Baby, I'm Amazed By You (5SOS...

By graphicmuke

200K 3.1K 441

Jetta Krow was just a normal high school girl when she was asked to prom for her last year of high school. Ni... More

Baby, I'm Amazed By You (5SOS Fanfiction)
BIABY:Chapter 1
BIABY: 6 (Part 1)
BIABY: 6 (Part 2)
--*Author's Note*--
--**Author's Note**--
--Authors Note: IMPORTANT--
--BIABY:The Night Things Changed--
Please Read! Important!!
BIABY: Epilogue
Okay - Let's Talk About A Sequel...
The Sequel Is HERE!!

BIABY: Epilogue (Re-Published)

1.9K 26 1
By graphicmuke

Sorry to the people who's Wattpads are messing up-here's the Epilogue reposted :) Love you guys!


"Thayer Michael! Let's go! Put down the games and eat your breakfast!" Jetta yells to her now five year old son as he comes bounding down the hardwood stairs.

"Coming Mumma! I'm here!" He stands beside his mother and hugs her legs. He's short for his age and only reaches a couple inches under her knees. She picks him up and sets him in his booster seat at the hardwood table. Thayer stabs his fork into the pancakes on his plate and stuffs them into his mouth.

"Jace, breakfast now!" He comes bounding down the stairs with his phone in hand, texting away. His eyes don't leave the phone and he misses the few pieces of pancake on the plate. His fingers move quickly without any hesitation.

"Who are you texting?" Jetta asks her son and he grunts, not answering her. "bud, you can answer me you know?"

"I'm texting the Clifford girl. Is that okay with you or not Mum?" Jace sasses back. Jetta frowns and goes to wash the dishes in the sink.

"No, not a problem, it's perfectly fine," she dries her hands after finishing her small load of dishes, "by the way, what's with you being all moody all of a sudden? You were fine last weekend. And you've been texting the Clifford's daughter a whole lot-"

He cuts Jetta off before she can say anymore, "I can do whatever I want to Mum, get off my ass! And me texting her has got nothing to do with any of your god damn business!" Before Jetta can get a word in to scold her bad mouthed child, he is out the door and running.

Thayer is giggling in his seat, laughing at the words his older brother said, knowing they are naughty. Although, he can't help but say them to get a kick out of it. Jetta scolds her five year old with a spank on the butt and a well earned timeout in the corner. Thayer sits and cries while Jetta gets the home phone to call her husband, who is out in town right now.

"Ashton," she about cries, "Jace just ran out after I asked him questions about Michael's daughter and now I have Thayer here crying in timeout and Adelyn is going to be over at anytime now, and-"

"Babe, its alright. Calm down. Do what you have to do. I'll go find Jace and bring him home, okay? In the meantime, you just keep Thayer calm and clean up the living room a little bit." Ashton tells his wife. She agrees and apologizes for freaking out on him. They say their goodbyes and hang up the phone.

Ashton goes to the first place he thinks that Jace would be.

The Park.

Ashton drives by the multicolored swing sets and jungle gyms, not catching one glimpse of his son. That is until he sees him on a park bench with a girl, not far from his age of 17. She looks like a nice girl. She has light eyes and lighter dirty blonde hair from what Ashton can see. Wait, that's the Clifford's daughter!

Jace and her seem to be having a heated discussion on the park bench. The girl stands up and pushes on Jace's chest with her index finger. Jace stands up and towers over her. He grabs her wrist and pulls on it, bringing her closer to him. Ashton's about ready to drag him back to the car until he sees his son kiss the girl. Ashton stays seated and watches for a second. One minute they were fighting and now the next they are kissing? What's going on here?

Ashton sees the Clifford's daughter crying and nuzzling her face into Jace's chest. He holds her there as they rock back and forth. Jace is saying something in her ear, but how am I to hear it. The Clifford girl shakes her head up and down and they grab hands. The two walk down the sidewalk swinging their arms back and forth and Ashton smiles. He's glad the two of them get along the way they do, but what did the kiss mean? Are they together? Ashton decides to leave the park and go home to help Jetta with the house.

"I'm home!" Ashton calls when he steps into the front door of his house. Thayer comes running to jump into his father's arms. He leaves a kiss on the child's forehead and sets him back down. "Jet?"

"In here!" Jetta calls from the kitchen-she is still busy with scrubbing the pots and pans needed for tonight's dinner. She is still shaking from her earlier argument with Brenton. Ashton walks into the kitchen after slipping off his shoes and throwing his jacket aside. He hugs his wife and greets her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Adelyn will be here any minute now. Just letting you know." Jetta says scrubbing the last pot in the sink. Ashton grabs a dishtowel and dries the pot to help out his wife. She thanks him with a small peck on the cheek. "So where's Jace?" Jetta asks and sits up on the counter sipping from her mug of coffee.

"He was at the park, like always. Although, he was with the Clifford girl. It's funny, Michael and I used to be best friends and now-nothing. We don't even speak anymore. I don't even know his daughter's name, let alone her age." Ashton rants, cracking his back. Jetta wrinkles her forehead.

"Yeah, what happened there? Was that right after the band broke up?" Ashton nods and groans, "I think that I should invite him and his girlfriend over for dinner. Hell, even his daughter can come-I don't care."

Jetta smiles at her husbands idea and agrees, "I think that would be a good idea. I will have to set at least three more spots at the table but that's quite alright."

The front door slams and Jace walks in red faced. He's been crying and he and Amanda-the Clifford's daughter-are the only ones that know why. Jace storms to his room locking his door behind him. He throws his phone across the room in anger. He's mad at himself. He's mad at Amanda. It's going to start another feud that he doesn't want to be a part of. Jace needs to take a breather. He sits on his bed and takes deep breaths. His throat hurts from screaming and the constant crying. The posters on his wall take his attention and make him think. Will the bands help him through his problems? He gets up, snatches his phone laying on the ground, and gets on Safari.

'I'm sorry momma!

I never meant to hurt you!

I never meant to make you cry; but tonight

I'm cleaning out my closet (one more time)

I said I'm sorry momma!

I never meant to hurt you!

I never meant to make you cry, but tonight

I'm cleaning out my closet'

Jace lets the lyrics seep into his soul. He is sorry. He didn't mean to. His mother is going to kill him. His father is going to kick his ass. He's a 17 year old kid and everyone makes mistakes right? No, not this big of a mistake. Brenton's fucking screwed. His life isn't going to be the same ever again. Everyone is going to judge him. No girl will ever like him again. They all will avoid him because of the same reason.

A knock sounds on his door. Jace's eyes grow wide and he tries to wipe the tears from his eyes and reduce the dry sound from his voice, "Come in." His father cracks the door and pokes his head in.

"Your sister is here. You wanna come say hi?" Ashton smiles seeing that his son is hurting for some reason. Ashton bothers not to ask, knowing that he will get the door slammed in his face or screamed at. He knows his son more than Jetta does. Jace shakes his head hiding his eyes from his father. He knows better than to ask him if anything is wrong. That's just a known fact.

"Hey buddy!" Adelyn shouts as Thayer comes running towards her. "Addy!" Thayer yells and jumps into his older sister's arms. Adelyn hasn't been home in the last few years after she left for University. This is one of the very few times she's visited.

"Where's Jace?" Adelyn asks and looks around the living room. Her parents glance at each other until Jetta speaks up, "He's upstairs. I think he's had a rough morning. So go easy on him today, okay?" Adelyn scoffs and rolls her eyes. She heads up the wooden stairs and knocks on his door.

"God Damn it! What do you want?!" Jace flings the door open, not expecting it to be Adelyn knocking. "oh sorry." he apologizes and backs away from the door. Adelyn walks into his room, looking around at all of the band posters and stickers plastered on the walls.

"Do you ever clean in here?" She asks, breaking the tension; even making Jace stifle a laugh.

"No, because I love living in a pigsty." Jace smiles a little bit.

Adelyn rolls her eyes at her brother's comment and sighs, "So what's up? Mum said you're having a bad day." Jace freezes. He doesn't want to tell his sister what is going on. She will go and blab off to his parents. Jace is scared.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired," Jace lies and wipes his puffy eyes once again. His sister crosses her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes. She doesn't believe her brother, but decides to let him tell her once it is time to tell him.

"Okaaayyyy, well anyway. Dad wanted me to tell you that you need to text the Cliffords and invite them over for dinner. Dad wants to catch up and he thinks that you and their daughter could talk and hang out for a bit." Adelyn leaves the room and blows a kiss to her younger brother, who curls his lip in disgust. Jace pulls out his phone and quickly types up a text to Amanda. She answers immediately with a no, which leads Brenton to beg her into finally saying yes.

Hours later, the doorbell rings and three people show up on the Irwin family doorstep. Michael stands in the middle, towering over everyone, this time with his original light hair color and no ripped band tees. A woman with light skin and dark brown hair beside him shows off a smile and looks happier than she should be. Then there's Amanda. She put on some makeup since the last time she saw Jace to cover up some of the redness in her face and eyes. Ashton answers the door, smiles at his old friend and invites the three of them inside. Michael doesn't look very amused at first, but after seeing Jetta, he loosens up a bit. The adults start to talk and share stories. Adeyln sits keeping Thayer company in the living room. Amanda looks at her parents to see if they are preoccupied with talking and sneaks upstairs. She searches around upstairs for Jace until she finds his room, third door on the left.

"Hello? Jace?" She whispers and opens the door. Jace is lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. Amanda walks over and takes a seat on the bed beside him. "Hey," She smiles and touches his shoulder. Jace sits up and lays on one elbow. 

"Hey," He pauses for a few seconds, "are you okay? Have you said anything to your dad yet?" Amanda diverts her eyes around the room, not meeting Jace's gaze. "No. I thought that we could say something at dinner, just so there's not two different stories." Jace nods and hugs his arms around his knees, "I'm scared. I shouldn't, but I am."

"I am too." Amanda says and her lip quivers.

Minutes of silence pass. Jace and Amanda sit talking to each other of possible outcomes. They talk until Adelyn has to come up and invite them to join the others for dinner. "Hey you two, dinner's ready. Let's go." Adelyn smiles at her brother and subtlety winks when Amanda isn't looking. Amanda hugs him and Jace then flips Adelyn off from behind Amanda's back.

"Remember that fight we had, oh I dunno, like 20 years ago and I punched you in the face?" Michael laughs and slaps Ashton on the shoulder. Ashton and Jetta exchange looks before chuckling. They remember that night almost perfectly.


"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Michael lunged at Ashton, punching at his face. Ashton tried to hold Michael back, but he couldn't. Michael had taken Ashton over the back of the couch and sent about three drinks flying off of the coffee table. He kept punching before Jetta could re-enter reality.

"OH MY GOD! Michael get off of him!" Jetta shouted and ran over to the two of them. She tried pulling back on Michael's shoulder, but he kept punching. "Michael, seriously-STOP!"

A hand collided with her cheek. Jetta's hand instantly raised up to the hot surface, trying to cover it as best as she could.


"You cold?" Ashton asked. Jetta muttered a small no and nuzzled herself deeper into his neck. His chest vibrated with a chuckle. She started to laugh at his laugh, then vice versa. Jetta turned her gaze up to Ashton's. His playful green hazel eyes stared into her cold dark blue ones. Their faces became closer and their lips touched.


Ashton stood up and pulled out a box from his back pocket. He opened it as it showed a shiny silver ring. Jetta's eyes grew wide, "Oh My God, Ashton. I can't marry you! I'm only 17!" She shouted.

Ashton's eyes widened to the size of golf balls, "No! This, well, I'm not proposing to you!" he took a deep breath, "sorry. What I meant to say was-I want you to be my girlfriend. This is a promise ring. If you take me back, I promise never to leave you like I did before. If I do-even though I won't-you can probably kill me, or have Brittany do it for you. She would like that. So what do ya say? Jetta Abigail Krow, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, I will be your girlfriend." She flung her arms around his neck as he jumped over closer to her. He slid the silver ring onto her finger and gave her a peck on the lips. Jetta felt engraving on the ring as Ashton put it on. She took a peek at it saying:

'Jet, I love you forever and always -Ash'


 Jetta shakes her head and comes back to reality, "Okay! Who wants some pasta?" She claps her hands together and dishes out pasta on eight plates for everyone. Amanda is so nervous, she, nor Jace, can eat the pasta Jetta made for everyone. Adelyn is concerned. She has no idea what's wrong. She's guessing that it's bad. Jetta seems to notice her son's behavior, but doesn't pay attention to it much. She thinks he just stopped somewhere on his little fit earlier. Ashton thinks the same as his wife.

"Is there something wrong with your food Amanda? You aren't eating." Michael asks his daughter. Amanda's heart rate speeds up. "I'm just not all that hungry. That's all. I don't feel all that well." she replies quickly.

Michael slams his fists down on the table, "Amanda. You tell me right now. You aren't starting back up with that shit again are you?" Jetta quickly covers Thayer's small ears at the mention of the profanity.

Amanda's eyes widen, "What?! Dad no! Can we not talk about this right now?" she grits her teeth and holds tears in. Jace grasps her hand underneath the table to calm her. But Michael doesn't let up.

"No, you know what? I think you are hiding something from me," Michael's eyes turn to slits, "I think you lie to me on the daily. You don't talk to me anymore Amanda! We used to be best friends, but now I'm just a page torn out of your life. You're always on that phone of yours texting him!" Michael hisses and points his finger at Jace. The young boy wets his lips and holds back everything he wants to say to Amanda's raging father.

Ashton sticks his head into the conversation, "Now Michael, it's normal for teens to ignore their parents and be dicks to them. Jace does it all the time. Hell, even Adelyn still does it. I'm also definite that everyone has a secret. You have a secret. I have a secret. Jetta has secrets. Everyone does, and you know what, we just-"

"OKAY! Dad, you're right! I'm hiding something from you! I'm so scared and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to even do." Amanda shouts at her father across the table, "you want to know? Do you really want to know Dad?" She slams her fist on the table, receiving a scolding from Jetta, who is still holding Thayer's ears shut. Michael straightens up in his seat and folds his hands on the wood table, right after pushing his plate forward. He raises his thick eyebrows.

"You want to tell me your secret? Go ahead. Fire away. I'm pretty certain it won't ruin our relationship as much as it is now."

"Michael," The dark haired woman next to Michael touches him on the shoulder. He pushes her off of him and stares at his daughter. "No, I want to hear what she's going to say."

Amanda stands up and folds her arms across her chest, "I'm pregnant," she whispers and the whole room is quiet, "and it's Jace's baby."

Something in Michael's brain clicks and he lunges for the boy closest to him.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Michael lets out a bloodcurdling scream and wraps his hands around Jace's neck. "you knocked my daughter up," Michael sickly smiles, "now you are going to pay for it."













Four average boys: Ashton Michael Calum Luke Four Secret Identities: Smash Mike-ro-wave Cal-Pal Dr. Fluke All for one reason. To stop the evil in the city of Sydney


Calum Hood. How else to describe him other than school nerd? He wears the trademark black rimmed glasses and nerdy clothing. He sits in class and answers every question. He doesn't share his opinion on people very much and he stays as quiet as possible so he doesn't start drama. He has two best friends. They play card games and other dorky things at the lunch table. Calum is... Calum. Jordan Gray She's a beautiful brown haired, brown eyed girl. She's dating Michael Clifford, even though half the time it doesn't even seem like he cares for her. She's not so good in school, so when project time comes up, she's stuck with the nerds so she can get good grades to graduate. What happens when she starts to fall for the nerd? And then Michael, now the 'overprotective boyfriend', steps in to keep Jordan as his? What has Jordan gotten herself into?


I started out a good girl and then I went bad. I had straight A's. I was popular and known widely around the surrounding schools. Then my boyfriend introduced me to drugs, many different kinds of alcohol, and disgusting horrible people who have to kill for a living to earn money. My health declined greatly: I grew to nothing but skin and bones. It was disgusting. My boyfriend used me. He cheated on me with some girl. He left me. My own family ended up moving and leaving me to defend myself all alone on the streets. An orphanage took me in and then found me a foster home. What will happen when I end up secretly loving my new foster brother and I'm not certain if he would ever love me back?


Five Boys. Five Factions. What are the odds of them being in the same faction? The odds are apparently greater than expected. (AU NOT FAMOUS)


Michael Clifford fanfic coming soon!!


Michael Clifford fanfic coming soon!!


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