The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 40. Dark Past

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It's been a two days since the massive food war took place, and on a more personal level, I believe seven I think... Since that robbing incident with in that store. Of course it made the news, and it's still a big topic, and lucky for me, the saved hostages didn't get a good look at me, so I was not identified as the one who delt with those criminals. And they were in fact alive. Thank god, last thing I need is more blood on my hands. And like I said, it's still big news, just as big as the brutal killing of those unfortunate Roman goons and any other unfortunate souls being slaughtered by this... Beast that stalks at night. People are starting to call these cases the 'Night Stalker Grimm' as people belive that it's a new breed of Grimm that's nocturnal, meaning they it hunts at night and sleeps in the day, and it unfortunately made its way to Vale. Of course, Beacon students were on that. Wanting to be the first ones to catch it even kill it.

And there was kinda a curfew for the city, where people shouldnt go outside when it's a specific time at night, to avoid being that beast's next meal. But any ways, right now. Me, Team RWBY, JNPR, And my becoming very close friend Kazuto's team, Team SWORDART. Got such a amazing sounding name. And like I said, their team is a rare one because they have more then four members. And they all kick ass in combat, and it makes it better when they have pretty basic weapons. It's like Jaune's. Nothing is really special about it, but they make it work. Which is amazing.

So all of us were hanging out in the in the library, all of Team RWBY were playing this card game, and I belive JNPR was studying and SWORDART was watching the card game go down. It was Ruby's turn to move. "Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!" Ruby exclaimed. "Bring it on!" Yang replies. "I deploy, the atlesian Air Fleet!" Ruby shouts as Yang gasps in shock. Or so it looked it looked pretty sarcastic. "Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursi and attack your walls directly! *airplane sound*" Ruby makes a plane with her hands. " *gasp* You fiend!" Yang exclaimed. "And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts one turn." Ruby says with a smug look. But Yang, has something up her chest- I mean sleeve! Yes sleeve... As she starts to laugh. "Pretty sneaky sis, but you just activated my trap card!" Yang announced. Ruby makes a surpied sound. "GIANT NEVERMORE!!" Yang shouts as she slams her fist down on the table. "If I roll a seven or higher, Fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!" "Buuut, if you roll a six or lower, Nevermore will turn on your own forces!" Yang and Ruby go back and forth on each other. "That's just a chance I'm willing to take..." Yang said with a smile. Weiss sits there kinda like "what's up with these two?" Yang grabs the dice and rolls. And the dice lands on.........

A ten.
"NOOOOOOOO, I'M FEARLESS SOLDIERS!" Ruby moans in despair. "Eh, most of them are probably androids." Yang said. "Goodbye my friends.... You will be remembered 😭." Ruby said. The two adopted sisters keep going on back and forth, taking this card game too suriously. And soon, it ended with Ruby being defeated. Having tears in her eyes. "Nooo... " She moans. "That's gotta hurt." Suguha said. "Um... It'll be ok Ruby." Ayano said. "Well, it's your turn Weiss." Yang said. Weiss looks at her cards. "I have.......... Absolutely no idea what's going on." Weiss admits. Me, Kazuto and Rika start laughing silently. "Hey shut up! I bet you be confused too!" Weiss response. But it was in a more friendly way. Then her usual aggressive one. Her and Yang continue playing their card game while I was doing something else entirely different. (Or what Nora was doing which was sleeping) I was studying. Not only that, but I was also checking the academy's website to see what my schedule was this trimester. And it seemed pretty good. No hard classes and that k god I had no classes with Mr. Port. AKA the teacher that causes death with his stories. If you could actually die from an overdose of boredom, Mr. Port would be in jail with a massive charge of manslaughter. That means you accidentally kill someone right? Whatever. That wasnt the point. My schedule was the point. Because my eye caught on to something. It was a specific teacher's name in my Weapons class. The teachers name was Tsugumi Seishirō. Or Ms. Tsugumi if you wanna be technical. I look over at Rika. "Hey Rika?" She turns to me. "Yeah?" She asks. I show her my Scroll. "Do you know who's Ms. Tsugumi?" I ask. "Oh. Her? Yeah me and Ayano know her. " Rika said. "She's has dark blue hair, red eye color, and has a light blue bow in her hair." She explained. I paused for a bit. Then, I remembered.....

"Ohhh her." Then my face went into shock after a small pause. "Wait a minute whats a kid around my age doing here teaching!?" I exclaimed. "Um... Teaching?" Rika says confused. "Rika she looks like teenager, that's not normal." I said. Rika understood what I ment. "Ohhh I know what you mean. That's kinda a common thing." Rika explained. "Are you serious...?" I asked. "Yeah. I don't know why people teach at this age. But I know one thing that's most likely the reason she teaches here." Rika said. I look at her, crurious with her answer. "She's skilled, so that's probably one of the reasons she was hired. And the main one. It gives her L-I-E-N." Rika said. Lien..... I thought. That's something I dont have other than no fighting skills. "Any other info on her?" I asks as I hear Weiss and Yang's card game was getting more intense. "Uhh... Yeah I got some more info. Well, she's one of teachers, that really.... Really.... Doesn't take crap. Like she has no time for people who don't listen or bully so... I hope Cardin gets her🤣." Rika laughs. I laugh too. "Anything less?" I ask after my laughing fit. "Well, she's a really skilled fighter in hand to hand, and in weapon combat. I've heard people say she once was in a assassination group, and she ones took down an entire organization." Rika explained. My face went into surprised expression. And now, I was kinda getting scared of her. "Well.... I'm scared to meet her now." I said. Rika laughs. "Don't be (Y/N), just don't be a Cardin, or be like his team, and you'll be fine." Rika said. "Anything less?" I asks. "Well.... I don't know if this is true... But" Rika starts. "This is a bigger rumor then the assassination one." Rika looked a little, embarrassed. "There's a rumor that she's lesbian... And she has a crush on her assistance, Ms. Chitoge." Rika explained. "Oh.... " I say. The two of us hear Weiss laugh. As she gets up from her chair. "Hahahaha! Yes! Fear the Almighty power of my Forces! Cower and weep as they pillage your homes and take your children from your every arms-" Weiss'.... Interesting evil monologue was cut off when Yang shows off her card while saying "Trapcard." Weiss looks up at her "Huh...?" With some swift arm movement, beats her army. "Your armies have been destroyed." Yang said. Weiss slumps back down into her chair, and cries. "I hate thses games of emotions we play!" Weiss cries. "Stay strong Weiss. We'll make it through this together." Ruby says hugging her. While crying. "Shut up, don't touch me." Weiss says.... But she hugs her back.... After she says don't touch me....

"..... Now I'm confused." Asuna said. "Yeah that doesn't make since." Kazuto agrees. "Agreed." Kazuto's team says. My knowledge brain starts kicking in. I get up from my hair, and after leaving the gangs line of sight for a bit, I come back into view with a chalk bored, paper, and a ton of intelligent math equipment. "I'm about to figure out that logic." I said. "Oh great here we go." Suguha said. "Shh. I want to see this." Pyrrha says getting in between Ayano and Suguha. Heck even Jaune wanted to see this. But as I was doing this. I hear Yang and Blake start to okay their turn at this card game. "Alright Blake, your up." Yang said. "Huh? Oh um... Sorry what I'm I doing?" Blake asks. "Your playing as Vale, trying to conquer the kingdoms of Ramnant." Yang explained. "Right..." Blake responds. I've noticed that Blake had been acting different. Like really different, she seems more, detached from things around her. And kinda more, shy. If you should call it that. "Hey, can I play?" Jaune said wanting to join in. "Sorry Jaune, we alright got four people." Ruby said. "Besides, this game requires a certain level tactical cunning that I seriously doubt you possess." Weiss said. Still that cold princess. "Uhh you attacked your nable fleet forces two turns ago." Yang said. Weiss look at her in way to tell her "Shush." Especially since she let out a "Hmmph." Little pouty Weissy. "Bring it on Ice Queen, I've been told that I I'm a natural born leader." Jaune said trying to act cool. "By who? Your mother?" Weiss asks. "And Pyrrha!" Jaune says. "Hello again!" Pyrrha says happily as she still watches me try to figure out Weiss' don't touch me logic and to see if it means something. "Come on. Let me play you hand for a turn." Jaune begs. Weiss was not having it. "I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo." Weiss says. "Why not!? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before! I mean you told us all that Blake is secretly a-" I nearly dropped everything to stop Jaune for what he was about to say, but Pyrrha stooped in and saved it, before any unwanted ears heard. As Pyrrha covers his mouth and say "A fun loving person! Who we all admire and respect." Blake.... I don't even know what she was thinking. As everyone gave a nervous smile.

"Right.... That." Jaune looks down, feeling embarrassed. "Dude you have to watch yourself when you talk." I said. "I know in sorry. Ladies, enjoy your battle." He says as bows. Everyone rose back to their pervious activities. As I Still, try to figure that logic Weiss did with Ruby. "Sup losers." I look over to see Sun. "Hey what's up man☺." I say noding my head at him. "Hey Sun." Ruby greets. "Ruby, Yang, Blake, Kazuto, Everyone less. Ice Queen..." Sun says. I snicker at the last greet. "What do we everyone keep calling me that!?" Weiss exclaimed. "Weiss.... The aggressive way you talk to people... " I say. Looking at her. She pouts. "Whatever Pill boy." Weiss says crossing her arms. "Really? Now you saying that to me...?" I say. Unamused. She really had to take an insult at me since I take pills for the specific, parasite living inside me.... It also kinda helps with the certain, virus living within me. But that's besites the point. I look over at Sun. "So why you hear man?" I asks. "I never got a chance to formally introduce my old friend." Sun said, motioning to the blue hair boy. "Uhh.... Aren't libraries for reading?" The boy asks. "Thank you!" Ren exclaimed. "Hey in real here too!" I respond. Our shouting woke up Nora. "Pancakes!" She randomly shouts. "Shut up don't be a nerd." Ren respons to her. I bearly was able to contain my laughter, I hear a few laughter from Ayano, Suguha and Asuna. And a small laugh from Kazuto. "Gigigig! Intellectual, ok? Thank you" The boy said. Oh so he was THOSE people in Librarys huh? He finally says his name to us. "I'm Neptune." He says. "Nice meeting you Neptune. I bet Sun as already told you about me." I said. "Yeah if course he has. Your the one that punched a cargo create into oblivion." Neptune said. "You did what?" Half of everyone asks. All their gazes on me.

I played myself now...

"Look I don't know what happened it was a huge shot off adrenaline!" I exclaim. "Adrenaline doesn't help you shatter full on creates." Rika said. "Is that your semblance or something?" Neptune asks. "........ You could say that... " I reply. Feeling a bit nervous. I know Ruby and the others know the truth. And I know, they pitted me.

Because as history goes, people infected with Blacklight, are instantly seen as hostile. Especially.... The people who get infected and get the more, BENEFICIAL side of the virus. Plus with my other problems such as the little buddy I can a parasite inside me, and with added insult to injury my mental problems, it makes my life, a difficult one. In not trying to say my problem top anyone leased I just saying the facts. Anyways back to Neptune. After my response so his question, Weiss chimes in. "So Neptune, where are you from?" She asks. "Haven." He replies. "Ooo Haven." Rika says. "Haven't heard of some being there." Asuna says. Neptune walks over to Weiss. "And I don't belive I've caught tour name....Snow Angel" He says. Walking to her side. " Duh! What....? Is that... Is that a flirty response!?" I exclaim internaly. "Umm.... I'm Weiss." Weiss replies. Jaune wasn't too happy. "Are you kidding me!?" He says in the back. "Pleasure to meet you." He says. "I never took you as the bored game playing type." Sun says to Blake. "Right." She replies. Yeah... There was definitely something going on in her head. She suddenly. "Well, I think I'm done playing actually. I'll Bree you guys later." Blake says walking off.

Yup. Something is up. All of us were curious about what's up with Blake. She normaly isn't like that. Until NORA had to kill the mood. "Woman." She says. "Nora!" Ren says. "I'm gonna have to figure this out later." I say, putting away my notes on this Weiss hugging Ruby, even though she told her not to touch her notes away.

Blake was it to get in her new, thinking about, that night. The night at the Cargo bay. That disgusting Roman. And the White Fang wroking for him. Then. She talk she had with Ozpin. It was a talk, that, that honestly kinda scared her. She brushed throught from her head. To try an calm down. Or at least, try. It was hard. She closes her eyes and tries to calm down. Taking slow breaths in, and slow breaths out.

"Blake? Blake?"

Her eyes open and look out at the front door. It opens, and someone walks in. "Oh, there you are." I say. "(Y/N)." Blake utters. I walk up to her. "Where have you been? You've been gone half of whole day." I say. "Oh you, just... Sitting here." Blake said. I can see she tries to play off what she was thinking about. But my eyes are too sharp. "Blake, I may struggle with school work, but I can read faces pretty good. And I can read your face like a book you read." I said. Blake looks surprised, then nervous. Um... I don't..." "Your thinking about that night huh?" I asks. She looked more uncomfortable. I walk up to her, she slightly scooted back into her bed more. "Blake, I know your hiding something." I said. "I, don't know what your talking about.." Blake replied. I was not about to lose this. I keep pressing on. "Blake, tell me what's on your mind." I said. Blake was shaking. "(Y/N). I'm fine ok. I'm.. Fine." She said. "I heard that pause." I said. Blake face turns into a slight shocked one. She was about to make another accuse, but I stopped her. And I grabbed onto both of her shoulders. I had to be blunt with her now. Either she will get mad and leave, or she'll just find a way to wiggle her way out of this.

I held her by her shoulders. And I looked at her straight into her golden colored eyes. "Blake. Please, I want to know what's on your mind. Something is bothering you. And I want to know. I get it, if someone doesn't want to tell someone something, you should respect it, but whatever is on your mind, it's bothering you. And it's detaching yourself from everyone. And I miss seeing our little bookworm Blake." I said. Being absolutely deep and real with her. "Blake I understand this might be something hard your dealing with, and it might be something you want to deal with alone, but.... Please Blake. I may not remember much about myself, or even anything. But I do know this. You may think this may be a problem you want to deal with alone, but I and the others want to help. And were here for you. Please Blake. Just let us help. Or let us know what's on your mind." I said. Like I said, I know I should respect her if she does not want to tell me, but this thing she keeps to herself had really changed her, the way she talks, acts even act around me and the others. So this is why I really wanna know. And I'm hoping she'll maybe feel better if she tells me. But after the serious talk I gave her, I think.... I made something click. Judging by the expression she was making.

"Blake?" I question. Now the more I look at her, I think it wasn't the expression I believed it was. "I... Sorry... I didn't mean to sound so emotional and serious." I said scooting a bit back. "I don't even now that I'm saying. What done know, coming from an amnesia person. Sorry to waste your time." I got up from her bed. "I'll leave you to it." I said. But something stopped me. "Don't go." I hear a voice say. Blake stops me...

By grabbing, MY hand. Here comes the flusteredness.... 😖.

I of course sat back down. Looking at her in the eyes. A small pauses; then she speaks. "I.... I had no idea that's what you were thinking about me." Blake said. "Yeah, I mean. I'm not sure you noticed but you've been really distant lately. And... It been happening ever since the cargo bay incident. At first, everyone one thought it was just a bit of shock, I did...robbery incident in the store. And I mean, you had a fight with Weiss and the team found out you were ones a White Fang and a Faunus- um... " I pause, realizing I brought up something serious. "Sorry." I said. "No, no! It's fine. Please, continue." Blake said, reassuring me. I continue. "And well, after when me and the others noticed this, we started to get more concern." I said. I realized Blake was struggling to maintain eye contact with me. "So, have you notice yourself kinda pushing yourself off?" I asks. "No I didn't.... " Blake responded. "I just felt like myself, but just thinking more often. But, now that you told me what I look like to you guys... I can see... That I have been pushing you guys away." Blake admitted.

Blake then asks me a question, that I've been wanting to hear forever. Like this is a question that will I hope, can allow me to help her. "(Y/N)?" I turn my attention to her. Though the tone in her voice had something in it. It was nervousness and a hint of timidness. "Yeah Blake?" Blake grabs her pillow, and holds it close to her chest. As she looks, insanely, insanely scared and nervous. "(Y/N).... What I'm about to tell you... Is something that I've been dealing with on a personal and serious note. And I want you to promise me... That what I tell you, won't make you think of me any differenly... Ok? Please..." Blake begs. Her tone, and facial expression, hurt me, so bad. I respond to her. "Blake, of course. Your friend my friend. Your our friend Blake. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha, all of us. I promise you, I'll never think of you as anything less but my friend." I said. "Promise..?" Blake asks. "Promise on my very life." I said. Blake accepts my answer. As she sighs, and starts. "I'll start with one of the main problems... Now just warning, it's not very pleasant." Blake said. "I'm ready." I replied. " *sigh* Ok.... " Blake takes a few deep breaths, then starts. "Well.... You know how I told you and Sun that I once was a part of the White Fang and I said the new leader is more...violent?" Blake asks. Yes." I respond. "Well... At the time..... When I was a part of the White Fang. I was actually, the right hand of the new leader." Blake explained. I didn't say anything, all I did was listen. "His name... His name was....Adam. Adam Taurus." Blake said. "At first. He was a kind and well thought out leader. He made sure everyone was ok and everyone was getting the amount of respect in the group. But... Like I said. It all started to change." Blake said. "After many failed attempts to try and earn our rights, it started change something in Adam. But not just him. This change happen to everyone in the White Fang. Everyone was realizing, humans... They really don't care. They don't care about us, our feeling, our rights, or anything. They just see us as animals and use us as slaves. And... More failed attempts to get Fanuse's equal rights... It was too much for Adam. After he found out, there's Fanuse slavery nearly everywhere we go. It caused him to snap. And when he did... He... " Blake pauses. She looked uncomfortable and struggled with her words. The words she was struggling with was making her also look, emotional. I put a hand to her shoulder. "Take it slow Blake. I'm here." I said. This for her to calm down. Luckily. I just know this poor girl about to say something that will tug on my heart strings. "The day he snapped, he became.. More violent... And hateful. And at that time... Before his rage boiled over. Me and him... We had a good partner ship. Some would even call it the start of some love story. But that's not what happened. And me being his right hand.. I watched his meltdown take place..... It was disturbing. I don't blame him. But I can blame him for what he did afterwards. And... You know the rest... " Blake said. "Yeah I know. Then they became the poetry they are today." I replied. "That's right. But... This part... I.. I struggle with telling you... " Blake said. "You don't have-" "No (Y/N) it's ok. I've made it this far, and you convinced me that I can trust you with this... " Blake said. "Ok. But please don't strain yourself." I said. Blake nods. "When, the White Fang started to perform crimes and hists. I was able to see Adam slowly fall into.. Madness, malice and hate. By the time the White Fang fully embraced the criminal ways, any time we'd fail a hist.... He would... He.. " Blake pauses, then finally pushes her way through the wording. "When we failed a hist, he would punish us.... Brutally. But.... This one time, when took read of a team a few members, it didn't end well for us. We were all punished... But.. When Adam called me into his room.... For my punishment... He...
*shakiness* h-he.... " Blake's voice begins to shake. And soon, she dose the thing I didn't want her to do.

"U-hh...I... I'm S-sorry... I... I didn't mean to... Hehe... Get all emotional.." Blake said trying to laugh it off. She tries to wipe her eyes, but the tears keep pouring. Blake sniffles, and soon. Her little sniffles turned into ones of gentle sobs. She tries to explain her story still. But it ends the same. She shudders, and sobs more, as she always. And I mean always, ends up stopping when she's about to say, what that monster Adam did to her. "I.. H-h-he.......... I'm sorry! *cries* I... I'm..*sobs*" Blake starts to sob, still with its gentle sounding tone. While she also apologies. My heart couldn't take it..  "Im sorry (Y-Y/N)! I... I didn't mean to cry like this.... Im sorry...! I know I'm weak... And-" Blake stops. As she felt something around her. It didn't register at first, and it shocked her at first, but then she saw what it was, she was being hugged. And guess by who.

Yup. Me.

I held her in my arms, keeping her in a warm, tight embrace. But not too tight. And I could tell she had a surprised expression on her face. "How...?" Blake asks. "How can you still care for me...? After you know what I did....? (Y/N). I was part of the White Fang, I hurt people and destroyed to get what we wanted." Blake said. Trying to fight her sniffling. I responded. "Blake. I don't care about what you did in the past. Stop thinking your a monster and your weak." I said still holding her. Blake was stilling gently crying and sobbing. She still didn't quite belive me.

"You should care..! What if one day... Something happens... And... I re-join them, or..... Or... What if HE'LL find me... *sob* because I feel like he's always there! Like he'll always find me!" Blake cries, pouring  her heart out in my chest. I couldn't take it. "Blake, Blake look at me." I said trying to get her attention. "Blake please look at me." I said. Finally she looks up. "Blake, I know you'll never do that. Because from what I've seen. That side of you is in the past. And you are not like the people and Fanuses there. They could care less they hurt or damage. But you Blake, you did. And you made the choice to leave. And become something to help instead of harm. And that shows you, your heart is in the right place." I said. Smiling. "B-B-But what if in the future something happens to us, and... And I become as bad as Roman.... Or A-Adam...? And I hurt you and the others...?" Blake asks through her tears. "Do you want to be a cold blooded criminal and seen as a monster by everyone?" I asked. Blake's face turned into shocked fear. "No...! My god (Y/N) I told you! That's why I left!" She exclaimed. "Well, there you go. You'll never become that because it's not in you. You left because you knew it was wrong, so you'll never be like that. And I promise you Blake. You'll never have to worry about that monster won't touch you ever again. Me and the others will be sure of that. And if he dares show his face, I'll make sure, he regrets ever, and I mean EVER, dare put his hands on you." I said. Blake wipes her eyes and she laughs.

Oh my god, hearing that, I knew. I touched someone in her heart and I made it brighten. I place my hand on top of her head and gently Pat and rub her head. "We'll always be here." I said. Smiling. Finally, after a long time. Blake smiles. And she does not mind the headpatting. Especially since she lays more into my chest, and she changes her position to get more comfortable. I felt heat reach my cheeks.

"Thank you.... (Y/N)... " Blake says. As she closes her eyes as she rests on my chest. I continue to stroke and Pat her hair as she breaths gently. Of course,t face was in blush mode, as I felt embarrassed being in this position with a girl...  But the silence was broke was I hard Blake say "You have a strong heartbeat... " She lays her head more closer to my heart. "It's relaxing..." She says.

More blushing cheeks.

Suddenly the door opens. I look up to see Weiss, Yang and Ruby walk in. I was gonna..... Well... Explain why I'm in this position... With Blake... But I was cut off. "We heard everything." Yang said. I noticed Blake shift below me. "You heard...?" She asks. They nod. She looked uncomfortable, but Weiss cuts her off. "We're not mad Blake. (Y/N)'s right. What you did in the past is in the past. Yes. What you did in the past wrong but you changed you ways. And redeemed yourself by doing something that helps others. And that, is something... I'm proud of." Weiss said. "Yeah. I've never heard of a White Fang member actually redeeming their way into something, good." Yang said. "And Blake, that you I gone. Your something else now. Your a huntress. Not that just. Your our friend." Ruby said. Blake sits up.

"Thank you.. Everyone." Blake says. With a quiver in her voice. The three move up and embrace her. Hugging Blake in a warm hug. I would join them..... If it wasn't for the fact all of them were leaning slightly on my chest. "Ok... I'm sorry to bring this up in a serious situation. But Blake's right. Your heart really is strong (Y/N)." Yang says. " *moves hand to chest* wow. Your right." Weiss says. "And it's beating fast." Ruby says. "Is something making you nervous (Y/N)?" Blake asks. "N-no. I'm good.." I reply. The girls laugh, even Blake.

Finally the girls pull away, and I'm able to get some room before my face melts from the blushing. "Feeling better?" I asks Blake. "Yeah. A lot better. Thank you again (Y/N)." She says. "But I can still see something on your mind. Is it about Roman?" I asks. " *sigh* I can't anything from you can I?" Blake says. "How did you know that...?" Yang asks. Shocked. "Well... I just don't understand how everyone can be so calm this. I mean with Torchwick, White Fang, all of it. I just know something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it" Blake says. "Ozpin said not to worry. Between the police and the huntsman I'm sure they can handle it." Yang says. "Yang... I want to to believe they can handle it... But. I'm going to be honest. They're not doing a good job." Blake said. "What? Of course their doing a good job. They're working hard to stop the White Fang and Roman's plans." Weiss said. "But Weiss, have you seen them stopping any of them the past few days, weeks, even months?" Blake asks. There was a pause.

"I hate to admit, but Blake's right." Ruby admits. "I'm with her." Yang said. "Yeah it's true.." I utter. Weiss just says. Yeah, she notices it too. "Plus, they don't know the White Fang like I do. So, it makes it harder for them." Blake adds. "We see listening to major facts." I say. "Ok, ok, hold on. Between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom. I'm sure the four of you all think your ready to apprehend these nardwells. " Weiss said. "Uhhh who?" Ruby asks. Not understand Weiss' elegant English. "But let me be the voice of resson. We're students. We're not ready to handle this situation." Weiss says. "Yeah but ah heh." Ruby points her hand to me. "We're not ready Ruby. Yes (Y/N) has the ability to summon those... Tendrils from his hand and back, and has super strength. But. In fight with weapons. He's vulnerable. I don't even think he has a weapon yet. He bearly made it out of that grocery store robbery." Weiss said. "Weiss I understand you reasoning but we may never be ready. Our enemies are not gonna sit around and wait for graduation. Their out there somewhere, planning their next move. And none of us know what it is. And none of us know what it is, and it's coming. If we're ready or not, it's gonna happen." Blake words hit all of us hard. "Ok everyone calm down, clam down." She pauses, then starts. "All in favor becoming the yongest hunter and huntresses whosinglehandilytakedown a corruptorganizationtakingoverthe kingdom of Vale, say I." Ruby says. In a way to fast way. While making a goofy face.

But now, it was time to vote. Vote on taking on Roman and his trash party. "Yes!" Yang exclaimed. "I love it when your feisty." Yang says pointing at Blake. "Well, I suppose it could be fun." Weiss says, shrugging. "I'll join in too. Where ever you go, I go." I said. "Right after... I learn to fight... " I added looking down. "I think we can help you with that." Blake says. "None of you said I.... " Ruby said looking down and sad.  "Alright then, we're in this together." Blake said. Smiking a happy smile. "Alright! Let's hatch a plan!" "Yeah!" Yang and Ruby exclaim. "Alright y'all! I'm ready! Let's do this everyone! LET'S DO THIS!!!!" I shout, doing a chest pound with my left hand. Getting hyped. And I think it was a little too much... Judging by Ruby's and the others reaction.

"OK... maybe not too much readyness... " Ruby said. "Sorry... I got excited.." I muttered. Looking away. But in then started to rub my chest in the place I smacked into oblivion. "Did that hurt?" Weiss asks laughing a bit. "No....... Yes..." I mutter. The girls snicker or laugh a muffler laugh. But then Ruby gasps suddenly. "I left my bored game in the library... " Ruby says. "We're doomed." Weiss said putting her face in her right hand. "Ahh were fine." I said. Ruby rushes out. "I'll be right back- OOF!" I then heard her bump into something. I rush after her. "You OK?" I ask. She sits up. "Ah... Sorry." She looks up to see who she bumped into. "Are you ok?" The person helps her up. "I'm fine. Just watch where your going." The girl said. I've only seen this girl for a few micro seconds, and I don't know if I'm just delusional, or period, or what but when she said 'it ok' and 'watch where your going' it sound like aggressive irritation was in her tone as she helps Ruby up. She was a girl who was lightly taller then Ruby, having dark skin, emerald green hair and red covered eyes, with her hair having a unique shape to it. It kinda looked like a bowl. The boy beside her, I'm sorry but he just looked like a show off punk to me. Having gray hair, tan skin, and gray eye color. And his hairstyle.... Im sorry to be negative but his hair.... Looks like an emo bed hair. Ruby looks at the green hair girl and asks "Are you new?" The girl didn't respond, but someone did, with... A very.... Very.... Interesting tone... As the newcomer steps up to Ruby. "Visting from Haven actually." This girl said.

Now like I said, I don't wanna be a negative person, who just insults people the second I see them. But this girl, was so suspicious. And.... It she just looked off and out of place. I don't know how, but she has this... She gives me this feeling in my gut. All those three do. I swear to God... I don't trust them. I don't know why, should I trust my gut, or just is it just some GenTek experiment body trama I was going through...

I mean, even Ruby had a small looking them over moment. She was eyeing them. But her being the small innocent girl she is, she probably won't spot anything. "Oooo your here for the festival." Ruby said. In her cutesy way. "Knew it." I thought to myself. Ruby talks to them more, and mentions dorms. The boy again, talks in a certain way. "I guess we just got turned around." He says. Ruby responds with her adorable little voice. Saying getting turned around happens to everyone. The girl and the boy walk past her, and walk off. I follow them in a non, noticeable way. Ruby talks to the girl with the most piercing shade of orange I've ever seen. After Ruby points and directs her to the dorms visitors can go to. "Thanks." She says. Starting to walk off. "Maybe we'll see you around... " She says.

My god the sketchiness was through the room. The way the talked, the way she delivered that sentence, the look she made, the way her eyes look, her damn walk looked suspicious! Everything about that girl looked so specious! "Yeah maybe we'll meet again!" Ruby calls back. "Oh and welcome to Beacon!" Ruby calls out. The girl walks by our dorm. The feeling I got.... To put it simply, imagine the feeling you get if you walked in the woods, a dark woods, with no path in sight, and your not on the path, and every branch, leave crunch, stick snap, and the very wind made you uneasy. And you felt like millions eyes are watching you and you felt like something was following you... That's what it felt like when that girl walked by me.... And it was a terrible feeling.... Weiss, Yang and Blake didn't notice me literally watching them, they were giving me bad signs. Honestly. I'm glad, it's probably for the best. She walks off, catching up to the other two, she didn't notice me. Im glad. Didn't need to be exposed. But I didn't like her.... Im sorry. I may just sound like a jackass. But.. This is coming from I guy who escaped a hell infested laboratory, who has gone through experiments, which made me super human, and I fought through crazy guys trying to kill me or keep me locked up, so... I know crazy or bad people... And those people.... H
Gave me bad vibes.

I think I'll keep a lowkey eye on them.... Just to be sure. But I know it's gonna be hard, because I have to hide my super human side, while also dealing with Roman and White Fang, and now this. My life is getting pretty hard, but I'll go through it all, to make sure everyone around me is safe, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, all of my friends. I'll make sure nothing bad happens do them. But I have to get stronger and learn to fight. If I'm gonna get anywhere, I have to learn to fight.


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