Harvest Flower

By ChavonPowell

146K 4.5K 494

(Completed) (Now available on Inkitt and kindle also.) Raised by indians after her family was murdered, force... More

Chapter 1: Little Girl
Chapter 2: Waterfalls
Chapter 3: His Bride
Chapter 4: A New Home
Chapter 5: Acceptance
Chapter 6: Calm befor the storm.
Chapter 7: Danger in every direction.
Chapter 8: The search.
Chapter 9: Troubled Paths
Chapter 10: Kidnapped
Chapter 12: Saving Gold
Chapter 13: Lost Pain
Chapter 14: Home
Chapter 15: The Visitors
Chapter 16: A Challange
Chapter 17: Death Song
Chapter 18: Women of Warriors
Chapter 19: Destiny
Chapter 20: Stolen Property
Chapter 21: Fight or Flight
Chapter 22: Only Time Will Heal
Chapter 23: Enemy Camp
Chapter 24: Savor or Capture
Chapter 25: Two Foes
Chapter 26: Homecoming
Chapter 27: Birthday

Chapter 11: Run or Fight

5.7K 208 28
By ChavonPowell

Darkness fell quickly and Rising Bear halted his horse in a shallow valley out of sight from the path. A rock ledge formed a small shelter just large enough to make camp under. He knew Running Wolf would be close by dawn, but Harvest Flower's sickness slowed his pace. He set her down before dismounting to tie his steed to a nearby bush. He watched her move around picking up dry sticks for a small fire.

"Brother I must return. Running Wolf will kill you for this, and I do not wish to see you dead. My stomach pains me of late and I feel so tired." She put a hand to her forehead, "I do not know what sickness grips me."

Rising Bear grimaced, "You are with child. I will not return you to a man who can not protect you. I will raise his child as my own." He hit his chest with his fist, stopping any further talk of going back.

Harvest Flower placed a hand over her stomach. "Could I be with child? Has that much time passed?"

Rising Bear ignored her and pulled a small sack of dried meat and fried bread from a deer skin bag tied on his horse. He also pulled a water skin from the bag, handing her the water first before sitting down. She took a small sip and handed it back. Her hands quickly busy with stacking the wood for the fire.

Rising Bear watched her giving her small amounts of food when the fire came to life. Its flames flickered with warmth and light. She looked tired and miserable causing him to feel some regret in taking her. She finished eating and curled into a ball by the fire falling almost instantly to sleep.

He took a bite of the dry bread and slowly chewed watching her sleep. Morning would come and with it Running Wolf.

Standing Elk kicked the thrashing girl at his feet. Her movements would soon give his position away. He smiled to himself, finding not only Running Wolf's sister, but also the white woman so far from home. His plan for revenge began to look more worth while. He ran his thumb over the healed scar on his side. The jagged pink reminder of Running Wolf's knife that fueled his hate and need for revenge.

The dream of a white woman caring for him all seemed like a joke to him. All white eyes are nothing but dirt under his moccasin. Standing Elk knelt and grabbed a handful of Singing Fox's hair to hiss in her ear, "Your lovely friend waits just through these trees. Be a good girl or I'll kill her on sight."

He yanked her head back letting go roughly so her head cracked on the hard ground. She held in her moan of pain and closed her eyes tight. His fingers skimmed her cheeks above the raw hide gag, his evil smile trained on an unseen image before him. He grabbed her hair again pulling her up with him to stand weakly. Her whole body ached with multiple bruises.

"Now we go." Rising Bear whispered pulling her behind him.

Rising Bear lost in thought stared at the dying flames. His ears missing the cracking twigs behind him until it was to late. The sound of a wood meeting his skull with force echoed on the ledge roof and walls. Harvest Flower sat up and her eyes widened when Singing Fox landed in a heap by the small fire. Her hands tied behind her and a gag keeping her from screaming. Her eyes pleaded for help.

Harvest Flower scooted back to the rock wall behind her when Standing Elk loomed over her. His hand stroking his ugly scar.

Standing Elk's voice sounded rough and evil, "Your friend is not a very good protector and makes this man's plans for revenge easy."

His laughter raised the hair on Harvest Flower's neck. Her fear is now doubled with the knowledge that she carried a child inside her. She held her breath and pushed back against the wall of rock behind her when he knelt down in front of her. His hand reached out to touch her hair slowly. She jerked her head to the side and spit at his feet.

His hand moved quickly slapping her across the face with the back of his hand. He then pulled a leather string from his pouch and grabbed her wrists. She tried to pull away and struggled, causing him to straddle her holding her down. He tied her wrist and quickly gagged her with raw hide. His hands drifted over her breast lingering long enough to roughly squeeze them causing her to grimace in pain. He laughed as he continued to inflict more pain.

He laughed at her laying under him. "You can not escape me white slave. Your life is now mine to do with as I please. The look on your face is pure pleasure." He roared with laughter at her struggling body. And he Ben to bite her neck making her gasp and grunt at the bitter taste rising in her throat.

He reached down and placed his hand on her knee, inching his way up her dress. She kicked and tried to roll away, but his tight grip held her down. His chest rumbled with joy at her obvious attempt at fighting and sorely failing. Her movements giving him the opportunity to pull her dress further up.

A groan behind him made him freeze, reminded him of the warrior laying close by. He stood leaving Harvest Flower to cower were she lay. Her gags and heaving stomach making him laugh harder. Rising Bear slowly started to wake but was soon knocked unconscious once more. Standing Elk looked over his shoulder at the two women tied up and laughed at their fear filled eyes.

He grabbed Rising Bear's feet and started dragging him away from the camp sight. Not caring if he left him alive or dead. The smell of blood would draw the attention of large cats and other predators. The warrior wouldn't be alive for long. Standing Elk laughed loudly before dropping Rising Bears feet and rolling him into a shallow pit dug by large rain washes from the cliffs above.

His thoughts turned back to the women tied up for his pleasure. He couldn't wait to try the white woman. His member already growing hard at the thought of being between her soft legs. His grin widened and his eyes flashed evilly. Running Wolf would never taste her sweet skin again. He laughed and walked quickly back to the camp stroking his scar like a pet as he went.

Harvest Flower rolled to a sitting position and scooted over to Singing Fox. She helped Singing Fox inch up and they sat back to back breathing hard. They tried wrestling to untie each other's bonds with no luck. Harvest Flower used her knees to roll the gag from her mouth letting fresh air burn her lungs. Standing Elk would not be gone long and Harvest flower wanted to at least be free when he returned. Harvest Flower felt the ties on Singing Fox's wrists loosen and a wave of relief flowed through her. Singing Fox felt weak and her head swam with dizziness. The blood flowing back into her fingers did not help making her fingers and hands painfully numb and heavy. The snapping twigs under Standing Elk's feet grew closer. Harvest Flower's heart sank with the realization that Singing Fox is to weak and hurt to help her. She struggled to free her hands. Tears filled her eyes and she nudged Singing Fox to try to get her help once more.

Crazed laughter rang out from Standing Elk's chest. "You think you can escape?" He chuckled, "You will die before you can get free." He laughed walking toward them a strange glow in his eyes.

"Why are you doing this? What have we done beside protect ourselves?" Harvest Flower questioned.

He cocked his brow, "Running Wolf," he spat, "has always been a hated enemy. He tossed me from the village like dirt under his feet. All because he does not like war with the white eyes." He glared at Harvest Flower. "He even married a white eye. He is to soft to be chief. I will be chief and show the whites they must leave or die."

Singing Fox tried to stay awake and she shook her head trying to clear the fog. She tipped to the side and blackness claimed her before her head hit the ground. Harvest Flower gasped in shock.

"War is never the answer and Running Wolf knows this. You would make a bad chief and the people would die if not leave you alone in the night." Harvest Flower spat. Her hands started burning and Singing Fox looked so pale and her breathing is shallow.

His rage flared and he lunged at Harvest Flower grabbing her arms roughly before she could twist away. He pulled her up and to his chest and shook her knocking the breath from her lungs. 

Harvest Flower quickly gained her wits and fought Standing Elk by kicking at his legs. Singing Fox groaned and rolled still unconscious.

Standing Elk lost his footing and Harvest Flower kicked his shin once again. They fell hard on the ground wrestling and rolling not far from Singing Fox. Standing Elk finally gained the upper hand pinning her to the ground under him. He felt his blood heat and let his eyes travel her exposed lower half beneath himself. Singing Fox forgotten when his eyes landed on her woman's mound. The golden curls in plain sight. He reached down with a quick flick of his wrist to pull himself free of his leather pants. "Now I will take what is mine." He laughed as he used his knees to spread her legs.

Harvest Flower bucked and screamed as loud as she could. She could feel his member touch her. It was like a snake relentlessly keeping up with it's prey. "No!" She screamed over and over. "Please no!"

He laughed and held her down with one hand roughly squeezing her breast his other hand guiding his member to her rubbing the tip along her slit. Electric pain shot through Harvest Flower's stomach. She screamed again and again as she twisted under Standing Elk.

He slapped her trying to gain the upper hand. She twisted again and threw him off balance. He grabbed her hair and jerked her head up. "Be still or I'll kill your friend." He hissed in her ear before slamming her head back to the ground. Dazed from the impact her struggle halted.

A solid thud and a bone splitting crack sounded loud in her throbbing ears. Harvest Flower let her breath out wiggled trying to free herself of Standing Elk's lifeless body. She looked up her eyes finding a sickly pale Rising Bear holding a blood soaked stone. Sinking to the ground with relief heavy on his shoulders he fell to unconsciousness.

Harvest Flower could feel the energy leaving her body just as fast as the tears fell from her eyes. She inched over to Singing Fox and with the last of her strength she freed Singing Fox's hands with her teeth. Harvest Flower lay in a tangled heap as pain combed her insides. If she was with child she feared it was no more. Tears flowed from her eyes and flashes of Running Wolf appeared before her eyes. She's wanted to go home. Harvest Flower sobbed and let darkness claim her.

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