
By AngelSeasonxx

70.7K 1.5K 1.2K

F/n, the new bassist for Panic! But what happens when she meets the lead singer... ---- Sarah is Brendon's si... More

C43- what u wanted


1.2K 31 16
By AngelSeasonxx

Me and Nicole talked for a bit and I think I was a little drunk from the amount of drinks I've had. The music was so loud, I knew I would have a headache tomorrow. "I need a toilet I'll be back alright" she said and walked of somewhere.

Not even a minute after she left someone came up to me saying "hello beautiful what's your name?" I looked up from my floor and saw an unrecognisable man.

"I-im sorry?" I asked nervous that he spoke to me.

"Let's go have some fun" he smirked getting a little to close to me.

"Um no I've got to go" I said quickly wanting to leave. He grabbed me stopping me from leaving and wrapped his arms around me. He pinned me against his body and no matter how hard I pushed he wouldn't let go.

"Please leave me alone" I said my voice shaking from being scared.

"No I don't want to dollface" he chuckled tightening his grin more.

He ran his hand down my back and went to squeeze my but. Before he could I used all the strength I hand and pushed away from him. I ended up pushing him so hard I smacked my side into the kitchen counter. I fell to the floor in pain holding my side. A few glasses fell of the side smashing on the floor. This drew alot of attention to us and Brendon walked in looking confused. As soon as he saw me on the floor he looked angry and extremely worried at the same time.

Brendon looked at the same man who was still standing in front of me. He stepped towards the man and punched him right in the face. "What the fuck did you do to her" Brendon shouted grabbing the man by the coller. Brendon's voice was nothing like I had ever heard before it was deep and dark, he was pissed off that was clear.

"I didn't d-do anything I swear" The man said scared.

Brendon didn't say anything else and punched the man in the face again, knocking him out. Once the man's body slumped on the floor Brendon turned around to me and dropped to him knees.

"Did he touch you? Are you hurt? That Fucking prick" Brendon said worried.

"I'm fine, I was just scared..." I muttered looking down.

He used his finger to lift my chin up and he stared deeply in my eyes. "You promise me your okay" he said and I nodded.

Zach came over and tapped Brendon on the shoulder to get his attention "What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Get that thing out of here" Brendon growled pointing at the knocked out man. Zach nodded yelling people what to do. "Are either of you hurt?" He asked us and I shook my head, so did Brendon. Zach stood up and told everyone to go back to the party.

"You good to stand up?" Brendon asked taking my hand in his.

I stood up and looked at hus hand, his knuckles where split open and looked like they were going to burse, but I think he had to much adrenaline to even feel it.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bag of ice. I felt Brendon's eyes on me the whole time, he didn't look away once.

I gently took his hand and lead him upstairs to the bathroom. It was empty, luckily so we went inside and I shut the door. He sat on the edge of the bath and I took his hand in mine placing the ice on top of it. "Hold it there" I told him and he did so. I opened the cupboard and grabbed the first aid kit, pulling out some bandages.

I went back to Brendon and took the ice of his hand, putting it on the side. I raped his hand up trying not to hurt him but tight enough that it will help. "Thank you, for what you did" I said looking up at him as he stood up.

He pulled me into a hug and replied "I'd do it again if it ment your safe"

I blushed and huge him tightly "I know... but don't get yourself injured, because that hurts me the most" I smiled sadly. Before he could reply I pulled away and laughed "let's go get a drink"

He smiled his mood changing back into a happy one. We went back down stairs grabbing a drink. I didn't leave Brendon's side and his eyes stayed on me most of the night.

Most people started to leave as it was getting late the only remaining people were: Me, Brendon, Sarah, Tyler and Josh.

"F/n stay awake you can't sleep on the sofa" Brendon laughed shaking me slightly.

"I'm tired" I moaned opening my eyes and standing up from the sofa.

"Your house is a mess" Sarah said looking around.

"We'll tidy it in the morning" I said quickly leaning my head and weight onto Brendon as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you staying here tonight?" Brendon asked Sarah and she nodded "I'm going to have to I drove here and I had a drink" She chuckled.

"Good idea I don't want my best friend to crash" I laughed with the small amount of energy I had.

"Thanks" Sarah laughed.

"You know where the guest bedroom is" Brendon said pointing to the upstairs.

"I forgot we had one of those" I pointed out making Brendon laugh.

"Right I'm going to go to sleep now" Sarah yawned going to the guest bedroom.

I looked at the sofa and saw Tyler and Josh at either end completely passed out asleep. I stopped leaning on Brendon and walked over to a closet, grabbing a few covers and went over to the sofa were the two boys slept. I put a few covers over them and turned to face Brendon.

He began laughing and I looked at him confused "You look so cute when your tired" he smiled lovingly. He walked over and without warning picked me up bridal style. I instantly snuggled into him and he carried me upstairs to our room. He gently laid me on the bed like I was going to brake if he put me down normally. He put the covers over me and got into the bed himself hugging me.

"I love you Brendon" I smiled into his chest.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever understand" he said sweetly. That was the last thing I heard before sleep over took my body

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