Yesterday's Future 1✔️

By ziggywrites

33.8K 3.7K 138

[COMPLETE] Time is a funny thing; the past, the future; it's all mixed up. Adam Coker lives and works in New... More

Author's Note.
1. The city of brown roofs.
2. The way to a man's heart.
3. The 'not' girl-in-red kind.
4. The woman who slumped.
5. The unreal as though it was real.
6. The most quirky human being he ever saw.
7. The sister's friend's friend.
8. The lilies and valleys.
9. The man of the hood.
10. The standard gentleman's bar
11. The show is on.
12. The 2016 german machine.
13. The very tempting offer.
14. The way her body moved.
15. The very familiar mellow voice.
16. The littlest things.
17. The things he could not have.
18. The other night.
19. The lips that met his.
20. The happy leaf.
21. The 1000 questions.
22. The hell is going on here?
23. The mystery and misery of Adam.
24. The sky is wide enough for two birds to fly without their wings touching.
25. The brother that died.
27. The moment of truth.
28. The walls he broke.
29. The new dispensation.
30. The end of her love story.
Author's note.
Part two is complete!

26. The goodbyes.

669 85 0
By ziggywrites

the Coker's Estate

After her breakfast with Tiara, Simi went back upstairs to the guest room where she'd been to check again if she didn't forget any of her things but the room was now clear out like the first day she came two weeks ago and her bags were already arranged somewhere by the door.

She sat by the edge of the bed and looked around the space for the last time musing over everything that happened throughout her stay here. She didn't see any of it coming and now who would have thought leaving the Cokers would feel this hard and intense? Not her. Simi was never the kind that attached herself to people or things so it had always been easy walking away and letting go. It was one of her survival skills. It had always been easy for her to just disappear and move on but... not this time around. This time she had gotten attached to someone, to Adam and walking away wasn't going to be as easy.

Two weeks ago, all she wanted so bad was to get away from her life of routines and the people she was used to, but nothing too crazy though. She just yearned for something different from the everyday life in Abuja and it's only fair to say that was exactly what she got when she somehow ended up in Tiara's house, but with an interesting twist to it. Falling for someone was not in the plan, was never in the plan because Simi never gave herself a chance to, for reasons only known to her, a story for another day but that was what she did hands down. She fell for a man like Adam, a bright young man but who lived in a world of gloom. She knew he was scared, lonely, and broken, she could feel his anger too but she wanted him that way. Her feelings about him was different and malefic, beyond just the physical attraction but again in her life, she had fallen for something that would not last.

Her first love died a brutal death a while ago for another girl even before she could tell him how she felt and here she was again falling for a man who belonged to another, who had his own life to get back to. He didn't say it but she knew that going back to his son meant going back to his ex-wife so there would never had been a space for her, it was just mere fantasy. A spontaneous tear rolled down one cheek and when she wiped it off, a knock came through. Tiara must have come back to check on her and before she could say anything or stand up to get the door, Adam traipsed in.

Simi was absolutely stunned and she immediately wiped off another tear that dropped when she stood up.

"Are you okay?" He walked faster towards her when he sensed her dolor and his face screwed up.

"Yes yes I am." Another tear dropped.

"Are you crying Simi? Why are you crying?"

"I'm not." She denied it with the back of her palm to her face.

He moved closer to her but she stepped away, "Simi... "

"I'm going to miss you Adam. I'm going to and I don't know how to handle it. I know I'm definitely going to figure it out I know but shit... I don't want to." She gushed.

"Hey... You think I'm not going to miss you too? You think it's not driving me crazy too? I mean... just when I think I'm beginning to get you you're about to disappear. That's driving me nuts and I wish as hell that I could do something about it. Wait... you don't believe me do you?"

"I don't because if you do you wouldn't have been so curt to me all morning acting like I'm invisible. Why are you doing that? So maybe you're not going to miss me. Maybe you would but it'd only be for a minute. You're going to go back to your New York, your son and your wife. You have your whole life waiting for you there and I'm just going to be that 'two weeks' girl that made it into your 'story'. " She air-quoted. "I feel so stupid."

"She's not my wife. And why on earth will you say stuff like this ?" He inched closer to her. "You're not stupid. In fact I think you're the smartest woman I've met. You have big dreams and you're working hard to get it. You can't be that girl I remember once in awhile. You know that's impossible,

"I'll remember you for a looooong time, maybe forever cos these two weeks have been the most... refreshing weeks in a long while. You don't get it. I've never met anyone like you Simi, never and you still amaze me. I was at the conflict point of my life and that's why I came back home to find some rest. I told you... and I met you." He paused then he continued, "I was only acting like that cos I was mad at you... I still am."

"Mad? Mad at what? "

"Really? You don't remember last night? When you reeked of smoke??"

"You're still on to that? "

"Yes the hell I am. You don't know what you're doing. It's dangerous!"

"But I told you I'm fine. I really am."

"I don't know how to believe or understand that Simi. It's deadly."

She knew if she said anything more defensive, they would just go back and forth talking about the same thing so she kept quiet and turned to pick her cross purse. This was really the end, but sadly not the kind she expected.

"Simi, come here... " He reached for her hand, drew her to himself and she too let him.

"... I'm going to miss you and I'd want to see you again." She lowered her head but he tilted it to look up at him and he stopped a tear that dropped from her eyes that now glistened.

The wetness of her eyes and motions of them closing and opening were captivating enough. Her stare met his and for that infinite moment they were one, the space between them became meaningless as the void quickly drew to a close when he brought his lips to meet hers, "I would want to do this again Simi." He kissed her, her lips were soft, and they parted readily against his, and her mouth was hotter and wetter than Adam had remembered. It was not a perfect moment but how he missed kissing her and how he was going to miss it even more.

She arched into him and fiercely held him tighter too and his heart raced wildly as he felt her press against him. She locked her lips with his pouring all the emotions that she could no longer hold anymore. Their grip tightened with every passing second and the kiss got hotter, more tongue, more hands. Adam let his hands work all over her body, from the back of her neck down to her spine and from her hips up to the mound of her breast. She ached softly into his mouth and a humble smile grazed over his face knowing that whatever they had at the moment was mutual. He wished it would go on and never end, everything he had with Simi.

But, without warning, "Simi! Simi!! " Tiara barged in and the duo broke away, startled.

"Er... Your cab is here. What's going on?"

On spur of the moment, Simi turned to secure her cross purse and dashed out of the room.

"What is happening?" Tiara faced her brother who didn't give her a reply but followed after his heart. She still stood there and tried to make sense of what had just happened. She just walked into Simi and her brother making out. She found it hard to believe that they had really gotten into each other that deep and she didn't know about it until now. Could it be they were dating already? She clapped her hands in a dramatic way before she followed them downstairs. Ali walked past her into the guest room to pick Simi's things.

"Simi, please let's stay in touch. I'm begging you. There's something here, you can feel it too I know. I don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose you."

"New York is not here in Nigeria, it's not even in Africa. It's a whole world away from here Adam. You can't just keep my hopes up that we could be something. Not when you have a whole life there. It's not as easy as you're trying to make it. "

"I know and that's why I'm asking you to try at least."

"It's impossible."

"Why are you so withdrawn all of a sudden?" I don't —"

"Simi, babe come here." Tiara interrupted, joining them again in the parking lot where the cab driver waited for Simi. She opened her arms and Simi with a tight smile moved away from Adam to embrace her. "I'll miss you dear 'cos it was nice meeting you and please let's still be friends. Maybe one of these days I'll come to Abuja to visit your studio."

"Tiara, thanks so much. For letting me stay and everything. And sure you have to come check the studio especially when I'm done refurbishing the place. Please tell Aunty I couldn't wait for her to come back. You flight." She felt a lump in her throat but she wouldn't break down now, not in front of them.

"It's fine. She'll understand. Let me leave you guys to finish this up. Don't keep that man waiting though." She gestured at the driver.

"Thanks Tee. I appreciate."

Tiara moved away and Adam approached her again.

"So... what about me Simi? Huh? You're just going to leave like that without assuring me I'd see you again?"

"I'm not going to lie to you or give you some false hope Adam. I can't do that. Please... Don't do that to me."

"Okay. Fair enough, I guess."

"And... I was going to say this, I know you hate marijuana but you should try it sometime. It really helps with the nerves."

"What? Never! Why the hell are you even saying that at this moment? You're trying to piss me off so that I can hate you more? You think that's going to help me move on from these? It's not going to so don't change the subject."

"No, I'm serious, it's going to help you with... with your unease sometimes. Your shrink should have told you that. And you can read about it too."

"Just stop. Give me something hopeful. Tell me you want to see me again and I can make it happen. I just need to know you want to. Wow... I can't even believe I'm saying all these right now."

Simi sighed, "Good bye Adam. I'm sorry." She gestured to the driver and got into the front seat of the car with him.

"Simi, whether or not you want it, I'll come find you."

Over the sound of the car's ignition, she heard him but she knew it was a lie. She knew it was impossible.

When Ali opened the gate for the cab to leave, another car approached, an ash colored jeep. The driver of the jeep stoodstill as he waited for Simi's cab to drive past him. Simi glanced into the car and it shook her when she saw 'Desuwa sitting in the backseat. Her driver raised his hand, a sign of 'thank you' and Desuwa's driver nodded then they parted.

After her driver zoomed off, Simi looked back in an apprehensive way that concerned the driver.

"Sister, hope no problem sha? Do you know them? Should I stop?"

She hesitated, "No, keep going."

"Alright, abeg put the seat belt on we will soon reach express."

Simi pulled the seat belt, wound it around her but still held on tight to it. She must have been thrown into ado at the sight of 'Desuwa coming in just when she was just leaving. Was that the person Adam said he was meeting up with in an hour? 'Desuwa?



IMMEDIATELY Simi's cab drove off,  Desuwas' arrived. Tiara had returned into the house and Adam was just returning too when the jeep fired into the compound. As stunned as the gateman, Adam stopped in his tracks and waited to see who their new guest was and to his amazement, 'Desuwa descended from the vehicle. Adesuwa, the super stylish and sexy lady, his Drip Stripper.

He knitted his brows in surprise and she walked up to him showily as the jeep left. She must have been very happy to see him the way she innocently beamed when she noticed him, but it was only one-sided.

"What are you doing here?" Adam, hands pocketed in his denims and standing only a few feet away from the sliding door, greeted her with his grill and simple directness when she reached him. Remember, this man was going through a lot at the moment and a hundred of unwanted thoughts were still trampling through his mind, he was not feeling right and worse, he wasn't even expecting her.

A little disappointed and oblivious to his suffering, "Good morning to you too. And what do you mean what am I doing here? You look disappointed to see me."

"I'm sorry... It's just that ... You know we didn't agree yet on when we would meet and ... "

"I came to see Tiara. Is she home?" She cut him short sharply and he felt a pang of shame hit him.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. Err - she just stepped inside." He gestured with a thumb.

"Thank you."

"Check the kitchen!" He said after her when she walked away from him.

Adam spanked his temple with his palm for making a fool of himself before he turned around to follow Desuwa into the living room but he immediately jumped the steps and disappeared into the hallway. Medications first.

She just stood and watched him fade. She still felt a flush of embarrassment with their little exchange outside but she told herself instantly that she wasn't here for him and would not let his awkwardness bother her as much. Desuwa was meeting up with Tiara for a little hangout that they'd scheduled only because Todun, their friend, the new bride had made it compulsory for them, more like begged them. Poor girl was just trying to make them like each other since they were her only best friends and Tiara had promised to give it a try.

The house was large but quiet and the only sounds she heard came from the kitchen so she dropped her pouch and posh cashmere jacket in one of the sofas and approached it. Tiara heard the thudding of Suwa's heels on the marbled floor and immediately guessed her visitor was already here. It was time for her to get into act and pretend there's anyway she could like Desuwa. She's just not my type of person, you know...

She dropped the big spoon in her hands and yanked off her apron before she spun to see Desuwa by the door,  holding a small bag in her hand, packaged like a present and looking peng as always. The glossy smile she was wearing matched her strapless bodycon dress and the flawless complexion it covered. And those gold T-sandals, they were just perfect for her hourglass figure and buttery legs.

"Hey! Look who I have here!" She exclaimed with a controlled smiled. Desuwa held out her hands and the ladies hugged in a friendly fashion. Hmm. Once they let go, they asked about themselves and tried to catch up. While she found herself a stool by the counter, Desuwa first ran a hand through her long hair as her eyes scanned the space and she had to commend Tiara for the artistry of the house.

She brought a bottle of wine with two glasses from the cellar and responded the compliment with a proud smile. Desuwa asked about Simi, and sounded a bit sad when Tiara said she just left. 

"So.... Where's your brother? I saw him outside when I was coming in." Desuwa blurted out after Tiara poured the glasses.

"Adam is in his room, where he always his. No other place in the house interests him."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. He likes his own company more?"

"That's awkward."

"Trust me darling, that's not news."

They sipped on their glasses and Tiara quickly deflected from talking about her brother. Desuwa pushed the present she brought to her and she raised and curved her brows as she unwrapped it and to her amazement she pulled out a very glamorous purple fabric from the pack, her favorite color. With a very wide and genuine smile, she appreciated her new friend and gushed about how much she loved the textile. This simple act of niceness already won a space in her heart and it seemed like being friends with her would not be bad after all. She repacked the bag and took it into her room.

"So.. After this are we seeing a movie or what?" Tiara asked when she returned some seconds later into the living room where Desuwa had moved to, trying to turn the TV on.

"Sure we could see a movie. Err about your brother... " She swivelled to Tiara.

"Hehe Suwa. You too? Are you sure you are not here because of him? "

"No. I didn't even think I'd meet him here." Though I was hoping to.

"If you say so."

"I want to talk to him. Can I go to his room?"

"What? Are you crazy? You want to go into Adam's room?  Isn't that a bit... "


"Er yes? "

She shrugged. "If he doesn't mind, then I don't."

"Oh wow. Nice.  Okay. Sure you can but make sure you knock first. Let me get dressed too. One more thing, don't do anything nasty. Remember this is my family's house so... It's kinda sacred."

Suwa chortled. "You're crazy. "

Tiara smiled too. She hadn't thought their meeting would be so natural and fun. Maybe Desuwa wasn't her type of person, but she definitely was not the person she thought she was. She was better and sadly, into her brother too. All the girls always wanted him, but nothing good really comes from falling in love with Adam. It was just fun for her to watch

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