Blood Bound

By issavibeeeee

575K 16.6K 5K

Inmate-#14A5473 Camille Royel A.K.A "Luna" was a 21 year old Felon. Camille wasn't your typical average femal... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note.
Authors note again 🀣
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Not a chapter but Plz ReadπŸ˜₯
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60-FINALE Pt.1
Sequel Alert!


3.8K 158 52
By issavibeeeee

A/N: If you really wanna get into the scenario's,LISTEN TO THE SONG AS YOU READ THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!.....I promise ,You'll feel like you're in the story🤣.


It's been three days since Meecho's been in the hospital and unfortunately, there still wasn't any progress with him. The doctors kept him in an induced coma so that they could remove the bullet. Luckily,it was a success.

Everyone's been back and forth to visit him,and as for me? I haven't left his side. I would go home just to change my clothes,and come right back. I wanted to be right hea' when he opened his eyes.

Hearing the door open,I looked up to see Amaru's mother. I then remembered that I had text her because she's been blowing up meecho's phone. I just thought it was best to let her know what's goin' on with her child's father. I wasn't gon' be no bitter bitch and not tell her.

"Hey." She said,giving a faint smirk.

"Hey." I said,returning the smirk before I stood up.

"How's he doing?" She asked,as both of us looked at Meecho.

"The same." I sighed. "C'mon, lets talk out there."

I nodded my head towards the door as she followed me. Shutting the door behind me,we both took a seat outside of Meecho's room.

"I'm sorry." She started.


"The way I acted when we first met. I was a bitch to you for no ass reason,and it made me seem bitter." She stated,I could sense that she was being sincere so I gave her a smirk.

"Girl it's Gucci. I was bein' a bitch too so I wanna apologize as well." I said in between chuckles. "Meech mentioned that you've been wanting to meet with me but,so much shit has been goin' on I haven't had the time."

"It's cool" she waved it off, "I'm speaking to you now so that's all that matters."

Nodding ,I waited for her to continue.

"I just wanna say,I really appreciate the way you treat my son as if he was your own. I'm not the type of parent to act salty because another woman is helping his father take care of him. Trust me, even though I can provide Amaru with anything,it's good to know that he has other people to lean on."

"Of course. I love that little guy, but I would Neva' try to replace you. It was kinda' hard in the beginning to accept the fact that Meecho had a baby,but he grew on me. Amaru has nothing to do with whateva' went on between us. "

Her eyes got watery as she quickly wiped them away.

"Girl don't even cry,I done cried so much I think my eyes are gonna fall out." I joked causin' her to chuckle.

"I'm sorry it's just—" she sniffed, "I know how hard it is to be without a father,and I honestly don't want Meecho to go. Amaru needs him, he needs his dad to see him grow up and teach him things that only a man can teach him."

"Aww c'mere." I cooed as my eyes got watery and I held my arms out for a hug.

Embracing each other,she sobbed into my chest as I rubbed her back. Tears strolled down my cheek as I thought about what she said. The thought of Amaru having to grow up without Meecho only made this harder. Meecho loves his son,more than anything in this world. He adored his kids dead or alive,and everytime Amaru see's his dad,he shows nothing but them gums and that little dimple on his cheek.

Pulling back from each other we both wiped our eyes. "He's gonna come back. He wouldn't put his son through that pain of being without a dad."

"Yea."she nodded, "Yea I know."



Watching Mariah Run along the beach with a dog,Meecho Smiled. Her beautiful white dress flowed with the Wind as her light brown curly hair swayed side to side.

Meecho still couldn't believe he was here,with his father and daughter. It all seemed like a dream...or maybe it was.


"Yes my boy?"

"How come I'm only able to see you and Mariah,but not Ma'?"He asked,realizing that his mom wasn't in paradise.

Glancing away from his son for a second ,he thought.

"She'll be coming soon." He smiled.


"When the clouds spread,and the light shines." He said as both of them looked at the sky.

Hearing the dog bark both of their attention went to Mariah and the dog who came running over towards them as Mariah's laughs filled both of their ears.

"Daddy,Look!" Mariah said,pointing at the clouds.

The clouds began to spread and there the light was. Shining directly on Meecho,his body held a glow and he looked exactly like an angel.

Wakim stood up ,and Meecho followed as Mariah held out her hand for Meecho to grab.

"C'mon Daddy,it's time to go home."

Looking at his daughter then at his pops. He hesitated on grabbing his daughter's hand. This was it...this was his time to make a choice on whether or not he wants to leave paradise and wake up from this.

They began to walk towards the light,but Meecho paused ,realizing his mom wasn't there.

"You okay son?" Wakim asked.

"W-whea ma' at?"

Taking a look at the light but not seeing no one there,Wakim then looked at his son.

"Baby please! Don't leave me Please!" He could hear someone crying out. That someone, sounded like Luna. Looking around,he still couldn't see her. But he could hear her voice screech, begging for him not to go.

"Daddy." He heard Mariah soft voice say,looking at her he saw the frown on her face.

"Son,your Mother will be here when it's time for her to stand beside our father,and welcome you into heaven's gates." His father said,he placed his hand on Meecho's shoulder. "Maybe now isn't your time."

Meecho felt lost. Being here with his daughter made him feel like he should stay. But he knew,that his lady would lose her mind,and it would cause her pain. He wanted to prevent that,he didn't wanna be the cause of her pain.

Kneeling down to Mariah's level,he held his arms out before she came into his embrace. Holding his daughter tight,he gave her multiple kisses on her cheek. 

"Just know. Daddy loves you with all his heart ok?"

"I love you too daddy." Her head rested on his shoulder.

"Ima' miss you so much babygirl." He whispered as his eyes were shut tight, He didn't wanna let his daughter go,Not at all.

"Don't worry. I'm with you every where you go." Mariah spoke as she held her fathers face in her hand before kissing his forehead.

He smiled before standing up and slapping hands with his dad,before his father pulled him in for a hug.

"You continue making me proud my boy." His father spoke into his sons ear as he patted his back.

"I gotchu',you got my word."

"Don't forget I'll be protecting you. "Wakim pulled back as he looked into Meecho's eyes. "Now you go protect your boy and your lady  from that cold world down there."

Nodding slowly,he took in his father's words.

"And do me a favor." Wakim stated while intertwining his hand with Mariah's.


"Forgive your lady, She did it for a reason..."

Confused as to what his father was talking about, he furrowed his brows.

"You can always make another one." Wakim smirked,before Meecho finally caught on.

"I will." Meecho nodded, "I'll forgive."

"Good." Wakim smiled. "I love you Siah."

"I love you too pops."

Watching his father turn around and walk away with Mariah, Meecho stayed in his spot. The more they walked closer to the light,the more he wanted to walk with them,but he didn't.

Taking a pause,Mariah turned around before blowing her father a kiss. Something she always used to do when she was alive.

Catching it Meecho placed his hand on his heart.

She giggled before turning around ,and just like that, they disappeared into the light.

"CLEAR!" He heard someone yell.


Doctors rushed into Meecho's hospital room as his heart rate began to slow down. Confused as to what was going on Luna rushed in only to be stopped by a doctor.

"Mam, my apologies but I'm gonna need you to step outside for a minute." The doctor stated,with a frown on her face.

"W-whats going on why are they surrounding him like that?." She said,trying to get past the doctor. Just in time, Doctor Wilson came and made his way into the room.

"Doctor Wilson please tell us what's going on." Luna pleaded,with a look of worry as Tammy stood beside her,worried as well.

"His heart rate is slowing down,we're gonna have to use a defibrillator to get his heart to a stable pace again."

"W-whats does that mean doc?,what' does it mean?is he gonna die." She said as tears filled her eyes.

Without saying anything,Doctor Wilson frowned,before another doctor Guided Luna our of the room.

"No! Let me go! "Luna's voice screeched down the hospital halls. "Baby Please! Don't leave me please!"

Tammy tried her best to hold Luna as She had  a mental breakdown. And luckily Ty Mel and Marcus  had just walked in.

Dropping the bag of food they held in their hands,they rushed over to Luna who kept trying her hardest to get back into the hospital room. Security came But the guys let them know that they had her.

"He can't leave me!" She cried as she finally surrendered and cried into Marcus chest. "I don't wanna say goodbye!"

Holding Luna close and tight,Marcus Rocked her side to side. "He gonna make it Lu..." He said as his eyes stared at the wall. Fighting the urge to cry,he shut his eyes trying to put the thought of losing his best friend to the back of his mind.


"3....2...1....CLEAR!" Doctor Wilson held the Defibrillator to Meecho's chest ,sending a shock through his body causing his chest to rise up and down.

Looking at the heart rate machine,Meecho's heart rate continued to slow down. But keeping faith and remembering that he made a promise to this patients family,he wasn't giving up. He promised someone he was gonna help their loved one win a fight,and that's exactly what he was gonna do.

"3...2....1 Clear!"

Sending another shock through Meecho's body,DR.Wilson kept his eye on the heart rate machine. Even though his heart rate continued to drop,he knew it wouldn't feel right if he didn't keep trying.

3.....2....1...Clear!" Sending one more shock throughout Meecho's body. The beeping sound started again,and taking a sigh of relief,Dr.Wilson Smirked watching Meecho's heart beat go back to normal. Glancing down, a weight was lifted off of Dr.Wilsons shoulder as Meecho's eyes were slightly open.

"Told you ,you wasn't losing that fight Kid." He mumbled to himself.

"He's awake." Dr.Wilson informed the Nurses and doctors that stood in Meecho's room.

"Should I go inform the family doctor?" A nurse asked.

"No." He stated before taking off his gloves. "I will."

After Marcus made a call to everyone letting them know they should make their way to the hospital. The waiting room became full of the crew. Including  Alfonzo and Meecho's sister,Lourdes.

They were finally Able to get Luna to calm down,but she excluded herself from everyone. Sitting in the corner of the room with her head in her hands,she said a silent prayer. Something she didn't do in a long time.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looked up seeing her mother. With everything that was going on,she needed her mothers Michelle took the first flight out here,just to be that shoulder to lean on for  her daughter.

"Mommy." Luna said,sounding like a lost soul before standing up to hug her mom. Crying into her mothers chest,Michelle rubbed her daughters back,heartbroken to see her daughter this way.

Eyes looked like she hasn't slept in ages. Puffy as ever, skin dried. It reminded her of herself when Cornell died.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this Millie." Michelle whispered as she kissed her daughters forehead,continuing to hold her and console her.

"I don't want him to go." Luna cried.

"And he won't Baby.Trust me,he wouldn't hurt you like this." Michelle sniffed as she cried along with her daughter.

Lourdes didn't wanna interrupt the moment Luna was having with her mom,But Michelle realized her standing there,and pulled her in for a hug as well.

"Mrs Levy." Doctor Wilson said,as he made his way over to the family.

Releasing her face from her mothers chest,Luna Wiped her eyes before bringing her attention to the doctor.

"Please tell me he's okay. Please tell me he didn't give up." She said,as she walked towards Him. Everyone stood up as the waiting area stood  silent ,and they waited for a response.

"Remember that promise I made to you and your family?"

"When you said you was gonna help him fight." Luna stated.

"Yes." He smirked, "I kept my word."

Luna stood lost for a second before she caught on and a smile instantly grew on her face.

"He's awake." Dr Wilson spoke. Sighs of relief came from around the room.

"Thank you Jesus." Michelle mumbled,as she held her chest.

"They're getting him cleaned up but when they finish,the nurse will let you in. Ok?" He said ,speaking to everyone in the waiting area.

"Thank you so much Doctor Wilson." Luna stated. She was thankful they had a doctor like him,and not a doctor that would've gave up.

Dr Wilson seemed to have actually cared.

A few minutes later,the nurse came out and informed them that they can now go in to see Meecho.

"We'll be out here. We can see him when he comes home. Now is y'all time." Alfonzo stated,as the rest of the crew agreed.

"He said he wants to see his wife." The nurse said with a grin on her face.

"Y'all know he was gonna wanna see his Lu Lu first." Marcus joked,causing everyone to laugh.

Standing up,Luna blew out a breath.

"You can touch him just not near the chest area,okay? And I also took the oxygen mask off him but in twenty minutes he has to put it back on."The nurse informed.

"Yes, thank you." Luna nodded.

"No problem." The nurse smiled before shutting the door behind her.

Slowly making her way over to Meecho's bed side. She felt herself getting emotional. But this time,it was happy emotions.

Meecho's eyes were closed but hearing footsteps they slightly opened again.

They had a regular oxygen mask on him this time,instead of the tube being in his mouth.

"Hi baby." She softly spoke,happy to see her man awake as she leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Girl stop playing and kiss my lips." He slurred. He was still on a little high from the Morphine they gave him for the pain in his chest.

Chuckling,she puckered up her lips before they gave each other multiple pecks. The last kiss,was passionate. She held his face as she embraced this moment.

To see hear man Breathing,To hear his voice. To feel his lips. It was everything to her. For a second she thought she was gonna lose him, but she didn't. He's strong,and she knew that. That's why she wasn't surprised.

"I'm so glad your back Baby. I thought I was gonna lose you." She said,as she felt herself about to cry again. Looking into each other's eyes,Meecho gave his lady one last kiss.

"Y—You know I wasn't gon' leave you girl. You stuck with me." He smirked with his low eyes. "We got so much more we gotta do before I leave this earth, I promise."

"Yea?" Luna asked.

"Yea baby,c'mere." He patted the space next to him on the bed.

Taking a seat next to Meecho on his bed,Luna leaned back before Meecho intertwined his hand with Luna's before kissing it. "This might sound like some crazy shit,but I know what I saw."

"Whatchu' mean."

Trying to gather his thought together,he tried sitting up in the bed a little bit,wincing from the pain.

"Try not to move too much Meech." Luna said,being cautious.

"I'm good Ma'." He stated. "Anyways. There's this place that I was at. And Baby,the place was beautiful."

"Forreal? What was it."

"It was—" he paused, "it was paradise... a nice pretty beach,with clear blue water. Sunny skies, a waterfall and everything Ma'. When I got there, I heard a little voice screaming daddy."

A grin spread across Luna's face as she watched her man tell the story in amazement,already knowing the name he was about to say.

"It was Mariah."

"Oh my god baby." Luna cooed. "Really?"

"She's beautiful babe. Long curly hair,White dress,my hazel eyes"

"She sounds beautiful." Luna said,as she listened to him speak in awe.

" And Lu when she hugged me,she hugged me so tight. I couldn't believe it." He looked at Luna again with glossy eyes. "It was like—-like I could feel her y'know?"

He paused. "And my pops—my pops was there."

"Yea?" Luna asked,so intrigued with what Meecho was telling her.

"Yea,he was there. And he didn't sound like the ghetto OG from New York. He spoke so proper and shit." He said in between chuckles,causing Luna to laugh.

"And he spoke to me. At first I thought I was in heaven,but he told me I was on like a little Vacation in the after life. Lu I ain't wanna leave." He stated. "Then we sat at the waterfall and you know what I heard?"

"What'd you hear Papi?" Luna asked,as she move in a little closer to Meecho.

"I heard you." He said. Luna frowned, as Meecho tucked her hair behind her ear. "I heard my baby telling me not to go and to fight."

"You really heard me?"

"Yea babe...I heard everything. I heard you telling me don't go to the light. And the light was there,shining right on me.." he wiped the tear that had fell down Luna's Cheek. "when I grabbed Mariah's hand...I was almost gonna walk to it. But the pain your screams,stopped me. I couldn't leave daughter asked me if I was gonna leave her again,I couldn't even answer. My pops told me my mom was gonna meet me at the light,but I didn't see her there. You know what he told me?"


"It wasn't my time. And baby it wasn't. My mother would've been right there waiting for me if it was my time,but she wasn't."

"Meech.."Luna wiped her eyes, "this is beautiful. This place sounds like it's so peaceful."

"It is. But as good as it sounds,I don't wanna go there until it's my time,and that won't be any time soon."

"I hope so."

"I know so." Meecho assured. Leaning over,he left a kiss on Luna's forehead,before giving her a peck on the lips. "I ain't going no whea' no time soon you hea' me?"

"Yes." Luna nodded.

"And Lu?" He pulled back before placing his hand on her stomach.

"Hm?" She said,as her body tensed up a little.

"I forgive you."

Shocked to what he just said. Her face kept a blank expression.

She was afraid of his reaction when he found out she got an abortion,but to her surprise. He wasn't upset.

All in all,she was happy that her man didn't leave her. She was happy to be in his embrace,she was happy that she could be happy again.

Yallll,I didn't wanna make the finale too long because I still gotta write the epilogue but I really just wanted to hurry up and get this chapter out.

This was one,emotional ass chapter and my eyes were watery while writing this whole thing,even with the damn song!

But I really appreciate the feed back y'all give me,it means a lot!

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