Our Wildhearts (James McVey...

By Ola_Finbola

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I'm Delilah I used to live in a small town in Saddleworth before my dad made me move to London. London wasn't... More

Across The Way
The Boys
Skype Call
In The City
Texts, Facebook & Twitter
First Introductions
Can We Dance?
Small Gig?
Xbox 360
The Morning After
You Too
He's My...Friend
His Confession
The Triangle
Leaving Me
You, Me At Six
Just The Two Of Us
Memories Over a Picnic
It's the Little Things that Count
Just Another Saturday
Back Here
How Could You?
Home Isn't So Sweet.
The Journey Back
What Happened?
Bon Appetite
What's Up?
James' Recovery
It's All About Trilly
Madley Brilly
Back Alley
Don't...Just Don't.
Different & The Same
Crowd Craze
Drinking Games
Last Night.
Nothing Happened!
Just a Train Ride Away
Let's Shop
They Don't Know
Secrets About The Past
Don't Leave Me


258 6 3
By Ola_Finbola

Connor's P.O.V

"Wait, are you for fucking real? She only got here a few months ago!" Brad asks, well he yelled but it's a question.

"She's not even staying for Christmas?" Tris questions sounding rather upset by this fact.

"Yes I am telling the truth and no she's giving Christmas and Halloween a miss." I answer and the two look like they're about to cry.

"How do we tell James?" Brad asks breaking the silence that had begun to linger.

"I don't know but we will have to...she's leaving tomorrow morning so we should tell him today." I reply.

"I think we should tell him later maybe early evening?" Asks Tris.

"Yeah." Brad answers. "If there's something he wants to say then he can say it to her but she won't be trying to shake it off for the whole day."

"We'll tell him then." I agree and we all shake hands before we have a group hug.

Delilah's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm moving back to Manchester, I mean, I feel like I've barely lived here at all! Honestly I don't hunk I want to but then again I do because I won't have to see James again. What if I do want to see him again though and what about the others? He only good thing coming out of this move is seeing Milly and Tilly more often.

Suddenly there was a knock at my bedroom door which distracted me from my thoughts. The door opened slightly before opening fully revealing my dad.

"Have you packed all of your stuff except what you're wearing today, sleeping in tonight and going home in?" My dad asks me.

"Yeah..." I glumly reply.

"Honey, I know you just settled in but it's the best for the both of us. Me because of my job and you because of your situation with James, sorry to bring it up."

"It's fine dad."

"Okay I'll leave you be now."


My dad leaves my room shutting the door behind him. I log onto my laptop and go on Skype, surprisingly both Milly and Tilly are online. I call Tilly and she answers but she wasn't talking to Milly so I call her also.

"Hey De!" Tilly says a little too enthusiastically for me.

"Tilly, maybe you should tone it down a bit...I think De's a little torn up about the whole moving thing." Milly reminds her as her face wrinkles up.

"Shit, sorry De! It totally slipped my mind!"

"Oh it's grand Tilly! I mean what have I to complain about?" I ask rhetorically. "I'll be closer to you guys and Charlie and further away from James."

"Yeah we'll be able to go shopping way more and have movie days like we used to throw all the time!" Tilly says.

"Aww man I miss those days where I'd turn up to one of yours in my pyjama bottoms and an old top with holes in. Then we'd crash on the couch and search Netflix for a decent film to watch!" Says Milly laughing

"Ha yeah they were good but don't forget scoffing a few pieces of pizza and eating a hole tub of Ben & Jerry's before we'd even got half way through the film!" I reply remembering all the good times we'd had before I moved to London.

The three of us chat for ages until my dad calls me for my last tea in London. I say ciao to Milly and Tilly before logging off and shutting the lid of my laptop. I walk through to the lounge where there were loads of packed boxes dotted about he room. My dad is sat at the table and I sir opposite him where he had laid out my plate of vegetable lasagne. We eat in complete silence not saying anything even when we finish. After I went back to my room and listen to music before my door suddenly bursts open...

Brad's P.O.V

We've just finished our dinner and I'm not feeling all that good.

How the fuck are we meant to tell James that his ex-girlfriend who hates his guts is moving back to Manchester meaning that he has no chance of patching things up after this evening.

I look to Connor and Tristan for help but neither of them know what to say either. In the end I take all the plates into the kitchen and Tris tells everyone to move into the lounge before checking for items James could use to inflict harm on anyone including himself.

"James, there's something we need to tell you." I say to him and the others sit there with their heads down so James won't see their tears. "We know you really want to smooth things over with De but thing is..."

"You don't think I can do it?" James butts in and he looks so angry yet upset thinking that it may be true.

"No it's not that!" Tris answers but he has to stop because the tears are welling up in his eyes.

"James, we're so fucking sorry that this has to happen but we can't do anything about it." I begin telling him.

"What is it? Brad what?" James starts getting worked up and moves himself to the edge of the seat.

"Shit James, De's moving back to Manchester."

"What?" James' eyes gloss over and Connor lets out a sob. A tear drops on Tristan's jeans as James' body collapses to the floor but is caught by Connor who embraces him. I feel the tears start forming in my eyes as one escapes and slides down my cheek. That one pathetic tear falls to the floor before I join Connor and James' hug on the floor followed by Tristan. "NOOOOOO! SHE CANT LEAVE, SHE CANT! SHE CANT LEAVE ME...she can't..."

"James..." Connor begins but is interrupted by James who starts shoving and screams out.

"GET OFF ME! I NEED TO SEE HER!" the three of us try to restrain him but then I let go because it's something he has to do. The last thing we know James has sprinted out the door and is now banging vigorously on Delilah's door.

What's happened? How could we let this happen? How could I let this happen?

Delilah's P.O.V

My door suddenly bursts open and stood there is someone I once knew, James. Around his eyes are black circles; his hair is brittle and dull; his skin is dry and cracked; he's so skinny, there's barely anything of him; there's the bruise that Connor told me about just below his hairline; but most importantly his eyes are lost of their dreams and filled with salty tears put there by me. He's crying not sobbing but looks as if he could collapse at any minute.

"Hi." Is all I can say to him.

"Is that it?" He asks. "Actually no that's all I deserve, if not less."

"James no..."

"No De I was an absolute dick at that party and I'm being a selfish bastard asking you for more and at the train station when I begged you for a second chance I wasn't worthy of."

"James...I'm so sorry."

"Delilah it's me who should be sorry..." as I look at him his head starts swaying then his body and his eyes roll back in his head.

"JAMES!" suddenly his body starts to collapse right before my eyes. Everything feels like slow motion as I leap off my bed and run to his falling body in the door way. I catch his head and back in my hands just before he hits the floor. "James?"

"Delilah, I want you to know that I've loved you ever since the moment I first lay my eyes on you..." His speech is breathy and spaces out "and that I'm sorry." His eyelids start to droop.

"James no! Don't say it!"

"Goodbye Delilah May." His eyes close and his body turns limp and lifeless in my arms. I rest my forehead on his chest which is still rising and falling slowly before pulling up again.


"Delilah, what is it? What's wrong?" My dad asks as he appears in the corridor.

"Call nine nine nine!"

My dad runs off to the landline and rings the ambulance. I sit with James and stroke his hair before I wipe away the tears on his cracked, cheek with my thumb.

"You'll be okay and you'll be better without me. Look what I did to you, James, I nearly killed you."

James was whisked off by some nurses and that was the last I saw of him. I saw the others the next day because they got up to send me off. It's sad to know that I never said bye to him...but he said it to me. There was something that Tristan whispered in my ear when he gave me a hug that I will never forget though.

'The absence of your goodbye only means that fate will bring you together again.'


Not going to lie to you guys I nearly cried writing this chapter! Also I made that last bit up, proud! Anyways I'm going to blow your minds(I hope) after the next few chapters, just you wait!

No shoutouts but thank you all, your dedication is noted!

Thanks again, Fin!😘

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