
By AngelSeasonxx

70.7K 1.5K 1.2K

F/n, the new bassist for Panic! But what happens when she meets the lead singer... ---- Sarah is Brendon's si... More

C43- what u wanted


2.1K 44 35
By AngelSeasonxx

"Do you want to get a coffee with me today" Brendon messaged me earlier.

Which I of corse said yes to, so I waited for his patiently.

"Sorry I got here a little late" Brendon chuckled awkwardly and taking a seat.

"It's not a problem" I smiled across to him.

A lady came over setting down drinks we ordered.

"Tour starts soon, how are you feeling?" Brendon asked curiously while taking a sip of his drink.

"Tour means getting away from here so I can't wait" I laughed. Getting away from Ray would be amazing.

"I don't think this place is that bad, is there something you don't like about it?" He smiled but i could see in his eyes there was worry.

I tried to avoid eye contract but it was hard because his eyes were so easy to get lost in... "Just the people here" I replied.

Brendon put a hand on his heart dramaticly "wow I live here, are you trying to get away from me"

I slapped his arm playfully "if I wanted to get away from you I wouldn't have come to coffee with you. Besides we're going on your together remember" I laughed.

"Oh really I didn't know that" he smirked sarcastically "dont worry your lucky enough to be stuck on a bus with me" he smiled cheekily

"Talk about torture" I joked trying my best to keep a straight face but it was impossible. Everytime I looked at him I was forced to smile.

The conversation carried on longer until his phone went of.

"Oh no, I didn't even notice the time" he chuckled "I need to get going, but it's been fun" he said getting up.

I stood up and blurted out "Can we do this more. Hang out I mean" I said shyly looking down.

Instantly I was pulled into a hug "how could I say no to you" he laughed letting go. "Someones embarrassed" he joked.

"N-no I'm not!" I stuttered looking away, I could feel my face burning up. "Just leave already" I said flustered.

"Okay I'm going, bye F/n" he smirked, waving as he left.

I started walking home myself thinking. Why did I get so embarrassed, it was just a friendly hug. But it was nice and warm. I didn't want him to let go. I finally felt safe...

(Time skip:few days)

It was the second pop up concert we were doing today, everything was going to plan. Five minutes before we were about to go on stage Brendon lines up loads of shot glasses filling them up.

"We didn't do this for the first concert with you but come here" Brendon smiled holding his hand out to gesture me over.

Everyone else gathered around and Brendon counted down from three. We all too are shots. Brendon held out a high five saying "we normally do that before every performance"

"Okay, that sounds great" I laughed and returned the high five.

"Now let go!" He said running off. It's like this man is constantly drunk. I laughed to myself.

We all walked on to stage, and the show began. When we finished we hung there for a few hours before it was really late.

"I better start walking or I'm never going to get home" I laughed standing up.

Brendon jumped up "you don't drive?" He asked.

"I can, but I don't have a car" I said starting to walk.

He quickly grabbed his stuth and ran up to me "I'll drive you, I was going to go anyway"

"You don't have to" I shook my head feeling guilty.

"Its okay I want to" he smiled leading me to his car.

He opened the door for my "Thank you again" I smiled warmly sitting in the car.

He walked around and got in himself. I brought up my phone with directions on it and he began to drive. We put the radio on hugging to it on the way. It wasn't an awkward silents but a comfortable one.

"This one mine" I said lookin uncomfotable as my house wasn't the nicest. "Thanks again for taking me home"

"It's no problem, I hope I see you before tour" he smiled and I agreed "I'd like that"

I waved as he drove off watching untill he couldn't be seen anymore.
The door house came flying open smashing into the wall. Ray stormed out the house and my face dropped in fear. He grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me into the house. I tried my hardest to pull out of his grip but it was no use.

He shut the door and slapped me around the face. He then kicked me to the floor and screamed "Who the fuck was that?!"

"It's someone I work with" I coughed out.

"Your really close with someone you fucking work with then" he growled lowly. "Don't ever think about cheating on me! And I swear if you even consider leaving you know I can kill your little friend, Sarah was it" he smirked.

"Don't, please, I'm sorry" I cried out attempting to get to my feet, only to be kicked back down.

He kicked me once more right in the ribs, that is defenitly going to bruise.

"Do I have to remind you again, that I always know what your doing. You would be nothing without me. I don't want you going near any other boys especially that one" he shouted pointing to the door, referring to brendon of corse and then he stormed off. He watch's and controls everything I do...

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