Trauma -BoyxBoy-


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Talon Brooks is a 17-year-old gay boy, overcome with fear and trauma. He is scared of touch and barely speaks... More

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The next day I woke up feeling refreshed, no nightmares to wake me up. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, and then I laid on my bed watching youtube, Kurtis Conner to be exact.

My brother came in and jumped on my bed, by my feet, avoiding them but he made by bed bounce and that made me and my phone also bounce up pretty far.

"So now you gotta tell me about the date," he said, like a little kid asking their grandpa about his war stories.

~He took me to an arcade, and then we went to Olive Garden, when we finished we went to a fireworks show.~

"OK... but did anything happen??" He asked, seeming bored.

~We kissed...~

He sat up, newfound interested in his eyes, "You kissed?!"

I nodded my head.

"Little bros first kiss!" He said almost yelling. I told him to quiet down because I didn't want mom to hear.

~What about you and Quinn?~ I asked, his eyes popped wide.

"Oh, I forgot, she's pregnant!" He whispered excitedly. "You're going to be an uncle!"

This time it was me who sat up surprised.

~Congratulations!~  I signed, ~When are you telling mom?~ I couldn't believe I was going to be an uncle... I wonder if it will be a niece or nephew

"Sometime this week, we'll get a little cake and throw a mini party or something, I don't know... well figure it out"

~Well I'm happy for you!~ I signed, thinking about my counsellor's advice to start trying to touch people.

I know it sounds weird but, I gave him a high five. It was very awkward for me, I kept reminding my self that he is my brother, he shares my same blood, and he won't hurt me and he's nothing like those men. I also was able to force the memories away.

Once he left my room I got in a video call with my friends from my old town, it was kind of a thing we did now, every Sunday we'd all get in a call together and they'd catch up with me and vice versa. I still felt weird about my picture being in their school but I liked to push it in the back of my mind.

The next day I walked into school and I felt like a giddy schoolgirl who had just had her first kiss, which I guess I did. Every time I saw Sebastian, caterpillars in my chest came out as butterflies. It felt like he was my crush and I had never talked to him before even though we were now dating.

Honestly, it was a little silly.

But I mean it was a good silly, I haven't been this happy in a while.

After first hour where he sat next to me and basically complimented me the whole hour, I received nice texts from him.

'How's class my new boyfriend? ;)'

It seemed like he enjoyed calling me by that so far, just reminding himself that we're dating now because I guess it made him feel proud. I kind of liked it too though.

I texted him back, 'pretty boring, how about you?'

Kacee had to stay in our first-hour class to finish a test, which would probably take her almost all hour, that's why I was bored out of my mind.

'Were just watching a movie, you're more interesting though' he texted back and I smiled to myself.

"Talon, phone away please," the teacher said. I blushed when his calling of my name caused some kids to look at me. I slid my phone back in my pocket and rested my head on my hand, silently filling out the rest of the notes.

During passing period I met up with Sebastian, I didn't really know if we were going to openly display our relationship, especially in school. I mean Sebastian is openly bisexual and nobody cares, but he's only dated girls before me, but it's not like we were the only gay people in the school, there were others, even popular kids but the thing is... it's me, the weird ugly mute kid and Sebastian Reynolds, the schools favourite, hot, charming star running back.

"Why'd you stop messaging back?" Sebastian asked.

~My teacher made me put my phone up.~

"Oh, man that sucks," he said sort of laughing. The one minute bell rang.

"You have your next class with mitch, don't you?" He asked me, pushing off from his former position of leaning on the locker. I gave a small grimace and nodded.

"If he tries anything then tell me, you know I won't hesitate to whoop his ass, you know that right?"

I responded with a yeah, I just wish that not everything had to result in violence, sometimes I feel like I do deserve the butt of it though, as much as I dislike it.

He looked at the hallway clock, "Well remember, I love you" he said grabbing my arms and pulling me close to quickly kiss me on the lips. I was taken aback, I didn't expect him to want to associate with me in a PDA sense, it might tarnish his reputation.

"What? Did you not expect me to kiss you in school?" He asked. I didn't know I was showing my surprise so prominently.

I shook my head and signed, ~this could ruin your popularity~

"Fuck my 'popularity,' I like you, love you even, for you I'd go to the moon and back, so I'm going to show my affection and I don't care who sees!" He exclaimed, getting sort of loud at the end. I looked around and noticed that some people had begun to stare.

I felt bad, not because I didn't want to kiss or be affectionate with him in front of other people, but because I didn't want his life to go downhill because of me.

A few people had confused faces, I understood, there were so many weird factors between us that other people didn't understand. Him touching me and me being fine with it, him kissing me, I could see how this would leave someone thinking they're in some other dimension.

Suddenly the bell rang. Sebastian kissed me again, I liked it so much... If he doesn't mind losing 'fame' then maybe I shouldn't mind if he does either.

We parted ways and I hesitantly went to my calculus class, not wanting to see Mitch's stupid buzz cut and his terrifying grin. There was nothing I could do about it though, so I trudged toward the classroom.

To my surprise, Mitch paid me no mind, and for some reason, it didn't even make me nervous like it normally would. He didn't even turn my way when he got yelled at by the teacher for talking too much. Maybe he finally found something better to do with his time, as for what that might be, I could care less... I just wanted a break.

After class, I met Sebastian at his locker. I was in a rush because I felt like I was practically starving, which was unusual for me, normally I don't have much of an appetite.

We were walking toward the direction of the cafeteria.

~Are we going to tell the group?~ I asked.

"I mean we should, if we're gonna display it openly then we should probably give them a little heads up" he laughed.

I nodded in response as we walked into the large cafe room.

"Well just don't let it slip until everyone's at the table OK?" He said. I nodded again and we split up, I went to sit at the table because since he knows how touching people affects me so whenever I get school lunch he would bring a tray for me. I trusted him to choose food I liked, and he was usually pretty good at it.

I sat at our usual table, waving to Mari and Max.

I don't know why but I felt a twinge of nervousness, I mean we were already practically dating and the only thing that's changed is the title we call each other by. Our friends even know I can touch him without freaking out, although I told them I didn't know why and not that it was because he made me feel safe.

One by one the table started to fill up, first with Kacee, then Cameron, then Aarya. Small talk had begun to be made as they each sat down.

A few minutes later Josh and Sebastian arrived together, they sat in their normal spots next to me. Sebastian though, kissed me. I guess this is how we're telling them. It wasn't a long like make out kiss but it was longer than a short peck on the lips.

"Alright then" Max mumbled.

"What the fuck?!" Kacee loudly yelled, standing up as we pulled apart. I looked around and saw that thanks to her, people were staring. I tilted my head down embarrassed, probably blushing like a mad man.

She sat back down still flabbergasted. It seemed to blow her mind what she just witnessed.

"Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?" Sebastian asked in a mock serious tone. I chuckled to myself.

"Boyfriend?" Aarya asked.

"Yep, my boyfriend," Seb confirmed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. People had stopped staring by now and I was glad for it.

"Someone finally made the move?" Aarya said chuckling.

"Took you two long enough" Max chimed in, producing laughs from the table.

"Wait so have you guys kissed before just now?" Mari asked. I nodded my head, beginning to feel like we were being interviewed.

Aarya asked when our first kiss was, Sebastian informed them that it was yesterday.

"Well, who made the move?" Max asked winking, everyone assumed and made eyes at Sebastian. Sebastian laughed and I raised my hand slowly, slightly looking down and trying to stifle my own laugh, I already knew my face was beet red.

I heard a gasp and looked up. "Our little boy Talon made the first move!?" Aarya said surprised. I chuckled at how bewildered everyone seemed to be after learning this information, I mean I was the same way when I did it too.

"Give me an air five!" Max said. It was a thing out group did, an air 'insert action here' where we would do it normally except pause right before contact was made. It wasn't as cool as a normal fist bump or high five and it also looks kind of silly but I mean its the thought that counts.

Cameron gave us a thumbs up and congratulated us for making it official. It almost felt like what I assumed a wedding reception was like, just not as serious and with way fewer people.

Kacee danced around in her seat. She always made it seem like my relationship with Sebastian was like if two characters she shipped together from a TV show actually started dating. I found it kind of humorous though.

Later on, after school, we all ended up at Sebastian's house hanging out. Seb was laying on his bed and I was cuddled up with him in front, we were watching Cam and Max face each other in Mortal Kombat. Kacee was on his desk chair spinning around looking at the ceiling and Aarya was on the floor leaning back on the edge of Sebastian's bed. She was begging Cam on and playfully insulting Max. Mari was doodling in a little sketchbook, sitting the floor across the room facing me and Seb.

"You fucking suck Max!" Aarya teased.

~Do you think they'd make a good couple?~ I signed to Sebastian. I felt his chin move on top of my head which made me know he had seen. I heard Mari stifle a laugh from her spot on the floor. I looked at her and saw her nod her head yes.

~Maybe, they argue like an old married couple~ He responded, making us both chuckle.

"What's so funny," Max asked looking away from the screen.

I signed 'nothing' and Sebastian said it. Then on the screen I saw Cameron's character give Max's a fatality. Max whipped his head back to the TV.

"You dick head!" He yelled.

"Pay attention next time" Cam retorted, laughing. I sighed, amused at their little argument. Max is so hot-headed, but in an idiotic way, always starting arguments.

"Wait, have you told your parents yet, or Talons mom and brother?" Kacee asked, stopping her spinning and cursing at the wave of dizziness that probably ensued.

"Nah, not yet, no need to rush about it though," Sebastian replied.

"Well..." She said thinking to herself before her eyes popped wide. I imagined a light bulb lighting up above her head. "I can tell them for you! I mean we're here right now anyways so I could go tell the Reynolds that their son has a brand new man!"

"No, there's no need for that," Sebastian mumbled, she'd probably make it seem like we were already doing dirty things.

Kacee stood up out of the chair, wobbling a little, "Don't worry, I got this !" She said.

Cameron had switched his spot on the controller with Aarya, I'm sure that would make another little argument. Mari and Aarya were watching Kacee with raised eyebrows and amused expressions.

"How about me and Talon go tell them right now?" He asked starting to maneuver to get up, making me have to get up too or else I'd probably fall on the ground.

"Sure," She pouted. I guess she really wanted to tell them for us. Weird girl.

We both left the room and went down the stairs. I wasn't nervous about this, because Sebastian was already open about being bisexual and his parents are in fact, two gay men.

We found them in the kitchen as usual. They were looking over some pictures in sort of magazine. I think Andrew was asking Carter what kind of flowers he should plant next. I had learned before that Andrew was the one who maintained the garden, he liked planting them for Carter to make the house just as pretty as him.

When we came in the doorway they both looked up.

"Hey Talon, Sebastian." Carter greeted.

"Come down for some snacks or something?" Andrew asked moving over to the snack cabinet until Sebastian told him no.

Andrew turned back around and faced us. "Well, then what'd you come down for?"

Sebastian stayed quiet for a little. "Well..." Seb began before being cut off.

"Wait, are you like coming out or something? Cause we know you're bi, and like that's an open thing in this fami-"

"No dad, I'm not coming out" He interrupted.

"Oh... Is Talon?"

"What?- No, well kinda."

"Kinda?" Carter repeated, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well if you guys let me explain then I'd say what it's supposed to mean" Seb retorted.

I snickered at this little family feud.

"Well as I was trying to say... dad... other dad," he started, then grabbed me around the shoulder and pulled me into his side, "Talon is now my boyfriend,"

"Boyfriend?" Andrew asked with a wide smile appearing on his face.

"Yes, we're dating" Sebastian confirmed.

"You're dating?" Carter asked seeming sort of surprised.

"Yeah, he's my cute little boyfriend now" I felt my cheeks turn red, I might as well just paint them that way since they were always turning shades of that colour recently.

"Damn it!" Carter exclaimed, causing Seb and I's heads to turn to him confused.

"You owe me twenty dollars," Andrew smirked crossing his arms.

"You bet on us??" Sebastian said confused and now surprised.

"Of course we bet on you," Andrew said nonchalantly, not even looking in our direction and collecting the twenty dollar bill after Carter fished it from his wallet, stuffing it in his own pocket.

~What was the bet?~ I signed, Sebastian relaying my question.

"Well I thought you two wouldn't get together for quite some time, maybe like a year and he thought this month, a loose bet really."

"Obviously, I won," Andrew stated, seeming oddly proud of himself, "who popped the question?" He asked as if we had just told them we were getting married.  

"I did," Seb answered.

"Ah, that's my boy!" Andrew said loudly, bringing his fist out for a fist bump. After a second Sebastian gave it to him, laughing.

"I know you two will be a cute couple though," Carter said smiling.

"Well here's your official welcome into the family Talon," Andrew said, adding that he was gonna give me a big dad hug but he respected my boundaries.

I smiled thinking of this one giant family I've now been gifted with, including the ones upstairs and of course my forever family at home.

I also thought about what a weird encounter that just was.

I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

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