The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For

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(Y/N) continues to take pictures and explore the lab. Still growing more and more scared and disturbed. "Oh god no... " (Y/N) muttered as he scans then labs. (Y/N)'s mind was blank as he looks around. He didn't think of a anything. The only thing that was going through his mind, was why..... Why would any Human or Faunus do this? This is only something you see in a horror movie. Not in real life. But (Y/N) seeing this in a real life..... It was legitimate memory hunting. He still takes his picutres, to hopfully get away and hopefully expose GenTek. But a certain red dress wearing girl was gonna make that very difficult. As in the camrea room, like Alex.she pressed and holds a other button. To release another experimented creature. But the one Alex pressed, that one's containment, had finally.... Opened. "Survive this (Y/N)." Cinder said angerly.

(Y/N) had just finished going through a room, almost wanting to throw up from what he saw. But he had the pictures. So he's good. He continues his way through the halls. Looking for another hellilsh filled room. "How many more rooms are fucking here..." (Y/N) asks. He turns his head to enter a new room.

"REEEEEEEEHHH!!!!!" (Y/N) stops. Dead in his tracks. His eyes wide, his blood running cold. Starting at his feet. Then going up to his head. His heart slowly increasing in strong more louder beats. "UUUHHH!" Another horrific roar or howl. Did one of those things escaped!? But how did it do it!? Those containers locked tighter then the word locked in! "WAAAAAAH!!!" What disturbed (Y/N) was this thing sounded human. But now. From how it sounds. It was no longer human. (Y/N) hears heavy footsteps following the horrific howls and roars of the most likely, humanoid creature. That somehow escaped without making a single noise. (Y/N) quickly his in the room he was about to step in. And he hides behind a surgery tray. His heart thundering away.

"REEEEEYYAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Another roaring howl. Chilling (Y/N) to the bone and nerve. They were getting closer! Now (Y/N)'s libs were trembling with fear. "Oh god, oh god, oh god.... " He mutters. He slowly sneaks around. Just trying to stay far away from the noise even though that thing was probably far away. "WUUUUUH! WUUUUH! WUH! WUUUH!" The thing starts making low howling intakes. It sounded painful. Then afterwards. It makes a disgusting getting sound. Like if it was coughing up something.... It just sounded nasty. "WUUUAAAH!" Another howl. "WAH! WAH! WAH! WUUUUUUUH!!!" That multiple sounding howling roar sounded closer! (Y/N) quickly ducks behind a this tube with nothing inside of it. The thing makes another disgusting gaging sound. Then howl. "HUH...! HUUUUUUH!!" The sounds, THE SOUNDS. They were enough to make (Y/N) forget he has a gun but was scared to use it. And this makes him not want to see what was attached to those roaring howls. And to his horror. The howls were now, right outside the door. "Oh fuck why...?" (Y/N) whimpers. He can hear the thing's horrific howls and it's heavy foot steps. He had to see what this thing looked n like and how far it was. Then an idea popped up. (Y/N) was gonna use the camera on this scroll and hell aim it at the thing without showing his face. He instantly pulled his scroll out and aimed it where the horrific howls the coming from.

(If you wanna hear the noises.)
(Y/N) shakes as he eyes the monstrosity.
He slowly brings his scroll back and outs it in his pocket. "Oh crap.... " He mutters. He hears the thing walk around. It's heavy foots steps thump against the ground. "RWAAAAAH!" It let's out another roaring howl. (Y/N) behind to sneak around, slowly moving around. Trying to avoid any line of sight of this thing because this didn't look blind. If it was, those eyes would be more fogged over, or. Not having any eyes. And it would be bumping into everything. "YA! YA! EAAAAAH!" It makes more disturbing noises as it stumbles around. (Y/N) was slowly getting closer to the exit of the room. He was so close. "REEEEEH..." It let out a lower noise compared to its other screeches as it slowly shambles into a little main surgery room within the room the two were in. "Come on..." (Y/N) muttered. He grew closer and closer to the exit. He could hear the footsteps grow closer. And it soured like it was behind him! He couldn't take it, (Y/N) dives and hides behind the doorframe! He prayed that thing didn't hear him. He waited for it to scream or start running. Just waiting for it!

Nothing. Nothing happened. Had he gotten that lucky? He didn't want to stick around to find out. He instantly begun to move as quickly as he could. But slowly and quietly. He tries to move quickly but quietly at the same time. It wasn't an easy task. Moving fast while also moving quietly. It wasn't easy. But (Y/N) was able to somewhat pull it off. "Shit I made it..." He mutters. He continues his way down the wall. Getting away from that thing. He sneaks his way through the halls. He could still hear the thing making it's nasty and disgusting noises. Even able to hear it taking heavy footsteps. (Y/N) then looks up to one of the room's tags. It read "Weapons." (Y/N) immediately silent rolls into the room. Then stands up. He was amazed....... By all the weapons.

And by amazed he means there's only three......... He's disappointed.

"What the fuck? Got all this money and employees but you CAN'T MANY ANY WEAPONS!? What you used all of the budget on YOUR ABOMINATIONS!?" (Y/N) whispers yells. Two of them didn't even look like weapons but flashlights. He walks over to them. "How in the hell is that a weapon?" (Y/N) said irritated. It was a little pedestal. (Y/N) then sees the hologram tag. It was called a "Light Sword." This made (Y/N) question. It made him forget he was being hunted by a mutant monster. He picks it up. "No alarm? *looks up at the roof* and no cameras? This place sucks. No wonder I was able to escape. Stupid idiots." (Y/N) thought internally. He then sees there was a description under the hologram name tag. The description read this was made from a certain crystal. And with some GenTek ingenuity. They made a. A plasma thing of sorts. "Oh. So it is a sword..... Made from plasma of sorts. And I just need to click a simple button.... " (Y/N) mutter. Feeling like an idiot. "What did Blake tell you about judging a book by its cover (Y/N)?" (Y/N) asks himself.

There was two. So of course he took both. "Oh. There is a button." (Y/N) muttered. He clicked it. With a very high tech sounding sound. A orange glowing light came out

This made (Y/N) jump. "Woah...." He mutters. He gives it a few seconds small swings and the glowing blade makes small "Wrrr" sounds. (Y/N) then gently presses the blade against the pedestal. And it burn and sissled or insinararated it instantly. "Wow." (Y/N) mutter. He looks at the other which had a different handle. He presses the button.

This Light Sword had a blue color to it other again. A different handle. "This is sick." He muttered. He smiles as the swords. Bit it suddenly changed when he heard "REEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He didn't even have time to move or even  scream. As the fastest footsteps he ever heard came charging at him.... Made worse as a shadow that ones showed his suddenly covered his and was now storming at him!

The thing tackled him with its mutation of a body. "GAAAAH!" (Y/N)'s gun and swords fell from his hand as this thing tackled him. It kept howling, screaming and shouting as it tried to do... God knows what to him if it wasn't for (Y/N)'s struggling. "KUUUUHHH! UUUH! UUUH! UUHHHHU!!!!" It howls. (Y/N) tries pushing it back but this thing was monsterosly strong. And (Y/N) was able to lift a truck. He tries to push it back but it was hard when the thing kept moving and it was covered in rotting and bubble covered skin. This thing also had its arms infused into its bubble cancerous  body so it kept leaning forward and using its body weight to keep (Y/N) down. And it was also trying to bite him! It was getting very close! (Y/N) was screaming in fear! He keeps trying to push the thing back. He looks to his left, and sees the light sword! He uses his left foot and his right arm to hold this disgusting thing back! "UH! RRRH! AH! RRRR!" He struggles with the thing. "HUUUH! HUUUUUH! HUUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" It screams. It was growing closer to (Y/N) to bite him. It was also starting to crush his arm and leg with its body. It was gonna bite him! Or even kill him! Suddenly, (Y/N) feels the shape of theight sword in his hand.....

(Y/N) then grips it tightly, and with one swift and violent movement, (Y/N) swings the sword across the mutant human's head. The howling instantly stopped. And blood just pours onto his chest and neck. The body goes limb. But that soon changed as it starts to convulse violently. (Y/N) didn't want any part of it. As he kicks it back with his left leg.

The thing was extremely convulsing,
blood sqirting out from the sliced open neck hole. (Y/N) of course stepped back.  The mutant man's body was not starting to bulge and the bubbles on its skin now we're growing to larger size. (Y/N) quickly grabbed the Lightwords and his rifle  and immediately runs out. Right as he did.


The mutant human inside the room...... Explodes. (Y/N) makes a surprised face. Slowly, he moves back and looks in. Blood, distorted organs, and other weird fluids we're all over the room. It nearly made (Y/N) vomit. He quickly left and continue his way around the place. He walks past a very hidden and small camrea. And the one watching the camera slowly smiles.

"Well done (Y/N). You've made me proud." Cinder said. "But I can't have you leave with the evidence." She said. "Let's see how desperate you are to leave with the evidence." Cinder said. Soon she clicled five. No. Seven buttons on the control panel. Which were to open the cells that held those abominations. After, she grabbed a radio and said into it "All units this is Fall. Report to the lower lab levels! *grin* We have him." She said looking back at the camera. "Our escaped subject has returned. Get him." She said. Cinder's response was a tons of "Copy" and "Roger that" Cinder looks back the camera. She sees that (Y/N) clearly heard what made that noise. Which was loud roars. "Oh crap!" He imm starts running. As he also heard multiple footsteps with screams, shouts and monsterious coming from everywhere. Which made (Y/N) kick into overdrive as he didn't know where the hell these things we're gonna come from. He pants and whimpers as he runs. Trying to find the elevator he entered to even get into this lab. But he's trying to not panic as he runs. (Y/N) knew panicking wouldn't solve anything. Especially when he presume he's being pursued by more of GenTek's creations. But he didn't dare look back. Looking back would slowly him down. He just needed to run and find that damn elevator. He hears another roar through the halls. Then another roar cut through the air. He turns to his right. Thinking he see something there.

But, there was nothing there. He was gonna start running. "ROOOOAAAAAH!!!!"
The loudest thing he ever heard cut through the air, when he turns his head, a large beast tackles him. The lightsword fly out, so did his rifle! (Y/N) looks up and sees the horrifying face of the..... The brawler! It roared at him. And (Y/N) screamed in horror. He struggles to escape. He doesn't even move a small inch. The brawler rises it's right arm and swipe it's claws at (Y/N)! It tears into him......

But the GenTek armor protects him! (Y/N) continues to struggle with all of his might, but the brawler was too strong. Keeping him still. The brawler tries again. It slashes him. But still, he's fine. It does it again. Again. And again, and again, and again, and again. The only thing the brawler was damaging a bit of (Y/N)'s arms. He screams from fear and pain. The brawler was cutting his armor and it will soon tear into its skin. He had to do something! And soon, he did. He rises his fist and with all of his force, he punches his eye into the brawler's eye. It let out a loud painful roar. (Y/N) continues punching. The brawler tries to block or scratch (Y/N) away. But it didn't work. Especially when (Y/N) turned his punch into a more graphic and brutal punch. As the next punch he did, his fist gouged the brawler's out. It roared in absolute agony. But (Y/N) didn't stop. He kept digging his fist deeper into the brawler's eye. Red crimson covered his hand as it also gushed out. It stained (Y/N)'s fac, shirt and armor. The brawler kept roaring in agony. Until finally (Y/N) had enough and he started to pull. The roars escalated from the beast. But he cut it short as (Y/N) ripped the brawler's eyeball out with a shout!

The brawler let's him go and it steps back. (Y/N) took this opportunity to grab his assault rifle and starts opening firing. The brawler roars in pain as blood flies out from the bullets pelting it. (Y/N) then puts his rifle away, and he quickly dashes towards the blue lightsword. He succeeded as he grabs the sword handle, activities it, and ones the blade came out. (Y/N) dose a X slash on the brawler's stomach. The blade..... It was incredible. It tore through the brawler's thick reddish pink flash. It howled in agony as it holds its cut open gut. (Y/N) took this open opportunity to dash in, and he slashes its head open!

Blood flies into the air drops onto the wall floor, the brawler's head crates a loud thud as it lands on the floor. It's body follows soon after. Motion less. Life escaping it. (Y/N) didn't have time to catch his breath. He grabs his weapons off the floor and he contines running. But he has this slight limb. As the brawler's has really to through his GenTek armor. It was bearly attached as it hung loosely. A few parts even attached. Even his shirt underneath was ripped. But it didn't stop him. He keeps running. Not stopping for anything. But the constant roars and yells made his heart race. He pants as he roars. "RAAAAAHHHH!!!" A roar in front of him. He was about to stop but something cut him off! It was another
GenTek monster! And it was charging at him!

It was that tongue monster! It was charging in waving its thin fingers as its claws swished the air. It's younger wanting to sink into (Y/N)'s flesh. He was about to stop, wanting to run back!

No. He couldn't.... Not now. He presses forward. Sword still in hand. He was closing in! The creature screeched as it swing its claws at (Y/N). But he runs past him as he ducks. The wind swishes as its claws cut through the air.

(Y/N) dose a spin and was now facing the abomination. "HYAAAAH!!" (Y/N) yells as he rises the sword. And the light blade cuts through the things arm off with ease. It roars in pure pain. Then it growls and it tries to wrap its tounge around (Y/N)'s neck. But its plan ended in failure as (Y/N) grabs it. It struggles bit but it was futile. As soon, with one swift yank. (Y/N) rips the tounge out of its mouth. Ot roars in pain. Crimson flying out of its gaping mouth. But (Y/N) silence then as he stabs it in the heart. "Die on you animal.... DIE!!!" He yells. Then he swipe his sword, and he slices the monsters torse in half. He starts running before it even hits the ground.

(Y/N) was booking it hard as he hears the countless roars all over him. "Where is that damn elevator!?" (Y/N) yells. The roads grew more and more closer. He turns the corner. (Y/N) suddenly felt sometbing.... It was a fiery feeling that kept growing. This feeling was on (Y/N)'s back. Then the feeling of warm liquid dropped down his back. It was a scratch.

(Y/N) realized that one of those Blacklight zombies attacked him. He then sees in a hallway to the left, more so zombies running at him! (Y/N) pushed forward and soon, outran hored. Going down another hallway. And he's lucky...... He found the elevator.

"YES THERE IT IS!!!!!" He screams. (Y/N) runs. Running harder them he ever did, running faster then ever. And soon, he was in! He did the fastest spin ever as ones he did, he smashes his  hand onto the button! Right before the GenTek abominations entered, the door close.

Large smacks and dents appeared on the door but (Y/N) hears the elevator move. He was safe. He sighs as he also pants. He just relaxes as he tries to calm his heart.

Soon. He makes it to the first floor. Outside, two guard's stand by the door. "Did your unit catch the subject?" One of the guards asks. "No." The other replied. "What!? Fuck your squad is so-" The guard was interrupted when (Y/N) charged out from the elevator and with the end of his rifle, he smacks him in the nose. "AWWW!" he screams as he holds his nose through his mask. The other guard was a out to shoot bit (Y/N) bit him to it. Shooting his leg. He screams and falls onto his knees. (Y/N) quickly follows up by kicking him in the face. Which knocked him down. He finally finished it by again using the back of his gun to smash his face. Knocking him out. But he quickly reacts by spin on the around and while using his knee, he knees the other guard HARD in the face too. In which, breaks his mask. And with that one attack. He was out. (Y/N) starts running. "Huh? HEY! THE SUBJECT! IT'S THE-" The guards yell was inturupted as (Y/N) turns the lightsword on, the blade appears, rises the blade up, and with one swing.

He slices the guards arm right off. The guard screams in agony holding his carterised stub. Which (Y/N) found weird. Because when he sliced the Brawler, it bleed. But with a human it didn't. (Y/N) shutted the guard up though with another powerful kick. Knocking him out like the others. (Y/N) keeps running. "Huh? Hey, HEY! THERE, THERE!" Another guard guard yelled in the distance. Gunshots echoed through the whole building. (Y/N) tries to avoid it.
But soon....

He was being shot at by all angles from the whole GenTek guard force! "FUCK!" (Y/N) yells as he slides behind a large table and takes cover. He hides for a moment, then he grabs his rifle and starts shooting blindly from the table. He holds down the trigger while shooting. He continues to shoot blindly, and soon. After some firing, he heard a guard or two scream in pain. He also hears a guard shout "Fuck man down!" (Y/N) mentally cheers as he landed some hits. He continues shooting. He lands more shots on some guards. He was also hitting in areas that won't lead to death. But (Y/N) knew that his cover was being destroyed. As more bullets were going through the table. (Y/N) begin to look for an escape. He scans every surrounding. He looks up and down and left and right.

Soon he finds one. Not an exit or an escape. But a way to throw the GenTek guards off. There was a large ceiling light above the squadron of guards. (Y/N)'s cover was quickly falling apart! (Y/N) quickly aimmed his rifle, and without a second of hesitation or a pause. He fires at both of the support beams holding the light up. Instantly. The light... Fell.

"Huh- OH SHIT!!!" "LOOK OOOOUT!!!!" Two GenTek guards yell. (Y/N) immediately starts running as he hears a large crash. He didn't stop, even when someone guards tried shooting at him. He keeps running. But not to the front door. But to the back. And soon, he finds it, a back door to throw trash away. These idiots for forgot to secure this. (Y/N) starts running. Running faster then ever, he turns down an alley. "NO YOU DONT!" (Y/N). Was sudd grabbed. "HUH!" He was dragged back with full force. "Get off... Me you crazy...!" (Y/N) mutters as he struggles. The two struggle and wrestle. The GenTek guard swears at (Y/N) as he punches his face and stomach, and trying to keep him still. He also completely ripped and destroyed (Y/N)'s GenTek armor. Even his white jacket underneath. He was now shirtless. "Fucking! Bitch! Your ass ain't going no where...! Grk!" He yells. He was surprisingly causing him to bleed. He had (Y/N) on his knees as he hammered him. "Your just some bitch! *punch* A weak boy!" He yells as he punches him. "Your and that parasite ain't shit! You'll go back in those labs, AND SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES FOR ESCAPING!" He yells as he readys a large punch.

When he said..... That word..... That word..... Parasite.... Something snapped. A large surge of adradalin pumped into his veins. And his muscles tenses. (Y/N) suddenly my jumps up and grabs him! He puxjes the GenTek guard up against the wall hard. And ones he had him pinned. He starts smacking away at him. Using both his first at his face. His mask and helmet flew off after the seventh or tenth punch. And after dive punches, the guards face bleed. He yells and cries out on pain by each punch. (Y/N) only let out furious grunts as he punches. And finally, after one more punch. He knocks him clean out with one powerful left hook.

He looks down at his work. Panting for air and wiping the blood from his mouth. Suddenly he hears a chopper! It was flying by with its light! (Y/N) didn't have enough time to run! He immediately runs into the darkest shadow! Hopping to God it didn't see him. He looks up and see it fly by...... The light just bearly hitting him... Only touching his shoe.

Ones it got away from him, he starts running. When. "Guah! *falls* what the hell...?" (Y/N) was suddenly knocked down. But from what? He looks over, and sees its the body of the guard he just recently knocked out. "What the hell-?" He was about to question this. When he hears..... A laugh. He looks over. "What the fuck is this....? WHO ARE YOU!?" He asks. Fear and nervousness on his tone. "Don't be afraid (Y/N). I'm only here to help." The voice said. He hears footsteps. The voice, who was male. Was walking closer. (Y/N) braced himself. Until finally..... They walked into the light.....

"UH...! M-M-MERCER....?" (Y/N) steamers. "ALEX MERCER!? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" He exclaimed. "Hehehe. In the flesh (Y/N)..." Alex replies calmly. "I don't care what's your reasoning for being alive.... I could care less.... But what I do care is what the FUCK did you do to ME!?!?" (Y/N) exclaimed. " It's what your ment for. It's why I chose you." He replies. "YOUR NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTION!!!" (Y/N) yells. "I gave you the Mercer Virus. That's what they call it right, or is it Blacklight?" Alex asks. "How should I know!? You took my memories!" (Y/N) yells. "You and your GenTek henchman! You'll pay!" (Y/N) was a out to get up to strike him. "*rise hand* just hear me out. Now I don't know where this henchman thing came from. But I can assure you. I won't dare work or even touch those people." Alex said. "Not with a 200 Inch Whipfist." Alex look at his arm. "Whip what?" (Y/N) questions. "But I'm not here to cause damage like them. You saw what their doing right? Their making something (Y/N). And it's involing the virus. They'll release it, make it look like a small cold being passed on. But then it'll turn into a outbreak. But from what's going on down there, we all know it's more. Even more then them doing a Bio weapon test." Alex said. "They're trying to take over Remnant. They tried before. Two years ago. But I stopped the first outbreak. And Heller stopped the next." Alex explained. "Heller...?" (Y/N) mutters. "And those cruel soldiers Blackwatch will come in and try to 'Save'.  And it'll all be blamed on me.' He said pointing at his chest. He was also crouching down to (Y/N)'s level.

As if Alex being alive and being right here... Right in front of him wasn't bad enough, the hoodie he bad over his white button up shirt made this dark shadow over his eyes. Which made (Y/N) very uncomfortable. Especially since his eyes would only glint and shine when light reflected on it. Suddenly Mercer's right arm started to grow something from it. It was a reddish weird flesh that covered his right arm. It also had this small orange glow to it. "Heh. I can't tell you don't believe. Luckily. This meatbag here is gonna prove it to you." He suddenly grabs the GenTek guard (Y/N) had just beat up by the back of the neck. "(Y/N) (L/N), meet Blackwatch Sargent now turned GenTek lapdog Simon Cowell." Alex said. Simon struggles in Alex's grip. "GRRR...! RAH! Ah..! FUCK YOUUU!!!" Simon yells as he struggles. Alex then gently grabs (Y/N)'s arm. And suddenly (Y/N)'s arm turned into the red mutant flash like Alex's. And he then slowly guided (Y/N)'s arm to Simon. "Learn the truth (Y/N). Embrace the truth,  let the truth sink in." He said. As soon, over Simon's screaming, (Y/N) slowly pressed his hand into his chest. The second he did it, something flashed into (Y/N) eyes, like if a flashbang hit him. But it was something more.


Doctor. We need to make sure all of our specimens are powerful and immune to any bullets. Especially immune to rockets, acid ect....

Doctor 2. You forgot to add something to the DNA blueprints Doctor Grooves... 💢

Grooves. Impossible. I dont-


Simon. These demonic looking pigs ain't beautiful in the slightest. And all that intelligences and you forget to add some stupid DNA sample. Like you failed to stop Heller and Alex. And what about (Y/- OW FUCK!

Grooves. SAY THAT AGAIN, YOU'LL BE THE NEWEST MEMBER FO THE INFECTED HUMAN SPECIMENS! (Y/N)'s escape was even possible because of two idiotic surgeons who put him into a low security room. In which he escaped. And I don't want to think or talk about Alex and Heller.... This time. We will succeed and complete our task to our Queen.

Simon. Alright im sorry. I dont mean too offend your science wet dream.

Grooves. WATCH... YOUR MOUTH. Why are you even here!? Get back to guarding! We don't want another subject escaping! Fall is already angry with us! We don't want to see our life work to complete our Queen's plan, RUINED!!

Simon. Yes sir.... Crazy stupid fucks...


(Y/N) falls onto his knees, as his body was ones covered in GenTek armor, but then, he transformes back to normal. He trasformed. Like if he shaped shifted. "What was that...?" He asks holding his head. "Every living thing you consume makes you stronger." Alex explains. (Y/N) looks down at his hand. A red mist comes out of it. "You take their shape, and their memories." Alex said. (Y/N) stands up. "I've heard all the things you've done..... How you gone insane and tried to infect the whole world with your Blacklight. But someone stopped you. I'm guessing this Heller guy did. Stopped the nightmare hell hole you created. There's no way I'd trust you.... Plus you could be lying! You even said you gave me this virus, THE THING THAT TOOK MY MEMORIES!! YOU BITCH!" (Y/N) was about to strike him. But Alex stopped him. "No? Still don't trust me? If I was with them, we wouldn't be talking right now. Or even dead." Alex said. "Dead?" (Y/N) questions. "They would have caught you (Y/N), they would cut you, stab you, carve you into bits as they experiment on you. Maybe even burn you alive. I heard they were gonna do fire proof test on you. And it was the day you escaped." Alex said. He then grabs his shoulder. "I didn't want this to happen to you (Y/N). The virus was to benefit you. But GenTek intervened and brainwashed you. I don't know the reason myself. But what I do know is you need to evolve." Alex said. "What?" "GenTek has their headquarters or 'hospitals all over Vale. And doing all kinds of experiments.  Making all kinds of infected creatures. You need that DNA. When your ready. I'll find you. Well stop GenTek before they cause damage and start their plan for their queen." Alex explains. He starts walking away. "Oh by that way, the reason I'm alive, the Alex that made that massive outbreak, was a demented clone of GenTek. I'm the real one. The one that stopped the first outbreak." He explains. "Right. Ok. Makes since. I would be surprised that they would make clones of things." (Y/N) said. But in reality. "What a bunch of horse radish." (Y/N) thought internally. "Wait! In that flashback.... Thing. That doctor mentioned conduit. What is that?" (Y/N) asks. Alex just smiles. A bit of a disturbing smile. "You'll find out later. For now. Get out of here. GenTek is looking for you. And for god sake man." Alex turns to him. "Put some fucking clothes on." Alex said and finally disappearing into the darkness. "Wh- eh?" (Y/N) steamers. Looking down as his scar covered chest. "Just think of a clothing you want and boom." Alex said in the distance. As he said. (Y/N) thought of a shirt. A white one. As on command. A white shirt formed. "Dwoah!" He exclaimed. But he starts running off far from GenTek Headquarters,  jumping over the wall as he could hear the guards coming. But this time, he easily escaped the walls. And ran down the sidewalk. Ones he gained some distance. He looked down at his shirt, (Y/N) then thought of a hoodie with a few details in mind. And just as the shirt, with a red wave of that Blacklight smoke thing of sorts. A white hoodie with red and black shapes on it appeared.

(Y/N) was abovestly amazed. He smiles. "This is gonna come in handy. No need to shop." He said. The white was also very, very very soft underneath. To the point you could actually sleep on it. But (Y/N) wanted something less. He things of another one. This time. He had an inspiration. This one, was based off of Alex's jacket.

Instead of the white strips. They were red, and the design on the back of the hoodie was different. Unlike Alex's which was a cool looking symbol on it. (Y/N)'s was a dragon. This hoodie was also worn over the white one.

(Y/N) keeps smiling. Liking this new ability. "Ok, ok. Enough of this. I gotta get back to Beacon." (Y/N) said. As he makes his way back to the school. Unknowing to him. Alex, was watching him.


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