Industry • 6ix9ine

By Sxpremex

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From the same writer of Brooklyn Based, this is Industry. Dawn works behind the scenes in the music industry... More

Chapter 1- The Snitch?
Chapter 2- Loyalty
Chapter 3- Trapped
Chapter 4- We
Chapter 5- Nothing
Chapter 6- I'm Sorry
Chapter 7- So Right
Chapter 8- Cake and Eat It
Chapter 9- Every Word
Chapter 10- Lucky Shot
Chapter 11- Black
Chapter 12- Dawny
Chapter 13- Everything
Chapter 14- Other Ways
Chapter 15- Prosecutor
Chapter 16- Not In That Way
Chapter 17- Reciprocation
Chapter 18- Closet
Chapter 19- Like A Bitch
Chapter 20- May 8th
Chapter 21- Blur
Chapter 22- Say That Again?
Chapter 23- It's Only You
Chapter 24- Hawaii
Chapter 25- Inevitable
Chapter 26- Ten Months
Chapter 27- Woman to Woman
Chapter 28- Options
Chapter 29- Room 172
Chapter 30- I Hate You!
Chapter 31- Rat Bastard
Chapter 32- Viral
Chapter 33- Damn Daniel
Chapter 34- Adrian
Chapter 35- Confessions
Chapter 36- Greif
Chapter 37- 10pm
Chapter 38- Upstairs
Chapter 39- Try
Chapter 40- Possesive
Chapter 41- Queen Bitch
Chapter 42- King and Queen
Chapter 44- #FreeDawn
Chapter 45- Change The Law
Chapter 46- Decisions
Chapter 47- Fuck You
Chapter 48- Platinum
Chapter 49- (Diss)appointment
Chapter 50- Loyalty Is Vintage
Chapter 51- All That Matters
Chapter 52- Merry Christmas
Chapter 53- Closure
Chapter 54- Raw Talent

Chapter 43- Smoke

825 32 8
By Sxpremex

My car made a sharp turn right into Jades driveway and found Dawn getting out of her car. She made her way to the back of the car towards the trunk and popped it open.

"Dawn!" I shouted, as I rushed out of my car and over to her. "Whatchu doing? Chill!"

She ignored me, and my eyes widened when she pulled a baseball bat out of the trunk.

"Woah, woah woah!" I said, walking over to her. "You gotta fuckin chill!"

"Danny you better not try to fucking stop me, you and me both know how much she deserves this ass whooping." She said. "Let me handle this, let me get even. Don't make this difficult for me."

"You could get even in other ways. Not by beatin' her in the head wit a bat. Come on, put that shit down."

She dropped the bat on the floor. "Fine, I'll beat her ass with my bare hands. I don't need a fuckin weapon."

Before I could say anything else she started walking towards the door and I went to grab her but she pushed me away.

"Ima whoop ya ass too if you hold me back. Like I said, you know she deserves this. Let me handle my fuckin business."

I was honestly conflicted, because I knew Jade really deserved dis ass whooping, I figured I'd let her get a few hits in then break it up if it gets too crazy.

"Matter fact, record this shit." She demanded.


"Danny! Who's fuckin side are you on?!" She shouted. "She fuckin exposed you too!"

Considering what she said, I sighed and pulled my phone out and began recording Dawn as she started pounding her fist against the door like she was the police.

"OPEN UP BITCH!" Dawn shouted.

Jade opened the door soon after and Dawn wasted no time before her fist collided with Jade's jaw. Jade took a few steps back in her house from the impact, and Dawn followed her inside to finish the job.

"Shit!"  I winced, just imagining how much that probably hurt.

Jade pushed Dawn back, and tried to swing at her but missed, in return Dawn punched her right in her stomach, making her double over. Once she had that advantage she grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the nearest counter. Then she slammed her head against the hard marble counter top while her other hand took blows at her face. Jades arms were doing everything they could to get Dawn off of her. I think it was safe tuh say that Dawn made her point. That's when I decided to stop recording and break it up.

I used all my strength to grab Dawn by her waist and pull her back, then quickly got inbetween they before Jade could realiate. I was taken aback when I saw what Dawn did to Jades face. Her lip was busted, and her right eye was swollen. Damn.

She tried her best to get to Dawn but I wasn't having it, I held her back. I heard Dawn laughing behind me, and she pulled out her phone, recording Jade's face.


"BITCH FUCK YOU!" Jade said tussling with me, still trying to get to Dawn. "DANNY GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"



"FOR WHAT?" She shouted back at me.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? GO! I SAID NOW!" I shouted at her again, then she finally got the hint.

She rolled her eyes. "Whateva, I made my point. Put some ice on that eye, bitch." Dawn snickered as she left out, slamming the door.

"Really?!" Jade asked, once I finally let her go. "You let that bitch come here and do that to me Danny?! Are you fucking serious right now?" She asked, her voice cracking and tears coming through her eyes.

"Why the fuck would you post our fucking sex tape?!How the fuck did you even get a hold of that?!"

She stayed quiet.

"Yeah, you deserved that shit. And you lucky I ain't let her finish the job because wit everything you know she's going through right now, I shoulda let her honestly. You dead wrong fuh that shit and I don't feel sorry fuh you."

I left, slamming the door as she just stood there looking stupid.

I found Dawn in Jade's driveway attacking her car tires with a switchblade. Penetrating each tire with it, making sure they all completely ran out of air.

"Dawn-" I stopped myself and sighed. "Fuck it."

"Get the other side babe!" She told me, as she stabbed away at one tire.

"Nah..niggas don't slash tires. Only females do that petty shit." I chuckled. "You done yet?"

"Yeah." She said, getting up from the concrete and dusting the dirt off her ankles. "Let's go."


"Damn!" Andrew laughed, watching the video. "Yoo, Dawn I ain't know you had hands like that! Shit!"

I wasn't even involved in their conversation, I was busy destroying my house looking for the laptop that the sex tape was on. I couldn't fucking find it and at this point I checked everywhere. She must I've fuckin taken it. But how the fuck did she get pass that password?

"I hope she leaves you alone after that shit, damn. I know I would."

There was a loud bang at my door, and we all furrowed our eyebrows towards that direction.

"Yo, this bitch back for more?" Dawn asked, standing up.

"Yo, some bitches really don't learn." Andrew shook his head. "I would be running if I was her."

I walked over to the door, and slowly opened it, taking a peak at who it was, and my heart dropped when I saw.

It was the fuckin police. NYPD. Three of them mother fuckers.

I scoffed in disbelief and opened the door.

"May I help ya'll?" I asked. They didn't even acknowledge me, they saw Dawn and just pushed passed me and walked into my house.

"Yo! Y'all can't just bust up in here! The fuck y'all doin?"

I watched them walk over to Dawn grabbing her by the arm and turning her around to secure cuffs around her wrist.

"Yo! What the fuck ya'll doin?!" She asked as they put her arms behind her back.

"Dawn Davis you are under arrest for assault." The officer said, locking the cuffs on.

"This fucking snitching ass bitch..." Dawn scoffed.

"Yo, how could you arrest her fuh that? She posted a whole sex tape of her on Instagram, that shit is illegal too!"

"Well she can talk to her lawyer about that. Sir please get out of our way or we'll have no issue arresting you also."

"Danny just move, I'll be fine." Dawn sighed.

"Nah! You ain't taking my girl she ain't do shit wrong!" I yelled. "Why the fuck ya'll not putting that bitch in jail?! She started this whole shit!"

Andrew grabbed my arm, moving me out of their way. "Bro chill, you don't want no smoke with the police, man. You still on papers."

"Fuck that! They arrestin' my girl over some fuckin bullshit!"

The police officer pulled Dawn's arm and walked her towards the front door so they could leave. As soon as the door opened there was a shit ton of paps there, snapping away as they took her to the police car.

I couldn't believe my eyes. They were taking my girl out in handcuffs and there was nothing I could do about it.

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