His fake assistant

By tom-yumke

2.8M 86.2K 29.1K

When a bubbly farmer Faye gets sent on a mission by her best friend, the infamous journalist Elizabeth Venice... More

Eww? (1)
My father isn't the king (2)
The billionaire sure loves to cuddle (3)
Doing nothing (4)
The beast woke up (5)
My daily dose of drama (6)
Huge bloke, Marc (7)
20 questions (8)
Say bible (9)
Are we friends? (10)
Does it upset you? (11)
Cookies are a yeah (12)
Sweet...too sweet (13)
Famous? (14)
Taking care (15)
Safe (16)
Be kind, always (17)
Living together (18)
Movie night (19)
Befriend him (20)
Make one (21)
Christmas kiss (22)
It's real (23)
Mother-in-law (24)
Rival for life (25)
Family diner (26)
Heartbroken (27)
Until you (28)
People can't change (29)
It will all be okay (30)
Mine (31)
Broken remote (32)
I'm shook, they shook (33)
Q&A chapter
Fairy lights (34)
I love mushrooms (35)
She said YES! (36)
I'm the villain (37)
Nightmares (38)
Epilogue (39)
Realizations (1)
Drunk Faye (2)
Caged like a doll (3)
Perfect world (4)
Breaking point (5)
The beast is destroyed (6)
Ovulation test (8)
Preg-nant (9)
straight SAVAGE (10)
Lies, lies and lies (11)
Horrible father (12)
Spooky spook (13)
Little snitch (14)
Break the cycle (15) - the end

Break in? Kind of (7)

29.4K 1.2K 840
By tom-yumke

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."


"... so by breaking in you will be able to talk to him without getting kicked out. He will HAVE to talk to you."


Nate touched the computer screen to change the PowerPoint slide to the next one.

"HERE", he points to a picture from Google Earth. "We will be parked here so no one notices something suspicious."

I clear my throat, trying not to fall asleep from his whole speech that has been going on for over 2 HOURS!


"... or I could just walk up to him and talk", I state nonchalantly.

"Or I cOuLd JuSt WaLk Up To HiM aNd TaLk?", he imitates me before, dropping on his knees with his head in his palms like some dramatic Shakespeare act.

"Faye", he sighs out. "I have been stalking him for the last week for yo-"

"STALK HIM?", I gasp. That explains why he was always gone. He never told me to where... well not that I actually ever asked.

"Yeah, yeah. He only goes to his office every other day, other than that he only stays in his mansion. How are you going to talk to him? In his office??? You know that the building is surrounded with journalists every day, trying to get an interview or scoop with him."

He stops talking for a second, looking right into my eyes. "I doubt that you'll get to talk to him."


He touched his screen, switching the slide.

"I'll be waiting.... here and you go inside through the-"

A thought suddenly popped up in my head.

"Well maybe I could just call Sierra and ask her to set a meeting up with Maso-"

He abruptly cuts me off.


I almost break into laughter from his edge of a breakdown.

"Nathan, what do you think this is? Some cheesy Wattpad story?", I snicker at the thought.

Lol, imagine.

"This will be so THRILLING", he rejoice in ecstasy, jumping up and down like a 5 year old on Christmas.

"So you want me to break in?", I ask confused.

"Kind of", he responds with big, innocent puppy eyes. "Please, Faye. He will have to talk to you."

I take a deep breath. I don't really know what to do. I'm scared shitless. What if he is really done with me?

I've kept up with Carla. She told me that Mason is back the same way. I should let him go. She doubts that he would ever want me back again.

But... HELL NO, I won't give up on him without trying.

I'm determined I will try.

My mind suddenly switches to something else...

      "Nathan?", I turn my head to a 22 year old Nate who was rolling on his back.

     Wait, what the actual fudge is he doing??

     "What?", he snapped, looking innocently. "My back was just itching."

     "So you're rolling like a dog? Urgh nevermind. I don't even want to know. Have you actually contacted Marc?", I ask nervously. I don't know how he would respond.

        "I...", he stops moving.

       "You?", my eyes widen in hope.

       "I need to pee."

       "URGHHH", I throw my head back in frustration. That means no. He probably tries to get Mason and I back together so he could slowly start to talk to Marc again through me.

Nate gets up, walking in the direction of the bathroom. A sudden idea lit up in my head.

      If he doesn't contact Marc. I will.

The only problem is that I don't have Marc's phone number... soooo. I sneak up to the table where Nate's phone lies.

He luckily has no password. I immediately scroll through his contacts.

Found it.

A smirk was plastered on my lips. This was easy peasy. It could have been solved in 5 minutes.

I press on the contact "bæ" before the calling sound rang in my ears.

I bite my lips from the excitement pumping through my veins. He finally picks the phone up.....

"Welcome to Pizza Hut. How Can I help you?", an old man's voice beams from the phone.

What. The actual mushroom.

"Euh... Marc?", I stutter out confused.

"My name Jeff"

I hang up the phone. Not knowing what to think.

Did he really just save Pizza Hut under bæ??

I look through his contact again, finding another one that says "my love". I immediately call the contact.

"Chuck E cheese, everything is fresh made on your plate", a young man's voice louds not so enthousiastly.


"FAYE!", a furious Nathan screams my name, standing in the doorway.

Wait... I'm sister shook.

"I have two questions", I point to his face. "Why do y'all men pee so fast and WHY THE FUDGE DO YOU SAVE FAST FOOD PLACES ON YOUR PHONE???"


The next night...

I was standing in front of the mansion. It was weird  that the mansion which  I once called my own home would be the place I will break in.

The sun has already gone under. It was 10 pm exactly.

     Time to commit a crime.

      "Do you see anything yet over", Nate's voices louded through the walkie talkie.

I looked next to me with a straight face.

"You know I'm standing right next to you", I state dryly.

"Urghhh, do you really have to ruin everything?", he speaks through the walkie talkie while staring right into my eyes.

Did he...

Did he just roll his eyes???

Bruh. What a drama llama.

I look back at the mansion. My feet were frozen into place.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat it, Faye.

"You stay here, if something happens, back me up", I almost half demand half plea him.

He puts a hand on my shoulder, patting my back.

"It was nice knowing you, Faye", he sighs out, a tear rolling down his eye. He looks forward to the mansion as if he was playing in some sad Asian music video.

"FOR THE 71819181th TIME. I AM NOT GOING TO DIE... over", I scream through the walkie talkie.

Omg, his dramaticness is contagious.

I am going to faint.

"Who knows", he shrugs casually.

I just looked at him deadpan.

      "You know the secret code", I whispered before climbing up the fence.

I jumped to the other side of the fence, landing into.... MY FLOWERS.

I have planted these with my heart. Ohh, noooo. I want to cry.

     "Mommy is so sorry, babies", I whisper to them softly. "Mommy has to get daddy back."

It's okay. I will save them later, I have to save my relationship first.

I run through the garden, looking around me every other second to be sure no one sees me.

I finally end up at the side block of the mansion where the second kitchen lies. I look through the window. The lights were all on, but no one in sight.

     "I'm getting in, over", I said into the walkie talkie before trying to open the window carefully.

After opening it, I slowly got in. The window stood quite high so I had to slide in with my head first.

I looked forward half way in before almost letting the ugliest shriek out.

      "BANANAS! BANANAS! PURPLE BANANAS!", I screamed our secret code into the walkie talkie.

     No answer...

In front of me stood one of the top guards... Kevin. He was muscular. There was no chance of escaping..

Surely not because my body was half into the kitchen. I was leaning with my stomach on the window.

     He looked at me.

      I looked at him.

It was a staring contest. Most of the people would have looked away. But I didn't. I stared right into his eyes... making this situation much more uncomfortable.

He finally looks away, scratching his head.

     "Miss Jackson, you know you could have you just gotten in through the front door."

I put my index finger on my lips, sushing him. He looked confused. I fully slipped my body into the kitchen, falling in before standing up, ignoring the aching pain.

     "You have seen nothing. This is just all a dream", I wave my hands in front of him in an attempt to hypnotise him.

I almost started to dance like a snake... almost





       "Miss Jacks-"


He finally shuts up, giving me the chance to slowly take steps away.

"This is all a dream. My name is Bond. James Bond", I mouth before running away.

Adios, bitch.

     "Shit, Faye. I was playing Candy Crush. I'm so-"

I threw the walkie talkie away in the first trash can I saw. I'm never taking Nathan to the war. It will be dead and dead.

My feet brought me upstairs to the big master bedroom which I used to call our bedroom.

       Left... right.

      (-___-)))... (((-___-) <- me

I was checking my surroundings once more to be sure. This was it.

I knocked on the door.... and waited.



But no answer? This isn't the usual. He normally snaps at the door or maybe he isn't inside the room??

     Urgh fudge it.

I was so impatient that I just barged into the room, immediately shutting the door behind me.

And their I stood... in the wide room which smelt like dark chocolate and mint.

My mouth started to water. I closed my eyes, breathing deep in.

This felt like home... warm and cozy.

I looked around me. The room was decorated with pictures of us together.

My mouth fell open in shock. These have just been placed. It wasn't here the last time I was here.

My hand palms started to sweat, my heart pounding into my chest.

I walked in, my feet leading to the bed. Without realising my hand reached to the pillow, hugging it tightly to my chest. Smelling the sweet aroma deeply.

I was floating. I was back in heaven, on clout nine for a sweet second.


My body froze. I heard the door closing behind me, the clicking of the lock on the door.

     "Should I call 911?", a deep velvety voice louded behind me, making me swallow my own saliva. My mouth was dried out.

I slowly turned around, still hugging the pillow close to my chest. My eyes down on the ground.

Nathan hasn't thought past this. He hasn't thought about what I should do now. He made a whole PowerPoint of 35 slides BUT NOT ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE.

     "Why are you here?", he asked stern, the sudden change of tone caught me off guard.

My head snapped to his direction, looking into his cold metallic grey orbs.

I... I just melted then and there. I almost forgot how absolutely stunning he was. His God like facet made my heart swoon as if it was the first time seeing him.

I wanted to kiss his face under... Wait! I didn't come here for that. Well maybe a bit. URGH STOP DROOLING OVER YOUR HUSBAND, FAYE.

     "So?", he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

His eyes didn't leave mine.

"I came to get my stuff back", I blurted out.

"Like what?", he pulled his brow up as to challenge me, no trace of believe in his eyes.

I looked around, taking the first object I see up in the air.

"This", I showed him... ohhh.

My facial expression immediately changed when I saw what I picked up. It changed into pure horror.

Kill me, please.

From everything I could take I took a condom... A CONDOM. (A/N not used)

"It was very dear to me... okay bye"

I tried to walk past him, but alas before my hands could reach the door knob his voice already spoke from behind me.

"I will call the police if you don't tell me why you came", he threatened with no emotion.

I slowly turned around, laughing nervously.

     "Well, I came to discuss something", I said on a soft serious tone.. all the humour vanished. It all turned into passion. Passion for us, our love.

     "Do you want a divorce?", his voice was indifferent and distant.

My heart dropped 6 feet under. I was taken aback completely. It came as a complete shock.

The realisation of Mason not wanting me anymore made sense. I should let him go....

     "No divorce."

Not only he was shocked, but I was the most shocked from what just blurted out my mouth.

Where did this sudden confidence come from? This is so not Faye.

"Mason", I looked right into his burning metallic orbs. "I love you."

This time he luckily didn't faint... but he also didn't respond. His facial expression stayed the exact same.

That same cold look.

It gives my chills all over my body.

I took steps closer to him, throwing the condom away.

"I love you. I'm sorry for realising it too late, but I don't think I can survive without you. You have tainted my heart and mind", I never broke eye contact.

Still no answer.

"I want to be your wife and if you don't want me anymore... that's fine", I whispered. My heart aching in pain.

He was just about to say something, but I cut him off.

"NO! Actually that's not fine", I screamed at him in panic, wrapping my arms around his waist, hugging him tight.

"I love you, Mason. I'm sorry for everything!", I closed my eyes in pain almost sure of his rejection.

But the answer didn't come.

In contrary from what I expected he started to laugh... at first softly, but then building up to a loud shattering laugh.

I wanted to push him away, but Mason quickly sneaked his arms around my form, snuggling his nose in my hair.

"Princess, you actually chased me... and better than I ever could dream of. I never thought you would break in in your own home... our home."




What did you think of this chapter? P.s. It's late and I'm super sleepy, but I did want to post this so I could make you happy so sorry if it's poorly edited.

The condom doesn't mean anything. He didn't get with someone else. It was just lying on the table.

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Question of the day: how tall are you?

I've been to the doctor today and i found at that 1m58 or 5"2 and not 1m60. I'm in shock. These past 4 years have been a lie! My friend also told me yesterday that whenever she touches me it feels like she's touching a 5 year old, because I have a petite frame... WAIT! WHAT??? I'm still a bit offended lol.

Btw I love you all, but constantly spamming me and being rude because I don't update fast does hurt. If I could I would love to write 24/7, but alas... sowwyyy so please understand me.


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