Her Two Marines-Montana Momen...

Von Heatherdeane83

288K 11.2K 553

Harmony is a small town girl with a heart of gold who is in love with her hero and hot Marine Brian. She wo... Mehr

Part one of the Emails
Part 2 of the Emails
Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows
Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.
Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.
Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer
part 7 of the Emails-Taking care
Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.
Part Nine of the Emails- Enjoying the calm.
Part 10 of the Emails-Gone
Part 11 of the Email-Chapter -Back to base
Part 12 of the Emails-Decisions
Part 13 of the Emails- Future
Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.
Part 15 of the Emails- Friends For Life
Just get me to him.
Making Arrangements
Unexpected Friend.
Helping Where she can.
Taking Care of Each other.
Who do they think they are?
Healing at Walter Reed
Games to be played.
Putting her Food Down.
Don't Let Her.
One step closer.
Legalities Be Dammed.
I am no hero, I am but a simple Marine.
Home at last.
Settling in.
3 is more fun.
Too thin.
Seeing it from the other side.
Armed Harm.
Hiding in plain site.
Sunday Funday.
Wedding plans.
Two can play that game.
Happy Birthday Harmony.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
Harmony knows.
Surprise Dinner.
Surprise dinner Part 2
Welcome home.
There home.
Just need him
Harmony's Wish.


3.2K 149 7
Von Heatherdeane83

"Babe, I want to sleep here tonight please? Ill get some blankets and some pillows. I'm worried about Brian. Yesterday we could only text and today was nothing. Please? I'm freaking out. Even if we sleep on the couch."

"I know Harm its been hard. Just what twenty days? We can do this. And yes if you want to sleep out here we can. Ill go get our blankets if you grab our cocoa and cookies."


Harmony went out and got them there cocoa and the plate of cookies. Lemon of course. They sat on the couch and Harmony snapped a picture of them and sent it to Brian with the caption "Wishing Santa could bring you home to us for Christmas". She hit send as she made a wish. That this was her last Christmas with out him. She added a prayer just in case.

"So what do we watch"

"wizard of oz. Because I wish Brian was Dorothy and had ruby slippers. Less then a month babe. But it feels like forever"

"I know. Lets watch the movie. I love you" Cal said as he covered her up. He has a secret but couldn't tell. Harmony fell asleep just after midnight. Cal woke her up around eight.

"Babe Santa came and I want to too." Cal told her blindfolding her. This was a game they played often and she trusted him.

"Stand up. I put blankets on the floor. I want to make love to you in front of the tree please"

"Any thing you want hot stuff. Now give me a reason to play along."

Cal stood behind her and started letting him hands roam. He kissed her neck then led her to the floor. Pushing her thighs apart he got between them and started kissing her.

"Hands above the head and keep them there got it. I forgot something. Now behave or I'm going to have to punish you" Cal demanded as he got up leaving her but not for long. She felt him part her legs again and his breath on her cheek. She breathed in but wait a minute. That's not Cal's smell. That it cant be. "So babe what did you wish for for Christmas" She knew that voice.

"Brian" she yelled taking off her blindfold. She wrapped her arms around him and started crying. "Babe. Your here. Your really here" She said while kissing him.

"Yeah Harm I'm home for good"

"wait how"

"We got a possible and they said only a few could go home from the team. The team nominated me. I found our three days ago. I'm home for good babe"

"let me up please. Unless your going to finish what Cal started"

"we can discuss that" He told her pulling her into his lap. Cal joined them and for the first time they were together as a throuple. Harmony never felt so complete.

"I'm sorry babe I did not tell you but things were not set in stone. I did not want to upset you just in case"

"don't be" Harmony told cal. Giving him a kiss. Then going back to Brian.

"How about breakfast? I have french toast bake with sausage ready to go into the oven"

"How about that sounds like heaven but first I need to hold you" Brian said.

"Cal would you mind grabbing me an iced coffee? Please. I cant let go of him right now. I'm afraid I'm dreaming."

"No babe your not. I'm home for good. I'm getting early discharge. I'm done. My life is here with you and my brother. Making a family"

"yeah. Well. My life has officially started the minute you got home" Harmony stated to him. Looking I'm in the eyes. Cal came back with drinks for them all. He sat down next to Brian on the floor and Harmon leaned over to him for another kiss. He gave it to her.

"I have to say this is a little odd for me. I want to stay in your arms Bri but I also want Cal. And i know you two need to share a hug. So I am going to get up and go pee and you two can like chill. When I get back I'm climbing back in to a lap and I'm not moving for a long time. I just need to feel my men."

"Yes mam, before you go Harm. I want to see that belly" Brian said.

"lift up my shirt and find it handsome. Bri you look fuckable right now. Like hmm" Harmony said with a wink. Brian lifted up the edge of his t shirt that she was wearing and found the belly ring. He moaned and kissed it. Then she left. Brian stood up and offered Cal a hand but he grabbed his cane. He was stronger now but still used it.

"Thank you Brother for helping surprise her. I cant believe the team picked me"

"i do. They love Harmony. She is one of use now. Grant calls her her bitch. If I did not know Grant I would think she was hitting on our ole lady"

"she could be but she isn't. So we talked where are you on things?"

"I'm ready when you are. The truck is gassed. We can go up when ever you want"

"i was talking about the other"

"I'm fine either way. I think we should play it by ear" Cal said as he sat down on the couch. Brian sitting next to him. Harmony came in and sat on Brian's lap again. Putting her feet in Cal's. He started rubbing them without even thinking. Brian's hand went to her hip.

"so now that I'm home what is the plan for today?"

"i have some but yeah um Cal and I were going to make dinner and mom was going to come over. And we were just going to miss you. I was going to try to get you online for as long as I could playing zombies. Wait shit. Where is your lap top Cal. I need to Skype Rosie I said I would. She sent stockings for the three of us." Harmony ran and got Cal's laptop. She opened Skype and Called Svet.

"Hey Svet Merry Christmas. is Rosie awake. I promised I would call but as you can see wishes do come true"

"I see that. Merry Christmas Cal. Brian.She is but just a moment. Its nice to see you home Brian. When did you get in"

"I left Iraq thirty hours ago. I got into billings about two hours ago or less"

"So Harm how does it feel to finally have you two men in the same place?"

"complete Sven complete."

"I bet your smile is huge. I'm happy for you. Rosie wants to see you now"

Rosie popped up on the screen. She had on a frozen night gown.

"Money uncle Brian? Your with Monie and uncle Cal"

"Yes Santa left me under the tree"

"Wow. Santa is nice. Monie did you get my stockings"

"of course love I'm going to get them. They were hung up like they should be"

Harmony got up and got the three stocking down. She handed Cal and Brian theirs.

"I picked the presents out all by my self. Daddy helped with the stockings"

"wow Rosie you did a good job" Cal said as he pulled out a soldier bear ornament. And box of hard candy. He also pulled out a paper crown. And bunch more candy. At the bottom was a ring.

"I love my crown and my ring Rosie" Cal told her.

"The crown is for you uncle Cal. Monie is a princess you have to be a prince. The ring is for Monie. You have to ask her to marry you." Rosie told them matter of factly

"you too uncle Brian. She is a princess I seen her gown. She is pretty"

"I agree Rosie. Thank you for the candy. I love the butter scotch."

"your welcome. Monie I love you and I miss you"

"i miss you too love. Only a few more days then we can go to the bakery. You can help me with my wedding cake" Harmony told her as she dumped her stocking on the coffee table. Out poured a Bear ornament dressed as bride along with a bunch of chocolate and a wand and tiara Harmony put the tiara on her head.

"How does it look Rosie? I love my chocolate and my bear I'm going to put it on the tree. Thank you!"

"your welcome. Daddy says I have to go. Uncle Bull and Uncle Fabio will be here soon. Uncle Mal is coming later. I wish you were here with us"

"us too Rosie just remember you will be here soon. Give your daddy and uncles hugs from us. Merry Christmas" Harmony told her then closed the lap top.

"She is adorable" Brian told them.

"That she is. Svet is doing amazing with her and we all love her. I can imagine our kids will be like that someday" Cal added

"Yeah I hope. I want one asap but ill get it" Harmony told them. She sat back in Brian's lap and leaned into him. "Guys I know its not bed time but would it be bad of me to ask for you both to join me in bed. I'm not asking to start something I just want to be held by you both. Like let me put the turkey in and we can head there. Please?"

Harmony asked as she got up and stood in front of them

"sure babe. Ill help you. Why don't we head to the kitchen but first I need something" Brian stood up and lowered his head to hers capturing her lips. Cal was behind her and put his hands on her hips. She could see him out of the corner of her eyes. They were desire filled. Brian's hand found her breast and Harmony pressed into him. Harmony moaned when she felt him hard against her belly. She put her hands under his t shirt and started exploring his chest and back. Her fingers finding his nipples. Unlike Cal Brian's nipples have always been sensitive. She pulled on them harder when he nipped her lip.

"Harm" Brian growled

"I know babe I have been dreaming of this. Just a little more"

Cal was not sure what to do. Watching Harm with Brian was interesting. He knew this was a pivotal moment in there relationship and he was just not sure what way it would go. He knew one thing for sure Harmony was getting worked up.

"Babe lets go get that turkey in then we can come back to this. We should go show Brian that house after dinner."

"yeah we should. But kiss my neck. I just need" Harmony said pleading Brian was kissing her and she was plastered to him. Cal got closer to her plastering himself to her back. He nuzzled her neck and then bit down. She moaned again and let her head fall against his chest. Her hand finding his ass pulling him even closer. By now she was like putty in there hands. Brian kissed her one last time then grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the kitchen."wait I gotta pee" She told them then took off towards the bathroom.

"Thanks for the help Cal. The look on her face was perfect. Man I just want to get her naked and damn. She looks good. The thirty pounds, her breasts are mm. I guess I'm just horny"

"Glad your back. I know the feeling usually when I'm between her thighs I don't get up till she has screamed. A few times." Cal told him giving him a big hug.


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