Trauma -BoyxBoy-


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Talon Brooks is a 17-year-old gay boy, overcome with fear and trauma. He is scared of touch and barely speaks... More

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Important Author Note/Discussion


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I was gonna wait to post this chapter but I felt bad cause you guys have probably been waiting for this moment for a while lmao, hope you enjoy. Also here's the song that comes into play.


We entered back Into the town and the sound of blasting fireworks were made ever so clear. We drove up to this big fielded area by a lake, with a hill behind the field. We parked near the hills trail, but we could still see the fireworks from here. We just wanted to sit up on top of the hill for a better experience.

We got out of the car, grabbing a blanket from the trunk and our leftovers, plus a little battery charged light he apparently brought.

We began up the trail, pushing away all the hanging foliage. I kicked a little pebble all the way up. It was nice and smelled fresh. There was still a few minutes since this show was set to officially start. We made it up to the top of the hill after a short trek, into a medium sized clearing.

"I'm surprised nobody's come up here, it's such a nice view," Sebastian said looking over the edge down at the other people setting up. We could see the field below if we got close enough to the edge and we could see far past the lake.

We unfolded out the blanket and shook it out, laying it flat against the ground. It was ten thirty-three, and the actual show was set to start at ten thirty-five. I started to notice how chilly it had gotten since we'd arrived.

We set up the lamp in a spot that was out of our way but would still light up the area around us since it was pretty dark up here. It glowed an aqua blue. I picked up the takeout box of the ground where I had set it momentarily, moving it onto the blanket.

I stood up straight facing Sebastian, the opposite way of the lakeside, straightening out my shirt, being scared by the sudden loud screaming noise followed by a pop.

I turned around to see the remainder of a purple fireworks blast. I heard Sebastian laugh at me for jumping. More fireworks followed the other one. I looked at my phone, 10:36.

The show had begun.

We sat down next to each other, closely, he held his arm around my shoulders in an embrace. We watched the blasting colours in the sky. We talked about which colours and fireworks designs were cooler.

Seb took the box from behind us, lifting up the styrofoam. The food inside was still decently warm to our surprise. We both tried. a piece, agreeing on how good the zeppole was.

"We've gotta do it like in the movies," he said picking up another piece.

~What do you mean?~

"Like when they feed each other," he said pushing the food towards my mouth. I giggled a little bit, taking a small bite from the donut, grabbing it with my teeth, until it fell out of my grip and I had to catch it.

I looked up at Sebastian to see if he saw and indeed he was looking back at me with an amused face. I smiled and finished the piece, acting as nothing happened at all.

Our attention sometimes diverted to the people below, families with children, old couples. It felt like we were stalkers but we were just imagining what they might be like. We found an old lady who sat next to a younger adult woman who looked very unamused, like she needed a drink. She wasn't observing the sky, but instead, she was watching these two kids running circles around them. We could hear their screaming from up here, faintly but we could still hear them. We assumed them to be her grandchildren.

"Do you think she's a bitchy old lady or a nice grandma? Like the ones who always bake and never let you leave unless you eat," He asked, continuing to look down at her pondering his two options.

~Maybe both, it might not be her day or something,~ I signed.

"You're right, she seems annoyed by these kids" he laughed.

~Poor grandma~ I said.

We also witnessed what seemed to be a breakup between a boy and a girl down below. They seemed like they were yelling but not loud enough to disturb the people around them. Maybe whisper yelling. The boy took off a bracelet and threw it on the ground at the girl's feet. He then walked angrily back to the parking area. The girl picked it up and ran after him.

Hopefully, my night won't end like that.

I had also got the chance to pet a little squirrel, only for about three seconds though because a firework scared it away. Then we realized it had started to get really cold. I felt goosebumps rise up on my arms and legs. I tapped Sebastian on the shoulder.

~Are you cold?~

"A little bit, are you?"

I nodded my head, shaking the sleeves of my hoodie so they covered my hands.

"Wanna go back to the car?" He asked. I nodded, I would not mind the advantage of having the heater. Be picked up the light and pulled the blanket off of the grass, saying that there was probably dirt all over the bottom but he didn't feel like shaking it out. He folded it into a ball shape and started back down the trail.

I picked up the empty Styrofoam box and then turned around, following Sebastian down the hill, I didn't want to litter.

We made it back down to the car and he unlocked it. I sat in the driver's seat this time and he sat passenger. I turned the key so the car was on and then I turned up the heat, feeling nice when it blew out of the air vent.

I watched more fireworks and a few seconds later Sebastian turned on the radio. It was playing from the beginning of a song called 'Sara Smile' by Hall and Oates.

Then in the sky tons of fireworks flew up at the same time, lined up with really cool designs. Sebastian and I looked at the clock, it was twelve.

"Hey, its the new year!" Sebastian exclaimed happily.

I slightly clapped my hands together before signing,~Yep it is~

"Doesn't this mean we're supposed to kiss?" Sebastian said laughing. We turned to each other, both stifling our laughter into little chuckles and then into nothing. The silence was a comfortable one.

I looked in his eyes, it seemed as if the stars and fireworks glinted in them. My eyes travelled from his eyes and past his nose to his lips. I felt nervous but at the same time, I thought, what better time than now?

So I closed my eyes and leaned forward and linked my lips with his, like a lock to the key. He didn't kiss back at first which made me nervous...

Was this too soon for him? Maybe he thought it was really bad? Suddenly he kissed back, his lips were soft and I could sort of taste the Carmex that he constantly applied so they wouldn't chap up. It tasted kind of like watermelon.

I could hear the fireworks faintly in the background, and I could feel the butterflies pounding in my chest trying to break out so they could dance to the music.

'Sara, smile,'

Our lips moved together in a slow kiss. His hands travelled to my cheeks, the bottom of his palms resting on my jaw bone on either side, slightly pulling me closer. I put my hands on his shoulders.

'Oh won't you smile a while for me, Sara,'

We pulled away, both catching our breath. I could see my blushing cheeks in the rearview mirror that was pointed downward.

"Wow..." Sebastian breathed, smiling at me. I kept quiet, looking down with a small smile and cheeks as red as ripe strawberries.

"I didn't expect you to be the one to do that," Sebastian said with a chuckle, sort of mumbling.

Me neither.

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?"

Not willingly, I thought. I shook my head instead of saying my thoughts out loud.

"Well you're pretty good at it," he said smirking, laying his head back on the headrest. I noticed then that his cheeks were also pink, not as red as mine but he was still blushing.

~Now I'm not the only one with a cherry blossom face~ I signed, referring to another time when he described my blushing face like that.

I realized then that I still hadn't talked yet since I got so caught up on the kiss... There probably isn't much more time on our date, I've got to do it now.

Sebastian's face got redder at my comment. I took a deep breath through my nose.

"Now you look like a tomato," I said with my croaky voice, it was embarrassing but I pushed down that feeling and waited for his response.

"Shut up," he said playfully, crossing his arms and looking out of the car window. I smiled realizing that it hadn't hit him yet.

It took a few more seconds before he realized, his eyes went wide and his crossed arms went slack. He turned to me.

"Wait! You just spoke!" He shouted excitedly. I nodded nervously even though he clearly took it well.

He quickly pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you baby!"

The hug and his words made me feel special, I loved every single second of it, his special cologne, his strong embrace.

We pulled away and he smiled at me, filled in a comfortable silence once again.

This time Sebastian leaned in and caught my lips in a kiss. I linked my arms behind his neck, like I've seen in movies. He made me feel what a real kiss was like, one that you want, one from someone you love. His lips showed me just how wrong every other kiss I'd ever had was.

We pulled apart and once again I was out of breath. I smiled at him.

"Tod- today was amazing," I said. He looked at me with a content smile.

"Yeah, I'm glad it was," he said.

I waited for a second before asking, "Is my voice bad?" I tried to ignore the voice cracks and the way it sounded like I was voice acting a frog that'd be on a Disney show but it was ever so prominent.

"Of course not, I mean your voice is rough now but that's because you haven't spoken in a while and you're not used to it, we'll just need to work on it some more" He replied. I loved it how every time he mentioned something I needed to improve he always said 'we' instead of 'you'. It made me feel like he'd always be here to help me overcome my obstacles.

We talked a little bit more after that, I gave short answers because I wasn't used to speaking, but I didn't want to go back to signing right now because this was a chance to improve. Sebastian smiled the whole time, he said it was because he was so happy I gained the trust in him to speak to him.

We decided after that to call it a night, I drove us back to my house.

We arrived and like the gentleman he is, Sebastian walked me up to the door. He held his hands on my hips and I had mine around his waist. He was so much taller than me and it looked especially noticeable in this position.

"So... I was thinking, I know we've only been on two official dates but we shared all this time in-between... I love you and I know I do, I don't know if you feel the same but in my heart, you fit so well with me... Talon..." he paused for a second and breathed in, pulling me closer.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

It was such a simple question but it made me feel like there were fireworks going off in my heart and chest. I didn't hesitate to answer with a definite yes.

He quickly kissed me on the lips... I could get used to this kind of touching.

"Goodnight baby," he said smiling. This time when he called me baby it felt like it had entire new meaning and all the more power now that were officially dating. I know it's just a title but it felt like so much more.

I quietly said goodnight back and he ruffled my hair walking away with almost a skip in his step. He opened his car door and before stepping in he gave me a very exaggerated wink. I laughed as he drove away.

I stood outside the house basically starstruck from the night, turning, unlocking and opening the door after a few seconds. I walked inside and up the stairs. When I passed my brothers room he looked up from his computer.

"How'd the date go?" Darryn asked, winking his eye and bouncing his eyebrows up and down.

I chuckled and signed that I'd tell him in the morning.

Ryn laughed and said he'd be waiting for it.

I went to my room and jumped into my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I put my fingers to my lips.

My first kiss... Well, my first real kiss. With Sebastian Reynolds, and now, he's my boyfriend.

I smiled to myself and tapped my touch bracelet, waiting until I received a touch back, and when I did I rolled onto my side and shut my eyes.

Maybe life is good.

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