Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)

By NightSkysSprinkles

108K 3.4K 1.6K

Title says it all! I try to write with gender-neutral pronouns, unless otherwise stated or requested. Request... More

Frank Iero x Reader - First Kiss
Gerard Way x Reader - Interrupted Privacy
Gerard Way x Reader - Safety Dance
Brendon Urie x Reader - A Bad Day
Brendon Urie x Reader - Sneaky
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Someone Who Loves You as Much
Lynz x Reader - Backstage Confessions
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Umbrella Academy anyone?
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Gerard Way x Reader - Gotham City Rivals
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Dallon Weekes x Reader - And Then a Slow Song Came On...
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NEW BOOK - Ryan Seaman x Reader
Ryan Ross x Reader x Brendon Urie- Ending up Happy
Drabble Challange: Frank Iero x Reader
Drabble Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader
Drabble Challange: Frank Iero x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader
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Drabbles Challenge: Gerard Way x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Ray Toro x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Ryan Seaman x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Lynz x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Brendon Urie x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Gerard Way x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Ryan Seaman x Reader
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Drabbles Challenge: Pete Wentz x Reader
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Drabbles Challenge: Patrick Stump x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Mikey Way x Reader
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Drabbles Challenge - Patrick Stump x Reader
I got tagged
Ryan Ross x Reader - Better Than Any Dream
Gerard Way x Reader - Possible
Frank Iero x Reader - One Mil
Joe Trohman x Reader - Distanced
Frerard + Reader - Adopted (Part Two)
Lynz x Reader - Not Straight
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Josh Dun x Reader - Feeling Something
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Nothing to Break Up Over
Frank Iero x Reader - Lie or Dare
Nicole Row x Reader - Truck Stop
Gerard Way x Reader - Hair Dye
Frank Iero x Reader - Keep it to Yourself
Nicole Row x Reader - Won't Let You Leave
MCR & Reader - The Five of Us Are Pissed Off
Brendon Urie x Reader - Not Superficial
Dad!Gerard + Reader - A Safe Home
Joe Trohman x Reader - Speech
Gerard Way x Reader - Still Close
Patrick Stump x Reader - Cancelled Scene
Gerard Way x Reader - Middle of Summer
Vampire!Brendon x Reader - Truth
Ryan Seaman x Reader - Mutual
Gerard Way x Reader - Not Alone
Ryan Seaman x Reader - The Best Present
Patrick Stump x Reader - Troubled Thoughts
Gerard Way x Reader - We All Get Together...
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Kobra Kid x Reader - In the Middle of a Gun Fight
Frank Iero x Reader - I Lied (Part Two)
Frank Iero x Reader - Serenade
Gerard Way x Reader - Ripped Jeans and Greasy Hair (Part Three)
Pete Wentz x Reader - Worth It
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Gerard Way x Reader - Wouldn't Give You My Number
Ray Toro x Reader - Jamming
Brendon Urie x Reader - Homecomming
Dad!Dallon + Child!Reader - Breakfast
Patrick Stump x Reader - Turned
Gerard Way x Reader - Official Not-Fake Date
Cherri Cola x Reader - Shed in the Desert
Patrick Stump x Reader - A Little Sweetness Keeps Just out of Reach
Tyler Joseph x Reader - Prejudices
MCR + Reader - Lunch Break
Gerard Way x Reader - Graduated
Gerard Way x Reader - Cold Night
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Ice Cream Nights
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Wattpad got hacked
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Ryan Seaman x Reader - Baking (Advent Calendar 2020)
Cherri Cola x Reader - Cold (Advent Calendar 2020)
Gerard Way x Reader - Date (Advent Calendar 2020)
Mikey Way x Reader - Evening Dance (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ray Toro x Reader - Fireplace (Advent Calendar 2020)
Patrick Stump x Reader - Grateful (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ryan Ross x Reader - Hosting Family (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ryan Seaman x Reader - She Loves You
Ray Toro x Reader - Dealine (Part Two)
Frank Iero x Reader - The Only Apology Acceptable
Frank Iero x Reader - Study Break
Ray Toro x Reader - Priorities
Kobra Kid x Reader - Back to You
Ryan Ross x Reader - Never Walk Away Again
Mikey Way x Reader - Whatever Was Before...
Frank Iero x Reader - A Few Very Compelling Arguments
Ray Toro x Reader - No Doubts and No Conditions
Gerard Way x Reader - The Perfect Halloween Look
Frank Iero x Reader - This is the Best Birthday Ever

Mikey Way x Reader - Set Up

1.4K 61 16
By NightSkysSprinkles

Requested on Tumblr
is the band's drummer
count: 1 771
Happy birthday, Mikey!

"I told you, I'm not gonna share with Frank again," you whined, pleadingly looking at the tour manager who was handing out the room keys, and wanted to, once again, pair you up with Frank to share a room.

"Why not, it's always worked so well," he asked confused, still holding out the key for you.

"No, it didn't," you gasped. "He takes showers at half past four in the morning when he can't sleep, and last time he started playing guitar in the middle of the night!"

"Oops," Frank laughed, "Thought you were asleep."

"I was! Until you started playing!"

"But it wasn't plucked in," Frank shrugged, "you just don't sleep very deep."

"Okay, okay, I see the problem," the manager finally agreed, "How about..." he looked around the lobby, his eyes locking in on somebody. "Mikey? Share a room with (y/n)?"

You almost froze when you heard the name; quickly you turned around, seeing Mikey was giving thumbs up. Oh no.

"Mikey it is then," the manager decided and shoved a key into you hand, "Frank, you share with Ray."

Of course it had to be Mikey you now shared a room with. You had hoped for a quiet night's sleep, but with how hard your heart started beating every time you merely thought of Mikey, you definitely would not be able to get one second of sleep when he was so close. And what made everything worse was that it was a double bed, not two singles, as you realised when you walked into the room.

Mikey seemed not to mind, at least he gave no indication that he did, as he threw his jacket on the bed. Rising his arms over his head, he stretched and yawned before he turned to you.

"Mind if I go shower," he asked, sounding far too casual.

"No, not at all," you replied, still trying to process the double bed.

After he had disappeared in the bathroom, you sat down on the edge of your bed. Biting your lip, you pulled out your mobile phone, and texted Gerard.

It's a fucking double bed

It only took him a couple of seconds to answer, but it was less than satisfying, being only a couple of cry laughing emoji. You rolled your eyes. Seriously, from Gerard, your best friend, the only person in the world who knew how much you liked his brother, you would have expected some emotional support.

Let me know how things went ;)

Frustrated you threw your phone on the pillow. He was seriously no help.

I want to know if he freaked out!

You read the message, and unlocked the phone to answer.

It's not a fucking reality show. He's completely chill.

He's not. He might look it, but I swear he's freaking out on the inside. Just make a move on him! He likes you too!

That was honestly the most helpful Gerard had ever been in the whole Mikey-matter. But it did not mean you believed him. Instead you sent him an annoyed emoji, and turned off the sound off the phone.

After Mikey was finished in the bathroom, you took a shower too, brushed your teeth and got ready for bed. He was lying on top of the duvet when you came out of the bath, a book, which you had seen Gerard reading too, in his hands. The lamp on the bed side table was casting a yellow light over his face. He shot you a quick glance, but continued reading.

"I'm gonna turn off the ceiling lights," you told him, but he just nodded.

Not that you had expected a lot more than that from him.

Quietly you walked back to the bed, and turned on your own lamp too, then pulled out the book you had brought. It was probably the most relaxing thing, being anywhere in the world, and still having the opportunity to read before going to sleep.

Soon the story had engulfed you, and your eyes followed line after line, curiously sucking in each word. You were so concentrated, that you did not even notice that Mikey had put his book aside a long time ago. He was lying on his side, one hand tucked under his head, while his eyes scanned your face over and over again.

He liked the way you played around with the paper of the pages as soon as you reached the second page, as if you could not wait to turn it. Sometimes your neutral expression changed into a small smile, or your eyes softened, depending on what was going on in the story. Every now and then you wetted your lips with your tongue. Damn, he really needed to stop staring. But how could he? You had cast a spell on him the first moment he had seen you, and that spell was still unbroken. And eventually he would need to either get over you, or do something about making you realise that he was more than just Gerard's shy, quiet, uninteresting, younger brother.

He thought back to all the times Gerard had told him to just give it a shot, to just straight up tell you how he felt. And recently he had even started insisting that you liked him too. Had Gerard just made that up to get Mikey to do something finally?

He remembered how Gerard had said that if he wouldn't act on his feelings soon, his chance might be over before he had confessed his feelings. If Mikey was honest, that scared him almost even more than finding out you had never been interested in him in the first place. What if he waited too long? What if he finally would have worked up his courage, only to find out that if he had asked a little earlier, he still might have had a shot with you, but now it was too late? And every minute that passed, brought the moment closer in which you would fall out of love with him, assuming you were in love with him in the first place.

You had been so caught up in following the book's plot, that you had not seen Mikey move, and only when soft, warm fingers touched your cheek, you perked up. Confused you turned your head, finding Mikey lying on his side, facing you, propped up on one elbow, while he had the other hand reached out to your face.


His voice was barely above a whisper. You were used to him talking quietly, when he talked at all, and he had always been more reserved around you, but now his voice was so soft that it made you shiver comfortably.

You did not reply. You just looked over at him, feeling the smooth back of his fingers run over your cheeks again and again, wondering what was happening. But you did not dare moving, fearing this perfect moment would be destroyed if you did.

"I really like you," he whispered, cursing himself for the shaking of his voice, as he said the words, which he should have said ages ago.

But now that he had, he felt weirdly liberated. Now it was your turn to decide what to do. He had done his part.

For a second your heart jumped a little at his confession, but it immediately calmed down again. He liked you, you liked him. And you felt safe with him. You could have stayed here forever, while he gently stroked your cheek.

His eyes were worriedly wandering over your face, but when you gave no indication of rejecting him, something else came to his mind, and he spoken the words before he even had thought them through.

"Can I kiss you?"

Slowly you blinked at him, and nodded, closing your eyes as he leant in carefully.

Gently he brushed his lips against yours, testing out the kiss, and you dropped your book to the side, reaching up to cup his chin. He had slight stubble on his cheeks, which was ridged against your touch, but his skin underneath was soft and warm. Needing to feel more of him, you leant up a little, deepening the kiss, and running your hand from his cheek into his hair, pulling him in. You could feel him shifting his weight so he was closer to you, still propping himself up over you. His lips tasted sweet, as if he had eaten a spoon full of sugar. When you eventually pulled away, you felt the blush burn that had crept onto your cheeks, but when you opened your eyes, Mikey was slightly blushing too. He was still leaning over you, hair hanging down on both sides of his face, and when he opened his eyes as well, he smiled at you shyly.

Reaching up to brush his hair behind his ears, you took in his expression. He looked vulnerable like this, as if he was trusting you with everything he had, like there was nothing separating his soul from yours.

"I like you too," you finally managed to confess.

A quiet laugh escaped his lips, and he shook his head in amusement, before he kissed you again.

"That's good, it would've been really awkward otherwise," he giggled, but you shut him up with yet another kiss.


"Did you really put an alarm clock to play guitar in the middle of the night?"

Frank was laughing as he poured milk into his cereal.

"Sure. I had to make sure (y/n) would eventually get super annoyed by me, and request another room," he shrugged, "that was the plan!"

"But guitar in the middle of the night is evil," Ray grinned, sitting down next to Gerard, who had wrapped his fingers around a mug of coffee.

"Yeah, but we had to get them into a room together somehow without making it suspicious," Gerard defended.

"I swear to god, if this didn't work out, I'm gonna push him into (y/n)'s drums tonight or something, just so they finally talk at least about anything, I'm okay with being the asshole if that means their bloody pinning finally stops," Frank grumbled and shoved a spoon full of cereal in his mouth, doubtlessly already planning on how to get Mikey close enough to the drum set.

"Please don't, I like my drums."

Your voice made the three band members turn around.

"Yeah, no need for that," Mikey agreed, nodding down to your hand which he was holding in his, before you sat down on the bench next to Frank.

"Oh, good," Frank exhaled, "So I can finally get some sleep again."

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