Eye of the Wolf, Touch of the...

By sleepingintheforestt

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Juliette Selene Artemis was raised to fight. She's learned from a young age in order to survive you must kill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12

53 4 68
By sleepingintheforestt


My life has been shit. After that night Daemon has kept an even closer eye on my than before. He was trying to relocate us, but after talking to my brothers they decided it was best to stay. The werewolf packs in Washington were very aware of who left and entered the state. On top of that my heat was hitting. It came in short waves but it was enough to keep me on my feet. My heat has never been this serious before but now I could only hope it stayed minimal. I couldn't risk my sex drive interfering.

I got to stay in school, since they believed pulling me out would also raise questions. Although I never talked to anyone school was still my favorite part of the day.

The idea of being mated was exciting. My friends back home were all starting to mate before I left, so the fact that I might've had someone made me forget about everything else. The idea of it blinded me from the reality; it was a spell. Daemon said Adonis was apparently Alpha of his pack. Since Alpha's feel the mate bond different somehow my protection spell interfered causing him to think I'm his mate.

I was a little disappointed when I heard this, but he said the only way to knock Adonis out of the trance was to stay away from him. So that's what I did and am doing.

After I killed the men in the forest we had to take more precautions. I hadn't shifted into my wolf in weeks. Although Tara grew distant, she knew it was too risky to shift these days and understood. She would only come out when she felt sexually aroused which brought me a lot of problems.

I hadn't realized how deep in thought I was until I heard Mr. Warbler shout my name, "Ms. Samuels! For the last time, did you do your homework!?"

I nodded my head yes and handed him my crumpled up assignment, "One point off for the poor state of this paper," he mumbled under his breath.

To be honest I didn't care what state my paper was in. It was the least of my problems. I really didn't care about school itself. I treated school as me time. All my time at home was spent practicing. Daemon was helping me perfect spells I hadn't been able to master back in California.

It was so nice coming to school and not having Daemon breathing down my neck. I spent most of my time daydreaming and trying my best to ignore Adonis. He was so persistent. We may not have been mated, but everything about him really was attractive.

"Adonis, can you run these up to the supply shed?" Mr. Warbler questioned and motioned to a pile of boxes.

I rolled my eyes. Mr. Warbler had some kind of man crush on Adonis. It was so obvious, and it annoyed the fuck out of me.

"Of course!" Adonis said. "You wouldn't mind if I brought someone? I don't think I can carry this on my own."

Bullshit. Adonis could for sure carry the three boxes on his own even if they weighed a 100 pounds a piece.

"Of course!" He responded and tossed Adonis the key to the storage room.

"Megan, could you help?" He asked me and I looked up from my paper.

"Pass," I said and smiled continuing my class work.

"This will count for participation points Megan," Mr. Warbler called from behind his desk.

I reluctantly got up out of my seat and walked towards the boxes. I picked up one and lead the way out the door. I could hear Adonis laughing behind me.

"Can we get this over with? I'm missing class," Adonis was far behind me taking his sweet time.

"Sure thing beautiful," he responded and picked up the box out of my arms.

"I thought you needed help."

"Nope, just wanted company," he smiled and opened the door leading to the outside with his back. He waited for me to walk through then closed the door behind us.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened before. I have a little bit of a temper sometimes."

As much as I wanted to scoff at his comment I just nodded my head, "Don't mention it, seriously."

We made our way through the cold air, "Take my jacket!" He put the boxes down and threw his jacket over my shoulders before I could protest.

"Thanks," I mumbled under my breath. God, did it smell good though. His smell was irresistible to say the least. I could feel my heat being activated and I cursed at my wolf for being so sensitive.

When we approached the storage room he grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. The room smelled musty and stale, but we found an empty space and he set down the boxes.

Before I realized what was happening Adonis stepped in front of me and trapped my between two storage shelves. He really liked the idea of being dominate.

"Megan, I can't hide it anymore. I want you so bad. Every piece of my body craves you. It physically hurts me to be away from you for so long. I can't stand the feeling of you being with someone else... under their protection."

I swear if I didn't know better I'd think he was tearing up, "Adonis, we are very different people. It's best for you if you stay away from me."

I was contemplating everything. Do I tell him? Do I trust him? Is Adonis trustworthy enough to keep my secret?

"As Alpha of your pack you need to do what's best for them. Being with me won't do you or them any good."

I wish I would've been able to take a picture of his face, because I've never seen more confusion on a person.

"What did you say?" He asked and stared in my eyes.

"Don't make me repeat myself. I know who you are Adonis," he was trying to put the pieces together but couldn't.

"How... what are you?"

"I'm normal, but my parents were not. They warned me of your pack when I started school."

He seemed relieved, but he was in for a rude awakening, "Do you feel it? Between us, I don't have to hide it anymore. You're my mate Megan, I knew it from the first time I saw you."

"No, I'm not. You're under a spell, I'm not your mate."

He laughed, "That's not true Megan. Do you know why? There's something... special about me that makes me resistant to witch hexes."

"And what is it?" I asked unsure of what he meant. Adonis was extremely close to me. My back was against the wall, and he leaned over me.

"I'll tell you when you tell me what you really are. You're not human, I can feel it."

"Oh really? If you can feel it why didn't you confront me before?"

"Because I've never been this close to you before," he told me leaning down to meet my eyes. Our noses were practically touching and I could feel his breath hit my lips.

My stomach filled up with butterflies. My wolf was practically howling and I wanted nothing more than to be close to him. He grabbed my face and without asking kissed me.

His lips passionately met mine, and I felt the heat in my body rise. His body pressed against mine, and his tongue pushed at my lips as if asking for permission.

I opened my mouth letting him in. Our tongues danced together perfectly. His strong arms wrapped around my thighs and he hoisted me against the wall. I could feel his member press into me. I moaned and I could feel a smirk run across his lips. I pulled his body closer as he started to kiss my neck.

My eyes rolled back in ecstasy, and I could feel myself sinking deeper in his arms. He moved my shirt and starting licking my skin. He stopped kissing me and his mouth moved over my shoulder.

Without permission he marked me. His sharp teeth sunk into my skin and I screamed out in pain. Yes, it was so painful yet it felt euphoric. I can't describe the sensation, but it was enough that it brought my wolf out to play. It definitely felt good, but it knocked me out of my heat immediately.

"What did you just do Adonis!?"

"I marked what was mine," he licked his lips and attempted to continue to kiss me. I immediately pushed him away.

"Marked what was yours?!" I roared.

How could I have been so stupid! This whole thing was for him to figure out what I was! So many people have risked everything for me just to throw it away for a stupid boy! He's not even my mate! I can't go to school anymore. We need to move. No, I needed to move. I had put Daemon in too much risk to bring him along.

"What's wrong?" Adonis suddenly asked concerned.

"You! You're the problem!" I screamed. "You couldn't just leave me alone!" I felt tears well up in my eyes. I don't remember the last time I cried, but I hated the idea that right now I felt like bawling in front of him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it in that way. I mean I did, I just wanted everyone to know you were mine."

"You don't know what you just did!" I yelled as I stormed out of the storage room. I couldn't contain the tears that started rolling down my face. I just wanted all this to be over. Thanks to Adonis it might actually be.

He ran after me, but I refused to look at him, "Fuck off!" I gritted through my teeth.

"Is there something you feel like you can't tell me? You can trust me Megan," there was so much concern in his voice. He sounded so naive; it was almost humorous.

"Don't talk to me again," I screamed through my tears as I continued to speed walk away.

"If you don't tell me now I will still figure out what you are."

"Are you threatening me Adonis?"

"No, I'm just saying if you don't tell me now I'm going to figure it out. Please I want to help you."

I was going to go home and leave. Leave as in leave the state, perhaps the country. Hopefully I can get far enough fast enough before anyone realizes.

"I know you want me," I could hear Adonis's feet catching up to me. "To be quite honest I don't think you can resist me!"

"I've been doing it fine the last month! Just leave me alone," I was no longer crying. I had gotten control of my emotions and now I had a plan.

"I'll leave you alone for now, but I will be waiting for you to call me. For you to beg me to do unimaginable things to your body."

Are guys always horny? Could he not take a minute and realize we aren't talking about that?

"You just wait on that call," I mumbled under my breath.


It's heating up! Any guesses why Adonis would claim that he is resistant to witch hexes?

Thanks for reading:) much love<3

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