Her Two Marines-Montana Momen...

By Heatherdeane83

288K 11.2K 553

Harmony is a small town girl with a heart of gold who is in love with her hero and hot Marine Brian. She wo... More

Part one of the Emails
Part 2 of the Emails
Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows
Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.
Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.
Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer
part 7 of the Emails-Taking care
Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.
Part Nine of the Emails- Enjoying the calm.
Part 10 of the Emails-Gone
Part 11 of the Email-Chapter -Back to base
Part 12 of the Emails-Decisions
Part 13 of the Emails- Future
Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.
Part 15 of the Emails- Friends For Life
Just get me to him.
Making Arrangements
Unexpected Friend.
Helping Where she can.
Taking Care of Each other.
Who do they think they are?
Healing at Walter Reed
Games to be played.
Putting her Food Down.
Don't Let Her.
One step closer.
Legalities Be Dammed.
I am no hero, I am but a simple Marine.
Home at last.
Settling in.
3 is more fun.
Too thin.
Seeing it from the other side.
Armed Harm.
Hiding in plain site.
Sunday Funday.
Wedding plans.
Two can play that game.
Happy Birthday Harmony.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
Harmony knows.
Surprise Dinner.
Surprise dinner Part 2
Welcome home.
There home.
Just need him
Harmony's Wish.


4.4K 163 11
By Heatherdeane83

Things stayed quiet for the next two days until labor day weekend hit. On Friday Cal told her to pack for four days. They were leaving in an hour. He did not tell her where they were heading so she packed a bunch of stuff. When she went in to the kitchen Cal was packing a cooler and then a bunch of bags of stuff. Momma C was helping him.

"Can you grab clean sheets and pillow cases and our blanket please? Also need your purple bag and a few movies. Ill take my lap top so you can leave yours hear. Your camera if its not packed and do know where I put my beard trimmer?"

"I do ill grab them be back In a moment"She told him after she gave Momma C a hug. Those two were up to no good. When she got what she was asked to she brought it out.

"What vehicle?"

"My baby"

"ohh really? I get to drive it? You know I'm not the greatest with driving stick right? I mean I can manage but its your truck"

Cal walks over to and cups her face his lips by her ear he whispers to her "I bet to differ to drive my stick just fine now get before I forget the whole thing and keep you in my lap for four days"

"Promise" she giggled walking away with her bag. Cal pulled the cooler out and she put it in the back of the truck. Adding the bags. Glad he had a Tano cover. She tossed her stuff in the back seat. When they were ready to go. Momma C hugged and told to stay away from snakes wink wink. She blushed and told her the spitting kind were the best. She got a look form her. Oops. When they were ready to leave She asked him where to?

"The lake" She leaned over and gave him a kiss. Then placed his hand on her thigh and away they went. When they went past the spot her parents died Harmony pointed it out not bothering to look. There was still a faded ribbon on the tree. Harmony knew because she put it there last year. The farmer the land belonged to told she could come any time. She went just once with Brian. She would never go again. When they were coming up the road Harmony saw the RV parked looking over the lake. It was all set up.

"ohh my Gog Cal. You did this how? And look the house? Our house? Ohh My god and Jessie is here? Cal"

"Reese and his man did it. Brian said it was OK they drove it up here for us. He said to take you away so I did. Its beautiful up here. Babe really. Paradise."

Harmony got out and went around to Cal's side. She knew the step down would be hard so she helped him a little. He had his cane so that made it easier. They walked over to Jessie. Harmon introduced them. They shook hands and Harmony gave her a big hug.

"So lets walk I know its changed. If the weather holds another month we have walls and a roof. Then comes the fun part. That's where if you want it done faster more men will come in handy"

"Sure. You tell us what and we will do it."

"i will . I wanted to suggest putting in solar panels on the roof of the house and garage. There a little bit up front but with the sun light you get here I think there cost effective plus if you loose power you have some. It think its a win win back here and you can get a tax credit for being energy smart. "

"I like it. Lets talk to Brian but my vote is yes"

"mine too Jess. I like it a lot"

"So over here you see the concrete for the basement along with the drain. Here is the pool area. There coming Tuesday. The whole thing should be up in two weeks. I am not doing it because I know nothing about them. This is a specialty thing. Now here is the fun part. The footings are in. We start framing Tuesday. So three weeks? Maybe four you have walls windows and a roof. Next comes heating and air. We have to do that to continue during winter. Then is stuff like framing walls and electric and plumbing. The people on the fridge and freezer and tentative for for five weeks. Harm we have a lot to pick out and order yet. So what do you think"

"One question do you think it will be done to move into by January? Brian maybe home then?"

"I think if we get shit picked yeah I think so. That give us four months. I think is possible Adding two more men at $350 a week for twelve weeks is going to cost a little. About eight grand possibly"

"Don't worry about it. If you need the two extra now hire em. I can put in in your account on Tuesday" Cal commented. Still in awe of the place.

"yeah that would help. So Cal you were not here when we did the staking but your room is going to over look the lake. With stairs going down to the patio where the hot tub will be. Also Harm you gotta find that tub. And we need to order tile. I think next week end we should spend it in billings. Get a motel for the two nights."

"sounds like plan. I need to go dress shopping and meet with a lawyer. He has a appointment too on Friday so yeah we can do that. I'll let you know what hotel."

"Wait dress did I miss something"

"yeah sorta. When Brian gets home were getting married. The three us are. I'm not waiting Jess."

"ohh that's cool. Let me know I would love to come help."

"Bri we should get Momma C to come with us. She would have fun and it would help me a lot with the house stuff. You realize we have to furnish this as well as house hold stuff like towels and what not. Dishes. Rugs. Beds supplies like shampoo and such, also sheets and towels and all the crap?"

"yeah and California kings are hard to find bed frames for. Like legit nice looking ones are hard to find."

"i agree. So you and Brian need to do some online shopping for your man cave. As well. You order it it gets put in there. No naked woman though. That's not happening"

"even if its you"

"nope, Thanks Jess. I'm going to get him in a chair. He looks sturdy but will be paying for it later."Harmony gave Jessie another hug and she left. Leaving Cal and Harmony alone at the lake finally. She grabbed the cooler and he grabbed a few bags and they walked down to the RV. They guy were able to use a cord to hook it to the electric pole so they did not have to use the noisy generator. Harmony Got Cal out a lounge chair and then unloaded the rest of there stuff.

"what now?"

"the dock. Lets see if I can spot your birds"

"Ohh you mean liberty and freedom? Maybe. There nest is not that far down."

She grabbed a chair for him and a blanket for her and headed towards the end of the dock. When Cal took his seat she sat down on the blanket and leaned back between his legs. He played with her hair making her sigh. He could feel the change in her as if some how the lake held magical powers and was healing her. He knew this would be something they would do as often as the weather held out. They would spend at least a few days up here a week. She needs the peace. And he needed her to be OK. She fell asleep her head in his lap. And he let her but woke her when lunch time hit.

"Ohh my god I'm so sorry. I don't normally do that. This place is something."

"I know, I'm hungry would you eat with me? I packed stuff for subs and milk shakes?"

"sounds divine. After do you want take the gator for a ride? I bet you can drive it. Its easy with the hand controls."

"I would love to see more of this place. I want to see the cabin. See what needs to be done."

"if you want to see that then the the wheeler is the only way. Plus we should take them out just to get them running. Those you may be OK with too"

"Tomorrow then for those. Today the gator it is."

When there lunch was gone and Harmony opened the shed Cal tried to drive the gator and was able to. She sat next to him pointing out the different things. They were not able to go far in the woods but enough to get an idea. They did see a few deer in the far off field. Harmony was able to get them on camera.

"So are you planning on hunting?"

"not sure. I don't have a gun besides my pistols that The guys are bringing with them when they come in December"

"I have Brian's and mine. If you don't want to that's fine. I'm going. I have tags. For two elk, two does. A buck and bear. I don't plan on taking the bear but the others. I would love to tag out. The meat would be amazing for the freezer. Although I would have to send it out. I don't know how to break them down."

"I think mark does. He used to hunt. We talked about it. Maybe we can get him to come out and go with you if I choose not to. Also you could see Monica and meet there son."

"That could work if he comes the last week in October. Stay a week. There son could go trick or treating in town. He would have a ball. Its the best time. We should ask them"

"i agree. But first we should talk to Brian"

After getting back from there excursion Harmony made them dinner on the grill. After eating and dishes were done they went back to the dock and Harmony took her spot between Cal's legs. This time she brought a cushion. The dock was hard on her backside the last time. She also brought a few beers and a bag of chips. And of course her camera. She took a lot of shots. Even got some of a fish eating one of the chips she threw in. Her favorite by far was of a small peep frog that joined them on the dock. She got down on her belly and got close and snapped a few pictures before it jumped away.

"So how do you feel Harm?"

"I feel at piece. I miss him still but I know he is OK. I can feel it. But being here I'm free. I'm OK. I'm not whole but I feel like someday I will be."

"That's a start. I know him being gone is hard. If it helps you I miss his ugly ass too. Its only like four months away. Right now it seems like forever but you just did like two months. We can do this. Together we can. I think we should go away for thanks giving Harm. I can get the plane and we can go anywhere."

"Iraq please."

"I wish I could. But really. We can go some place just you and I."

"I don't want to. I want to stay and cook a big meal with Momma C. We have done it the last two years and before that she was at the house. So that's my plan. Besides you will love her ham. Its divine. What do you want for your birthday? Do you want a party?"

"little old for a party babe. Our birthdays are coming up. So what do you want?"

"I don't know. Um let me think"

"Do you want a party?"

"Hell no. How about asking your four partners to come into town. Show them the lake. If we bring the RV back home There is enough room especially if we put a bed in the man cave. Wait Svet has a child right? So we could set up beds in there and then we have the other room then two beds in the RV. That would be so much fun. Please? Ask them? I would love to have a child in the house Cal. That would give me a chance to get to know them."

"if they can get away. Ill ask them. Svet"s daughter is cute. She is four so she would not miss school. Let me call them now. There busy. I like that Harm a lot. I have not seen her in two years." Cal got on his phone and started talking. First with one person then another. When he frowned she motioned for the phone. He gave it to her.

"Hi this is Harmony."

"Nice to finally talk to you Harmony. This is Patrick. I was telling Cal I'm not sure if its a good idea to bring rose to a place she never as been to meet a strange person"

"I understand but please think about it. It was my idea. I just want to make him happy and having a child in the house would help me a whole lot. You will have your own room. Away from the house. Well sorta. Its off the garage. There is a bathroom out there too. I want the four of you to come plus Rosie. I want to show you all the lake. Rosie would have a ball in the bakery. I teach kids her age how to decorate cookies all the time. Please?"

"Harmony I have a question for you. I know about whats going on with you missing Brian. Do you think having a kid underfoot is going to help you?"

"More then you will ever know. I want kids of my own. We want kids. The three of us. Like ten of them god willing. I know you don't know me but please give me a chance. I may be young and I'm thinking that's your concern. Cal is turning thirty five and I am going to be twenty. But I have owned my own business for almost two years now. Its making some money. Enough to not ever have to touch Cal's if we were careful. I'm not the average teen. I am just asking for you to come. I'm going to ask the others too. Beg them if I have to"

"OK I'm sold but only if you promise not to spoil my daughter. She would to bake with you. I'm cant bake to save my ass. I'll make sure the guys come. How does us arriving by ten am on the fifteenth and leaving on the eighteenth sound to you?"

"Sounds like I get to meet my new niece and brother. Is she allergic to anything? Anything she likes or does not like. I have my ideas but ever child is different"

"She will let you know if she does not like something. Rosie has not allergies thank god. A night light is the only thing I can think of honestly."

"Perfect ill give you back to Cal. Thank you Patrick for doing this. Tell the guys I said hello. I really like them. I bet you and I will be fine too."

Harmony handed the phone back to Cal. Happier knowing that he was going to have four days with the guys and she was going to get to have a little girl in the house. They had a bunch to do in two weeks. Two beds to buy and sheets. Pink ones too. Her hands were itching to get started. Cal hung up a few minutes later.

" So there all really coming?"

"Yeah. Change of plans though bull, Fabio and Mal are flying in on Thursday instead of Friday.I think poker night before Rosie gets there? Then we have to behave a little"

"I'm down. You know I can play. I'm so excited. I cant wait"

"I can tell. So now that I'm getting what I want. What are you getting besides four days of work?"

"I'm getting a little girl in the house. That's what I'm getting"

"What do you really want Harm?"

"How about this when Brian gets home you can give me two rings and ten inches? Consider them late presents"

"How about yes but you're a wise ass and there not your presents. Ill figure something out, Ill ask momma C"

"OK. Now I'm getting tired. Lets go get naked and go to bed K?"

"sure. But first can you snap a few shots of us kissing with the lake behind us?" She got those shots and whole lot more. His hand wandered and she continued to hit the shutter button. They made there way to the RV. Shut and locked the door and closed the curtains. Once in bed. They talked. Just random stuff. Cal could tell the idea of having Rosie around made her happy. In the last twenty four hours her mood has changed. He did not have to remind her to eat. She did it. Grabbing things just because and not chocolate. Nuts. Jerky. His coffee. He noticed the sad look in her eyes was a little less today then yesterday. He would do anything he could to keep her going in the right direction. He prayed Brian stayed safe. If she lost him he knew he would loose her. And he knew he could not live with out her. For today she was on the right track. Tomorrow was another step closer to the end. The end being Brian coming home and her never having to feel like she does again. 

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