The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 44. Im not normal

554 12 13

Penny and Ruby we're still trying to search for a good place to speak and private. And this must be a VERY serious and important topic for Penny to be very specific and picky about the place they would talk in. Like anywhere Ruby thought was a good place, Penny would say no someone could hear. It kinda sounded like she was just doing that to not talk about her problems and just avoiding it, but she sounded very genuine as the two searched for a spot to talk in.

And of course I kept following. Doing my lowkey following technique. But soon that started to not be enough. As the more we went into town, the more kinda suspicious I looked. Even though I was not trying to look like some hostile stalker.

But it was kinda failing as I noticed people were kinda looking at me. So I had to do something before someone stops me or accuses me of being a stalker. Eventually, I did do something to hide myself as I followed Ruby and Penny. And I was able to pull this off with the help of my Blacklight... 'ADVANTAGE' of sorts. I was able to go into a alley of sorts, and like I said, with Blacklight, O was able to climb up the wall and right into the roof of a building real easy.

But I felt my heart race, as yes, I've been onto the tops of buildings before, but I'm still scared a bit of heights. As all those others times. I had adrenaline going through my veins. And now. At this moment. I don't. So the hights of these buildings, giving me fear. "The hights are scaring you?" Great. The parasite talking to me again. I stayed silent. "Hello? (Y/N)?" The beast named Venom asks. I still stayed silent. "Oh. You don't quite trust me do you?" Now I was irritated. "What in the hell do you think!?" I hissed quietly. This thing must be dumb. "On the contrary, I may be a smile ball when I have no host, but just because I don't have organs doesn't mean I'm an idiot." Venom responses. Well crap forget this thing linked to me, he reads every thought I have. "Well since your such a mind reader, do you know WHY I don't trust you..?" I ask as I kept an eye on Penny and Ruby looking for their private talking spot. "Of course I do. And I don't blame you." Venom replied. "Oh do you?" I asks sarcastically. "Well I hope you can tell why I don't want you talking, or firing those tendrils out." I said as I moved from roof to roof of these buildings. "Sure. I can tell your a secretive person." Venom said. Sounding like we were having a causal conversation. That was to him though, to me, I'm just being assaulted and annoyed by a extraterrestrial. Penny and Ruby then disappeared behind a turn. "Aww crap." I mutter. I sped up and did a quick speed walk.

I notice that the two walked in an area I can't spot them in. And what's worse, they went ahead and, like I said walked into an area where I I have to jump, through the air, and onto another building to follow them..... Yup. My blood and heart went into overdrive with fear. I looked over the edge, and see how far the drop was. My breath became ragged. I got away from the edge as I tried to calm myself. "Ok... Maybe... Ahh! I can't do it, I cant!" I exclaimed. I kept doing the something for two more times, as I just couldn't jump. It sounded like I was whining. Which I hated myself over it, but someone was just not having my whining panic moment. "Jump."

Venom says with no emotion or giving a damn about my situation. "Excuse me?" I ask. "Jump." Venom says again. Oh now I'm offended. "You say your here to protect me, and now your ass saying to jump!? There's no im-" "Jump the ledge you damn mutated wimp." And with that statement, that was my cue to shut the hell up. I took a breath intake, and exhaled softly. "Ok.... Ok... " I mutter. I ready my legs, and still take deep breaths. Until finally, I got into position, then broke into a run... And jumped.

"Yaahhhh-!! Woah woah woah woah woah!!! " I shout as I jumped through the air, but forget my jumping was also one of the many things improved by the Blacklight. So my higher jump caught me so off guard. I then felt myself fall back down onto sold ground, or sold stone of the roof tops of buildings. A loud clang echos out as my feet back contact with the building's material. While I also grunt with the force of the contact. I nearly lose my balance, but I caught myself and balanced. "Ohh my god.." I muttered. I quickly move. I finally caught up with the two girls. And it looked like they finally found a place to start their private conversation. "There see? Wasn't so hard." Venom said. This thing, has the most disrespect I've ever seen iny life. "Screw you! You damned alien parasite!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry 'parasite'!?" I unknowingly touched a nerve. My eyes widened in fear. "Oh shit I pissed him off!" I quickly steamer out. "Uhhh.... Sorry!" I exclaimed quickly. "I'm sorry I'm sorry! Don't kill me!" I was quickly looking around, and getting into this.... Absolutely stupid defensive pose. But nothing happened. Like nothing. I expected the tendrils of Venom to attack me, but they didn't. All I got was a simple response.

"It's fine just try not to call me that again." Venom said sounding genuine. Like wow that's surprising. Fibally, I went back to the task at hand. Spotting Penny and Ruby over the building. "I wish I could help you Ruby. But I don't know anything about those men." Penny said to Ruby. "Well what happened to you that night?" Ruby asks. "We were all together and you just vanished. We're you kidnapped!?" Ruby asks. "Oh no! Nothing like that. " Penny said. "Well then where did you go!?" Penny asks. "I've never been to another kingdom before. My father never asked me to venture out. But.... You have to understand my father loves me very much." Penny said. "He just worries to much." Ruby rolls her eyes. "Belive me I know the feeling." Ruby agrees. Penny smiles. "But either way, why not let us know your ok?" Ruby asks. "I.... Was asks. Not to talk to you. Or Weiss, or Blake, or Yang. Anybody really." Penny explained. "Was your dad really that upset?" Ruby asks. Feeling a bit ashamed. "No. It wasn't my father... " Penny was about to answer, when  they heard something. It was a man talking. They looked over, and I looked over on top of the building.

It was a man. A holographic man, who was talking about a more advanced Android who was meant for protection or combat. I don't know, or do I care. But... Something... Happened when I looked at those androids. I felt something in me. I couldn't tell at first, but then.... I understood what it was.

It was fear.

"What's with the fear?" Great someone here realized what I was feeling. "Nothing.. " I said. "What your feeling isn't a 'nothing' feeling. Your pulse quickend a slight beat." Venom explained. "Look you can science me later. Just shut it." I said. "You shut it... " Venom mubbled..

The holographic man then shows off then holographic image of this large combat much or robot of sorts. Like if it was the newest trend or something.

Whatever. I didn't care. I cared about Penny and Ruby. That man keeps talking about how cool and high tech it is, going as far as to say it's the best thing of the year or something. Well see if it is when it's out. But Ruby looked way into it. "M... Maybe we should go somewhere less..." Penny says. "Why she like that?" I ask myself. "Want an answer? Look at those men in the gray armor." I follow Venom's words. And I see two of those men, who were Soldiers, looking at Penny. One of them pointing at her. "Oh... That's shadyness 101." I said. And I was right. As the second Penny way those men looking at her, she turns around and runs. Right into an Alley way. "Penny? Wait! Where are you going!?" Ruby follows her. "Damn! Have to jump again!" I run back, and ready to jump, across a road and onto the buildings across. Even I realized with my super human abilities, I want gonna make this. I felt worry and fear get into me. "(Y/N). You can make this jump. But normally. There a way you can." Venom says. "How?" I asks. "Your infected with the Blacklight virus. Your agility and speed and jumping is improved with the virus. But there's also something less you can do." Venom explained. "Which is? You scary yet slightly useful alien?" I asks. "You can glide. Tear through the air and cover more ground. Ones you jump, outstretche your limbs like if you were flying but also sky diving and you'll glide. " Venom explained. "Don't worry, if you fail, I'll catch you. I'll tendril our way out of this." Venon said. "Ok... Ok... Thank you." I said. I ready myself. " Ok... Ok... I got this... I got this." I mutter. "We got this." Venom said. I nod after I heard that, after stretching my legs, I break into a run. Reaching the edge, which was coming in fast..

And finally, I tech the edge, and I jump, with all my force, and like Venom said, I get into the gliding position......

And I did the thing.... A thing you'd only see in a comic or a movie.... I glided through the air.

"Ohh.....!" I exclaimed. "Woooooooh!" I exclaimed I joy. Bro I was fucking flying! Kinda. I glide to the next building, ready to land, and breaking into a run to catch up to the Penny and Ruby, but.... It didn't go as plan. As I did land on my feet, but I stumbled, running forward trying to catch my footing, but I fell right off, then down a fire escape, crashing into junk, and smashing hard into metal. Screaming in pain with everything hit. Finally, falling onto the pavement. "Oww! Shit!" I yells. I also see something happened to Penny and Ruby, as they too were on the ground in pain. Maybe to get away from those two soldiers. But I didn't have time to think... As something you see in a very blood movie that involes death at every turn, happened right here, as Ruby gets up from the road she laid on, a truck's horn blaired. "RUBY!!" I screamed. "Save her!" Shouts on my head. I immediately get up to get her out of the way of the truck! Until a orange haired girl best me to it. As Penny.....

Shoves Ruby out the way, and with both her hands, full on stops the truck with her hands...

Ruby and I, even the damn Truck driver were shocked when it was over. And I voice my reaction to this.


Me and Venom say. I then get back into gear, and rub over to Ruby. "Ruby you ok!?" I ask quickly. "Im ok..." Ruby replies. I look at the driver. "You good?" I ask. "Uh huh." The driver replies. "But Penny!" Both me and Ruby run over to Penny. "Penny!" We shout. We both ask if she was ok. "I'm fine... " Penny replies. "Was that..... How did you do that... Semblance?" Ruby asks. "By the way how did you get here? We're you stalking us?" Ruby asks looking at me. My eyes darted around. "N-not quite.." Penny says getting up. She was looking at her hands. "Penny?" I question. She shows her hands. I made sure no one wants looking at her, as I can see she looked nervous at all the eyes looking at her. But  I comforted her. I can see she wanted to run. "Wait Penny, no, no, no. It's ok it's ok." I said, holding her hands. Thought, I felt.. Something metal. I didn't care though. Penny was more important. "But... I... " Penny starts, but I stop her. "Penny its ok. It's ok... We're here... " I said. "Don't panic Penny, we're here for you. It's ok. You don't need to run. " Ruby says. Those words, I can tell hit her in a sensitive spot. As she soon calms down in our arms. I held her hands, and again, I felt the metal. I looked down at her hands, and saw why that was..

In the palm of her hands, was... Metal. Her skin broke away and exsposed metal. "We're they prosthetic arms?" I thought. "Hey, is she ok?" A man asks. I look up. "Um... Yeah she's ok!" I said. I take her hand and rise her up. "Well go take her to the hospital, to she if she had any injures." I said. I grab Ruby's hand and I started speed walking away. I see the driver, and random people talking about what happened, as in the distance, I see the two soldiers running to the crash site. "Shoot." I mutter. I speed up and the two girls  speed up as well. We run through alleys and walk through sidewalks, and finally hiding out in another large alley way. We stop. "Ok.. We're good." I mutter. "Huh..... Huh... (Y/N)... Please... If we run together... Slow down... Your too fast...!" Ruby exclaimed. I look at Penny. Who was slightly panting unlike Ruby. "Penny... We're away for ear shot... Please tell us how you did that...?" Ruby asks, catching her breath. "Ok.... " Penny says. Sighing. "I trust you two with this." Penny says. I rise my arm slightly. "I swear soon my grave, of your showing us something secret, we will not tell a soul. Not even after a Grimm successeds to kill me." I said. Ruby looked a bit shocked. "A little dark bit yes. I agree with (Y/N)! I swear I won't tell anyone." Ruby said. Penny. Smiles. We got her trust. She takes a breath, then let's it out. "Ok... I... Um.. Just look at my hands." Penny says. The two of us look, I already slight saw what it was, but Ruby was absolutely shocked, but was good enough to hide it. To see the peeling and ripped skin and the metal underneath..... Penny's skin. "I'm... Not a girl." Penny says. "Oh..." Ruby mutters. I didn't say anything. I take a hold of her hands, stroking the metal, then look up at Penny. "They're not robotic arms aren't they." I said. "N-no..." Penny says. "Most little girls are born... I'm not... " She says looking down. "You probably hate me now-" "No." Penny looks up. "Huh?" Me and Ruby say again. "No." We made it clear this time. "Don't say that about yourself Penny." I said. "We don't care if your a robot... Or a cyborg. Your still Penny! Your, still our friend." Ruby said. In which she hugs Penny. "R-Ruby... " She mutters. Penny then slowly accepts the embrace, and hugs Ruby back. I just enjoy the adorable site. "Aww. That's nice." Venom says. "Dude..... Ok I'll let it slide." I mutter. But then we heard footsteps. Approching us. Two sets. Coming in fast. "Who's coming?" Ruby asks. "This soldiers." I mutter


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