Chapter 24

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Coal: Guys.... Where is Foxbold?

Eric: That's what I was going to ask.

Ishi: Ruby you stayed here do you know what happened?

Ruby: I was just here chilling and then a countdown started. First you and Eric left, then Shawn and Coal. Lastly, Deekin and Niko left. Foxbold said he had somewhere he had to be. He hasn't come back since.

Shawn: This whole situation is.... I have no words.

Niko: Want to add something, Deekin? You usually always have a comment about something, and you can see countdowns and numbers right?

DDDeekin: Can see the countdown. This is an Aggro countdown. A timer before someone is coming to destroy us.

Coal: Why isn't Foxbold here then?

Shawn: There are a few possibilities... One of these possibilities is that he went to face whatever started this countdown.

Eric: So he is safe?

Shawn: Unlikely. He would have returned otherwise. We each must go with the assumption that he is gone. Deekin says this is a countdown for a battle, yet we must prepare for the worst. It could mean that we might die at the end of the countdown.

Ishi: No way......

Niko: You are kidding....

Ruby: I agree with Shawn. We don't know anything for certain. Just three days of life...

Eric: All we know is that we have three days before whatever happens will happen. We can run, we can hide, we can fight, and so on. What we do in the next three days will change our lives. Let us not waste a moment of it.

Eos: Kyuuuu!

Coal: I don't speak whatever he speaks, but I agree. Well said.

Ishi: Yeah. If this is a fight, then I have to go beyond! I have to fully awaken-

Niko proceeds to poke everyone with her artifact.

Ishi: ow! HEY!

Shawn: ...

Coal: ouch! Hey! What was that for?!

Eric: Niko! Ow! What are you doing?!

DDDeekin: Ow! You already did it to me!

Niko: Oops. I forgot.

DDDeekin: Guys, don't worry. She is trying to help. She unlocked a power that can help us if I am right.

Ruby: Yeah, we just have to... NO! Stop! Niko! Don't you dare poke- OW!

Eos: Kyuuu~

Niko: Umm..... That wasn't a yelp like I would expect....

Ruby: Ignore it. It is an immortal thing. He feels pain differently.

Niko: Alright.... I'll just explain what just I did. My artifact literally can unlock anything, even figurative or abstract concepts. Mostly.

DDDeekin: The key to victory.

Niko: Thanks. I unlocked the hidden limit in everyone. Your full potential unlocked.

Coal: A price to be paid for such powers right?

Niko: No. Not really. Only I paid the price. With snakes and zombie bites. Now we can fight.

Shawn: If we win then what? It doesn't change the outcome.

Eric: Shawn? What do you mean by that?

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