Is It Him!

Oleh TiffanyDivaGodsbeaut

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She eyes him at a coffee spot! Never says a word! He sees her! She wonders is this the guy for her! The conne... Lebih Banyak

Starbucks! He is at the corner table!
Still smelling him!
Lunch at Esters on the upper east side! With Nicole!
The Golden Museum: Saturday night!
Atmospheric! She came here!
After this past saturday: the art exhibit!
The illusion
He is Handsome!
Finally a lunch! I hope she dont run!
This lunch date!
At his house! I really am and not running!
Not trying to fall! But its doing it!
I can't be in love with him!
She might be the IT! The One!
I saw him before I talked to him!
Saturday morning
Getting signs of warning
Its Been!
Ready! This is for him!
For real!
She is fragile
What wasnt suppose to happen!
Its coming full!
His swagg! Its natural! I love it!
Two days!

At the Salon!

80 1 1
Oleh TiffanyDivaGodsbeaut

            Isabella (POV)

            I am running in as I usually do on a Friday! I despise Friday but this Friday is different.
             I'm here before one and that's good I can prepare for the day and my client  it's just past 9:30 am. I was next to him and I am on shock mode.
            I just talked to a man I kept running from and It was good! I am surprised!
            "Guys hey I speak in an up tone of happy! Alexa takes her coffee looking at me with a sly smirk! Rolling her eyes.  I sip a gulp of mine and put it down.
              I know why! I am late but the day just took over ok." " you look cute " thank you baby girl" you better be glad I love coffee and you" I know it's a good reason."
     We both laugh and in the mist of the busy of clients, music and the business of the salon I prepared for Deanna my client.
      I was doing a full sew in on her and her make up and adding lashes for her! And giving her a color added!
       I could smell him! I slightly move my hips and sway! Remembering how close I was to him an hour before at Starbucks.
       He makes my body do crazy things and he is too sacred to even mention to Alexa yet! I wanna see if I get him first.
       The way the interaction is I just might be walking hand n hand with that tall chocolate king! He has a presence that is strong .
       So strong I get weak! Do he know that? I wonder as I prepare the color for Deanna.
        Yet! I gotta get him out my process as I see my client Deanna and I gotta be on point!
         Jackson takes my mind and it will be unseen not thinking and unsupervised lol""" I laugh out loud! They hear me I don't care! " you ok" yess" ok Bella! Alexa looks at me widening her eyes! " Oh! Deanna here! I know I am coming."
     So let me go work and give this lady beauty! Mr. George you dangerous " I bite my lip and smile thinking!
      Let's do hair and makeup!

      4:30 pm: Isabella (POV)

          I got done with Deanna and she was lovely! She was ready for the Delta ball she was attending! I took pics of her hair and finished make up for my portfolio.
          I told Deanna that I needed pics of that red crimson dress after she gets dressed! "' girl yes you will get a pic " you got me looking like a queen" love you." Love you and thank you i say! Deanna hugs me and leaves in a hurry.
       I eat me a chocolate chip cookie and just breathe! For a minute! I see his eyes! I smell him again! The hips wiggle. Still! I can't focus too much on him I gotta work on a photoshoot for two hours.
          I adored being in the beauty mode but I was in the I need mode really was! I smiled but I do get lonely for the right guy! Not any guy!
         If Jackson could be the king on the horse for me it would be a dream cause in my thoughts and purpose I have wanted a man like him.
          He is extremely handsome and that is scary to me but I am tired of being scared of a guy if he is not a jerk!
         From what I sense he is not a jerk but humble, funny,  and. His eyes are so kind so beautiful.  When he smiles I melt! Gone!!!
        This is just after the second encounter I have had with him. I am falling for him without even a sexual encounter even as the sexual chemistry is there. 
          Yet! I won't give in yet! For I wanna be in the real to know I won't be hurt as I was with Julian!
           See Julian fed me guy A! But as I got to know him he was guy B! He was the devil and after I got from that hell I vowed to not be in the fire again.
           I didn't date for a year and it has been two years no sex! Even as I wanted it! No sex. Maybe a bad or good date here n there! But I block for me on purpose in great caution.
           There is not a problem getting a man I just gotta sense it's safe! I feel safe with Jackson and we have not been on a real date!
            I know it's for a man to ask a woman out! But! Could I just invite him for coffee? Am I wrong to do that? I don't think so. Maybe I will.
            I drink the last of my coffee and got ready to go work at the photo shoot! After that I will go home! Shower! Bed!
            I just wonder why I am falling for a man I just met! Going to get coffee?? It's something about him that is magnificent! Magnet! Sexy! Draws you in. 
            I hope this photoshoot stops me fro

m thinking of him I do! But it won't! Well ha ha! I will try!

After the photoshoot! ( at the salon)

I was so in a hurry to leave the photoshoot! I got there and I was the only one there! Just me and a big space with things for the shoot!
I prepared my hair and make up station while I waited for the others. I was highly mad and kept that attitude but in a quiet way.
I worked my magic and smiled! I even laughed a bit! I love to laugh.
It was a lot and a busy photoshoot with many crops added too! So I guess after all that and not much time to breath I was hurrying out of there fast.
There was a guy there who reminded me of Jackson! Like " really " I was not trying to think of him. He had the same built and all.
When I say I wanted to literally run to my car and hide " lol ." I gotta create and work I don't need to see Jackson George!
I must really like him! He is affecting me ok! My hips do that wiggle again " lol lord "'I say and scream.
I hear clients talking! My sister and the other stylists so I leave the back and go bid them bye until tomorrow.
" Will you rest please" Yes I will" I say to my sister! " Love you " love you back! Bye ladies I say and wave as I go out the door! Green bag in tow too!
I am exhausted and wish I could have Jackson big beautiful hands on me for a massage. It's just a wish! Maybe!
To bed I go when I get in the house!!

       Isabella ( POV ) home! 6 pm!

    I can't hurry fast enough into this house! I usually sit in the car just thinking but not this evening. I gather my bag and my makeup and hair things rolling fast ok!!!
      I feel icky sticky just nasty don't know why! I wanna cry! Scream. I am just in a disgust mood in myself.
       I get like that at times and only my family and close friends such as Nicole knows this. If a guy knew and when he finds out I suffer from bipolar manic they either stay or run! Usually run.
       Then I feel like crap and wanna do harm to me but I can't and so I ball up and cry in my bed! Nicole comes to cuss me out in love telling me! You to awesome for that Jerk! And you too amazing to leave me! Hush now as she screams lol! she is serious too!
      If I call her now and tell her how I feel! As if I got too""lol! She reads me like a GPS system ok! All I gotta do is say " Nicole " she will just know in my voice! No pretend with her!
         " Bella you in that way" ok on the way " don't do nothing off" I am on the way! That's her!  And when she gets here I fall and cry that fast.
         I am going to try and get thru this alone and be ok!" Not bothering her! And when I tell her she will go off saying "Why you didn't call me? "Just hardheaded."""
         As I sit at the table in the kitchen this is what I am thinking! My body won't move! But I make it!
           I move slow but get to the bed! My beautiful big bed! I feel heavy but I am not! The bag, the makeup and hair things are put by the bed at the foot! The alarm is on! Lights are off in the rest of the house!
           Getting in bed with no shower as planned! I don't smell I am still clean! My body won't give what I need.
            I let the covers love me and the bed sink me in and I let a breath go! I feel it go! I cry. It's a messed up evening.
           I am thinking of Jackson! I think if his presence was here I could feel better! Would it work? Don't know! Maybe! My hips wiggle again! Lol! I laugh at that! There is that cologne smell! For real" I scream.""
If he knew this about me I wonder if he would still be as interested in me?? I do wonder! Would break my heart if he didn't.
           Yet! I am scared of him! Was terrified as I talked to him at Starbucks for those 15 minutes.  I had gone ok lost all sense being near him.
           This bed is my all right now ok! Its like I wanna run away! What am I hiding from?

9 pm! Awaken! Isabella ( POV )

I awkwardly awake in a pitch black room! Had not eaten and my things are at the foot of my princess bed.
I feel refreshed yet hungry very much! I just sit up trying to figure out what to do.
Last time I came in to crash from two photo shoots I awoke the same way! Yet I just made a smoothie and had a broccoli salad with cauliflower.
And it was yummy ok! But right now there is no food in the fridge and I am to tired to cook.
Atmospheric is not far from me and I can order my food and go pick it up! I might do this. I am so glad this restaurant stays open till 12!
So I gotta peel myself up to get my phone and dial lol! I laugh to myself! I see I am this tired! I cut on my lamp light! Look for the number.
This photo shoot was busy and worked me! Even as I thought of Jackson no energy came! I was like really??? Is the question I asked!
Usually thinking of him! My energy rises! Since I saw him two months ago at Starbucks. But no energy so I pushed slow still thinking about him and made magic for the shoot!
Not! Even saying goodbye I was gone!
Now! Let me get my food ordered at Atmospheric I am hungry.
I quickly find the number and I am going to dial it! Then stop! Cause I remember as I talked to Jackson at Starbucks the second time that I saw a bracelet with Atmospheric name!
I looked him up and down! He was beautiful glorious and 6 feet tall of chocolate slim! with beautiful eyes and lips that I longed to taste.
His beautiful brown eyes pulled me to him and when he smiled I lost it instantly inside. That wide smile! That gap! Lord ok!!!
Yet! Again I was scared but stood there! I had too! He was heaven ok!
His smile slightly goes crooked and it runs me crazy! I saw all this as I saw the bracelet.
OMG! If he works there! Either I run and don't go there anymore to eat cause he makes me so scared for the right reasons! Or! Do I keep patronizing there.
It has an amazing atmosphere and the food is fabulous! So I keep going there and soon face my fear of him!! See!! This is a test lol! Nicole would tell me to take the test lol!""
"I am hungry will call" call Bella I tell myself. " hello" hello this is Isabella!" " Hey Isabella this is Beatrice" you wanna make a order? " Yes" can I have the mushroom blackbean creamy pasta with sweet potato bread. " Yes! You can beautiful" it will be ready in twenty minutes see you then.
" you know the drill you can come in and sit!"'see you later. "'Thank you Beatrice" thank you Isabella."
So I hang up nervous! Why? He might make my meal ok and with those big beautiful long fingers and huge hands! I know he can cook.
He also told me in that conservation he boxed a bit! Ok! A sudden turn on! I hope he makes my pasta.
Let me get up to go to Atmospheric to get my food! Lord I am nervous about if I see him! Not the food.

Chef Jackson George ( POV )

Atmospheric: an order of mushroom black bean creamy pasta please!" I got it thanks"'as he hears this! Could it be Isabella that ordered this? It's a popular vegetarian dish for many!
Yet! " In the brief conservation they had she mentioned she loved mushrooms and black beans.
My heart is skipping beats ok man! I suddenly smell her lavender vanilla sent it's moving me! She's coming to Atmospheric.WOW! I just smile and start making this beautiful lady dish.

On the way to Atmospheric! Isabella (POV)

I don't know why but I changed before I got out the door! Lol ok! This guy is affecting me really! I am just leaving at 10:15 pm when I ordered at five past nine.
I still looked cute from earlier and smelled of my lavender vanilla perfume. The scent of that goes everywhere when I put it on! It's beautiful.
Going to get food and I put on lipstick gloss making myself up as if I am going out to a club! It's funny for real.
I laugh loud to myself as I drive and inch closer to Atmospheric. Being around the corner right up the street is good. Especially when I don't wanna cook.
Still, if Jackson is here this is bad! Because going here to get food will be a funny feeling.
Well! " I am here! Nervous! Legs shaking and my hips wiggle as they do when I think of him and he is near.
I was in the gym the other day and thought I saw a guy like him and my hips wiggled and I had a slight organism! It was crazy ok! I laughed loud! This man!
I just went to change tights and kept going on the treadmill and squats.
Now! That I am here! It's happening! The hip wiggle and slight organism that moves my body! But I have no pants to change in! He is here!
Girl" get out the car" I tell me and I do! With the wet feeling! Thank God it looks dry lol! Cause by the way I am walking into Atmospheric is awful but I make it pretty.
It's as if he touched me! Nooooo! He gotta stop doing this to me without touching me! I think this as I get around the busy patrons in the restaurant and walk to the hostess.
"Hi Beatrice " hello Bella just take a seat and your food will be brought out to you" ok thank you" I will pay now.
" You don't have too!" Why not?" I say! " Chef Jackson payed for you" okkkk" just sit and enjoy love."
I sit! In shock and glee! I smile big and look around to see Jackson waving at me saying hello. He winks at me and gives me that smile.
I smile back saying thank you! He says no problem with his beautiful mouth.
We just look at each other from the length we were at and it's strong the look and feeling.
Then a sous chef comes to him and he smiles and leaves! Wow! I look to see if I am super wet! But I am not I controlled it!
As! I left I don't know how much longer I can truly control my body and the feeling for him without losing control and fear!
The look we shared was a connection and it was deep! I am kinda glad the sous chef came up. I wonder do I affect him?
I get back home and get in with Jackson still on my brain. I will eat and think about what happened.
I am super hungry and super want him! He was so handsome and too sexy in that white chef coat! That tall height! Ok!
I gotta eat! Jackson leave my brain please!

Its 11:30! After that great meal from Atmospheric I am dozing in a deep sleep when I realize to go check my wallet for my ATM card!
It's a pet peeve cause I don't like to lose things. So I go to the bedroom where my purse is and look thru my wallet! No atm card! Omg!
I panic ok! and look everywhere tearing up my room! I calm down to think and put my room back together.
I realize that I was so into looking at Jackson I didn't go back to Beatrice to get my card. I just left out fast! I was running cause he made me nervous.
I almost felt my hips start to wiggle as they do when he crosses my mind and I do a little dance too lol!
So I needed to leave especially after he smiled at me! And I had gotten my food I was gone! Even if the being said to stay.
Well! I gotta go back out and I gotta be up at 8 am! Yet I need my atm card.
I get to the car! Get in and go back to Atmospheric! Praying and in a silent panics hoping no one got my card.
I look at my phone it's about 12 am and it looks close! Maybe I do gotta come back in the morning. But! I will try right now! I need my card,
I can be so careless when I am running away from someone or something when I am scared.
I quickly go up to the door and start to knock! No one comes to the door! I knock once more! I am calm but mad so I knock no more.
It's late and I am a woman alone out here let me get in my car! Plus it's kinda chilly!
All of a sudden as I get to open my door I hear "" heyyyyy""" and I turn around to see a tall beautiful sight of Jackson looking at me smiling.
My knees got weak! My hips started to wiggle and I froze bad! My lips froze too! But I managed to get out some words.
" sorry to bother you "" I know it's late"" I left my atm card and I need it"" saying this so nervous. And! He just looked at me smiling with a crooked smirk.
"""You ok""" I was just wrapping up""how you"""" I am ok"" nervous about my card""" I gotta a busy day ahead and won't be able to come to get it later""" I hope it's here,
"""it is put up safe""" here it is"" oh! Thank you a relief off of me"" I can go now thank you so much"""sorry if I bothered you.""
He says looking still at me in my eyes! ""No you didn't and I am glad you came back"" I never get a chance to talk to you as I want.
I was shocked he wanted to talk to me that bad! I say"'you wanted to talk to me that bad"" he laughs and his smile widens and his eyes shine! ""yes he says why wouldn't I!
I froze and for a couple of minutes we just stared at each other deeply!
And as I stand there I ask myself why did I come to Atmospheric! I knew he was here! I knew he was! I just smile.
I am in front of the man I desire and occur about! He is in front of me real again.
This Jackson! What do I do now in front of him? I can't speak but I look at him!
             """You ok you seem tired?"'he ask? I saw it earlier when you were here"" look let's go inside it's chilly""" is how he broke the silence between us. 
          Cause I was going to say the wrong thing and all I did was say """ yes kinda been working hard!""" Well "" you might need to rest miss lady" he said with a smile" I might do """you think" you deserve it" Jackson told me.
           I was just in happy shock and my hips wiggled! I did a quick dance so he could not see but he did and laughed.
           "I saw you ""you know wiggle those beautiful hips! It's cute""" he winked at me as he kept making sure all was done in the restaurant. I got shy when he said that saying" I am nervous""" nervous why" you don't have to be like that around me."" He said!
            I didn't want to be a bother so I said "'I can leave don't want to disturb you at work?""" Look you are not bothering me trust""" I like you here"""! He stated it strong as he grabbed my small hands in his big huge hands.
          His eyes never left mine as he looked at me in reassurance! I knew I could not run then! I wanted too quickly!!
         But boy! Was I in trouble ok! I knew it! He had on a black leather jacket! White T-shirt and a gray hat on his head smelling so good!
       And he was nice! I am gone!!! Gone!
         So! I was gone! Wanting to run fast! Yet I stayed! Knew I had to get up at 6:30 to be ready for this meeting at 8am. 
          Jackson kept looking at me to stay! He said it "" You wanna run don't you?"" Yes I do"" well don't"" I won't hurt you or bite!"""
         ""Just stay until I leave here" I will make sure you get home safe."""
            I said " OK" looked at him in a nervous state! He kissed my hand and brought me close to him! Holding me kissing my fore head.
            It honestly felt amazing to be held! Wow! I exhaled I did! I felt the """oooh"""" come out.
             Our bodies so tight closed together and feeling his lips on me chills went thru me! And he said with height over me.
                "Your not being let go again from me understand that""you feel good here"""let that flow" don't be scared.""
                   He then puts his forehead to mine just looking at me! Rubs my nose! We laugh and kisses me bringing my face to his closer with his big hands of long fingers.
His lips were soft and it was sensational and sensual! He tasted like chocolate omg! Yummy! Yet he controlled my lips. So I let the kiss flow!
                 I don't stop it! I roll right into it! I been dreaming of this and it's glorious the way our lips felt interwoven in each other.
                  He had to catch me I was falling but I stood strong and he released the kiss! I look at him like ""wow"" he laughs that addictive laugh I heard at Starbucks that day.
                  Tells me ""that was long over due Miss Isabella ""sorry I had too and brings me close to his chest holding me! Rocking me!
                   He smells so good and I have lost it! Wet in between my legs and heart gone! Again! I am in trouble wow! Hopefully in a good way!
  Slow beat heart! Not fast! Even if it was beating fast. 
               It's about close to 2 am and I do gotta go! I tell Jackson I have to leave gotta get up in a couple of hours. He gives the look of "what" and shakes his head to say NO'
              He has gotten things done at the restaurant and closing up! So I think I can leave.
               " where you going" I gotta go home rest"'got a meeting at eight" OK' he says look  at me grabbing my hands and I like this!
                If I didn't have this meeting in the morning I would go home with him ok! So for real the connection is strong!
                 Love more than lust and we don't wanna leave each other. 
                 If I went home with him! He would be making love to me! Yet it can't happen yet as much as I or we both want too!
                 " I wish we could talk more tonight but you got a meeting"'what you doing later" at home I say" good then! We can go to Starbucks you want too?"" Yes"" I say beaming as he walked me to my car holding my hand!
                 He hugs me and ask me a question! Looking at me in my eyes deep! " do you think about me?" Yess" too much! "" no its not too much to think about me ok"! I think about you a thousand times more." I wanna stay on your mind hear that! So close I heard his heart beat!
               Chills went thru me and I was more wet! He cupped my face kissing me once more with passion! He let the kiss go licking my lips! I moaned and he looked at me! Saying " look go home before this alters ok! Cause it can" call me when you get home" I will answer! " ok I will.
              He sniffs me on my chest " you smell good" go home before I take you to my house." He then takes his cell out to call me to give me his number so I can call him.
             He watches me drive away his eyes never leaving me! I was all wet! Done! Gotta call him when I get in the house and clean myself lol! This ain't good ok!
           I will be so off in this meeting at eight am omg! Jackson wow!

       Jackson ( POV ) : in the restaurant!

      Walking back in and I see I lost it with her! I let all my senses go around her. I was elevated that she came.
        I wont say I didn't mean to kiss her like that when I had been dreaming of doing it the first time I saw her in Starbucks. She smelled so good.
       She was around me and we actually talked more than 15 minutes. I felt she wanted to run but I stopped her! She wasn't going no where.
       She was in my presence and I controlled it in a sweet way.
        I was glad she left her card! Then she had to come back.
Yet! I wonder will she call me as I asked her too! I really do wanna know she is ok even as I wanna get with her.
I, trust me on this! If I was involved with someone and meet Isabella knowing this connection we have not known each other but months! I would have to quit the other relationship to be with her!
See! It's more than the sex! That I really want to happen! The making love! But! It's this undeniable other feeling of a soulmate feeling and it won't leave!
And I don't want it too!!!
I had a person I went to sometimes but it was just that! I am too laid back to be all around the city with women.
But that day in Starbucks I saw her! I connected with Isabella for that short time in fifteen minutes! I called Rachel and said "'we can't no more" it crazy but I had too!
I saw what I wanted! Her! From the corner table that day!!!
           I head to my car it's 2:50 am! I am going home late! I just let time leave when she came to get her card.
            It was good not bad! In the car I sit for ten minutes thinking of her shaking my head and smiling as I drive off from Atmospheric!
           Glad! I am off today to refuel and I hope she call me! If not I will call her.
I am feeling a little something with her and I am wide open for her! I just hope she feels the same way too!
The way she received the way I kissed her and gave it back in a kiss with a moan let me see she kinda do!!! Please let it be true.
             She stays on my mind 24/7! Sleeping or moving. I was at the gym with my boys playing basketball and she was on my mind then. 

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