Kobolds can be heroes 2day

By snakes0

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The is the continuation of Kobolds can be Heroes. After the new game started things were great. But in secret... More

Chapter 1 World's Greatest Duelist!
Chapter 2 All According to Plan!
Chapter 3 The beginning of the order of the Kobolds.
Chapter 4 Heroes at Last!
Chapter 5 We're off to see...
Chapter 6 ...The Nine tails...
chapter 7 ...and the Wonderful Lizard of OZ?
Chapter 8 Let the games Begin.
Chapter 10: Error code 234
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Beach Time till the end of the world
Chapter 13: Reaper
Chapter 14: Vacation time!
Chapter 15: You only get ONE shot
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 FRC Retry
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Draco Kobold evolution
Chapter 21 Tomb of Annihilation
Chapter 22 Tomb of Annihilation part 2
Chapter 23 FarReach
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9 semi-finals

89 4 0
By snakes0

The results for the vote on who will announce the tournament surprisingly is Ruby.

Eric: weren't you supposed to be part of our group?...

Ruby: Nope. You already got five people. Maybe after the tournament.

Shawn: I knew it! I knew it was only five maximum!

Then the next day of the tournament began.

Ruby: Ok folks on one side we have the Kobold team! 

many people cheered from the crowd

Ruby: And on the other side we have The Light of Destruction team!....Where are they?

Everyone is confused because no one of the opponent's team is there

Ruby sweats: hahahha....Maybe they are running late that's all... We will give them a few minutes...

Then after 15 minutes Ruby was sent a message from the people who helped set up the tournament telling her to disqualify the team.

Ruby: Well... If The Light of Destruction team doesn't show up now they will be disqualified!

Dark clouds appears and stays

Then lighting struck the stage and the team appeared

Ruby: And here they are now!

Eric and Ishi's eye's widen as one of the members of their foes is Father Godfred.

Eric: Father....

Ishi: Godfred...what.....

Eric: Are you doing here?.....

Father Godfred: Eric. Ishi. you weren't supposed to be here.

Ruby: now the leaders will meet to discuss the terms of the fight!

Eric: I know what rules you want and I accept those terms Gamarok.

Gamarok the team leader smiles.

Ruby: That was fast! Now both sides choose your fighters!

Gamarok: Me, Godfred, and Thestalos will be fighting.

Eric: Me, Shawn and Ishi.

Ruby: Now send your first fighters teams!

Thestalos walks onto the platform and the team gets a good look at him for the first time they see he is wearing a complete red armor and fire comes out of his helmet every time he breathes.

Shawn: I will do my best.

Shawn floats onto the platform

Ruby: Good luck both teams!

Ruby winks at Shawn

Shawn begins by summoning a dark purple portal which dark tentacles emerges from.

Thestalos walks toward Shawn and as he gets near the tentacles shoot out toward him but burn up before ever touching him

Shawn's thoughts: He can burn the tentacles of Hadar... What kind of power does he have?

Shawn: Hunger of Hadar!

Shawn pulls out a pickled octopus tentacle from his bag and it disappears as it is the cost of his spell. A gateway to the dark between the stars, a region infested with unknown horrors appears. A 20-foot-radius sphere of blackness and bitter cold appears, centered on Thestalos. This void is filled with a cacophony of soft whispers and slurping noises that was heard up to 30 feet away. 

Shawn's thoughts: No light, magical or otherwise, can illuminate the area, and creatures fully within the area are blinded. This will put him at a disadvantage and I can attack him using the power from Hadar.

Then the sphere begins to glow and then burns and begins to fade away.

Shawn: Damn...

Thestalos is close enough to attack Shawn so he punches him in the stomach.

Shawn: Oof!

Shawn is rolling and managed to stop himself from going over the edge knowing it if he goes off stage he would lose this fight.

Shawn has burn marks where he was hit

Shawn's thoughts: I have to become immune to his flame or I might not just lose this fight but also my life!

Shawn: Investiture of Flame!

Flame appears around Shawn but doesn't burn him

At that moment Thestalos breathed fire at shawn but it does no damage

Thestalos: I am Thestalos, The Fire Ruler. You have done the right choice to protect yourself from my flames.

Thestalos rushes to punch Shawn again but Shawn dodges

Shawn: Investiture of Ice!

Shawn breaths a cloud of icy air freezing the ground and then tackles Thestalos and with the ice ground slides Thestalos off the platform.

Thestalos: Well done.

Ruby: Thestalos is out of bounds so Shawn wins the first of three battles!

Father Godfred walks up to the platform

Ruby: Start!

Shawn: Hunger-

Father Godfred hits Shawn with his holy staff before he could even finish casting his spell and Shawn is knocked unconscious by the radiant damage.

Ruby surprised: .... In a blink of an eye Father Godfred beats Shawn?!

Eric:...I will-

Ishi: I'll go! Don't worry i'll be fine.

Ishi climbs the platform.

Eric: I knew you were good but I didn't think you were a fighter. 

Father Godfred: Much has changed. Ever since I came from the other world.

Ruby: Begin!

Ishi charges at Father Godfred with her rapier

Father Godfred: Little  Ishi. Didn't I teach you not to charge in recklessly?

Ishi then dodges the attack she knows is coming

Father Godfred: So you have learned! that is great little ishi.

Coal: little Ishi huh? Cuat name.

Ishi: It's not! I am Ishi Snaggletooth!

Ishi then parrys the staff and then does a backflip to avoid his attack.

Father Godfred: I am sorry little Ishi. I will have to end this training for now. I will not hold back.

Ishi to Godfrend's surprise parried his next attack

Ishi: I got better. So teach me as we fight.

a player connected with Godfred and now controls him and knows what he knows

Father Godfred laughs 

Father Godfred: My apologies Little Ishi. I will win this fight. If you survive this I will teach it to you. But sadly you won't.

Eric and Ishi: Survive?!

Then some of the storm clouds moves and a beam of light lands on Father Godfred and is now glowing in radiant energy and to everyone for a moment he looked like an angel.

Ishi: This is bad...

Then Father Godfred hits Ishi with astonishing speed that the hit alone knocks the wind out of her then the Divine energy cuts straight through Ishi

Ishi's life flashes before her eyes and sees a memory

Ishi: Aw man! You always win... That holy power thing is overpowered...

Father Godfred: Ishi. God is the MOST powerful being in the Universe and any other Universe. That is why I devote myself to him every single day. God is good so if you are evil you will have to face his judgement one day or another.

Ishi: If I become good will I not get hurt from holy attacks?

Father Godfred: you would gain resistance to it and immunity to the divine energy from yourself.

Ishi: How do I become good?

Father Godfred: Only God is truly good. You have to give up everything  including your old ways to God in order to change.

Ishi wakes back up laying on the ground bleeding and Hears Ruby counting down.

Ishi's aliment changed in front of everyone's eyes from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good and her class changed from Fighter to Exalted Fighter.

Ishi: I...am...still...alive.

Godfred/player: Most impressive. But you will still lose this fight.

Ishi tries to rise up to her feet and manages just before Ruby said ten

Ishi: I'm not down yet!

Ishi's fighter second wind ability kicks in and she regains some of her health.

Ishi then realizes that the fighter sword skill button she had been ignoring the whole time ever since she was a fighter.

Ishi: I'm an idiot!!!!

Ishi then for the first time uses her fighter sword skill: Brave and the Bold. which increases Ishi's speed, strength, and attack power the lower Ishi's health is, and allow Ishi to use a pre programmed move and not a naturally learned one.

Ishi Manages to stab Father Godfred through his arm

godfred/player: You are good. but you should have aimed for the heart.

Godfred then smacks Ishi on the head knocking her out of the platform

Ishi: In...a way I won...

Eric: Just there Ishi. I will take care of the rest.

Eric climbs on the platform

Ruby: Looks like the kobold team might lose this!

Godfred: show me your power Eric.

Eric pulls out his sword and then dashes at Godfred activating his sword skill.

godfred has a much harder time blocking with only one arm then he slipped up and Eric headbutted him out of the platform

Godfred/player: Well played.

Ruby: Wow! Eric has just taken out Father Godfred! But he still has to fight the leader!

Gamarok teleports on the platform.

Gamarok: You will need more skill than that to face me.

Eric: Try me.

Ruby: Eric is not showing any sign of fear! except the shaking in his legs!

Eric looks down and sees his legs are indeed shaking

Eric grabs the microphone from ruby: I'm going to win!

Ruby taking it back: Hey! Don't take it away! Begin!

Gamarok: I am the light of destruction!

Eric then notices that Gamarok's armor is black but is glowing white.

Then two dragon heads emerges from Gamarok's back and the dragons charge up their breath weapon attack

Eric switches to his bow but then Gamarok punched Eric in the face knocking him to the ground.

Eric's thought: Damn! I'm not skilled enough to dodge such an attack and try and launch an attack... I will have to play it safe.

Then the dragons blasted white light at Eric who barely dodged the attack

Eric looks at his health and two things shocked him, first his health max is still the same from the other world which is 11400. and the second thing was that half of his health is gone.

Eric: But I dodged that attack!

Gamarok: There is no dodging the light ruler. You shouldn't even be standing.

Eric: I need help...

And at that moment John logged on and is connected with Eric

John: wow. you are sure picking the worse people to fight.

Eric's thoughts: Can you beat him? I am not skilled enough...

John: You are skilled enough. Just watch me.

Eric goes into fighting stance as John controls Eric's moments.

Eric's thoughts: This is a beginner sword skill! It won't be able to help us!

John: It will just watch.

Gamarok watches Eric carefully

Gamarok: If I block the first strike you will lose.

John/Eric: You won't.

Eric rushes up to Gamarok and Gamarok blocks where he thought Eric was going to hit but was wrong, overestimating what Eric was going to do

Eric cuts through one of the dragons. Then the other head too gets cut off.

John: See Eric?

Eric's thoughts: Can he hear you?

John: no. Only you can hear what I say. Can you handle the rest?

Eric: Yes. I can win.

Eric activates his sword skill Reaping Strike that does more damage the more damage the opponent already took.

Eric swings his sword and to his surprise Gamarok catches it with one hand so Eric lets go kicking Gamarok in the chest and leaps back.

Then Eric runs up again and kicks the hilt of his sword to make it pierce through Gamarok's armor

Gamarok then tries to kick Eric but fails as Eric is very fast.

Gamarok falls and then Ruby counted to ten and Eric won

Ruby: And Eric from the Kobold team wins!

The crowd cheers loudly and Eric hops down from the platform

Father Godfred: Good job Eric. So it would appear that I am not the only one who has a player controlling one's actions. 

Ishi: What about me?....Did I do well?

Father Godfred: Yes you did little Ishi. I left because I knew my player would appear soon for the tournament and he is in the military. But as far as I know he will not need to log on anytime soon.

John logs out and Eric regains full control

Eric: And your new power?

Father Godfred: The system in this world used my faith level to determine my radiant power so as a result I ended up with radiant powers beyond a normal cleric since my faith in the other world was so high. I see you are still Neutral Good Eric.

Eric: Yeah.

Ruby: The second part of the semi-finals will begin now!

Eric to his team: Let's watch so we know what we are up against in the final.

Shawn: great idea.

Ruby: begin!

someone casted a mass sleep spell that made everyone but the fighters fall asleep so Eric and his team did not know how or which team won when they woke up.

Eric: We might be in trouble now guys...

Ruby: That's all for today! See you in three days everyone for the Final fight of the tournament!

The crowd cheers and with that The team goes to the Tournament's inn

Ishi: I will be back after a few days to learn from Father Godfred.

Eric: We don't have a few days. We only have three.

Ishi: I'll be back before then don't worry!

Shawn: That is why we are worried. If you don't show up then we will be at a major disadvantage. 

Ishi: I know. I promise I will be back.

Ishi leaves

Shawn: let's review our opponents' data.

Everyone's eyes widen as they see the list

1. Leader of FRC: Foxmask.

2. fighter: Y0urW0rs3Nightmare.

3. fighter: Gwiz.

4. fighter: Anthn0.

5. fighter: Unkn0w3n.

Eric: Foxmask and Y0urW0rs3Nightmare?! And why is Foxmask the leader of FRC?! He told us we needed to fight against it! Another question is why is he working with Y0urW0rs3Nightmare?!

Coal: If what you say is true this isn't looking so good for us. I don't know if even Ishi coming back with angel wings could help us win... Foxmask is ranked 77 in the world and could be in the top ten if he really wanted to...Y0urW0rs3Nightmare is ranked 107 in the world and he is still a dangerous enemy... We will have to make a fight so we fight Gwiz, Anthn0, and Unkn0w3n instead... They are not even in the ranking board so we don't know anything about them...

Shawn: All that we can do is rest, train, and wait.

Eric: Then good night everyone.

The team heads to their rooms to sleep for they needed to rest for their training tomorrow. 

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