Harvest Flower

By ChavonPowell

146K 4.5K 494

(Completed) (Now available on Inkitt and kindle also.) Raised by indians after her family was murdered, force... More

Chapter 1: Little Girl
Chapter 2: Waterfalls
Chapter 3: His Bride
Chapter 4: A New Home
Chapter 5: Acceptance
Chapter 6: Calm befor the storm.
Chapter 7: Danger in every direction.
Chapter 8: The search.
Chapter 9: Troubled Paths
Chapter 10: Kidnapped
Chapter 11: Run or Fight
Chapter 13: Lost Pain
Chapter 14: Home
Chapter 15: The Visitors
Chapter 16: A Challange
Chapter 17: Death Song
Chapter 18: Women of Warriors
Chapter 19: Destiny
Chapter 20: Stolen Property
Chapter 21: Fight or Flight
Chapter 22: Only Time Will Heal
Chapter 23: Enemy Camp
Chapter 24: Savor or Capture
Chapter 25: Two Foes
Chapter 26: Homecoming
Chapter 27: Birthday

Chapter 12: Saving Gold

5.4K 187 13
By ChavonPowell

The soft nicker of a horse drew Running Wolf's attention. He pulled his horse to a halt listening for the soft sound in the cool night air. Traveling the steep terrain at night is slow and dangerous for anyone. He waited until the horse blew its nose in the distance. Gray Eagle rode ahead following the sound and finding the best path to travel. He returned leading the stolen horse from the village canyon.

Running frowned, "Standing Elk is close by?"

Gray Eagle shook his head, "This horse was hobbled in the brush with no supplies at hand.  The smell of smoke is light farther up the pass."

Running Wolf silently gazed up at the sky, Harvest Flower's face looked back down to him. He tightened his hold on his horses reins causing it to prance in place. Without saying a word Gray Eagle handed the horse's lead to another warrior and quickly led the way watching for signs of a camp.

The dying scent of smoke quickly faded into the cool breeze. The path before them became narrower and small washes proved difficult to see, causing the horses to occasionally stumble.

Gray Eagle turned around and pulled to a halt beside Running Wolf, "It is to dangerous for the horses to continue this path. We walk or camp, the darkness is to great for even me."

"I trust your judgment brother, we camp until dawn. Standing Elk can not get far without a horse, the women will prove to much trouble." Running Wolf half heartedly agreed.

Gray Eagle nodded and dismounted, his Chief's disappointment at finding his wife and sister showed by the way his shoulders dropped. Gray Eagle silently prayed dawn would bring them luck. His fear of losing Singing Fox great on his shoulders.

With the horses bedded down and a campfire burning, all the men settled down to wait for the dawn lights. Some slept and some ate what food they brought, other sat watching their surroundings. The night grew quiet, not even the nightly animal sounds could be heard. Running Wolf did not like it, and felt his muscles tense.

A high pitched scream piercing the darkness had them all jumping and scrambling on foot up the trail. The sudden scream sending chills through them all. One or both of the women could be hurt or worse.

Blue Wing walking to Running Wolf's right held out a water skin for him, "The earth is to quiet and yet it tells of danger."

Running Wolf shook his head refusing the water, "You are right my brother. Someone will die this night. The omen of stillness never lies."

Blue Wing nodded and offered the water to Gray Eagle to on the other side of Running Wolf. He took the skin and drank small swallows of the cool water.

The loud shrieks and screams of terror made them all jump to action weapons at the ready. A lone figure moving in the fires glow drew their attention. It was Harvest Flower crawling to Singing Fox. Running Wolf quickly made his way to her now unconscious form. The bruises covering her and Singing Fox made his stomach roll with fury. He knew one man wasn't Standing Elk by the man's frame. He walked over to the bodies nudging them with his foot, a groan left the unconscious man's lips by the fire. Standing Elk did not move at all.

Gray Eagle knelt and turned the alive man over to get a better look at the warrior's face. Running Wolf frowned and walked back to the fire using his knife to plunge into Standing Elks heart.

Blue Wing following his lead quickly spoke up in slight confusion, "Do you know this man? The one who lives."

Running Wolf nodded looking to his friend, "It is Rising Bear, my wife's brother."

Blue Wing nodded turning his attention back to the warrior Gray Eagle now propped up by a tree holding Singing Fox in his lap.

"Why would he be here, this far from his home?" Blue Wing asked as he sat thinking of possibilities while Running Wolf's thoughts took the same path, adding the question of whether Rising Bear helped Standing Elk or not.

Running Wolf felt his anger rise. Harvest Flower now in his arms free of the bindings. The flames before him seemed small and cool compared to the flames inside his heart. Without Harvest Flower he would only be half a man. She is his weakness and also his strength. He slid his eyes to Rising Bear and then watched Gray Eagle clean the wound on Singing Fox's scalp. Talking in a slow rhythm to her. Blue Wing treated Rising Bear who flinched when his eyes flew open and locked on Running Wolf's. His lips moved a little and Blue Wing stopped tending him to just glare at Rising Bear.

Running Wolf knew it wasn't good when Blue Wing started to tie Rising Bear to a tree. He waited for Blue Wing to sit beside him before looking at him with the question clear in his eyes.

Blue Wing glared over his shoulder, "He says he took Harvest Flower, but lost her when his camp was attacked." He turned back to Running Wolf, "He has also lost his horse and supplies."

Running Wolf felt the anger build inside him and had to bite his tongue to keep from ordering Rising Bear's death. "Did he say why he took my wife?"

Blue Wing nodded, "He says he loves his sister."

Running Wolf set Harvest Flower on the ground by the fire and stood grabbing his bow and quiver Blue Wing and Gray Eagle watched him. "You will pay for what you have done."

Blue Wing placed a hand on Running Wolf's shoulder, "Take care brother there is news you do not know."

Running Wolf lifted a brow for him to continue.

"Your wife carries your child." Blue Wing said with caution.

Running Wolf stiffened and balled his hand into a tight fist. His eyes finding Harvest Flower. "He dared to drag my wife and unborn child into danger."

Running Wolf walked over to Rising Bear who looked up with regret and sadness. Running Wolf felt no pity and punched him in the jaw knocking Rising Bear unconscious once again.

Running Wolf knelt beside him to whisper in his ear, "If any harm has befell my wife or child, you will die slowly by my hand."

Running Wolf stood spitting on the ground beside Rising Bear. "Watch him until I return." He ordered the warrior closest to him.

Gray Eagle and Blue Wing quickly fell into step behind him. The cliffs above giving them a clear path to follow. Running Wolf could only hope no harm has truly befallen his wife and child. With both women still sleeping it is hard to tell.

Harvest Flower and Singing Fox both woke with a start. With no binding and The smell of food The both eased to sit up. The horses tied close by made little noise while the warriors watched them quietly. Singing Fox held her stomach with a growing sickness that threatened to empty everything in her stomach. Harvest Flower was in no better shape. They huddled together with tears flowing down their faces.

Harvest Flower felt the shivers from Singing Fox's body. The shock of being kidnapped and beaten was bad enough but did Standing Elk do anything else to her? Harvest Flower felt sick and a dull pain thronged in her stomach. The only thing Harvest Flower could do was pray Running Wolf would get them home soon. She flinched when Running Wolf and Gray Eagle came into view. Blue Wing followed slowly behind. No sign of the struggle or blood marked the ground. The only thing that suggested anything was wrong is the man tied to a tree. Looking closer Harvest Flower realized it was Rising Bear. His bruised cheek and swollen eye the only proof of Running Wolf's wrath.

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