Andi Mack Oneshots

By Lea_is_a_Weirdo

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These are one shots of characters from Andi Mack. The couples that will be written in this book are: •Tyrus... More

Out At Last *Tyrus*
No Longer A Fifth Wheel *Ambi*
You Wanna Go on a Run? *Muffy*
Akward *Wonah*
Kiss Me *Tyrus*
Fall Formal? *Muffy*
Don't Touch Him *Tyrus*
Safe Space *Ambi*
Movie Night *Tyrus*
Oblivious *Wonah*
Birthday Distraction *Tyrus*
Tyrus, Texts, Titanic, and Chocolate Ice cream
I Care About You *Tyrus*
Valentines *All Ships*
A Truly Platonic Relationship *Ambi*
Too Young *Tyrus*
Soulmates *Wonah*
Forgiveness *Tyrus*
Juice Boxes and Graham Crackers *Muffy*
Feelings *Tyrus*
Broken *Wonah*
Betrayal *Tyrus*
Babysitter *Tyrus*
I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 1 *Tyrus*
I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 2 *Tyrus*
Jealousy *Muffy*
Blind Date *Wonah*
HP AU Prompt *Ambi*
A Hufflepuff and A Slytherin *Tyrus*
Heartbeat *Tyrus*
Why So Jealous *Tyrus and Wonah*
Under the Mistletoe *Tyrus*
Meteor Shower *Tyrus*
Why Buffy? *Muffy*
Disney World *All Ships*
Know-it all meet Bossy *Muffy*
Know-it-all meet Bossy Pt. 2 *Muffy*
I See the Light *Ambi*
Summer Camp *Tyrus*
Halloween *Wonah*
My Red String *Tyrus*
Anything You Want To Tell Me *Tyrus*
Ferris Wheel *Ambi*
Virtual Couple *Muffy*
The Usual *Tyrus*
It's A Song *Wonah*
Back To School Boyfriends *Tyrus*
Got The Moves Like Jagger *Tyrus*
Hurt *Wonah*
I'm Sorry *Wonah*
Star Girl *Ambi*
Fake Girlfriend *Muffy*
Believe *Tyrus*
Hurt Part 2 *Wonah*
Jealousy Runs In The Family *Tyrus*
Proud *Ambi*
Whatttttt *Wonah*
Cute Confessions *Tyrus*
The Perfect Gift *Muffy*
It's a Wonderful Life *Ambi*
Movies and Games *All Ships*
Romeo and Julien *Tyrus*
Angry Walker *Wonah*
Slayer *Muffy*
Stupid Quarentine *Tyrus*
Stupid Quarentine Pt. 2 *Tyrus*
Red Roses *Tyrus*
Quarentine Tips from the Andi Mack Ships
The Bet *Muffy*
Being A Girl Sucks Sometimes *Ambi*
Scared *Muffy*
Perfect Boyfriend *Tyrus*
It's just a sprain *Muffy*
First (and Second) Date *Tyrus*
My Prince *Wonah*
Stupid Fiance *Tyrus*
💗Thank You💗
Meet the Parents *Tyrus*
Muffins and Daisies *Tyrus*
Your Name On My Wrist *Tyrus*

I Don't Care *Tyrus*

1.6K 37 50
By Lea_is_a_Weirdo

"I don't care about you Cyrus! You're such a dorky weirdo. You're disgusting! Don't ever talk to me ever again!"

TJ spat at Cyrus before he walked off the other way.

Cyrus weakly and quietly whispered,"TJ?"

Cyrus gasped, sitting up in his bed. His body was sweaty and he quickly threw the covers off of him.

He stood up and looked at his clock.

2:13 a.m.

Cyrus walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water against his face.

Then he ran his hand through his disheveled hair while walking back into his room.

2:15 a.m.

Cyrus sat down on his bed and looked over to the journal next to the bed.

He turned on the lamp on his bedside table before picking up the journal and the pen next to it.

He opened to the next empty page and wrote the date and then the time.

2:18 a.m.

March 4th, 2019
2:18 a.m.

I just had a really scary nightmare. TJ was yelling at me after I came out to him. He called me disgusting and weird. He told me not to talk to him anymore.

I thought that TJ would be another crush I could get over super fast but it hasn't been like that.

TJ is the most adorable thing ever. Have you seen the way he runs his hand through his hair and how his smirk can lighten up your day? And the ways his eyes laugh and smile as brightly as the sun.

Not to mention how funny and sweet he actually is when you get to know him. I never thought I would be friends with him but he actually wants to be friends with me, I hope.

I don't know if I could deal with the thought of TJ hating me. Which is why I can't ever come out to him.

I can't ever tell him that I'm gay or that I like him. And I definetly cannot tell anyone else but this journal.

Cyrus closed the journal before trying to go back to sleep.

2:27 a.m.

*The next day at school*

Cyrus carried his journal along with some other books, stopping at his locker.

"Hey dork,"Someone screamed slapping the books out of his hold.

Reed stood in front of him and Cyrus noticed his journal had fallen open on the ground.

"What do we have here,"Reed smirked leaning down to pick up the journal.

Cyrus lunged for the journal but some of Reed's posse pinned him against the lockers.

Reed flipped through the pages of the book, reacting to some of them.

"Well, look at that. The most recent entry,"Reed said.

"I just had a really scary nightmare,"Reed mocked before continuing,"Yada Yada yada. TJ stuff. Wait, I thought TJ would be another crush I could get over."

Reed quoted looking up.

"Wait, dweeb likes Kippen,"Reed questioned.

Cyrus tried not to react but his terrified face said it all.

"TJ is the most adorable thing ever,"Reed continued,"More about how cute TJ is. I can't tell him that I'm gay or that I like him."

"Little dork is a little dork faggot,"One of the posse members said.

"That's not mine. I'm holding it for someone else,"Cyrus lied.

"Sure, so the first page that says 'Property of Cyrus Goodman. Super private information. Do not open.' That's someone else's journal,"Reed asked.

Cyrus hung his head knowing there wasn't anything he could do.

"I wonder what a shame it would be if this got sent to the entire school,"Reed said taking out his phone.

"No,"Cyrus screamed struggling against the grasp of the posse,"Please don't do this!"

Reed held his phone above the journal snapping a picture of the page.

"Please Reed, I'll do whatever you want,"Cyrus begged.

"What could you possibly do for me,"Reed asked.

"I-I don't know,"Cyrus said hanging his head again.

"Well then, how about before I send this out to the entire school, I punch you in the face,"Reed said,"That way TJ will have something to even out when he finds out about your little crush."

Cyrus gulped, ready for Reed's fist to hit his face.

"Put him down Reed,"TJ ordered appearing from around the corner.

Reed turned and stared at TJ who was walking down the hallway.

Reed swiftly turned back to Cyrus.

"I may not be able to punch you. But I can still be the messenger,"Reed said pressing the send button.

That was it. Everyone would know he was gay and everyone would know he liked TJ.


Reed's posse dropped Cyrus and ran off with Reed.

TJ rushed over offering Cyrus his hand.

Cyrus used TJ's hand to help him stand up before he moved away from TJ.

"Did they hurt you,"TJ asked scanning over Cyrus' body.

"Go away TJ,"Cyrus said.

"What,"TJ exclaimed,"Cyrus, what's wrong?"

"Me, I'm wrong,"Cyrus screamed,"And you're going to hate me so I'm going to leave before you punch me."

"I would never,"TJ started.

"Look at your phone TJ,"Cyrus screamed.

TJ pulled out his phone and read over the message he had been sent.

He looked up and started to say,"Cyrus..."

But Cyrus was already running down the hall.

TJ raced after him, the chase ending in the school's auditorium.

Cyrus was kneeling on the stage and TJ bent down to sit in front if him.

"Cyrus,"TJ started.

"Just beat me up already. Get it over with,"Cyrus said bracing himself for the punch.

Cyrus flinched when he felt something touch his face but it was suprising soft.

Cyrus opened his eyes to find TJ's hand resting on his cheek. His touch was gentle.

"Cyrus,"TJ breathed leaning in causing Cyrus to start to lean in too.

"TJ,"Someone said, the door to the auditorium closing.

The two quickly stumbled apart as a girl came onto the stage.

She had hair that went from bright pink at the top, to purple, to blue, and then to aqua.

She had tanish skin and wore glasses over her big brown eyes.

"Bree,"TJ said.

"TJ, what's going on in here,"Bree asked.

Cyrus gulped.

He knew it.

Of course TJ didn't like him.

TJ had a girlfriend.

"Bree, please if you could just,"TJ started.

"You know you're not supposed to be in here,"Bree said.

Cyrus stood and started making his way out of the auditorium.

"Cyrus wait,"TJ said grabbing onto his arm.

"I should leave you and your girlfriend alone,"Cyrus stated.

"Girlfriend,"TJ choked.

"Girlfriend, is that what you've been telling people,"Bree asked.

"No,"TJ exclaimed,"Bree is not my girlfriend Cyrus. Never has been, never will be."

Cyrus turned back to face TJ.

"I have a feeling you two need to talk about something. The stage is the greatest place to express yourself so go ahead. I'll be at the lighting booth building cues,"Bree said walking back onto the stage and hopping off of it into the audience.

TJ and Cyrus sat down on the stage facing each other.

"So, If you weren't going to beat me up then what we're you going to do,"Cyrus asked.

"Well, I wanted to kiss you but Bree kinda ruined it,"TJ said blushing.

Cyrus blushed before stuttering,"Y-You wanted to k-kiss m-me?"

"Uh yeah,"TJ said,"I really like you Cyrus."

"Well, if you couldn't tell by the text Reed sent, I really like you too,"Cyrus said,"So umm, about that kiss."

"I want it to be special, sometime when we are alone,"TJ said.

"Who is Bree? I've never heard you talk about her,"Cyrus said.

"She's the stage manager for the shows we do here. And has been a really good friend to me over the years,"TJ said,"Sometimes I don't tell people we're friends because they might assume it's something more,"TJ explained.

"Oh, I understand,"Cyrus said.

"Yo Terr,"Bree called from the light booth,"Are you done confessing your feelings yet. I need you to help me make cues."

"Okay Bree. We're done now. Which monologue do you need,"TJ asked going to his bag and pulling out a script.

"Um, do your final one,"Bree said,"But  before you move again pause so I can build the cue."

TJ nodded setting his script down before moving off towards stage right.

He started his mologue.

"If we shadows have offended, think but this that all is mended. That you have but slumbered here whilst these visions did appear,"TJ started stopping before he moved.

"Continue,"Bree called out after she had built in the cue.

"And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding than a dream. Gentles do not reprehend, If you pardon we will mend,"TJ said gain moving towards the front of the stage.

"And as I am an honest puck, if we have unearned luck. Now to scape the serpents tongue, we will make amends ere long,"TJ said sitting on the edge of the stage,"Else the puck a liar call, so goodnight unto you all. Give me your hands if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends."

TJ finished sitting on the edge of the stage and holding his hands out to the audience.

"That was amazing,"Cyrus exclaimed,"And I still can't believe you do theatre and Shakespeare."

"It's a way for me to express myself,"TJ said,"In an artistic way."

Bree walked up from the back of the theatre and hopped up to sit next to the two boys.

"I'm Bree. We haven't officially met but I think we should if you're going to be dating my little brother,"Bree said extending her hand to Cyrus.

"You're TJ's big sister,"Cyrus exclaimed shaking her hand.

"Not biologically. She considers herself to be a big sister to Amber and I,"TJ explained.

"I'm still a little hurt that your boyfriend didn't know about me until today,"Bree said.

"You know that I'm don't tell people about you so that they don't think we're dating,"TJ said.

"I know, whatever. Cyrus, you should come to see TJ when the show opens,"Bree said.

"Of course I will,"Cyrus said.

*a couple weeks later*

"Give me your hands if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends,"TJ finished.

Everyone clapped and Cyrus made sure he clapped the loudest.

TJ quickly disappeared off the stage as different actors came on for their bows.

The players entered first each getting separate bows. Then the four fairy servants got separate bows.

Then Theseus, Hippolyta, and Hermia's father each got bows.

Then the four lovers got their bows. Then Titania and Oberon.

And finally TJ came back out from somewhere with flower petals that he dropped over each of the couples before bowing in front.

"That's my boyfriend,"Cyrus yelled.

A couple people turned still clapping and glared at Cyrus.

Once the house lights came up Cyrus first ran to hug Bree and then made his way to where TJ waited on the stage.

"Did you hear me cheering for you,"Cyrus asked.

"I'm pretty sure everyone heard you but yes I did. And I have a present for you,"TJ said.

He reached into the sack of flower petals and pulled out a flower crown that matched his own in costume.

He placed it on top of Cyrus' head.

"Thanks TJ,"Cyrus said pecking his cheek.

"I love you Muffin,"TJ said.

"I love you too,"Cyrus responded.

They kissed again, this time receiving an Aww from Bree.

"That was cute. But now I need help resetting the stage and cleaning up the flower petals,"Bree said.

Cyrus and TJ both rolled their eyes before following Bree to help her.

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