understand that we're just gonna keep getting into fights."

"I know." He said. "I understand that but, it's just hard fuh me sometimes tuh hear it..even though you ain't mean it. But I get it, the song is apart of ya career and as much as I want to, I can't make it disappear."

"I don't want our relationship to be like this..I mean we just got into a fight, now here we are again fighting and making up. I don't want this relationship to be a rollercoaster. I just wanna be happy with you, and I want you to be happy with how we usually are. I don't wanna fight anymore."

"I don't wanna fight either.." He said. "It's just a rough patch..all couples go through that shit. We'll be iight..there's some shit we both gotta work on. I just reacted immediately instead of tryna understand what happened."

"I'm sorry I hurt you." I told him.

He patted his lap, prompting for me to sit on it. I stood up, and walked over to him.

"I thought it was really over..I thought you left me.." I said, as I held his hand, enclosing his fingers with mine.

He caressed my cheek as I sat on his lap. "You couldn't have possibly thought I was really gonna leave you, I knew in the back of my mind I'd be right back. I'm too in love witchu, ma..whea I'm goin'?"


"Das right." He confirmed, leaning in to kiss me. "I also wanted tuh see if you was gonna fight fuh me.."

I rubbed my thumb across his cheek, over his jigsaw tattoo. "Of course I'd fight for you."

He gave me a half smile.

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you too."

"I gotta get back tuh the studio babe.." He said. "I just wanted tuh get over here and fix this."

"No." I whined. "Stay, please."

He sighed. "Baby I can't, my producer's waitin' fuh me."

"He could wait a lil longer.." I said, pressing my lips on his neck, lightly biting his flesh. My hand reached down to his crotch, grabbing it.

"Shit.." he lifted his chin, giving me more access to his neck.

"I need you. Like right now." I said, kissing his lips. "You know how horny I get after a few days with no dick."

"Yeah, I know." He chuckled, kissing me back.

His phone began ringing, and he answered it; but that didn't stop me from kissing all over him.

"Yo.." He answered.

He listened to whatever the person was saying, but was completely distracted by me taking off my top, then unclipping my bra.

"Uhm, yo man..somethin' um- somethin' came up. Can you stop by the studio tomorrow instead?" He asked, his hand grabbing onto one of my breast as the other held his phone to his ear.

"Something 'came up' alright." I chuckled, as I looked down at his hard on.

"Cool, see you then." He said and hung up.

As soon as he put his phone down, he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to my bed room as I let out giggles.


                        Danny's Point Of View

I woke up, immediately noticing Dawn wasn't next to me anymore. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering where she was.

As I left the room I heard the shower water running, along with horrendous off-key singing of Miss Independent by Ne-Yo.

"She got her own thing, that's why I love her! Miss independent won't chu come and, spend a little time?!"

I chuckled and shook my head. Dawn was a fire rapper but a terrible singer. It was hilarious to listen to though.

I went into the bathroom, and she pulled the curtain back, poking her head out to see who had come in. She smiled once her eyes settled on me.

"Good morning baby." She said, poking her lips out; promoting for a kiss which I gave her.

"Mornin' gorgeous, I ain't mean tuh end ya concert." I teased.

"Nah it's just beginning babe!" She laughed. "The next one is dedicated to you."

"Yeah?" I chuckled, as I reached for my toothbrush. "And what song is that?"

"You're all that matters to meeee!
Yeah, yeah!
What's a queen bed without a king?! There ain't no i in team!
You make me complete!
You're all that matters tuh me!"

The singing was still bad which made this 10 times cuter because she was really trying. I smiled at how sweet the lyrics were, so I let her continue her terrible version of All That Matters by Justin Bieber.

"Oh, oh..I'm grateful for your existence!
Faithful no matter the distance!
You're the guy I see, from the bottom of my heart please believeeee!
You're all that matters tuh me..yeah yeah!"

The shower water stopped, and I heard her chuckling because she knew how bad she sounded.

I chuckled and kissed her lips, thanking her for the serenade. "That was amazin you deserve a Grammy fuh that shit. You sang it better than him." I said, obviously lying.

"Yeah, right." She laughed. "Can you pass me my towel?"

I looked over at her towel which was across the bathroom. I was about to get it until I thought about my advantage.

"Nah..get it ya self." I smirked.

She smiled and scoffed, knowing I was setting her up only cause I wanted to see her all wet and naked.

She didn't mind giving me the show I wanted cause she stepped out of the shower, letting my eyes slowly give her a once over as water drops trickled down her naked body.

"Damn.." I licked my lips, my eyes glued to her.

"You act like you've never seen my body before babe." She chuckled, rolling her eyes as she finally wrapped the towel around her body.

"Because it's unbelievable.." I said. "It's like the first time every time, damn."

"Would you still love me if I got fat?" She asked. "Like if I put on 100 extra pounds?"

"Ion care if you gained five hundred pounds." I shrugged and spit my toothpaste out in the sink. "More tuh love, babe."

"Yeah, that's sweet but you're definitely just saying that." She laughed. "You'd be disgusted."

"Nah, I'm deadass. I mean I prolly wouldn't letchu get on top no more though, cause ya fat ass would crush and kill me."

She erupted into an uncontrollable laughter and so did I. It felt so good tuh have my girl back, and just be back tuh normal and happy as ever wit her.

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