Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note

Chapter 8

466 16 5
By StarlightShaymin


We returned to Ruben just as the sun began to set. Dinner was cooked and prepared by the time Chung and I returned from our long day, everyone else was already back. After a warm shower and a satisfying meal to end the day, we huddled in the living room where each group shared their findings.

To much of my surprise, nearly everyone came home empty handed. Elsword and Aisha spent their entire day wandering Elder's complex sewer system only to find nothing but waste. Eve shared her group's findings on strange weather events, but the only connection it had with our case was the wind. Finally it was our turn to share, Chung didn't waste a second to spill all the new information gathered.

I attempted to pipe in and add a few details, but Chung refused to let me bask in our victory. I had no choice but to grind my teeth and stay silent.

"Those are some very useful findings and concerns," Lowe rubbed his chin. "Perhaps we've been overlooking something down in the sewers."

"Ugh, don't tell me we have to go down there again." Aisha was looking green. "I can't stand it down there."

"This baby nearly threw up." Elsword explained nonchalantly. That earned him a slap to the head from Aisha.

"S-sorry, Lowe, but there's no way I'll be going down there again." Aisha shivered. "I-I refuse to go through that tomorrow."

"The only lead we have now is the story on Wally." Echo pointed out bluntly. "The sewers are our only hope right now."

Aisha groaned, slumping into her seat. She whispered something under her breath, probably complaining about the location of Wally's treasure.

"S-so what can we do now?" Raven piped in sheepishly.

"How about we avoid the sewers?" Aisha suggested, still green in the face.

Ignoring her comment, Lowe replied," I would like to learn more about Wally's unique hobby. If the woman's tale is true, there must be a book that documents his interest and findings."

"I like that idea," Echo said, licking a red lollipop. "I think our library holds all of Elder's past books. I'll contact them tonight and see if we can read them."

"Thank you, Echo." Lowe nodded curtly. "As for everyone else, I'll assign you all different tasks for tomorrow, you will be working in the same group."

I folded my arms and scowled. Of all the people I could work with, why did it have to be Chung? What did I do to deserve a toxic partner like him?

Then who did I want to partner up with? A voice at the back of my head challenged. It's not like I'm close with anyone. It'd be awkward to work with anyone regardless; well, maybe not with Elsword.

Flashes of Elsword and I patrolling Elder together, alone, raced through my head. My cheeks warmed at the simple thought, but I found strange satisfaction from the diea

"Eve and Raven will be in charge of patrol, Elsword and Aisha will search through further newspaper articles until Echo gets a response from the library, and our final group will patrol the sewers."

Once again my excitement for an official mission melted into dust. It was bad enough that I was stuck with Chung; but now I had to patrol a stinking sewer with him? This world really must hate me

"That is all for today," Lowe said, helping himself up to his feet; Echo flung her backpack over one shoulder and jumped up. "I want everyone to get some good rest tonight. Tomorrow will be just as busy."

"Allow me to show you two out." Eve offered.

Everyone wished the duo a goodnight on their way out.

"Let's play some video games!" Elsword exclaimed just as the front door clicked shut.

"But didn't Lowe just say we should rest?" I reminded him. I held myself back from smiling at the irony. Here I was lecturing my friend about getting a good night's rest when I can barely manage sleep myself.

"Sleep can wait," Elsword said, already shuffling his way toward the gaming console. "I won't rest until I finally beat Raven in a match."

Raven smiled at his comment," looks like we'll be up all night." He chuckled.

"Chung, you wanna play?" Elsword asked.

Eve popped back into the room and settled herself down again. Her black and white drones settled themselves on the floor by her feet.

Chung shook his head," I'm feeling pretty tired tonight. I think I'll take Lowe's advice and sleep early."

"O-oh," Elsword's voice dropped in disappointment. "W-well you better play with us next time."

Chung shrugged," maybe."

Without another word, Chung got up and proceeded up the stairs. No one said a thing as he made his exit.

"So are you losers playing or what?" Aisha was the first to break the silence.

Snapping out of his daze, Elsword booted up the console and switched on the television," Raven, you're so gonna lose." Elsword bounced excitedly back to his seat with two controllers in hand.

Raven grinned amusedly," we'll see about that."


Elsword stood no chance against Raven, but that alone didn't cease his determination to beat him. Eventually Raven purposely lost to satisfy Elsword's goal. We promptly headed to bed after the game finished; well, everyone but I went to bed.

Despite my fatigue I refused to sleep early, the longer I stay awake the longer I'm away from those memories.

The house was silent. Only the sounds of chirping crickets and croaking frogs could fill in the void. Not wanting to spend hours alone in my room, I crept out of my room and down the stairs, making sure to walk on my tippy toes.

I took in a lungful of cold air as I stepped into the patio, a white mass was curled at the center. I held my breath as the Phoru sprung its head up, ears stretched at my sudden entry. Once its eyes landed on me, its ears relaxed.

I smiled at the Phoru and tip toed toward it," I see you're still here," I said, taking a seat beside it.

The Phoru yawned, revealing its pearly fangs, before dropping its head down again. I whispered my new friend a goodnight and averted my eyes out to the forest.

A curtain of shadows veiled the woodlands and its creatures, hiding both the demons and symphony of crickets. I mindlessly pointed my eyes up at the starry sky, my head swimming with thoughts.

I wonder when this Phoru will turn on us, it is one of them. Then again, wouldn't that mean I'll turn on my friends as well? Should I be allowed to stay here; to live with these people?

I played with the golden necklace hanging from my neck," mom, I wish you were here." I whispered softly to myself. "You'd know what to do. Y-you always know what to do."

I blinked, vision blurring from the tears.

I snapped out of my thoughts at the shuffling noise behind me, the Phoru stirred from its slumber and growled," e-easy there big buddy." Elsword's voice sounded. "I only came to check up on you, Ara."

"It's okay," I whispered to the demon. "He's a friend."

Much to my relief, the Phoru listened to my words and returned to its slumber.

Elsword sighed," I thought that thing was going to eat me."

The cold evening air grew hotter as Elsword took at seat beside me. Our arms pressed against each other, he felt warm to the touch.

"How did you know I was out here?" I asked.

"Well, after my challenging fight with Raven—"he was still beaming from the victory"—I was hungry. I saw you out here when I came down for a snack."

"R-right," I stammered.

For a split second I had hoped he heard me sneak out and wanted to talk with me, alone.

We sat in silence, only with nature's songs to accompany us. During that time, my mind was a mess. Not a single coherent thought could be formed in his presence, and yet, I cherished every second of his company.

Elsword was the first to break the silence," so what are you doing out here?" He asked.

I curled my hands into fists, I was fearing he'd ask that. Sooner or later I'll need to reveal my past to these people, but it's too soon right now.

"I...uh...just don't like sleeping." I dropped my gaze down. "I-I don't want to talk about it yet."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, sending shivers down my arm," I understand." He said softly. "You can tell me when you're ready."

My shoulders relaxed at his response," thanks." I replied with heated cheeks.

"Y'know, I would've never imagined having demons on our team." Elsword quickly changed the subject. "You should name that Phoru. Call it something cool like Death Ball or Swordel."

"Swordel?" I laughed." That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard of."

"What?" Elsword looked genuinely offended." It's made up with all the letters in my name."

I rolled my eyes," hence the reason why it's stupid." I added on jokingly. "But I see your point, I should give it a name."

"Seriously, you should give Swordel a shot." He winked. "I think it's a great idea."

Ignoring him, I pondered at the possible names I could give my Phoru. I didn't want anything that would make it seem intimidating, but I also didn't want a generic name like fluffy either.

"I'm going to call it Yang," I said after a period of silence. " Yang represents goodness and light, I think it'll fit my Phoru well."

"I guess that's a good name too." Elsword muttered. "But I still say we name it Swordel."

Yang snorted in its slumber.

"I don't think Yang likes your idea very much." I giggled.

"Whatever, you two just have a bad taste in names." He replied with a yawn. "It's gettin' late now, we should head to bed."

A frown instantly replaced my smile at the sound of his suggestion.

"I don't know why you don't like sleeping," Elsword let out yet another yawn. "But we can't have you half-asleep tomorrow."

"I-I know," I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them. "I-I'll try to get some rest."

I highly doubt I'd be able to sleep until sunrise, though.

"Er, if you ever need to talk—"he wrapped his arm around me, enveloping me in his warmth"—you can come talk to me."

I was at a loss of words. Maybe it was because of the pounding of my heart or the fact that he was so willing to be here for me.

"O-okay," I sheepishly wrapped an arm around him. "T-thank you, Elsword."


Nearly everyone had left after breakfast the following morning, leaving a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. I was about to join them when Chung held me back (quite literally too), claiming we weren't ready to go.

"Will you hurry up?" I groaned, stomping my feet.

"We need to pack supplies for the mission," he answered, rummaging through the cabinets of the kitchen. "There's no saying what we'll encounter in the sewers."

I snort," what could you possibly need? Are you missing your prized teddy bear or something?" I smirked. "Little ol' Chung can't fight without Mr. Cuddle Buns with him?"

Ignoring my comment, he replied instead with," if you plan on going down there without a decent flashlight and medical supplies, then be my guest and walk out."

I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off before I had a chance to utter a single word.

"And don't think I'll let you use my supplies." He glanced back at me, eyes narrowed. "I'm not gonna waste my resources on someone like you."

"Why do all the jerks have to be right?" I huffed, angrily stomping my way into the kitchen.

We spent the next few minutes taking as much potions as we could carry, along with a messy sketch of the city's sewer system, and a couple of flashlights. Once we were finally finished packing, we proceeded out to the city.

Perusal, downtown was littered with people either rushing to work or enjoying the many attractions set up by street performers. Chung led us down an alleyway. At first I thought he was going to trap me somewhere and kill me, but we soon came across a dirty, brown pothole.

"I think here should be good," Chung keeled down and pried open the sewer lid. A ladder, coated with dead bug and cobwebs, stretched down to the abyss below.

At that moment, I found new sympathy for Aisha.

"That is so gross," I shivered; rubbing my goose bump covered arms. "Why are there so many spider webs?"

Chung rolled his eyes while slipping off his backpack," do you ever stop complaining?" He pulled out a flashlight and the rolled up map. "The faster we get through this, the faster we can get back."

All the hairs on the back of my neck rose," I really hate bugs." I stated quietly. Maybe he'll let me wait up here while he goes down there.

Chung smirked," you have one of two options—"he held up two fingers"—you can either suck it up and climb down there or I'll push you in."

"You wouldn't dare." I doubled back from the opened sewer.

"Do you really want to see the answer to that?" He challenged, raising a brow.

An array of curses popped into my head, but instead of voicing them outloud, I scoffed at him," fine, I'll go down there." I muttered.

His grin widened at my response," ladies first." He gestured to the gaping hole in the ground.

I held my breath and inched closer to the sewer entrance, my heart pounding like a drum. With one final lungful of fresh air, I proceeded down the ladder. I was on the verge of tears as cobwebs and dead bugs brush past my fingertips; I nearly lost it when something crawled across my hand.

I breathed a loud sigh of relief the moment my foot reached the ground. Breakfast nearly made a second appearance as the sewer's odour seeped into my nostrils. I coughed and gagged, covering my face with my hands.

"Catch this." Chung dropped the flashlight down, I barely caught it under the inky darkness. "Turn it on, I'm closing the lid behind me."

I obediently flicked on the flashlight, illumintaing the damp, murky space. I scrunched up my face in disgust, pointing the light toward the muddy water.

"It's not that bad in here." Chung said, hopping down from the ladder. "You're in charge of the flashlight, I'll keep my eyes on this map." He unfolded the paper.

"This smell is awful." I coughed as we proceeded further in.

"Quit your complaining." Chung punched me roughly on the shoulder, nearly pushing me in the muddy water. "This is a sewer; what did you expect it to smell like?"

"I'm not saying it has to smell nice," I snapped, my voice echoing down the empty corridors. "I'm just pointing out a fact."

"And you think I wouldn't notice that fact myself?" He asked with eyes glued onto the map. "Newsflash, I can smell this place too."

I felt my eye twitch," I bet you like it too."

"The whole damn house has been smelling like crap ever since you came."

"Are you sure you aren't just smelling yourself?" I sneered, waving the flashlight exasperatedly as I talked.

"Will you stop waving the light around? I can't see the map." Even in the dimmed lighting I could make out his flushed face.

"Oh boo hoo," I scoffed. "Poor Rapunzel can't read in the dark."

"If you're so good at it, why don't you do it?" He seethed through closed teeth.

I cursed under my breath and snapped my head away from him.

We didn't talk to each other for the next few hours, snaking through the dark corridors in complete silence. The stench of the sewer eventually dissolved into nothing, it scared me that my nose was getting used the the putrid odour. Hours and minutes blended together under the darkness. For all I knew, it could be night right now.

"Stop," Chung whispered suddenly. His abrupt comment halted me in my path.

"What's wrong?" I asked, also dropping the tone of my voice.

His stomach growled unusually loud. For a split second his eyes flickered, as if he had just thought of a new idea. "Turn off the light." He hissed.


"Just do it."

I cursed at him before flickering the light off. I could hear Chung kneeling down beside me, I mimicked his actions.

His stomach growled again, though this time it sounded louder. I was about to tease him for being hungry in the sewers when shuffling footsteps sounded just meters ahead.

"It should be around here." A raspy voice echoed.

"Are you sure we haven't passed the secret entrance to the Underground Laboratory?" Another replied.

"I'm sure, it has to be here somewhere. The Master's predictions are never wrong."

"They must be talking about Wally," Chung whispered so softly I could barely hear him.

"It's good news since they don't even know where it is." I beamed. " Let's hurry and defeat them."

"Why would you do that?" Chung asked incredulously. "We should sneak away while we have the chance. There's no need to start unnecessary fights."

"We can reduce the amount of enemies by defeating them." I explained.

"We don't need to fight them," Chung replied sternly. I could only imagine he was glaring daggers at me. "And they don't need to know we're here."

"We're fighting them. They're a danger to Elder." I persisted.

"No we aren't."

"Yes we are."

"We're leaving!"

"We're staying!"


An amber orb flared to life in the distance. I halted my train of thought and turned my attention the the blazing light. Every passing second made it grow brighter and bigger.

"Duck!" Chung tackled me down on the slimy ground, barely saving me from the fireball zipping over us."

Chung scrambled himself up. Five blue orbs materialized into his hand, each one emitting a sapphire hue. He hurled the orbs into the inky path ahead, their dim lighting revealing the culprits behind that fireball—three cloaked magicians, each holding a wooden staff in the white hands, and a winged demon, from the museum attack, shown under the light.

One of the five orbs collided into a magician, it exploded into blue puffs upon impact. The magician cried out in pain as the remaining orbs dropped into the murky water, their light extinguishing.

"The flashlight! Turn it on!" Chung commanded, no longer caring about stealth.

Just as I was about to flick the light back on, another blazing fireball shot toward me, hitting my wrist. I screeched, throwing the flashlight out of my hand. The muddy water splashed behind us.

"You idiot!" Chung bellowed.

"I-I'm sorry!" I blindly adjusting my spear.

"We have no choice then," Chung groaned; something metallic collided onto the cement ground.

An line of glowing blue missiles launched from Chung's cannon, their dim light helping us to see where our opponents were.

"Steel Body!" I charged forward, hitting a magician into the water.

I held my spear closely to me as the dim blue lights faded. I eld my breath, ears straining to pick up on the slightest of sounds.

"AH!" Chung screamed from somewhere.

Of course they would target him first, he's the only person here who can provide some light at the moment. I gingerly navigate my way toward his screams, swinging my spear blindly along the way.

"Chung!" I cried out. "W-where are you!"

"You think I know the answer to that?!" He grunted.

"Chung, hold on!" I felt something tugging at my ankle. "Force Spear!" I thrust my spear into the thing holding me back. I shook my leg free of the limp creature just as Chung's screams grew quiet.

I was shaking, gasping for air. I gingerly inched forward, half-expecting to bump into an enemy.

"C-Chung?" I trembled. "I-if this is a p-prank, i-it isn't funny."

I felt like someone had punched me in the face when something brushed past me.

Before I could properly react, something tackled me onto the floor, my spear slipped out from my fingertips. I was about to scramble up and search for my lost weapon when a talon-like object wrapped around my throat.

I gasped for air, but my lungs remained empty.

"Such a foolish warrior." A soft voice sounded; almost amusedly. "One cannot fight what cannot be seen. I wonder how long it'll take for them to find your dead bodies."

Stars cluttered my vision, and my lungs felt ablaze. I gagged against my opponent's grip, with only made the force around my neck tighten.

They dare to kill us through strangulation? A familiar voice growled in my head. These demons have severely underestimated me.

A sudden urge of energy rushed through my veins. I almost felt strong enough to pry the enemy off me.

This will be a difficult fight, but I refuse to lose to such shameful enemies. Do not fear, Child, I will protect you.

Just like the fight at the museum and the day my village was attacked, my mind slipped into a numbing darkness before I could comprehend the voice's statement. 

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