Chapter 6

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I tossed and turned restlessly as I listened to the rain fall outside. We have been here for a full week now and I have already grown fond of the town.

The day after we arrived I immediately dyed my hair a weird blonde and bought contacts to hide my identity further. I kept all my tattoos concealed with makeup that might give a clue to who I am. I went to the mall to buy a new wardrobe as well as a school uniform. I had not been aware that I would be attending high school again, but I'm kind of excited since Daemon's been my only company. Daemon reminds me a lot of my brothers and I've surprisingly grown a lot closer to him. Maybe not that surprising since we live in the same house but still.

I grabbed my laptop on the bedside table. After arriving I bought a laptop, since I was inseparable with my one back home.

Whenever I don't know what to do I like to discover new songs. I will put a random album on shuffle and listen to lyrics and beat of the song.

I find a random album and turn it on. I've had trouble sleeping since I've been here. I finally drift off to sleep after an hour or two of listening to the soothing sound emitted by the singer.

I wake up to the sound of Daemon bursting through the door, "Who's excited for their first day of senior year?"

"Ugh, not me. I can just get an education somewhere that allows me to sleep in," I groan back at him. "I have no intention of leaving this bed."

"Suite yourself," he responded leaving my room.

After many internal debates contemplating whether or not I would go to school I decided I was just tired and would enjoy it when I got there. I took a shower and left my hair to air dry. I changed into my new school uniform, threw my gray backpack over my shoulder, and dragged my feet to the kitchen.

Daemon sat eating cereal while reading his phone. I grabbed a banana and sat next to him.

"Can we leave early?" I still needed to get my schedule and didn't want to be late.

"Yeah we can leave now, let me grab the keys."

"What car are we taking?"

"Karyn," he said referring to his Mercedes and I rolled my eyes.

We climbed into his car and drove in silence.

"You know you can't go by Juliette, right?" He told me as he reached into the glove compartment and grabbed an envelope.

I nodded my head. He passed the envelope to me to open. Inside was my new driver's license. It was a picture of me but instead the name was Megan Samuels. He told me everything I needed to know about who Megan was and where she was from.

I was never one to be nervous when meeting new people, but as we drove I could feel my anxiety weighing me down. Maybe it was because I truly am starting a new life. My hair was different, my eyes, and even my identity. I would be entering this new school not as me, but as a girl I didn't even know.

"I'll see you after school! Good luck today Megan," Daemon announced out the window as he drove off.

It looks like a big school but at the moment there were few people here. I walked up the front steps into the school. I found my way into the office and entered the quiet terrain.

"Good morning! I'm new here and I was told to come to the office for my schedule."

"What's your name?"

"Megan Samuels," it took me a minute. "I transferred from East Oak High in Michigan."

"I have your schedule right here! Your school already transferred all your information so there's nothing else for you to do. If you have any questions feel free to come back," the secretary kindly told me and handed me my schedule and a stack of books. "I took the liberty of getting the books you may need for your classes."

I smiled and thank her profusely before walking out into the hallway. I had wondered how Klaus was able to make a new school account for me as well as a whole new identity, but I never asked.

It was much busier now than it was earlier. I traced the hallways trying to find my locker. When I finally came across Locker 748 I opened it and shoved the books I didn't need inside.

My first class was economic in E5, and the bell had already rang. I started walking the direction I came, but I ended up in a different hallway. There were a few kids standing around but I was too much of a chicken to ask anyone where to go. I continued to walk aimlessly until I felt an arm grab me and yank me back.

I looked up to reveal the most beautiful person I had ever seen (no lie). He was tall and his blue eyes pierced into my soul. His tan body leaned over me as I cowered back until I remebered who the hell I was.

I yanked his muscular, toned arm off of me and continued to walk away.

I could feel my wolf urge me to go back.

I don't care what he looks like. We agreed the less communication with people the better.

"Wait up!" The very attractive guy called to me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I thought... you were someone I knew."

I refused to look at him and muttered, "No worries," as I continued to walk.

I turned another hallway to reveal a dead end. There were three classes and none of them were E5. I gulped knowing I had to see this boy again. I turned around to find my self, once again, face to face with this complete stranger.

"Are you lost or running from me?" He asked as he began to close in on me.

"Just lost," I responded half lying half telling the truth.

He grabbed my schedule from my hands, "You're new here? Where did you transfer from?"

"A small town in Michigan," I started. "I appreciate your help but I can find my class myself," I told him and yanked my schedule back.

"We are going to the same place! Don't worry about it," he responded.

I internally groaned and followed behind this guy. He seemed nice and I didn't feel like anything was wrong until I smelt it. This kid smelt like heaven, but I could tell he wasn't human. I could vividly smell the wolf and I slowed me feet.

What are the chances that the first person I meet is a werewolf?

Probably high since you're in Lost Hills, my wolf tells me in a knowing way. Should've stayed in California.

I'm very aware that we should've stayed in California, but there is nothing I van do about it now.

"Are you coming?" He asks innocently and I nod my head. I noticed that I had completely stopped in my path.

There's nothing I can do about befriending a werewolf now. I can just hope my protection spell does enough.

"What's your name?" He asks as we near Economics.

"Megan," I tell him. "And yours?"



Talk about crazy! What do you think Juliette should do about meeting Adonis since he's a werewolf?

Who do you think Adonis thought Juliette was?

Thanks for reading peeps! I hope you're enjoying it! Don't be afraid to comment advice on my writing or the story! Much love <3

Eye of the Wolf, Touch of the WitchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant