The Black Panther (Discontinu...

Από creolelady

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You make me the woman, I've always wanted to be. T'Challa x a woman who's an uncanny copy of the storm who o... Περισσότερα

Duchess ( Revamped)
Beginning (Revamped)
Vibranium (Revamped )
The Dora's ( Revamped)
Cai Bride ( Revamped)
First Dates (New Chapter)
Mrs. Udaku ( Revamped)
Honeymoon (Revamped)
Behind Closed Doors (Revamped)
Just let go (New Chapter) Pt.1
Just let go (New chapter) pt.2
Not Yours ( Revamped)
Hello Ego (Revamped)
Harper, 2 u ( New chapter)
Homecoming ( Revamped)
The King (New Chapter)
The Press ( Revamped)
King's duty pt.1 (New Chapter)
Sedate Me (New chapter)
Twin Flames ( New Chapter)
The end & beginning ( New Chapter)
Sky Goddess ( New chapter )
Morph ( New Chapter )
Reckless pt.1 ( Revamped)
Lover's Day (New Chapter)
Snap ( New chapter)
tewagī( New chapter )
Stages ( New chapter )
Capture me (New chapter)
Reckless pt.2 ( Revamped)
Visions of old ( New chapter)
Thinking ( New chapter )
Ororo's Letter ( New Chapter)
Son of a king pt.1 ( New chapter)
Son of a King pt.2 (New chapter)
Venom Pt. 1 (Revamped)
Venom pt.2 (Revamped)
Harper's Dream ( Revamped)
River (New Chapter)
Interlinked ( New chapter)
Azari ( New chapter)
20 ( Revamped)
Finishline (New Chapter)
Surprise (New chapter)
Naysayers (Revamped!!)
Grace (New chapter)
With a chance of Rain? ( New chapter)

13 (New chapter)

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Από creolelady

Please listen to music linked with chapter.

About a month had passed since Killmongers reign. I hit 13 weeks on a Monday morning. These days I stayed in bed a lot longer than I usually did. I rolled onto my side and watched T'Challa sleep heavily. He'd taken on a lot of responsibility these past few weeks as well. He finally decided to reveal Wakanda to the world, which would be a slow and gradual process over the next few years. He knew he wanted to ensure Wakanda's safety even during exposure. I hadn't expected him to do such a thing but with the way his cousin moved him, it explained everything. The elders were  in uproar but with time they settled with the idea after GREAT convincing from me. It wasn't about what you did in the elders presence, it was how you said it. T wasn't always the best when it came to explaining his ideas to them. He felt he shouldn't have to because he's the King. While he had a point in that regard, the elders still mattered. Their feelings were taken into account, which is why opening Wakanda didn't necessarily mean filling it up with outsiders. It would be more of a source of help for awhile. T'Challa didn't explain that- I did.

My brother had come to see me after being denied access into the country during Killmonger's reign. He was frantic but I assured him I was fine. He seemed more surprised to see my growing belly. He was absolutely elated for me. His wife and my niece came along too. Lily was nearing one years old which was something to be proud about. She gravitated towards my belly like a magnet as if she knew he cousin was in there. I cried like a baby when he went back to Cai which I attributed to my hormones.

T'Challa stirred awake and pushed his face into the pillow before he opened one eye at me.  My face stayed unmoving, as I stared back at him.

" I swear sometimes I have to look at you slowly. Looking at you is like realizing at the last second that you've been watched by a big giant leopard. Too late before you realize ", he chuckled.

" I scared you ", I chuckled.

" Just a little bit. Your eyes are piercing . You're like a cat or something " he rasped.

" Says the cat ", I quipped.

That's what we did every morning now, just look at one another until he'd slowly side his hands over to my stomach and feel it. And when he felt it this time there almost seemed to be a change over night. My belly was now round. I had a small bump that was very noticeable even under my coats. The elders were touching it NON STOP. I didn't mind considering that I knew them but it was still a little strange how we'd be mid convo and they'd just touch my belly.

" Getting big now Entle. Finally ", he sighed, lightly rubbing his hand back and forth across my stomach.

" Is that what you were hoping for ? For me to be big and swollen ? ", I chuckled.

" Big is better here in Wakanda . But I could have told you that ", he snorted.

" How could I forget ", I mumbled nostalgically smiling at the thought. Seconds pass as he watched my smile come and go.

" I miss you ", he whispered.

" I'm right here ", I rasped in confusion matching his tone.

" I know ", he said pulls me closer to him. Now we were stomach to stomach and almost chest to chest. He pressed his hand against my cheek.

" I really think it would be good for you to get back into this counseling thing ", he suggested.

" Yeah. I just need a little more time. That's all. I'm just trying to process -", he cuts me off.

" There's never a right time ", he urged.

" I just need to sit with it a little longer ", I pressed. He took a few seconds to analyze me before he shook his head.

" I should say the same for you ", I snort.

" Oh I'm a host of problems. I won't deny it. But I have a duty -", I cut him off now.

" Your first duty should be self preservation. We're African...I know that term is a bit strange but still, we must take care of ourselves. Right ? ", I suggest.

" Right ", he chuckled.

" The elders are afraid my sadness will transfer to the baby and make it an unhappy child ", I rolled my eyes.

" As far out as that might be...they may have a point. I'm sure it senses when you're sad ", he suggested.

" It better not cry when it comes out. All these damned marble floors and golden stair cases. I hope it feels more lucky than anything. Like me ", I joked.  He laughed with me.

When the laughter died and the smiles faded. We both held longing gazes. Lately there was a lot we didn't say because it was felt. Especially with me being marked by him, I felt it was easier for him to understand me and I him. Everything I ever wanted to tell him but didn't have he confidence to, he knew.

" Can I touch you ? ", he asks.

" You already are ", I chuckled motioned towards our lower half's. My stomach was more on his than anything, and somehow our legs always found a way to intertwine. The next thing I know his lips are on my neck and I remember a moment in my dreams. I flinch under his touch causing him to stop.

" Too soon ? ", he asks.

" No- no I just had a chill. We should get ready for the day anyway ", I lie.

Weeks later we were still repairing the damage Erik had done. We spent about two weeks looking for my pet lambs. I had pictures of them sent out to news outlets with a handsome reward to whoever had seen or returned them. After looking at the menu sheet I saw an increase in lamb chops being scheduled for dinner and this pattern had been going on for weeks since nobody changed it yet. I came to the conclusion that Erik had in fact ordered them. We used our own livestock most times so it only made sense. Erik had them turned to lamb chops behind my back. He had my animals slaughtered and likely didn't even eat the food prepared. I tried to reason in my head. MAYBE The lambs were with the other livestock and with lambs that grazed outside, so I trivialized the thought that he just so happened to pick those two. Nothing was ever an accident with Erik. It was like Erik's final " FUCK YOU " to me.

That moment hit the nail in the coffin. I decided I was done crying over the situation when it wouldn't change anything. Now here I was...myself in the middle of a football (soccer) game after knocking out some paper work and organizing events for the rest of the year. T'Challa sat beside me with his hand protectively in my lap. We clapped and he cheered from the team playing. Shuri sat beside me playing on her Kimoyo likely working on something as always. Romanda was knitting something, Nakia was digging into stadium food and Okoye and Ayo were standing behind us on duty as always. I watched T'Challa smile at the team, clapping his hands together loudly. It was moments like this I'd taken for granted in the past. We'd fought at this game before or my mind would be on something else. Now I was just thankful. I was thankful for my family. I was thankful for another chance at life as scarred and tattered as I came out on the other end. I desperately wished for this moment weeks ago and now it was here. The greatest lesson I learned about life was that it's as short as it was precious.

After the soccer game T'Challa and I went to a reserved restaurant for lunch before he got back to work. We both ate quietly and he cleared his throat to speak up.

" So...we'll be having a visitor to Wakanda. It's a friend of a friend ", he brought up.

" Oh really, who ? ", I asked.

" Bucky Barnes. He's a friend of Steven Rogers who's a good friend of mine from the states. He's a part of the avengers. Bucky is in need of mental healing. He's a bit of a...broken record . We'll be healing his mind here and letting him stay here until he's better enough to release into general public ", T'Challa explained.

" What's he like ? ", I ask.

" Uh...violent. Half the time at least...and pale  ", he sighed.

" Oh -", I blurt.

" It's come to my attention Wakanda has many ways of healing and rehabilitation especially for mental health problems. With technology ? "? I assume.

" Yes. We have machines that can show us memories and traumatic events to pin point emotional distress and mental illness. We have machines that can rewire your brain and fix chemical imbalances after a few sessions. We have healing huts filled with fumes from herbs and essential oils that fix and reconstruct your mood and attitude ", he admits.

" Who can use the machines ? ", I ask.

" People in dire need of treatment. People who are on the severe end of disorders. Victims of severe physical or mental abuse, depression, anxiety, addiction, social anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and countless other disorders ", he explained.

" So someone like me wouldn't be qualified ? ", I asked.

" Not really. For one we know the root cause of your issues and I think you owe it to yourself to talk these things out. It's more rewarding that way. We only use the machines in emergency situations or for people who need to be reintroduced into general population. That's why Wakandan's are so mild mannered. Not only do we not have the same social stresses as they would in other places of the world, we provide free health care and mental health care. Many of the elders don't use it but the younger kids do. That's why I didn't want you to feel indifferent to therapy. It's more common than you think ", he urged.

" I see..", I trailed off.

It got quiet again as we finished our meal. We still had time to spare, an hour to be exact.

" You're....spiritual...right ? ", I choked up. T looks at me strangely.

" I'm the Black Panther. It's pretty much my job to be spiritual. I have a direct link to Bast and all the King's before me ", he reminded me.

" Oh....right ", I nodded awkwardly.

" Why ? "? He squinted his eyes at me suspiciously.

" Oh nothing.....nothing ...", I stuttered.

" It's not nothing. Your heart rate is elevated which means you are nervous or lying ", he blurts.

" I forgot about those super ears of yours ", I sighed.

" Yeah...they come in handy ", he chuckled even louder.

" You can ask me anything. You know that ", he pushes. 

" Well um, when you bit me ...", I trailed off.

" Yes. What about it ? ", he urges.

" Some things happened after you bit me. I had these....almost feverish dreams about you and the baby and- ", I paused momentarily trying not to get emotional from the thought of it. He waited for me.

" I'm not sure if I was so desperately depressed and traumatized that my brain came up with a chemical reaction to help me pull through. Or if everything you told me was real. I remember you giving me the idea to go to the Jabari, I remember everything and that's what scares me. You act like nothing happened in that regard. It's been a bit frightening watching you come back to life and go on without a mention of it. Those dreams were intense and they were real and I just need to know I'm not crazy or something. Am I crazy ? ", I frowned.

" Of course not Englosi. I bit you for a reason. I bit you to keep us connected spiritually no matter what. I apologize for frightening you but I thought it was implied. That bite connects us forever ", he insists.

" Even after death ? ", I asked.

" Even after death ", he reassures.

" if I die - ", I gauge his reaction and his jaw momentarily clenches. A short spurt of anger shows up on his face so subtly from the thought of me gone. I could feel that heat course throughout my body like he controlled it.

" I fact be able to reach you. Even if you happened to die first ", he reassures.

" I felt that ", I added.

" I know ", he said.

" Well...I guess I might as well get used to it ", I concluded.

" I'm not all that bad ", he smirked.

" No ....not entirely ", I joke.

" We should get back ", he suggested.
And so we did. Waiting for us in the entrance was one man. A tall muscular white male with sandy blonde hair in a navy blue jacket. I become anxious momentarily before he shot me a soft smile of which I returned.

" Good to see you again T ", they shared a side embrace ending in a hand shake.

" This is my wife, Harper ", he directed his attention to me.

" Ahh yes, the infamous Harper. The avengers have heard all about you ", he took my hand into his.

" Really ? ", I asked.

" Someone with that much power does not go unnoticed. Trust me. And congratulations ", he motioned for my belly.

" Oh, Thankyou ", I chuckled. 

" I'll take you to meet Bucky ", T'challa said to me.

All three of us walked to a separate lab towards the back of the palace. I hadn't been to this lab before but it was an entirely different set of doctors and scientists on this side.

" This is the lab my father used ", T'Challa informed me. I looked around myself admiring all the things I didn't quite understand. In the middle of the room sat a man with messy dark hair, blue eyes and a missing arm.

" Harper this is Bucky Barnes, Bucky this is Queen Harper ", Captain introduced me.

" Hello ", I held out my hand to him and he shook it inspecting me before throwing me a small smile.

" It's nice to meet you. Thankyou for inviting me into your home ", he spoke sincerely.

" It's no problem. I trust T'Challa's judgement ", I chuckled.

" He's a good man ", Bucky reassured me.

" You guys met T'Challa when he came to America if I understand correctly ? ", I asked Steve and Bucky.

" Correct. First impressions weren't exactly the friendliest...but he grew on me ", Steve joked. T'Challa rolled his eyes jokingly.

" I assume he came out swinging thing ", I laughed.

" That's an understatement ", Bucky chided. I patted T'Challa on the back and shook my head knowing him. Very much the ask questions later type of man when upset. My Kimoyo beeped alerting me it was time for my prenatal and tea with Romanda which she insisted on every other day. She was obsessed with this baby and knowing how I was feeling.

" I've got to go, it was so nice meeting you two ", I shook both of their hands and T'Challa kisses my cheek before I make my way to the sunroom.

T'challa pov *

" You sure about this ? ", Cap asked Bucky.

" I can't trust my own mind. So until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody ", he concluded. I left them alone to talk, figuring they had a few more things to talk about. I waited outside looking out into the Wakandan field. Minutes later Captain stood beside me enjoying the view.

" Thankyou for this ", Said Cap.

" Your friend and my father...were both victims. If I can help one of them find piece...", I become to consumed to finish my thought. I referenced Hydra, a terrorist organization linked to the man who killed my father and Bucky's past torture.

" You know if they find out here's here, they'll come for him ? ", he warned.

" Let them try ",  I threaten.

" I guess I should get going now. I wouldn't want to spook anymore people ", he chuckled.

" You could always stay for dinner if you like. We can make you anything you like ", I suggest.

" Pizza ? ", he raised his eyebrow.

" Eh- Americans. Pizza it is ", I rested my hand on his shoulder.

" What are you doing for the rest of the day ? ", he questioned.

" Not much actually, though I should. I have a surprise for my wife ", I hint.

" Really ? Special occasion ? ", he asks.

" No. Just replacing something that was lost. After everything that's happened these past few weeks she ended up losing her pet lambs she loved so much. She refuses to eat lamb so I figured I'd get something a little bit....harder to kill ", I imply.

" ? ", he suggests.

" Steve...we're African. If a dog lives in this palace he'd better be useful ", I scoff.

" A cat maybe ? ", he offers.

" A panther ", I conclude.

" That would be nice but perhaps you're forgetting that they get big and strong and...hungry ", he cringed.

" I control the animals. They answer to me. It would be perfectly safe and since it will be young it will be tamed here. Or maybe I should get two so that it won't be lonely an- ", he cuts me off.

" Two...big cats walking around your palace? ", he looks at me crazily and then looks around him.

" It suits you guys ", he laughed in defeat.

" And since you are our guest...I find it necessary you partake in our traditions while you are here. It is not uncommon for the King to bring back gifts for his matter how big or small. It is also not uncommon to go hunting for the gift yourself. It shows you care ", I explain.

" HUNT ? ", Cap raised a brow.

" Oh yes. I have to go looking for the animal ", I scoff.

" Let me get this right. YOU are going into the jungle to find your wife...", he trailed off.

" A pet. Yes ", I finished. Cap bursted into a ridiculous fit of laughter. I looked at him blankly until his face turned serious.

" Seriously ? ", he became concerned.

" You laugh at my tradition ? ", I accuse.

" NO...I'm just. It's new to me ", he excused holding his hands up.

" Yes well. Going around wild animals isn't the most ridiculous OR dangerous thing we've ever done. Need I remind you that you and I have fought along side the hulk ? That's a greater risk ", I quipped.

" You have a point. So how do we go about doing this ? Do we drive up there...or ? ", he asks.

" A group of soldiers will go with me in a large overland truck. We'll have to go into the jungle, that's where all the black panthers reside ", I assure him.

" And....", he waited for me to finish.

" We take our pick? Anything else ? ", I grew impatient.

Harper Pov*

" He doesn't want to leave my side ", I chuckled rubbing my stomach.

" That's a good thing ! You know some men treat their pregnant wives like the plague ? Always away. Afraid to touch them ", Okoye spoke up. There wasn't many days off for a Dora Milaje but they didn't work all day. Many of them would take turns guarding which provided a break for one group and then the other. Today Okoye decided to take off entirely which was permitted a few days out of the year. She expressed that the recent events had made her tired and she wanted to relax. Romanda invited her for tea. There we sat in the sunroom with Shuri, Romanda, Ayo, Suko, and ourselves. Okoye and W'Kabi had separated immediately after T'challa's return and she had actually moved on....

" I second that ", Stoic and Quiet Ayo spoke up looking lovingly at Okoye. They sat beside one another holding hands. It was a shock to us all but when love is present there is no time limit.

" Well I for one would NEVER have a baby. Not unless I used a surrogate. I mean...all men ever do is disappoint. Better to be mad at him knowing you didn't stretch out your body for him. No offense...I'm really excited for my niece of nephew ", Shuri's Leo energy filled up the room blurting the first thing that came to mind. She was was I. Romanda's melodic laugh filled the room. Her ideas represented the new generations way of thinking. I didn't fault her although I couldn't relate...mostly because I loved T'Challa so much.

" What do you know about disappointment miss thing ? ", Romanda grinned at Shuri.

" I know a lot. I know things ", she huffed cutely.

" You know about boys ? ", I lifted a brow at her. She hid her face behind her tea cup.

" Yes... tell us about this boy you like ", Nakia exposed her.

"I for one know about disappointment. But you are talking MIGHTY loud for someone who has a -", Okoye was cut off by Shuri.

" His name is Adlai and NO he is not my boyfriend so can everyone just -", all of us cut her off by howling and Oooing. She face palmed herself regretting she told us.

" Tell us about this Adlai ", I hummed.

" He's apart of the science team that comes here a few days of the week ", she sighed.

" Oh so he's in the lab with you often ? ", I gushed.

" Oh I've seen those two. Everytime he sees her he looks like he's seen a ghost ", Romanda blurted.

" umama ", Shuri groaned.

" kakuhle yinyaniso", said Romanda.

(Well it's true )

" He's Just intimated that's all. Try to open up more. Ask him to assist you more and ask him about his home life ", I suggest.

" I do. But he just sits there and stares at me like a fish out of water ", Shuri speaks her frustration.

" You should act hurt so that he's forced to help you. It will make him feel special ", Nakia spoke her idea.

" That's manipulative ", Ayo chuckled.

" They love the damsel in distress act. It makes them feel useful ", Okoye added.

" If he can't take me as I am then I don't want him. He'll stay in the background like everyone else ", Shuri pouted.

" That's my girl ", I encouraged.

" Shuri the truth is...a girl of your status will have a hard time in the dating department. God forbid we arrange a marriage like your father did for T'Challa. That concept is outdated but he really wanted that cobalt I suppose. You're going to have to give him a push in the right direction. Imagine how intimated he is. But don't change who you are ", she adviced.

" You want me to be nice and understanding ? Not exactly my forte ", she snorted.

" Just throw him a bone ", I wink. She seemingly gave up but I knew Shuri. When she had her mind set on something she was going to do it, regardless of what anyone thought.

After tea it was just Romanda and myself enjoying the rays from the sunroom and talking about life. I'd really clung to her especially after the loss of my parents. She's probably the best surrogate mother anyone could ask for. I had a lot of questions about mother hood and raising children these last few weeks. I wanted to know more about T'Challa growing up trying to imagine some of his personality in the child growing in my belly.

" When T'Challa was younger he was incredibly quiet. Always observing everything. We rarely had any problems out of him. I worried about him a lot especially because he lost his mother. I always thought to myself....would I ever be able to give him the same love his own mother did and would he know the difference? I didn't want him to fill half empty. I did everything I could to love him as my own and raise him as any doting mother would. He was such a sweet boy...I can only hope your future child inherits his innate gentleness. T'Chaka told me that when he was born he smiled...isn't that something ? He came into this world with joy from the very start. Didn't even cry once, not even when he was hungry. He had a patience and a knowing that he was born with. That's why it was so easy to love him. I still wonder if I did all I could. He seems to be okay over all. After that I realized I'm pretty good at being other people's momma. Possibly even yours too ", she chuckled sweetly at me. I smiled back laughing with her.

" Yeah well I'm sure you know how the story went with the first mom. You know I've been thinking a lot about the type of parents T and I will be. I've concluded that even though I'm excited to be a mom I'm really scared too. Not for myself but for this baby. I'm an array of problems. I have a lot to sort out. I was reading one of the books in T'challa's library and there was a topic that came up. It's called epigenetic trauma. This trauma can happen to someone in a blood line that can leave a chemical mark on a persons genes. This trauma can be passed down to the child and so and and so on. It's like a rewiring of the parent and then the offsprings brain. In more severe cases, this mark can lead to health problems in the child depending on what the parents trauma was. It's similar to like how a child needs affection. If there's certain kinds of love and affection missing out of a child's life, it can cause mental and physical health problems down the road. It doesn't even have to be a physical trauma. Let's say my mother was neglected as a child...and in return it caused me to have attachment issues. I used to cry when she left the room was I little. I cried every time my mother left the house up until I was 14. I don't want to be the reason for my baby's problems and that's why I've been thinking about the machines that...heal people here ", I confess.

" You can't change the past, that's for certain. But I can guarantee you that this child will be perfectly healthy both physically and psychologically. And if it's not then Wakanda has the technology to help but keep in mind, the child is half mutant and half of it's father. T'Challa can only give you the most well off offspring. Genetically of course ", she reassured.

" That's also true ", I shrugged.

" You are worrying too much. The baby is not worried therefore you should not be either. You have the best medical care in the world....all that's left to do now is wait ", she held my hand.

" I suppose you are right ", I conclude.

After tea with Romanda I spent most of my day responding to letters and concerns sent in by the citizens before I retired for the day. My work load was light though it wasn't physically demanding. T insisted that I not sit in a chair for 7 hours a day and that I should always be getting fresh air. He also thought that moving would help with my circulation. This man hadn't brought up my circulation in our entire marriage until now. I chuckled at the thought of him being so concerned with every little aspect of the baby and I's health.

T'Challa pov

Steve was sweating bullets as we fought off multiple hordes of deadly hippos, Lions and cheetahs. We wanted the casualties to remain at a minimum so the animals were only shot with sleeping agents. Brute force was a last resort. There was no need to kill to shoot considering how well Wakanda's jungle was thriving. Steve's nerves were shot. I'd never seen him this scared before and the man had went up against intergalactic forces.

" Look alive. There has to be a cub around here somewhere ", I patted his shoulder. He swatted at bugs because we were under the canopy of the forest now. In the corner of my ear I hear a growl. We point our weapons in the direction of the sound and Steve gets into a fighting stance. I had to contain my laughter  because he didn't have a clue what this was all about. 

I inspect the noise drawing closer to it with my dart gun ready. Revealed is a large panther slouched over a tree nearly ripped to shreds. A crying noise could be heard from underneath it.

" Looks like a Hippo got to it. Happens around here quite often. They are extremely aggressive and  territorial creatures. I can't stand them ", I scoffed.  I use my shoe to lift up the underbelly of the cat and I see a cub lying underneath it.

" Just what I wanted ", my soldiers moved the giant animal and grabbed the small cub from under it's mother.

The journey back to the overland truck was just as difficult as it was swatting and cutting through jungle. We didn't reach the palace again until night fall, just in time for dinner. Considering that the table was already being set, we all opted to wash our hands and not keep everyone waiting. I informed the maids to get the cub washed up, Fed, checked on medically. The dining room was filled with colorful foods along with pizza as the center piece per Steve's request. Harper sat in the seat beside mine which was at the head of the table. I  approached her and she stood up to meet my kiss.

" You smell like a puppy ", she turned her nose up at me.

" Well we had quite the day ", I chuckled.

" Oh really ? Doing what ? ", she raised her brow at me.

" Getting something special for you ", I hinted.

" Hmmm. More surprises huh? ", we both sat down. Steve took a seat next to her looking worn out which was a rare sight.

" This food looks great ", he sparked conversation with Harper.

" Oh yes. The chefs are seriously talented. They make some of the best food I've ever had ", she insists.

" I wouldn't doubt you. I also wouldn't doubt that your husband here would roam this entire earth from top to bottom to make you happy ", he snorts.

" What did you guys get into today? ", She squinted.

" I cannot tell ", he held his hands up in defense.

Everybody sat down for dinner and our food was plated. Shuri sat at the table playing a game on her Kimoyo which Romanda snatched from her. Nakia, Okoye and Ayo were all busy talking about their schedules and Harper, Steve and myself were talking about our guest.

" So Steve, how did you get your powers ? ", she asked him.

" Well. It's a pretty long story ", he insisted.

" I have time ", she sat back in her seat patiently.

" Well. In 1920 I was born to two Irish immigrants in Manhattan newyork ", he starts from the beginning.

" Oh we've been there ! ", Harper unknowingly rested her hand on top of mine.

" Yeah. Great city. Both of my parents passed by the time I was a teen. By the 1940's que World War II. I'm pretty scrawny at this point but I'm technically considered an adult. I attempt to enlist into the US army but I'm rejected because I'm too frail. I was pretty disappointed but my resilience catches the attention of Dr.  Josef Reinstein and Army General Chester Phillips. I was introduced to a project called " Rebirth " where i'd receive a serum that would enhance me in every way possible. I of course was on board for this. If I was going to be turned into a super solider I might as well have looked the part right ? So I'm put into a machine where the serum is injected into me. At first they didn't think things would go as planned but I'm here ", he pointed at himself.

" Wow... so...are you immortal ? ", she asks.

" Another long story. Bucky and I both happen to be super soilders. A terrible plane crash caused me to fall into the depths of the freezing North Atlantic Ocean where I was discovered years later... frozen in time. It was truly a miracle. Bucky survived the crash as well nearly falling to his death. Unfortunately HYDRA found him and used him for many many years freezing him when it was convenient. All his years of torture is the reason why he is the way he is...troubled. But Wakanda has the technology to finally give him a piece of mind ", Captain finished.

" Wow...that's quite the story ", Harper marveled at him.

" Yeah. But what about you ? ", he inquired.

" What about me ? ", she asks.

" How did you become how you are today ", he asks.

" Excuse me ", I get up from the table so that I can check up on her gift.

Harper pov *

" Well. I was in a arranged marriage to T'Challa and the first night I spent here a vibranium meteorite crashes next to the car we were in. The vibranium is not of this world and causes mutations to wildlife and other things. The event set off a chain reaction of powers inside me. A year after that accident I visit the X mansion. Everybody always said I have similar powers to storm so Professor Xavier thought it would be best that I go into one of her rooms. I found a letter that explained to me that we were actually cousins and our powers are hereditary. Certain events or other factors can set them off. The vibranium basically accelerated or rather caused a chain reaction for me to receive my powers. Now I'm here I guess ", I chuckled.

" Your story is just as extraordinary miss Harper. I have to be honest ", he smiled.

" Why Thankyou sir ", I joked.

He came back minutes later and sat down joining us for the rest of the meal. Dinner was great and dessert was even better. After our food settled we said goodbye to Steve who I'd taken a liking to since meeting. He wished me luck on my pregnancy and hoped to visit again soon.

Bed time was directly after dinner. I was still battling pregnancy fatigue which came and went every few days. My doctor swore it would taper off. After my shower I waited in bed for T'Challa who took his after mine. I clicked through the channels on the television with my Kimoyo until I heard him come out of the bathroom in his boxers.

A few minutes later a knock on the door alerted us. T'Challa covered his bottom half up with the covers and permitted the servants into a room. They held a big box and left it on the edge of the bed for me before leaving.

" Wow ...", I crawled towards the box sitting on my knees. I looked at him cautiously.

" Go Ahead ", he encouraged. I slowly opened the top. Revealed inside was a small black ball. I looked at him with confusion until a little black paw poked out elongating it's claws. I dipped my hands in and picked it up assuming it was a kitten until it unfurled itself and meowed a noise that surely didn't sound like a kitten.

" T'Challa...what kind of animal is this ? ", I looked at him with concern.

" A cat ", he shrugged.

" What KIND ", I urged.

" Oh ya know.....just a black panther ", he said nonchalantly. My eyes buck out of my head.

" Where did you find it ?! ", I rested the cub in my arms who was trying to go back to sleep.

" In the jungle. It's mother was dead and it would be dead too had I not saved it ", He insisted.

" What concerns me more is that you dragged our guest with you to the jungle for this " , I gawk. T'Challa bursted into laugher startling the poor cub awake.

" For a fake tradition I made up ", he cackled. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity. He laughed for a good 2 minutes before it died down.

" He was a good sport though. I'll have to reveal the truth to him the next time I see him. I actually planned on going by myself or sending a few soldiers down to get the job done but I figured I'd give him
A good ole' African Safari ", he wiped a tear from his eye. That's how hard he was laughing. T'Challa wasn't a huge jokester anymore so that surprised me.

" Well...despite the cruel joke you played on Steve, it's awfully cute. I'm concerned though. These things get to be pretty large T'Challa. We have a baby on the way after all", I expressed my concern.

" Don't worry about that. She'll be trained. We are her family now and it's not uncommon for Royal households in Wakanda to have a large pet. Whether it be a lion or a hyena even. Black panthers are in abundance here. Now all she needs is a name ", he encouraged.

" Hmmmm. What should I name you? ", I scratched behind her ear.

" We should name her Bast ", I insist.

" Predictable but perfect. Bast it is ", he agrees.

" Thankyou. I love this gift ", I pecked his mouth and proceeded to curl up with Bast until she was tired enough to sleep in her own bed.

The next morning I hear T'challa cursing under his breath but I can't find him. I look around watching Bast walk around the room sniffing everything. I call her too me and she surprisingly jumps into my arms like a match made in heaven. I realize T'Challa is in the closet. I walk up behind him to see him crouched down scrubbing the carpet. She peed in the closet.

" Not even the lambs did this ", he seethed.

" I guess that joke you played on Steve is really on you huh ? ", I laughed.

End of chapter 43

The holidays sure can drain you of productivity and creativity. I'm seriously back guys. I'm so sorry about that but I'm here now. Next update Harper will be even further in her pregnancy and we'll be having THREE special guests. Can you guess who ?

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