✓ [18+] IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KN...

By bibliophilemischief

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[SPIN-OFF TO A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHERE] In the this spin-off of the Daniels Family Series, we follow the... More

PREFACE: Press Start
PROLOGUE: It's A New Day, It's A New Life
I. Little Did I Know
II. Black Nail Polished Middle Finger
III. Down Under
IV. Tall Glass Of Voss Water
V. Come On Girl, Lighten Up!
VI. The Naked Girl On The Stool
VII. Sick And Tired Of The Drama
VIII. Guilty Pleasure
IX. So Sick Of This Bitch
X. I Pick Her
XI. Fuck That Sounds So Good Coming Out Of Your Mouth
XIII. My Best Friend Natalie;
XIV. Beautiful Tattooed Girl
XV. Promises
XVI. The Next Step
XVII. Rose Petals Everywhere
XVIII. Officially A Man
XIX. Oh Yeah, There's Where My Heart Broke In Two
XX. New Beginnings
XXI. The Little Girl That Changed My Life
XXII. The Night Everything Changed
XXIII. Heart-To-Heart
XXIV. Forgiveness
XXVI. Mommy And Daddy's Date Night
XXVII. I Want What You Want
XXVIII. A Night With My Girls
XXIX. Old Non-existent Flame
XXX. No One Talks About My Girls That Way
XXI. Our Smart Little Girl
XXXII. Daddy Puts Me To Bed
XXXIII. Firsts
XXXIV. Traditions & Bonding
XXXV. Well That Was Unexpected
XXXVI. Unchained Melody
XXXVII. Sweetie
XXXVIII. Old Wives Tale, That Actually Worked
XXXIX. The Sweetest Moments
EPILOGUE: For Me; And I'm Feeling Good
The Prequel Of All Prequels: There Goes My Everything

XXV. My Baby Mama Is A Fucking Badass

8.8K 271 3
By bibliophilemischief

A/N: How do you guys like the rework so far?

Remember to vote and comment <3

XXV. My Baby Mama Is A Fucking Badass

Thankfully the next work day goes by extremely fast. I stop by my house first for a quick shower and to change my clothes before heading to where Lee works.

Alex had gotten so excited for me, giving me a high five when I told him that Lee asked me to come to her work and take her to dinner tonight. He said he was going to come along with me to Marcus's training center to check out Lee's work.

I know deep down he just wants an excuse to see how much the gym has changed since the last time we saw it a couple of years ago. Alex Cambridge is still Marcus Harris's biggest fanboy.

The outside of it doesn't look like your typical gym since it's an old brick building with a black roll top garage door as the main entrance that's always left wide open during business hours.

When I walk through the door, I get a familiar sense of sweaty guys grunting as they beat the shit out of each other or a punching bag while loud rock music plays over the speaker. I look around to see some guys sparring on mats to the side and a guy is working the speed bag. There's a ring in the middle of the large space where two guys are going at one another with gear on.

Marcus spots the two of us from where he's standing at the side of ring and walks over to give both of us a welcoming hug. I look over at Alex as his eyes widen with amusement. I laugh at his expression, waving my hand over his face. This guy...

"Lee said you'd be coming here after you were done with work. So you two are going out on a date I see?" he smiles with hope in his eyes. I shrug with a crooked smile, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"According to her years ago, it's only a date if you're actually dating first," I laugh and Marcus laughs with me, nodding his head.

"Sounds like some shit my daughter would say but honestly you two have always been in love with each other, even after all these years. Plus you created a child—I think you're beyond the whole 'are we dating or not' thing," he laughs while giving my shoulder a firm shake, nearly knocking me off my feet.

"Speaking of said child," Alex nods while elbowing my arm and I look over to see Natalie sitting at one of the benches next to the ring as she watches the two guys fighting each other.

I'm about to ask Marcus what she's doing here as I step in her direction and she just happens to turn towards me. She smiles widely when she notices me, making my heart swell. When she jumps up from the bench and runs to me, I kneel down to her level, smiling at her.

"Hi Dr. Daniels. What are you doing here?" she wonders shyly as she twirls the ends of her hair pigtails.

"You can call me Jackson, Natalie—and I'm here to take your mom out to dinner," and at that she beams with excitement.

"Really? Mummy must really like you because she never dates anyone," she whispers with a giggle.

"Oh really? I guess I am lucky," I chuckle as I reach up to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her little ear. She smiles sweetly at me then looks over at Marcus who's beaming from ear to ear at our interactions.

Natalie runs over to Marcus and jumps up in his arms. He gently rubs her back as she lays her head on his shoulder and kisses the top of her head. As I watch them together, I find myself getting jealous. She's my daughter and I can't even do that with her yet.

Both Marcus and Alex look over at me sympathetically, knowing I'm going through a tough time with this whole thing. Alex walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry man. But you'll get to experience that too very soon. I can tell she's already crazy about you and you just met her yesterday. Plus she was really excited that you were taking Lee out. That's a good thing," he reassures. I suppose he's right. She did seem pretty excited that I was taking out her mama for dinner.

I take another look around the gym and notice that some of it has in fact changed a little since the last time I was here. There's different artwork everywhere and I realize that it's all been done by Lee by her signature in the bottom right of the paintings. I look further to the left and that's when I notice a door open to a room that wasn't there before.

I'm about to ask Marcus what it is for when a heavily tattooed guy and girl come walking out. The guy is smiling as the girl looks down at her left thigh that's wrapped in Saran Wrap. She'd just gotten tattooed but I can't tell exactly what the tattoo is from here through the clear wrap. I just know it's a good size.

Is Marcus running a tattoo studio out of his gym?

I begin to wonder who the artist is when Lee appears from inside the room and leans over to make sure the wrap is securely in place. She snaps off her black latex gloves, throwing them in a trash can just inside the room.

Natalie notices Lee in the doorway and jumps down from Marcus's arms to run over to her, wrapping her arm around Lee's right leg. Natalie looks up at the girl and then her leg with a smile.

"It's a pretty mermaid Mummy and so big on her leg," Natalie smiles more as she continues to stare at the girls leg.

"Did it hurt a lot?" Natalie asks the girl as she looks up at her and the girl smiles while shaking her head.

"No baby, your mom is very gentle and quick at what she does. I barely felt a thing," she smiles down at her, gently rubbing her hand over Natalie's hair.

"Thank you again Lee, you do amazing work as usual. I'll be back next week for you to finish my back piece," the guy gives Lee a quick hug before walking off with the girl.

They smile at me as they walk by to leave. I look up at Lee who's smiling down at Natalie and that's when I finally realize what Lee does for a living.

She's a tattoo artist.

I remember back when we were dating and went to the lake with my family. Everyone was so fascinated with her tattoos and the fact that she'd tattooed before on her dad. My uncle Carter had suggested doing that as a profession one day because it's still related to art and she'd make a hell of a lot of money doing it.

Wow—she really did it. My parents and Marcus weren't lying when they said she's been working her ass off. I don't know much about tattooing but I know it's mostly client based and you've got to put a lot of hours and hard work into it at the beginning to gain that client list.

Alex walks over to Lee first and gives her a big bear hug. She laughs happily, hugging him back. When she looks him over, she smiles with adoration.

Both of them have always gotten along, treating each other like siblings throughout the time they've known each other. It's good to see the connection is still there after all these years apart.

"Girl you did it! You actually became a tattoo artist. That's great," he compliments her and she blushes, shoving her hands in her pockets.

When she looks over at me she bites her lip as she looks over my appearance. I smirk at her, knowing she likes what she's seeing. Lee has never been shy about telling me when I look good and fuck do I love that about her. What guy doesn't like hearing that from his girl?

I glance down at what I'm wearing, tucking my hands in my pockets as I look back up at her. I've got some dark blue wranglers on, with cowboy boots, and my black 3/4 sleeve button up.

It's a little different than what I use to wear in high school but not too much. Back in high school I was a basic jeans, converse and dark colored t-shirts kind of guy. I rarely ever dressed up.

I guess becoming an adult and having a strict job changed me. Even so, I won't deny I'm pleased that Lee likes what she sees.

I continue to smirk at her while I look over her appearance too. She's wearing a black tank top, distressed denim shorts and combat boots. What makes my mouth water is the fishnet stockings she's wearing underneath her shorts as they cover her beautiful long toned legs. Her thigh tattoos are peaking through and I can't help the urge of wanting to see her naked again.

I notice Natalie looking between the both of us as we check each other out and she smiles. I quickly change my demeanor, not wanting my little girl seeing me acting like a pervert to her mama.

Lee giggles at my reaction and turns around to go walk back into her studio. Natalie follows her but quickly stops at the doorway as she watches her mom clean up her work station with a smile.

I lean my arm against the doorframe and watch Lee as she moves flawlessly around her studio, putting everything back where it goes.

Looking around the space, I spot her artwork and previous tattoos she's done framed all over the walls. They're all beautiful and badass looking.

Damn she's so amazing at what she does.

Honestly I'm not surprised though—I knew she always had it in her to do something amazing with her skills as an artist.

Natalie looks up at me with a smile and I smile down at her, desperately wanting to pick her up in my arms. Alex walks past us as he checks out the inside of Lee's studio.

"This place is so badass. It just screams your personality Lee," he smiles as he takes a seat at her stool.

"Thanks Alex. I guess it does huh?" she grins as she throws tiny tubes that had ink in them, along with some paper towels into a red medical waste can in the corner, similar to the ones in the exam rooms at work.

Alex watches her as she takes the Saran Wrap off the foldable bed that the girl was probably laying on while Lee tattooed her. He scoots the stool forward and grabs a portfolio album that's sitting on a small coffee table in front of a small leather love seat in the corner near where I'm standing.

I walk over and take a seat on the sofa while I look through one of the other five albums on the table. As I look through it, I begin to realize she's done a lot of pieces. Damn I wonder just how long she's been a tattoo artist for?

I glance up from the album to see Natalie is still standing by the door way and I look at her curiously. She looks over at me with another small smile as Marcus walks up to pick her up in his arms.

"You're such a good girl. You know not to go into mummy's studio huh?" he smiles at her and softly kisses her temple.

Now it makes sense. A tattoo studio isn't meant for little kids. That's why a majority of tattoo parlors don't allow someone under fourteen years of age to enter.

One, there's a lot of expensive equipment in here and two, it could be dangerous to her health because of the chances of diseases from people bleeding while getting tattooed.

Just like myself in the health care profession, there's a code of safety that Lee has to follow too. Everything in this room has to be up to code so she doesn't get shut down and lose her business.

I smile proudly at my little girl. She is only four years old but she's so damn smart. Lee has done so amazing with her.

"I'm done here but I've got to change really quick then we can go," Lee smiles at me as she grabs a bag from a locker in the corner.

"Okay, no problem. I think you look great the way you are honestly," I wink at her and she giggles. God I've missed hearing that.

I'm halfway through the third album when Lee finally walks back in, dressed in a skin tight black strapless dress with black heels. I know my jaw is touching the floor right now at just how damn gorgeous she is.

The dress shows off her curves wonderfully and I can definitely tell how she's gotten curvier since the last time I saw her. Having a baby did amazing things to her body.

The fact that she carried our child inside her for nine months and went through strenuous labor to bring our baby into the world, makes her even more beautiful. For all she's been through as a woman and a mother, I love and respect her even more for it.

Natalie looks over at her with wide eyes and smiles.

"Mummy you look so pretty," she compliments sweetly and Lee smiles at her. She reaches over to take Natalie in her arms.

"Thank you baby girl but you're so much more prettier," she smiles before smothering Natalie's cheek with kisses. Natalie giggles, wrapping her arm around Lee's neck.

"Okay baby girl—I'll be home later. Papa will watch over you so be a very good girl for him. I love you my sweet baby," she kisses her temple while wrapping her arms tightly around her.

"Okay Mummy, have fun. I love you too," she smiles at Lee and kisses her cheek.

"It's okay Nattie—we are going to have so much fun tonight. I'll even let you stay up a little longer and have some ice cream," Marcus whispers while winking at her. Lee gives him a scolding look but giggles none-the-less.

When we get out to my truck, I open the passenger side door for her, making her grin up at me. I expect her to climb in when she suddenly shoves me against the side of my truck while pressing her lips to mine forcefully.

Of course I'm caught off guard at first but once she shoves her tongue into my mouth, I've got my arms tightly wrapped around her. I bury my fingers in her hair, lightly pulling at it and she moans into my mouth while biting at my lower lip. I turn us around so she's up against the passenger seat of the truck and she lifts her leg up, wrapping it awkwardly around my hip. I immediately reach down to grab the underneath of her thigh while I kiss her with passion and so much desire that I have to remind myself we are in the parking lot of her father's gym. Right now, anyone can see us nearly fucking one another in the front seat of my truck.

"Jackson—fuck baby," she moans in my ear as I kiss down her neck, pressing myself against her so she can feel what she's doing to me at the moment.

When she reaches down to grab my erection through my Wranglers, I jump back a bit and look down at her with scolding hooded eyes.

Damn this is so unlike her. I still remember back in high school she was so against PDA but right now she's showing a whole other side of her. Reminds me of that night in California when we were all over one another.

I reach down to grab her ass as I toss her into my truck and she yelps while giggling as she straightens up in the seat. I shake my head at her in frustration and close the door.

Not even a second after I get into the drivers seat she's back to being all over me. I laugh as I hold her away from me and give her another half-hearted scolding look, silently telling her that she needs to calm down.

Fuck just how long has it been for her?

"Lee, Sweetie, calm down. Can't I take you out to dinner first?" I ask with a chuckle and she looks at me expectantly before kissing my cheek.

"Dinner at the diner and then dessert..." she begins flirtatiously then starts to furrow her brows. A small frown forms on her face.

"What?" I ask her and she shakes her head while resting her elbow on the center console and rolls her head back in frustration.

"It's just can't have dessert at my place because Natalie will be there and I don't want her walking in on us. That's not how I want to tell her you're her daddy," she smirks before leaning back over to press her lips to my cheek.

"Oh I've already got a place figured out for dessert Sweetie, don't worry about that," I grin crookedly at her, popping one of my dimples for her and bite at her neck. She giggles before pressing her mouth against mine hungrily.

I can't help but get another flashback of our night together in California. Of course then we were in the back of an Uber and making the driver uncomfortable with all the seemingly drunk kissing we were doing. We were like a couple of high school kids again, making out.

Problem was, we never acted like that at school or anywhere else for that matter. Lee isn't into PDA, well at least then she wasn't, and I always respected her wishes, no matter how many times I really wanted to smother her with kisses in front of everyone.

Once we got to the hotel we couldn't keep our hands off one another. The lobby, the elevator, even in the hallway outside of the room, we were on each other so much that I didn't know where I ended and she began.

We were both extremely intoxicated with alcohol but not enough to not remember every detail. I only blacked out a bit after our first go around, only remembering bits and pieces of the rest of the night.

However I do remember that as soon as we got the first round done, we made love on every piece of furniture in that room. I had her melting and screaming in my hold as she had me digging my fingers into her skin as she rode me like her life depended on it the few occasions.

God that was an amazing night—no matter how outrageously drunk I was.

I can't help but smile to myself that Natalie was conceived that night. It was an amazing night of love and passion between us. I'd finally got to be with the love of my life again even though it was one night and crazy as it may be—of all the nights for me to show up— Lee had to be ovulating.

It was like it was fate. Apparently something was telling my drunk brain to not use a condom and say fuck it on even pulling out.

I'll admit I was worried at first that she would've gotten pregnant when I woke up the next day—putting pieces together of the night before. But when she never called me or wrote me to tell me she was pregnant, I figured it didn't take and we were in the clear. Little did I know that one of my little guys made the journey so to speak and nine months later, there was little Natalie.

I look over at Lee now as she sits up in her seat and puts her seatbelt on with a beautiful smile on her face. She's really excited about tonight and honestly, so am I. I hope she likes where I'm taking her tonight after our dinner. It's been years since we've gone there.

Just like that night, I'm nervous as all Hell and still head over heels for this girl. I know I don't really need to try with Lee, but I really hope this night goes perfectly. I need her to know I'm one hundred percent in on this.

We will never be apart again from this night forward if she'll let me make it up to her.

Tonight could start the rest of our lives together.

Lee Harris is my past, my present, and my future from here on out.

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