The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood

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We've got done doing our work. It was hard and annoying. But I and the others pulled through. I barely did through. Nearly threw my chair. But I kept it cool. And I survived the class. Team RWBY survived too. Which is good. But Jaune nearly died with stress. It was kinda funny. But in the end, I felt bad. It bothered me that Kirito and his team were in the different class so that sucks. But whatever. Me and the girls we're leaving Mr. Peter's class and moving on to the next class.

As I walked, someone taps shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)?" I turn around, seeing Ruby was the one tapping me. "Oh! What's up Ruby?" I asked her. Looking into her silver eyes. "How have you've been? You looked tired, and well.... Stressed." Ruby said. "O-oh... Did I?" I questioned. Scratching my hair. "It's nothing wrong (Y/N)!" Ruby exclaimed. "It's just, in thought of a salutation." Ruby said. "A salutation?" I asked. "Yeah!" Ruby exclaimed. "And that salutation is music! Here." Ruby then pulls out a pare of red headphones. "Your headphones?" I questioned. "Yeah. Music is known to help with stress and anxiety." Ruby u explained. "I mean, it's not much and it might not help you... But-" "No. Ruby... *takes the headphones* I love it. I'll use it when I'm problems strike." In said. Smiling at her. Ruby then matches my smile and her face grew a rise color. "Your welcome." Ruby looking away. The two of us follow the rest of the group.

Ok. You really can't blame me for forgetting that today Ms. Goodwitch will be taking us on a field trip. And by field trip I mean not go anywhere fun. Just these forest near by. Which was lame. Because from what Yang told me. When she was young, field trips we're like fun as hell. They'd go to museums, to movie theaters, Carnavals almost everywhere. But here. In a hunter and huntress hunting school. You do stuff like this. Huh. Lame.

Anyways. To keep it short and sweet,like Jaune would say. Glynda was explaining to us why we were here in this. Pretty beautiful red forest. She lead us as is students follow. "Yes students. The forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the tress deep inside the forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." Glynda explained. "Well that's dark." I said. "It's the honest truth (Y/N)." She responded. "But couldn't you word it out more friendly? Instead of saying 'Yeah were all gonna die if we leave in an inch of your side' I mean come on." I said. Glynda turns around. "Are you trying to pester me Mr. (L/N)?" Glynda asks. "Oooo." I hear Cardin's team say behind me. "No Ms. But I'm just saying. Dang." I mutter looking away. Why dose this blonde fool gotta jump into conclusions? I wonder to myself. She continues. "Each of you is to gather one bar's worth of red sap. However, this forest of full of the creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!" She explained "Which reminds me, (Y/N) please stay near me since you don't have a weapon still." Glynda said. "Heh. This loser still don't have a weapon. He'll be Grimm food." Cardin jokes to his team. They laugh. I swiftly turn around. "I heard that!" I exclaimed. They stepped back. Bumpin into Jaune who was carrying these guy's bull crap. I look over at Ruby and the gang. "You guys lucky to have those cool guns." I said. Jealous. "It's just a weapon (Y/N). With weapons like these, you need training with your weapon, to use it in combat. Make sure it matches you in every way. It's more then a weapon (Y/N). Weiss explained spinning this spinning thing in her sword. I didn't know the name. " Well in short, having a weapon isn't like buying a toy off the shelf." Blake said. It I stopped them before they continued Monolonging. "Ok! Ok! I get it, I get it." I said. "It's something more than that. Especially when it's one that helps you kill these... Grimm. Mind you I don't remember seeing how they looking. Only in drawing." I said. "*sigh* I swear it's depressing seeing that you have that amnesia." Yang said stroking her hair. "I can't imagine what it's like." Ruby said. "Yeah... " I muttered. "Well... Um.. I'm off to get the sap. Don't want Ms. Glynda stalking me. I'll see ya. Stay safe." In said walking off to some trees. The girls waved and said the same back to me. Before I be reached a tree, I could hear Cardin and his team drag Jaune off. Pushing him around. Which boiled me. Off in the distance. I could see a sad look on Pyrrha as Jaune disappeared with Cardin. "Little scumbag...." I muttered as I collected some sap.

As I collect some sap. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see who it was. It was Ms. Glynda. "Need something?" I asked. "Yes. I just wanted to know have you been ok?" She asks. "If I'm ok? With 'Problems'?" I asked. "Yes." Glynda said. "I've been good. I'm slowly dying by the parasite and virus." I replied. "That's good." She said. She then looks away. "Also.... Is it really true...?" Glynda starts. "That... You can't remember anything? That you suffer from a terrible case of amnesia?" She's asks. I look down. "Yes." I say. "It's true..... I can't remember any basic things someone should remember. I can't remember my age, I can't remember my childhood, birthday.... Or.... My family.... " I mutter. Glynda looked down at me. Looking upset. Very. And it's obvious why. She couldn't relate. She didn't know what it's like to wake up in a horrific lab with horrors inside. And having no memory of being there, or any memory. Like if you were just born in the spot. All she could do is.... Imagine what that's like.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Glynda said. "You don't need to apologize. You had no part in it." I said. She didn't need to apologize. No one did. I mean, unless they did. But other than that they didn't need to. Finally. After some talk, Glynda went back to her post. Not before saying be careful. I knew to be careful. I kept getting more of the tree sap from inside the trees. But as I did this, I just thought about of things. Just in deep though. It was too much to explain through. I had a lot on my mind.

Finally. After tones of collecting. I had like, six or eight jars of this sap. I think I over did it. Whatever extra credit! I start to collect my next one. When I suddenly hear someone in the distance. Like a scream. Then I hear a roar of sorts. The second O heard that. My imagination enter weird. Did someone get hurt? Was it a Grimm? Or one of those monster..... In the lab. I then hear a kid yell "Ursa! Ursa!" I see the boy run into Yang. She grabs him by the shoulders. "What? Where?" Yang asks. "Back there! It's got Cardin!" He explained. Pyrrha then drops her jar. "Jaune!" She exclaimed. "Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch". "You two, go with them. There could be more." Ruby and Pyrrha orders like a captain. They all run off. Doing what they were ordered or set off to do. While I..... Just stood there. "Well. This is awkward." I muttered. I then decide to follow Ruby and the others. Following them. But I followed in a slow pace. Not wanting to attract anything. I continue to hear roars and what sounds like.... Jaune. And it sounded like. He was fighting the thing. I slowly, slowly. Move closer to the sounds. I ended up losing sight of Ruby and the others. So I was growing more and more scared. I snuck around tress and red bushes. Not wanting the attention from... The non human roar. As I snuck around. I suddenly hear sometning. It sounded like footsteps! I panic and look around. Trying to find the source of the noise. But I found pain as something hard ran into me. "DAH!" I shout in pain. Crashing into the ground. After a groan. I look up.

To see Cardin.

"Cardin?" I question. He slowly sits up and looks at me. "(Y/N)!" He exclaimed. I get up. "To what hap-" I get cut off by him. "You! Be bait!" He exclaimed. I didn't realized this but he had some of the sap on his armor for some reason. Ones I realized this. He suddenly grabs a jar of the sap, and with great force.

Throws it at face.

"AWWWW!!!!" I scream as glass and sap we're ony face. Especially since the glass caused me to bleed. "AWWW! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" I scream. Holding my wound. I kept groaning and screaming in pain. Holding the wound. My own blood staining my hand. "Oowww... Fuck... " I groan. I wipe the blood from me. Until, I heard a loud thud. I turn around, only to see the largest Ursa I've Sen collapse in font of me!

I couldn't even scream from the shock! "THAT'S..... A big boy..." I mutter. Seeing the lifeless spike covered Ursa. In the distance. I could hear some shouting. "He got it! He got it!" Sounded like Ruby. Good thing. That ordeal is over. The Grimm had many different cuts in its. body. But I didn't care. I continue to wipe the blood staining my left temple. And muttering myself. Which was mostly cursing out Cardin. I finally chose to just hold the gaping hole in my head St atop the bleeding. I was gonna start moving. When I heard a the sound of grass russling. I look around. And then I felt..... Like if something was behind me.

I turn around.....

Jaune pants for air as bruises and cuts covered him. But it was worth it as Ruby, Pyrrha and the others complemented him. On his victory. Jaune kept panting but he smiled from the complements everyone was giving him. But suddenly, the celebration was intripted. When Ruby felt something vibrate in her pocket. Her Scroll was ringing. She pulled it out and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey Ruby." (Y/N) answered. "(Y/N)? How did you get a Scroll? And get my number?" Ruby asks curiously. "Yang. Plus this is Cardin's. Moron dropped it. Anyways in calling you to ask you something. Did the thing Jaune was possibly fighting a Ursa was big spikes?" (Y/N) asks. "Yes. Why?" Ruby asks. "Well, heh. That's good to know. Because that very Grimm Ursa is CHASING ME. RIGHT NOW HELP ME!!!!!" (Y/N) screams in the Scroll. After that, (Y/N) screams and then a loud roar went through the phone, then. It was cut off. Ruby also had the call on speaker. So everyone heard it. "Oh snap..." Ruby muttered. "Watch your mouth young lady!" Glynda shouts.

I was running... Running as fast as I can! And hell was ony heels. I can hear the Grimm behinde roaring and yelling in anger. As it tries to attack me. "Oh shit! OH SHIT! oh shit...! OHHH! SHIIIT!!" I screamed. Finally the Grimm for close enough to me, it got on its bind legs, and with one brutal swipe, tears into me with its claws. In which, sendse into the air.


I scream. And finally, I smack hard into a tree. Which breaks. Creating a loud snap of its entire top half being destroyed. I yell from the pain. But the smack against the tree didn't stop my fall. I bounce off it, and smacked on to the next one. Breaking that one. Then the next. I scream and painfully grunt in pain. Pieces of tree and branches got stuck to me and I grew more and more injured. And after my sixth tree I crashed onto, I smashed hard onto the ground. But.... I crashed onto a boulder. It exploded into bits as crashed onto that rock like a meteor. I bounced off the ground, rolled and skied off the red grass.

I was hardly there as my vision swam, blurring and a ringing buzzed in my ear. I couldn't move. No matter how hard I try. The only thing I could move, are my eye lids. Slowly blinking. But finally, I gained some ofy sences and tried to move. I moved my left arm, and right leg. Like of fire hit me. I felt unimaginable pain. "UH- AWWWW!!" I scream in pain. I instantly droppedy libs. The pain subsided, but was still there. I groan in pain. I could feel my own blood flowing out of me. As my wounds we're beyond the word critical. And I needed help! Now! But I could risk bringing the Grimm to me. I didn't know what to do. But the first thing I tried to do, was get on my stomach. To crawl.

And after a painful few seconds..... I moved onto my back, and I crawled withy one good arm. But there was a long stick loged in my good arm. Marking it difficult to crawl. I continue moving, crawling. Each time. Pain shot across me each movement I did. "Come on.... Come on..." I mutter as I crawled. I crawled up to the tree, and grabbed onto its bark. And start to pullyslef up onto my feet. Telling the pain to shut up as I got myself ontoy feet. A loud sickening snap and fiery pain courses theough my leg. I nearly collapse but I ignore it. And force myself up. I held my broken leg, tears flushed out of my eyes as the pain was unbearable. My most likely broken, or shattered arm floped around. Cuts, bruises and small sharp sticks stuck out.

I try to walk, without using my busted leg. But it was a difficult task. As I limped around, looking for the others. The scroll in had was long gone from the bumps I did. And what's worse, that scratch that Grimm gave me was making everything difficult as I was bleeding bad.

I search for a way back to the girls. But I was hopelessly lost. Only thing I doing was bleeding out more. Which worried me. As I bleed out bad. I kept limping, moving every slowly. I kept using trees and other things in the forest to keep balance as I was constantly stumbling. As I walked. I lowered my arm to my waist. I then felt something. Somehow I forgot I had this. I don't know how but the thing in my hand, was the light sword. I of course pulled it out.

It was hard. My hands shaking and they were weak. I moved my thumb over the button to activate it. I didn't click it yet, I just had it over it. Being ready for anything. I was beginning to lose blood at an alarming rate as I feel my limbs that were already weak in it themselves. I needed to move. "Come on (Y/N).... Come on... Come on..." I muttered as I limped. After some time, I had to stop. I hold onto the tree's trunk, as I groaned in pain, trying to let the pain fade away. But it was near impossible. The pain was constant.

But suddenly. That broke the pure silents of this red forest, the voice. The voice in my head! That deep beastly voice! But this time it was different. As the voice exclaimed


And the second he said that, something forced me down. "WAH!" I yelp. I don't know what forced me down like that, but.  I'm glad it did. As when it forced me down, that Grimm Ursa flew over me! The.... The voice. The voice in my head saved me. "Th-thank you!" I exclaimed. "You are welcome." The voice replied. I looked up and see the Ursa writhing on the grass. As the Grimm crashed into some trees from my forced ducking. I turned on my light sword, the light blue light of a blade appeared. Making a "Wrr" sound. I held the handle tightly in my hand. Feeling it shake. As my fear reached max. The Ursa got back on its feet. It shakes its head, and ones it saw me. It roars in furious anger. I somewhat get into a sword fighting stance. But it was hard do to my brutal damage and injuries. The Ursa starts to pace, eyeing my hard. Waiting for the moment to strike, and it let's out low growls. I was terrified. I was so scared, this thing was twice my size, if not more. The Ursa thought I didn't noticed but I saw that bitch slowly creep closer to me as it paces. I did too. But in a limping way.

Finally the Ursa roars a hungry angry roar, and charges. I ready myself. It runs on its fours, I feel my heart accelerate as it runs as full speed at me. I rise my light sword. The Ursa in the briefs of moments, junped up and got up on its rear feet while also rising its left arm, claws ready to strike down. I was about to move and jump out of the way, but my injuries. "AH! OH SH-!" I scream. But again, I was suddenly forced to the side. The Ursa's class scrach the grass, leaving a huge claw mark.

"This is your chance, finish it!"

It was the deep beastly voice again. And I instantly knew it was the reason I was forced to the side. But like it said. This was my chance, I charged in with what was left in me, and with a powerful swing, I slash the bastard with my light sword. Right on the Grimm's rib. The flesh burns through the skin and muscle. And the Grimm roars in agony. But I didn't stop. I kept cutting through the skin. Cutting into it over and over and over.

The Grimm roaring in pain. But the Ursa finally holds in the pain and retorts. By swinging it's whole arm and claws at me! I screamed in pain as I flew into the air. Blood flying out of my fresh and already existing wounds. I smash into the ground. More pain caused into me. And my vision grew blurry. But I forced myself to focus. I also forced myself back up, I cried out in agony as ones I stood, my broken leg made a sickening snap and cracking sounds as broken bent. I near fell but I stood my ground, putting as little pressure on my leg. The Ursa turns to me and roars am in a her, and it charges. I was about to get into a fighting stance, but I ended up tripping on my broken leg and fell. "Shit!" I exclaimed. The Ursa was running at my at fast pace. Thoughta courses through my head as I debated on what to do!

"Your sword."


"Stick your sword's blade out! The Grimm will fall right onto it."

As the voice said, I rises my sword and a rimmed it at the Grimm. The Ursa approches me fast. I held it with a tight grip as the Ursa pounces, it's claws out. It opens its jaw wide as it aims to bite my neck!

But that didn't happen.

As the Grimm's face was split into two, then it's neck, and finally, the rest of its fat body. Finally the whole Grimm was slice in two. From the mouth, all the way to the other end. The sliced flesh being carterised. I pant as I took in heavy breaths. I look down at the two twin sliced Grimm corpse. "A-hole..." I mutter. I turn off my sword and out it away. Clipped onto my pants. I stand up, going through the pain. As I made it onto my feet, I walk over to the left side half of the Grimm corpse. As I scanned the sliced corpse, I hear the voice again.

"Consume it."

I made the most puzzled look. "What?" I question. "What are talking about? What do you mean? What I'm I even talking to a voice in my head!?" I exclaimed.

"Focus (Y/N). Consume the Grimm's to heal your wounds. Let the Blacklight do the work, and I'll aid it."

The voice explains. "Why...? And secondly. HOW?" I question.

"Stomp on it."

I did as told. In rises my foot, going through the pain, and with full force crushed what was left if the Grimm's head. With the Blacklight GenTek modifications they gave me, I was easily able to crush its head. Blood and bits of skull flew and splated out But the second I did, these.... These tendrils came out. But these were red and black. And were like wired together. And the tendrils grabbed the crushed head... And... And I

Absorbed it.

And after that, almost every single wound I had was healed. My wounds reclosed, my bruises vanished and my broken leg shaped back into place. With no pain. I was beyond amazed. "How.... How did...?"

"I will explain later. First. Make your way back to the others."

The voice explained. And of course. I started my trip back to the others. Following the damage I caused as the Grimm smacked me into the air. But as I did.... I realized this voice in my head. Wasn't some hallucination or some mental problem I had. This voice.

Had a conscious.


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