Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLET...


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An extremely dark sinful tale... -*- It was lust at first sight. Fuck buddies at the second.. But something... Еще

Sometimes, she just needs it a little rough.
Talking to a man with an accent sexier than yours, could get you wet.
Watching porn is a humane thing to do.
There's a first time for everything - Including stripping.
One night stand, or more?
When you've got no one to fuck you, you could always pleasure yourself.
Wet dreams, wild fucks, and an horny bride. Wrong combination.
Book Trailer 💿🎬
The deadliest drug.
Nobody's perfect.. not even a Prince Charming.
Emily Gaines is a fucking strong woman.
Who is Logan?
🌑Love me in the dark.🌑☄
"Do you, Emily Katherine Gaines, take this man to be your lawfully wedded
Piled up lies.
Déjà Vu
" Be my girlfriend?"
Givin' You Lovin'
We all keep secrets. 🌒
The flame of the sun is full of wrath and it burned us
Darker sides.
Question! "?"
Shitty shit.
A father's love.
His knight in shining armour.
The darkness turned against us.
The story so far.


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The grin playing on Logan's face, failed to disappear, even as he stepped into his apartment and bolted the door, shut. He couldn't believe that Greg was getting married!

He found the thought of it quite amusing, because Greg was the first friend he had made when he moved into the city, as a fucked up teenager who had ran away from home. Greg had been the one to take him in, even though he had so very little himself.

He was older than Logan by five years, but with the way the two men moved together, one would assume they were twins. Greg had been a fuck boy like Logan, never settling for one girl, clubbing every night, but by day, both of them ran the workshop together. Until, one day, Greg decided it was time for him to do other things with his life than stay in a cramped up space everyday, with dirty oily stained clothes as he attended to people's cars. He was always the over ambitious type, never contended with the little they got from working all day. His dream was to catch a rich woman and get married to her, so he could live off her.

He travelled out of the country, a few years ago, with the amount of money he had been saving, and suddenly, this morning, had showed up at Logan's doorstep, with this red haired chick, who looked so different, and unlike the other girls Greg liked to roll with.

He said they had met, three months ago, started dating, and just last week, he had proposed to her and she said yes. So, they flew in that morning, to break the news to his long lost friend, Logan.

But Logan could still see the classy clothes the girl wore, her long, well manicured fingers, her sharp and high cheek bones, the look in her eyes when she had stepped into the neighborhood and his apartment, and it wasn't hard for him to know that she was sleeping in bags of money.

He wasn't one to judge, but he knew his dear old friend. Greg might really love the woman, but he loved her money more. Seemed like his dreams came true after all.

Today, he had decided to stay home and rest, maybe hit the club at night, but today was his off day from the workshop.

He stared at the leather watch band on his wrist, and sighed when he saw the time.


He had no idea on how he was going to spend his day. His eyes roamed round his small living room, and images started flooding in, images he didn't really need to be recollecting so early in the morning.

The couch, he could still see her straddled against his waist as she bit hard on his lips.

The kitchen counter, the smell of her arousal stabbing through his nose, as he ate her out, her hands forcefully pushing his head forward, deeper into her.

The floor, a mild chuckle escaped his lips, he could still remember the pout on her face when they had broken that vase. With her steady firm voice, she had told him she would replace it. The woman was hilarious, she needed to loosen up a bit, Logan knew she was a whole load of fun.

A soft knock on the door broke his thoughts, and his back shot up from the couch he was lying on. He wondered if Greg and his fiancé were back, maybe they had forgotten something.

He grabbed his shirt, which he had pulled off and left hanging at the top of the couch. Putting it over his head, as he walked to the door. With a click, it flung open, and he found himself staring straight at her. The woman that had been invading his thoughts recently, a lot.

She stood still, a red handbag, dangling off from her hands, dark shades hiding those beautiful green eyes from the world, lips pursed, and a slightly annoyed look, etching her face.

Before he could utter a single word, she pushed him backward and shut the door behind her.

Logan stumbled, almost falling to the cold hard ground, from the effect of her push. As he regained his composure, he watched her fling her bag onto the nearest couch, her glasses, followed next, she stepped out of her heels, and finally took, long sensual strides to him.

"Woah woah! What's going on princess" he asked, recovering from the shock of the whole thing. The image playing out, right that moment, seemed like one of his wet dreams.

"Don't tell me you think it's too early to fuck?" she smirked, standing with arms crossed.

No. He definitely did not think it was too early, but he could tell that something was up with her.

A busy woman, with work and an upcoming wedding at hand, with the press hiding in the shadows - waiting for her to do something new, did not just wake up one early morning, drive all the way down to his house, just to fuck because she was horny.

"This may sound weird.. but are you okay?" he watched her sigh, before turning around, and taking a seat on the couch. Her eyes burned with curiosity when she spoke.

"Did I freak you out?"

Logan chuckled and sat beside her. He turned towards her direction, coming face to face with her.

"Kinda. But if this is how we're doing it now, I don't mind 'freaky'." he winked at her, and her sweet melodious laughter drifted into his ears.

He frowned. Why did it feel like his chest was about to burst open?

Her laughter died down after a few seconds, before she shrugged, relaxing her tensed muscles. She leaned deeper into the soft couch, feeling the coldness of the hard floor, seep into her foot.

"I'm sorry if I acted weird. I just had a lot on my mind, and I needed to release some stress. Get them off my mind for an hour or more." her eyes were digging imaginary holes into the ceiling now, as she talked. Logan's eyes stayed on her, he was finding it hard to tear them away.

She looked tired, underneath all the designer clothes, make up, jewelry. He noticed that.

"Well, I don't know what's going on, and I probably sound like the freaky guy for saying this.. and I know I may have said I don't like you, but if there's one thing I must confess that I truly like about you, it's your strength."

Her eyes broke contact with the ceiling, and now, those holes were being dug into Logan's face. As he talked, a worried frown creased her forehead.

"You're a strong woman, princess. You're badass. You'll get over what's happening to you right now. If you need to fight for it, you do just that."

A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips, and she leaned forward, placing a light kiss on his cheeks.

All these strange actions, made Logan's heart do silent flip flops. Everything about her was mesmerizing, from the crown of her golden hair, to the sole of her beautiful feet.

"It's no secret between the two of us that I don't like you, but you're quite the motivational speaker. I think it's something I finally like about you." her smiled widened.

"You know, if there's another thing I'm going to add as the second thing I like about you, it's going to be your smile."

Emily scoffed, standing up to pick up her shoes, which were lying, abandoned on the floor.

"You should count yourself lucky. Not many people get to see this smile." her voice was firm as she said this, but the smile still played out on her lips.

"Where are you going?" Logan asked, as she stepped into her heels, and came back to the couch to grab her bag.

"I don't see how that's your concern." she smirked. Before she could attempt to make another step, a hand clasped tightly onto hers, and she looked down, to see it entwined with Logan's.

He stood up, towering above her, his hands still enclosed around hers, and he drew her closer, till she bumped into his chest.

"Princess," he whispered. Emily could feel her stomach already beginning to twist in knots. The smile had long been wiped away from her face, and her eyes mirrored the darkness in his.

She hummed in reply to his call. His head dipped lower, onto hers, until he could feel her warm shaky breath, hit his face.

"I don't think it's too early." he mumbled, and immediately, his lips covered against hers. It wasn't a rough or brutal kiss, instead it was slow, calm, like they had lots of time, and they were taking it slowly, to make the most of that time.

Emily didn't know when her bag fell from her grasp, with a low thud. She wrapped her now free hands, around his waist.

Logan's hands found their way to her jaws, and tilted her head, sideways, deepening the kiss. When his tongue poked at her entrance, Emily did not give him a hard time, but willingly opened her mouth, to take him in and let his tongue explore it.

His insistent mouth was parting her trembling lips, his tongue, finding it's way through her dark wet cave, running along her teeth, and coming down to suck on her bottom lip, sending wild waves of current down her spine, bringing to light, strange sensations from her, that she had never known she was capable of feeling or having.

This kiss was different from the numerous ones they had ever shared amongst themselves before, or with past lovers.

Deep down, they knew it was odd, and weird at the same time. They knew it was different, it was like slow poison, running through their system and breaking down all their walls, showing them their true selves, evoking unspoken feelings they never even knew about yet.

For a second, their kiss was over, and just their loud harsh breaths filled the room. His hands still held firmly, onto her face, her eyes blinked back rapidly, as she stared into his own hunger filled eyes.

"This feels weird." she whispered, her cool mint breath, washing over his face.

"I should leave n--"

His lips came down upon hers again, in a hard sloppy short kiss, cutting short her words. When it felt like she was calm enough to keep mute, he tore his mouth away from hers.

"I feel it too." with that said, he swooped her off her feet, and carried her bridal style. His strong arms held tightly around her, as he led them to his room. With each move he made, that brought them closer to his room, Emily couldn't help but think back to his words, "I feel it too."

What was he feeling too? What was she feeling? They were just fuck buddies, and fuck buddies felt nothing for each other except the sweet feeling of their orgasm rushing through them. They felt nothing except the hard feel of their bodies entwined, with him driving deeper into her, as she clawed and tore at his skin. So what were they actually feeling.

He dropped her onto the bed with a low thud, soon, his hard body covered hers and in an instant, his mouth had began their works again. Placing light wet kisses on her eyes, slowly edging to her nose, her lips, where they lingered more, clamping his teeth on her lip and tugging it out.

She groaned in response to it, her hands reached for his back and forced him down against her, drowning all her thoughts away.

Emily wanted to pull her hair out in frustration as he broke the kiss again. Logan chuckled at the incoherent words she was mumbling. He pulled his shirt over his head, and threw it somewhere across the room, none of them bothered to know where.

When she realized that their clothes were still on, she sat up straight, and brought her hand behind her to pull down the zipper of her dress. Logan's hands stopped her, the look in his eyes told her that he wanted to undress her himself, so she took her hands away, and turned to the side.

She gathered her hair in her hands, and held it up, to enable him take her dress off well, without having the zipper get stuck on it.

His long slender fingers found its way to her back, with one gentle drag down on the zip, her fair, white skin, revealed itself. He skimmed his fingers through it, before latching his lips against her back, and began planting wet kisses there.

She moaned as his kisses moved higher, up to her neck. A gentle swipe of his tongue against the nape of her neck was all it took for her hands to shake, and release it's hold on her hair.

He continued his attack on her neck, biting and nibbling on it. Marking her, without his knowledge. Claiming her, when she wasn't his.

Finally, with all their clothes off, they were back in position. With Logan at the top, and her below, her mass of golden hair was sprawled over the pillow. Perspiration stained their skins, giving it a glow.

With one powerful push, Logan pierced through her core. A loud gasp escaped from her mouth, he buckled his hips against her, thrusting into her, deeper, but slowly. Filling her, and stretching her out.

They moved in unison, rocking back and forth, moaning and groaning, nails digging into flesh.

A lone tear slipped out of her eyes, and as their bodies danced together in the language of sex, the both of them came to a realization, inwardly, that they weren't just fucking, they were doing something deeper than that. Creating something stronger, something special.


It was late in the afternoon when Logan's eyes fluttered open. His arms wrapped around a warm body, told him that she hadn't left. She was still around.

He looked down to see her snoring softly, her curly hair, slightly covering her eyes, she had one leg crossed over his, hidden under the grey coloured duvet.

She was sleeping with a small frown on. Logan remained still, watching her as she slept on. From time to time, she would take in harsh short breaths, tighten her grip around his waist, before snuggling closer into his chest.

She looked so tired, exhausted. Logan didn't get why she seemed to be working herself too much. Didn't all daddy's girls run to their dad whenever they needed something, instead of working themselves day and night.

Deciding it was time for him to wash up, he gently untangled himself from her, making her stir, in the process, but she didn't wake up just yet.

He smiled at how cute she looked like that, but he knew that in a few minutes, or whenever she woke up, she was going to put on that mask again. That mask that hid her true self from everyone, the mask of a brutal business woman.

He picked up their clothes from the floor, folding hers and placing it beside her on the bed. With soft strides, he walked out of the room, and into the shower.

Emily woke up five minutes later, feeling groggy, as her half closed eyes scanned the room. She sat up straight, her eyes still searching around the room, until she finally found what she was looking for. The small clock standing on the bedside table, read as, '13:39'

She couldn't believe that it was almost two. How long had she slept? She lazily got off from the queen sized bed, and walked to Logan's tiny closet.


Logan walked out of the shower, only for the smell of eggs frying, and toasted bread, to fill his nose. He walked into the kitchen to see Emily standing, with her back to him, while she cracked an egg onto the heated pan on the fire.

Surprise consumed his being, but not completely at the fact that she was cooking, but more on seeing one of his white t shirts dangling from her small fragile frame. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun, leaving her long beautiful neck exposed.

She hummed a song to herself as the egg bubbled in the pan.

She looked nothing like the woman he knew. The Emily he was accustomed to, was the one always dressed in heels, work attires, and tight lips framing her features, but the woman standing here in his kitchen, moving her waist from side to side, to the song she hummed, while dressed in his shirt, looked like a young free girl, with no care or fear of the world.

He fastened the white towel around his waist, and walked towards her. Standing behind her, his hands moved to her exposed legs, making her freeze in her actions.

Slowly, they moved up, caressing her laps softly, and finally going under the large shirt, to grope her bum.

She leaned backward, against his chest, as his hands ran through her ass, before giving it a light spank.

"I suspected you were naked underneath my shirt." he grinned into her hair. He could feel her smiling as she turned off the gas, and turned to meet his gaze.

"I told you, if I'm getting spanked, you're getting spanked too."

It took the hard impact of her hand coming down against his toweled ass, to make him realize what she was talking about.

He grinned, and she smiled back.

"I thought you'd have been gone by the time I woke up." he said, walking away from her to grab a glass of water.

"Yeah, about that, I need to tell you something." he looked at her with a questioning gaze and she shrugged.

"Oookay?" his left eyebrow quirked upward. She took the pan off the gas, serving the eggs into two ceramic plates.

"I'm staying at your place for a few more days."

Logan didn't know if his ears were working just fine, or if this was a dream, but the glass that slipped from his hold and shattered onto the ground, told him that this was reality.

"You're not serious, are you?"

She frowned, folding her arms across her chest, before speaking.

"How about we make a proposal?"


Word count : 3,078.


Song for the chapter : Tory Lanez - Luv.


I'll try to update the next chapter this evening before my break begins. 😊😊 Happy new year everyone! Hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to give me a doze of your votes and comments, share this story too and make a girl happy😣😬😁😁 I love y'all. And who else realized that Em and Logan made love? 😍😁😁🔥

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