The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry

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After that big conversation I had with Ozpin, I've had more trust in him, and of course. In my friends. Because, they are the only people I've met that actually see who I I'm. They saw what was coursing through my veins, but they didn't care. They still saw me as any other living being. This is also helped by the fact I didn't just flat out attacked them as many did in the second outbreak. So that didn't also help my case. And I'm not, and never will be those people. I'm no monster.

Well.... Can't say the same for the little bug that is living inside me. I don't know what's the deal with him. And yes, he did answer all the questions I asked him, when I felt ballsy and brave enough to even stand his face. That always had a natural sinister smile on his cheeks. I don't know about him. Or if even, if GenTek had bounded me with him on purpose. Sadly, none of the files said anything about it. And even though Venom said he would help me, I don't trust him. I mean... Who would?

Anyways. Right now, I was in class. Waiting for my teacher. But this time, I like the last few times. I was nervous. Very, nervous. And the reason why? Well, maybe it's the fact one of my teachers is known for being a deadly assassin that took down an entire organization. And her partner in this class is also known to work with her in her lady life style. Yes. I'm in Ms. Tsugumi's and Chitoge's class.

But in reality. I've been in this class for the past week. But, for some unknown reason, they had to step out due to some.... "Important business" So we had a sub for those days. But I don't believe it. The business is probably about assassinations. Hey, maybe it's for killing Roman. Who knows. Right now, I just texting the others on my Scroll in our messages group chat. Ruby, Kazuto, and the others were texting as well. And we talked about how Ms.Tsugumi and Ms. Chitoge were finally back to their teaching jobs. I was expressing my feels about this.

Guys I'm scared. 😱😖😱

Lol (Y/N)🤣

You guys suck.💢😒

They all responded the same way. They laughed at my panic. I responded by calling them out. Saying how could they laugh. I mean, they have the reputation on being the most toughest and most serious teachers in Beacon. And don't take kindly to students that only fool around, slack off and talk about to teachers. So.... The panic was intense. Not to mention they are again, known to be ones in the criminal underworld in Assassinations. Now not much is known, but it's believed they targeted criminals and crimelords. I pray to god our teacher isn't a homicidal murderers. Which of course, since they are partner's, brought the rumor of them.... Or one of them, likening the other. In the romantic way. I told them all that, and Rika told me more rumors about the two. And of course, the others thought it was just some stupid thing some kid made up. But me and Rika tried pressing the topic. Trying to convince them it's true. I would occasionally laugh seeing the texts they send me. As I texts the gang, I then hear a sound every kid has a near aneurism when it's heard.

The school's bell.

This ment the teachers were gonna head in here soon. Last thing I want is to get called out for having my Scroll out. I quickly texted the others I'm gonna start class, and they should get ready too. Afterwards, I swiftly put my Scroll away. And I prepared myself. Making myself look respectful. All the other students around me were also getting ready. Prepared for whatever next project or homework, or any homework we will receive. All except one.... And wanna know who that was?

Cardin Winchester.

You can tell how uncomfortable I felt seeing him there... Especially since he had this glare being burned into me. And added to the fact his face still had slight red bruises along his cheeks, and one of his eyes were still a little black from a black. I just looked away from him. And just tried to ignore the burning sensation of his glare. Like it was a horrible feeling. But, I pulled through. Especially since the bell rang, and.... Suddenly. I heard two sets of footsteps heading this way. Everyone were getting anxious in their seats. Especially me. But one. Cardin of course. He was leaning back in his seat. Kicking his feet up on the table. "This guy gonna get in trouble before class even start." I said. If in going to be honest, after what he did to me in the Red Forest, and for what he did to Velvet, he deserves the beating he got from me to his stupid face. If I'm going to be honest.

Suddenly, the sound of the door being opened was heard. We turned our head to see who was entering. And finally. Our teachers enter the room. Who... Honestly look like students. Like lowkey. Dont tell then that. But, finally. Our teachers made their way into the class. "Good morning students." Ms. Chitoge said. Then her partner walks in. "Yes. Morning everyone." Ms. Tsugumi said. The two put down their luggage down at their decks as they set themselves down. "Sorry for the inconvenience. We had important business to work with. But we're back. And ready to teach and prepare you to against the Grimm." She says. As I listened to them talk, I noticed my eyes being catched by their fashion. Especially on Ms. Chitoge.

"Wow lot of students.." She says realizing how packed the class is. Ms. Chitoge was dressed in a very high quality school teaching uniform, different to the one I found her on when I first met her. By bumping into her that is. Ms. Tsugumi was wearing a white button up shirt, with these light brown pants, and dark blue cost. Bit as I said, Ms. Chitoge was wearing something different, then the one she wore when I met her, a memory I'd rather forget. One of the few I wish went away with my brainwashing. But that's not how it works. Sadly. Now, after some talking back and forth with the teachers, we were able to start our work. Which manly involves the topic of hunting Grimm. But here's the difference. Two to be exact. Ms. Tsugumi and Chitoge would also teach us about different weapons, and surprisingly. Different fighting styles we could learn when fighting Grimm. Yes. Fighting styles. Something Mr. Port doesn't do. Manly because he kills us with his utter bullshit of stories. And honestly, it's hard to focus when he's not exactly, explaining good to make it interesting. Or even to understand. So, this will be a class I will pay, close, close attention to. Even though the two give me scared vibes... Manly because of the rumors and possibly true facts about them. Like, if their true, why would they leave? To get away from the crime world? To escape the police? Hide identity? Is the identity they have now even their real identity? So many questions clouded my already full mind. But, I shook it off for now. Now's not the time to focus on it. As right now. I needed to work. And right now, I've been doing pretty good. Taking out any assignments I'm given.

But.... I've noticed something about the teachers. When they walk around me, or even look at me slightly, they would look... They would look honestly, kind of... Kind of scared or nervous. Which is obvious why. And that is the reason because I'm the only one in the room why hides a dark, and frightening secret. Two... No three dark secrets. As I've said millions of times before, I'm a victim of some GenTekes lab project gone wrong possibly, as they've done god knows what to me... But the results are undeniable.

I've been modified to be what's known as an Evolved, and the host to a parasitic alien... And finally.... A chance I'm also a Conduit. Making this the biggest triple whammy ever. To me at least... To everyone less, a monster more worse then Grimm. Even though I'm getting these nervous looks from the teachers. But... I tried my best to not make them nervous. For me just sitting here....

Though, I don't blame them. Because I can just tell in the back of their mind, they expect me to suddenly jump up from my seat, and just start slaughtering everyone on the room with whatever weapons Evolves can create. But...I'm not that. I'm not like those monsters... And I'll never be like Alex Mercer... Never, and never will be like him. And that's a promise. Especially since him and GenTek are the bastards that brainwashed me with amnesia and turned me into their weapon most likely. But of course, I escaped before they did, god knows what. Cut me open, see if I'm fore proof or what ever bullshit Alex made up, so I'd be on his side. But I'm not stupid. I'll never believe it. And who would. His whole presence had a feeling of a sadistic and psychotic cold blooded murder. And it's almost unbearable. It's soul crushing, I swear.

But even with these many thoughts going through my head, I was still able to focus and work through my assignments. Getting it done, and filling in the paper our teachers would gave us. I've learned some pretty interesting topics from the class actually. Like some really interesting topics. Which kinds makes me thing, maybe one of our teachers was a retired Huntress or something. Because I've learned some things that I would never even thought would be able to be done on a Grimm. I don't even thing Ruby and the others would've done this. Because what I've learned are some really good ways to do some serious damage to Grimm, and to do some awesome looking moves and techniques. One of which involves breaking the legs of the massive predators, after sliding beneath them, then raising up, smashing hard on their leg joints to break them, and as they occupied with their broken leg, you slice at their neck, head, or blow their head off with the gun you have. I think this class will seriously help me with my low skill department. Which of course, would help me survive this ordeals. But finally, the bell rings. Signaling the end of class. "Ok might me some more assignments might not." Ms. Chitoge says. Warning us about the coming work. "Remember, we might have more work. Leave in fear tonight." Ms. Tsugumi said. Not helping my case with my fear with them. Again.... POSSIBLE RETIRED ASSASSINS.

Anyways, I packed my stuff and got ready to leave to my next class, and as I got up to leave, I noticed from the corner from my vision. As I walked by, I saw Ms. Chitoge hide fearfully behind some papers she had. And Ms. Tsugumi stood her ground next to her, in a defense stance. "Yup. One is scared and possibly doesn't like me... The other full blown dislikes me." I thought internally. Well, I'll forget about it. Got my next class afterwards. So I have to focus.

IT, WAS A HARD, and brutal day.... I'm going to be buried in endless amount of work, and studying... Which is what I was doing as I sit on a chair, and leaning over a desk. As I wrote away. "Geez (Y/N). You've got some bad luck with homework." Ruby said. Looking a little tired. "Yeah. No really... This sucks." I muttered in irritated. "Would you mind helping me?" I ask. Ruby perks up. "Oh sure (Y/N)." Ruby walks over to my side. "Ok. Lets-" Ruby then forcefully cuts herself off, as she sees all the work I was having. And her eyes slowly widened, and her jaw was slowly opening in shock. Now.... What happens next is way too much to process. But all you have to know, is Ruby... Went from an adorable huntress, to a crazed homework Slayer.

(What Ruby was doing)

"Ok...! If 20 ÷ 4 is the square root of 74....then...then AH-HA! Then the quadratic equation is not 29,483,637 But is actually 1!" Ruby had a crazed look in her gaze. Her hair became messy, and her silver eyes shrunk to little dots. Asy homework.... Was litterly driving her insane.....

And it's fucking scaring me.

I didn't think try to stop her, as when I gently touched her arm, she texted violently and swated my arm. I didn't try again. I just did my other homework. Trying not to attract her...

Heh. Maybe we should send her like when when Cardin tries to mess with Velvet again. Wonder how that would work. Probably bad for him, but.... Good for us and Velvet. Anyways, I still continue on doing my homework. Thought it was very hard. But... I'm managing. Kinda. As I write on my papers, I notices someone walk in massive gym we were in. It was Yang. But she wasn't alone. In comes Weiss, Pyrrha, and Sun. Ruby turns her head. "Oh hey guys." Ruby says happliy, then she looks back to looking crazy as she tries to figure out my work. "Girl would you please." I say. I look back at our newcomers. "What's up?" I ask. "We got two major problems (Y/N)." Yang says. "What kind?" I ask. "Well one of which involves Blake." Sun says. "Yes Blake is having a major problem." Weiss says. "I'm getting worried for her." Yang says. "Well come on! Tell what the freak is going on with her!" I exclaimed as they were doing this crap where they say something wrong, but just completely never give me the answer. "Oh sorry!" Yang exclaimed. Weiss scoffs. With a slight smile. "Well, have you noticed how... Well... How negative and distant Blake is becoming?" Yang asks. "Or how shes acting more hostile?" Sun asks. "Yes. I've also noticed how much she's spending more time on the library computers then her work." Pyrrha said. "Did any of your guys even the notice the bags under her eyes?" Sun asks. like if they were the most clue less bunch ever.

I start to take what all they said in, and I started to realize, yes. I have seen and noticed these trats come from her. "Well, have you tried to help her or was she being stubborn about it?" I ask with a questioning expression. I got 'no's in response. I sighed. "Want me to talk to her?" I ask. "Yes" Sun says. "Absolutely. Please help." Pyrrha says. "Yes. Help the kitten." Yang says. "I don't know how him just being a boy would help. I mean not even Sun could help her." Weiss says. I get up from my chair and adjust my hoodie. The hoodie... Well the one I formed from my powers. "Alright... I'll take any reason to escape this life ending homework." I say. I start to walk off, when I stopped again. "Wait what was the second reason you guys came here?" I ask. "Oh crap almost forgot." Yang says. "Oh don't even give us started... " Sun says irradiated. "Um... There's no need for that-" "Yes there is." Sun and Yang say, cutting Pyrrha off. "You know that new with the grey hair, outfit and hair? Mercury?" Sun asks.

"You mean the emo hair style looking kid? With some bad attitude?" I asked.

Yang snorts. Weiss just makes a slight playful irritated look. And Pyrrha looks away. I belive in an expression of uncomfortable-ness. She really isn't the type to be talking smack about people behind their backs. Sun and Yang then explain how much of a jerk and how much he looked to be cheating in his duel with Pyrrha. This, makes me irritated. "Well.... Another person I wanna prove to in this school." I say as I scratch the top of my head. "You bet" "Right?" Sun and Yang agree. "Ok before we start bashing on that emo kid, I'm a go find Blake, where can I find her?" I ask. "Possibly on the library." Pyrrha answers. "(Y/N) watch yourself. She's snappy." Weiss warns. I simile and nod. "I got this guys, don't worry." I say as I walk out. Before saying.

"Hey guys.... Might wanna check on Ruby... She's kinda lost it when she started doing my homework..." I say. Having a worried expression. They looked confused, but that changed when they went to touch Ruby's arm, and she spun around with a crazed expression. "DON'T DISTURB MY WORK!!!" She yells. I looked surmised, but I bolted the hell out when I saw that... Nope. Not having it....

I continue my way to the Beacon Library. Looking at the many shelfs of books and computers. One real impressive amout. Not that I've seen any other that has this much... 😒. Thanks to the fuckers at GenTek...

Anyways, I start walking through all the the rows, and rows of books and computers. In search of Blake. But O was having trouble. As well, even though I was given the exact destination of Blake's whereabouts. I was not given the spacific location. Thanks guys...
I don't quit though, or start calling her name. Especially since that probably agitate her. Since she's, well. In a very hissy mode. So I just continue to move forward. I then turn to my right as I look over a row of computers. And I spot a very familiar bow tie. And it's was black in color. I knew I found her. I was about to call out her name, but I couldn't. Because she would just respond on negatively. So how was I supposed to do this? I then realized a way. And it involves a Lazer pointer.

I had all the supplies I needed, as I needed Blake away from the computer. And a good place on where I could give her a serious talk. So here was the plan. I would attract her attention by using some rolled up balls of paper I made using some unused paper. And with going on my Camera application on my my Scroll. I had everything. And I started my plan.

With carefully aimmed precision, I threw a little paper ball. It hit the back of her head. Blake looks up from her computer. Looking around. I aimmed my Lazer around her, but, I didn't get attention. As she didn't look down. She looks back at the computer. "Damn it." I mutter gently. I ready my arm, and throw another. And land. Surprising, like wow.

Blake looks around in irritation, wonder who's hitting her. I felt bad now. "I'm sorry Blake..." I muttered. As I raised another ball, and three it at her. My lady one. It hits the back of her head, and finally, I got her away from the computer. As she stands up and spins herself around, as she looks around on who's fucking with her. She then spots something on the ground. And she sees a red dot. It wasn't until the red dot started to move. Manly away form her. Blake follows. Giving a very straight face as she follows the red dot. Her shoes making claters on the ground as she follows the red dot.

But she soon finds the sorce of the red dot. "Huh?" Finally, Blake she sees me. "(Y/N)?" Blake says in a questioning tone. "Hellooo." I say. I then grab her hand. "Wha-" "We have to talk Blake." I start dragging her off. "Wait, wait- yah!" Blake got cut off as she gets forced to my detection in walking.


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