Her Two Marines-Montana Momen...

Galing kay Heatherdeane83

288K 11.2K 553

Harmony is a small town girl with a heart of gold who is in love with her hero and hot Marine Brian. She wo... Higit pa

Part one of the Emails
Part 2 of the Emails
Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows
Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.
Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.
Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer
part 7 of the Emails-Taking care
Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.
Part Nine of the Emails- Enjoying the calm.
Part 10 of the Emails-Gone
Part 11 of the Email-Chapter -Back to base
Part 12 of the Emails-Decisions
Part 13 of the Emails- Future
Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.
Part 15 of the Emails- Friends For Life
Just get me to him.
Making Arrangements
Unexpected Friend.
Helping Where she can.
Taking Care of Each other.
Who do they think they are?
Games to be played.
Putting her Food Down.
Don't Let Her.
One step closer.
Legalities Be Dammed.
I am no hero, I am but a simple Marine.
Home at last.
Settling in.
3 is more fun.
Too thin.
Seeing it from the other side.
Armed Harm.
Hiding in plain site.
Sunday Funday.
Wedding plans.
Two can play that game.
Happy Birthday Harmony.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
Harmony knows.
Surprise Dinner.
Surprise dinner Part 2
Welcome home.
There home.
Just need him
Harmony's Wish.

Healing at Walter Reed

5.9K 210 6
Galing kay Heatherdeane83

After a quick lunch of chicken patty sandwiches from the cafeteria Dr. Winn came in with Karen.

"So Ssgt Markson. How are you feeling today?"

"i'm feeling OK" he said honestly. In pain was but not going to admit it.

"how has the pain been? I see you have not been getting it much"

"Its not too bad. Nothing I cant deal with"

"Don't bullshit him Cal. Doc he is in a lot a pain at times and wont ask for the meds"

"I see. Is there a reason you wont ask?"

"I'm a man, I can take it. I'm fine" Cal told him his head held high. He hated the stuff and was so scared to get addicted to it. So many people went down that road never to come back. He would not be one of them. Though at times the pain was so bad he wanted to puke.

"i see this all the time. Your body has one duty right now. To heal. If your in pain your body has to fight the pain and worry about healing after. Its counter productive" The doctor stated matter of factly.

"I don't want to be addicted to them. I wont do it, I also don't like how I feel foggy. I want to be awake. I want to remember things. Don't get me wrong sleeping with Harm in my arms is amazing but I hate feeling dazed and out of it."

"OK. So what if we make a plan to give you the hard stuff at night so you can sleep soundly. Then give you something that is not likely to make you as groggy during the day? But if were going to do that then you need to allow them to give it to you every six hours. Even if your not in a whole lot of pain it also have other things in it to help you"

"I'm fine with that. So how are things doc?"

"There doing well. I'm going to try a new way to change your bandages today if your OK with it. I want to have Harmony straddle a chair and have you sit on the edge of the bed and have you lean on her back. Wrapping your arms around her belly. Kinda hugging her from behind. That way I can check out how the skin is. Make sure its not healing with too much scar tissue. Also I'm going to keep you awake. Just give you a small dose to keep you with it but not with it all the way. You should feel pressure but not much pain. If you do let me know and ill give you a little bit more, Sound like something your OK with?"

"Doc are you asking me if I'm OK with finally being able to wrap my arms around my girl?" Cause you don't need to ask my twice. Karen can you take pictures? I wanna see my back please."

"Sure. Lets get started. Harmony if you would grab the chair on wheels. I would put a blanket on the back rest so its more comfortable. Your umm top may get squished, Cal when you lean forward your going to want lean on her. Don't worry you wont hurt her" Karen informed him.

Harmony straddled the chair tucking the blanket against her chest. It did help. They got Cal sitting up and then pushed the chair back against the bed. Asking her to nestle back a little so Cal was leaning over more. It put her butt right up against his bare groin. Karen handed Harmony another blanket to give Cal something to cover himself with. Once Cal had his arms around her they gave him the pain meds. Harmony felt it when it hit. He became heavier on her. She liked it. Dr. Win talked to them the entire time. Told them everything he was doing noting the changes from yesterday and how the skin was doing well. Cal may have been out but his hands weren't. He had them under her shirt. Almost to up to her breasts. Harmony had to stop from moving, it was hard for her. Having his this close and his hands wandering was something new.

"Karen would do me a favor, I have a thing for pictures. I am documenting the process. Could you use my camera to take some pictures of us. Its simple hit the red button then the top button. I can alter them later. Its a hobby."

"My pleasure".

"Ms. Harmony think you can stay like that for a bit longer? I would like to check the one graph?"

"I'm fine doc. by the way is it normal for him to umm roam?"


"his hands, there roaming"

"Well not that I know of but if he is sleeping or sorta here it makes sense. If its bothering you I can stop".

"Bothering me, nope but making it super hard to not move. Yes. But go on I'm fine"

"Almost done, the graph is looking amazing. Better then I hoped. Ohh The surgeon will be in later. Probably after he wakes up a bit. He responded to that med different then some do. Normally there here but almost stoned. Him, it sent him for a loop."

"Thank you. So what next?"

"Next is wait. I'm going to OK it for him to start walking a little if he can deal with the pain and Dr. Morin signs off. I think its going to benefit him to get up. Even go for short outing in a wheel chair? Go get something from the vending machines? Or go down to the gift shop? That should help with his mood. He has come off the iv for short periods of time too. His main meds can be given at night so he has some freedom. What do you think?"

"I think he is going to love it. Ty Doc. Does an hour sound OK if he is sitting in the chair. With his back covered? Is that too much?"

"sounds OK to me. I will write it up. This place can get boring after a bit. Were going to transition him the last four or five days he is with us. Have you stay in a motel if that's OK. See if he can deal with the pain and if he is going to be OK home. Its a long way to get him back here. So its like a soft home release. That's something to look forward. I have what you asked for yesterday. As soon as I'm done with putting the dressing back on and he is back in bed ill get it for you"

"thank you. I will get it set up once were closer to a date. I like the idea as well. It wont be such a big change for us."

Harmony felt Cal start to stir. His hands taking one last feel of her breast threw her bra.

"Babe. Wake up. Were going to put you back in bed to sleep it off. I love you babe"

He lifted his head and his hands dropped. She felt him lift of her. Instantly missing him she trailed her hand behind her to not break the contact.

"OK Harmony you can move. He is still coming to."

Harmony got rid of the chair and stood up and stretched. Looking down she seen her nipples sticking out. She grabbed Brian's hoodie and put it on. Glad it was big and covered up what Cal had done. She helped Karen cover him back up, it was a little hard to not notice he had an erection. Fucker. That's what he gets for his roaming appendages. Dr. Winn came over and handed her a large sheet of paper with a list of things for Cal to do, or get past before he can go home. On the bottom it said take a plane home to Montana with Harmony. It had a small picture of a lake with pine treas next to it with a smiley face sticker. There were little boxes next to each thing.

"I have these for you. I know its a little like being back in school but I figured you would like it. My wife helped me type it up last night and dug these out of her box from when she was a teacher" Dr. Winn said as he handed her a few sheets of stickers. Harmony hugged him. He blushed.

"Tell her thank you. I love it. The colors and little pictures are cute and this place is so sterile. Ill hang it in the window. Each time he does something I can get him to put the sticker on. Will make him move his arms too"

"That's the kind of thinking I like. Getting him to move with out it seeming like work. Make him work for stuff. Make it a game. I had four boys and when they were young that's what I did. Have a good day. I'm going to leave things alone tomorrow . Just let it heal. Ill have Karen come in and spray whats not covered. Other then that. Calm day from me." He left the room with a smile and a wave. Karen stayed to clean up. She told her that she would probably be in before lunch to put the spray on but did not know for sure.

Cal woke up a little while later. Harmony put a movie on for him while she went to do laundry and make phone calls. She touched base with Monica making plans to go shopping the next day to grab some real food and boxers for Cal. She talked to Brian about the pool and he agreed that it would be great to add it. Same as the closet. Adding that they should up grade the tub and shower then . They never once thought that Cal would not be there. Harmony was a whole lot scared but it did not stop her. Brian promised to call her later. He had a meeting to go to. By the time she was done it was almost dinner. Her and Cal had shared a small lunch. His belly was off. Harmony checked the cafeteria for dinner was found nothing she wanted. So take out it is. She could not wait to get back to real food. She missed having someone to cook for. She could imagine Brian grilling on the patio, Making steaks from the deer they got. Cal helping her to carry out the salad while she grabbed the beer. Sitting down under the sky. Twinkle lights up, a fire in the fire put keeping the mosquitos away. Them sharing a meal and then rocking in the swing. Watching there eagles swoop across the lake. Its the small normal things she cant wait for. The throuple things.

"Babe I'm back" Harmony called out as she entered there room. Cal was not in bed but she hear noises from the bathroom. She almost lost it there for a split second. She started folding her laundry while she calmed down. Cal came out of the bathroom after a few minutes. Harmony noticed he has a smile on his face.

"You OK babe" he asked her.

"yeah what are you smiling about, You look like the Cheshire cat"

"Well I don't need the nurse to wipe my ass now. I can do it if I'm careful" he told her. Another proud moment for him. He was a grown ass man and could finally wipe his own backside. The things a person took for granted.

"Congrats Cal. That's big. That means if they trust me to I can take you to the bathroom. You have permission to start taking steps too. And if you behave you have permission to leave your room in a wheel chair"


"Really. But you cant try any dumb stuff. You have to get your strength back. So its one step at a time. And I doubt your going to want to leave the room with no clothes on. So tomorrow Monica and I are heading to get you some things to cover your python. Her husband is going to stay with you"

"Harm I don't need a god damn baby sitter. I'm fine by myself." he said a bit loud and gruff. Anger in his voice.

"I know that asshole. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not abandoning you alone to do somethings that I need done. I'm sorry I was trying to make it easier on me" Harmony said as she started crying.

She ran into the bathroom with her phone. Shutting the door for the first time sense she got there. Shutting him out. Cal heard the water running and figured she was taking a shower. He had no clue what came over him to make him snap at her. He was just getting sick of not being able to do the things a man should be able to do. He would love to be able to help her cook for them. For him not to ask her to do every thing for him. Hell he could barely hold the urinal himself. He dropped it yesterday pissing all over himself and covering her with it. Yet she said nothing. Cleaned it up, Changed and kissed him anyway. He was sick of the same shit. Eat, pee, shit, pain meds, dressing changed. The same thing day after day on repeat. It was getting to him. What he should be doing is taking care of his woman. Not having her take care of him. This was so messed up. Now he had to make it up to her. Figure out a way to fix it. She was going threw the same monotony. Hell she got on a plane and left her baby for him. Before they were even a them. His woman dropped everything for him and did not think twice about it. Never acting like she did something big. He needed to make it right. Damn he was an idiot. By the time he was done beating himself up over what he said Harmony had come out and grabbed her night clothes. She went back in the bathroom shutting the door again. She came out a few moments later in pj pants and one of his Marines shirts. He noticed she did not have her bra on but he said nothing about it. She sat down on the cot and went threw the folder with the menus in it. Cal was going to have none of it.

"Harmony, over here please" he asked her. If she was going to be sitting any where in there room it better be somewhere he could have his hands on her. As much as his touch brought her comfort hers did the same for him.

"I'm not sitting next to you right this minute." she replied. He was being a dick. She got that he was going nuts. She was too damn it. Cant he understand that. That she felt like a piece of shit going someplace with out him with her. That she felt guilty leaving with Monica to get stuff but she had to. She needed to get out of that place. It haunted her. Cal was one of the lucky ones. Just that morning she was walking the halls to the go grab more snacks and a code blue was called to a room not far from there room and an half hour when she walked by they were covering thee person up and a family was crying. That could have been her man. She could have lost Cal or Brian or any one of the team. He does not get that Mark is there so she feels better leaving him. She just needed to feel the sun shine on her face, to talk to another woman who has been there and went threw it all. The guilt, the never ending bull shit that went alone with healing. The never being able to just be. Just be them. She knew that they would have time for that but for right now her feelings were hers.

"But you are. When you get mad at me you need to talk to me about it. I know I was being an asshole. I'm aware of it. I'm like that at times. I never said I wasn't. But were not going to play the I'm angry game so I'm going to punish him by not being near him or touching him game." Cal told her. This was all new to him. Hell it all was. He has never been in a hospital this long. Never had a girlfriend that was this close. All the time. He did not want her any place else but it was all new. They were trying to build a foundation. This place, this situation was stress on stress on stress. You would think that all the down time was a good thing but it wasn't. Ninety percent of it was him in bed sleeping.

"Is that what you think is going on? A game? Nope not by far. I'm sitting here because if I sit near you I may be tempted to kick your ass." Harmony admitted to him. He needed to understand that she was angry. She would never hit him but it did make her smile to think about it. Damn that man. How did he crawl into her heart and make it seem like even her anger was loved tipped.

"foreplay I like it. You could try to kick my ass. I may let you. I don't know how you and Brian handle your arguments but I don't do the brew and stew. I do the lets talk about it. Yell at me if you want or need to. Lets figure it out. So I am asking you to please sit next to me and lets work on it., Please?" he begged her. If he had to he would get up and go her. To hell with the iv and shit.

Harmony got up and sat facing Cal the folder in her hands.

"I don't yell. I need my space when my emotions are getting to me. I bake. I cant do that. What do you want from me Cal. I don't do things the same way everyone else does. I'm not everyone else. I'm me. I understand the whole with holding hugs and kisses and such is immature. I did not withhold anything. I sat on the cot. Brian and I work out our problems in the bedroom most of the time. It works for us or we go shooting. But he even knows I need time to process shit. So if you insist on talking right now its going to end badly." she warned. Then again she was not so sure now. Being this close to him had her stopping herself from reaching out and holding his hands. From kissing him. What the fuck was going on with her.

"I don't want it to end. Ever Harm. That's the problem. I'm a man. I'm supposed to be taking care of you. Not having you have to have your friends husband come here and hold my hand while you go shopping to get me underwear because I'm so fucked up right now I cant wear clothes" He looked down at his hands as he said it. He felt like a baby. He knew his emotions were all over the place. It was so much easier being a soldier. He could bury the feelings and not have to deal with them. Here with her she could not do that.

"Cal listen I understand that you are having issues with this. That's another reason I asked her to have her husband come stay with you. He went threw this stuff. She said he talks to people who are in the same position you are. I did not do it because I think less of you. Its more for me. I'm afraid to leave this place with out you. I'm scared Cal. Him being here is for me more then you. Just accept it. Either he comes or I don't go. I'm not leaving you by yourself. Bottom line. I refuse to. So. I said what I had to say. I'm hungry. Lets figure out dinner"

Just then Dr. Evens walks in with a student behind him. He washes his hands and sits down in a chair.

"So your test came back from your sample. Everything looked normal. Your sperm count is higher then normal. That's a great thing. So how did things go with getting it?"

"Just fine, I had help due to my limited motion but it worked like normal" Cal told him as Harmony blushed. Its not something he wanted to tell the man. That he had his girl yank him off on his hospital bed. There first intimate moment was not how he pictured it being.

"That's good to hear. Now on to your incision. I need to look at it. I am going to take the staples out in a week if all goes well. As for your ability to walk normal. Its all up to you. We have done what we can surgically. Your going to need to do a whole lot of physical therapy. Both at home and with someone once you get back home. I think you should be OK. Your going to have a limp and not be as strong in that leg as you were before. Your going to have a major scar. The more the swelling goes down the more you will see the indentation. You were lucky. An inch further in you would have lost some major nerves that control your penis." The told him while pulling the tagaderm off. He put some ointment on it and covered Cal back up.

"Can you stand for me? I need to check the back of your leg and I want to see how it reacts to weight. Both sights really".

"I can doc but cant stand for long. My legs burn really bad when I'm standing. But I want to start walking."

"Wait a moment. I know what to do. Dr. winn left me this spray to use. It has numbing stuff in it. He told me to us it any where there is a burn that's not covered. Let me grab it and when he stands can you spray him Dr. evens? It would make it easier."

"Good thinking Ms. Harmony. Ill grab it. Ill also show you how to help him up. Don't try it by yourself the first few times. I'm going to show you how to use the belt. It helps a lot" Dr.Morin went over to the closet and opened up a package with a black belt in it that had handles sewn in it. He put it around Cal waist and hooked it. Then went and got the can of spray. He got Cal to sit on the edge of the bed and placed Harmony's hands on the handles on Cal's hips.

"Now Cal the first few steps are going to be hard. I want you to put your hands on Harmony's shoulders. Don't push down on her but rather use her to steady you. Harmony I want you to lift a little when he stands up. Great job. Now Cal take a step towards Harmony so I can spray you legs. That will help" As Cal took the step The doctor sprayed him down. He also checked the back of Cal s leg. "OK now step backwards towards the bed, ok your there. Sit. Perfect, How did that feel" he asked him.

"Honestly it sucked but felt good to move. I'm tired. Two steps sucked the life out of me. I cant wait to get back into shape. Now how long till I can get into the pool?"

"On my end three weeks tops. On Dr. Winns end. Probably longer. I'm going to show Harmony how to do the tagaderm. Its simple and something that she can do with out me. I think just taking a few steps every time you get up to use the bathroom is the way to go. Take two and work up to three. Its going to take time but the muscles seem OK considering. It could have been a lot worse. Your going to feel the one in your groin for a long time. Adding in your age and the combat It's no surprise that I seen a bit of arthritis starting in your knees. Your body has seen more shit then most people see in a life time. I think its a great time for you to chill out. Your muscles bruised badly so there going to ache. But keep up resting and relaxing" Ill see you tomorrow just to check in"

"See ya doc. Ill do what you said. Thanks for everything."

When the doctor left the room fallowed by the nurse. Harmony took her seat back on the bed facing Cal.

"Can we finish this another day. Please. I'm tired. I love you that's all that matters. Please? I want food and you in my arms. That's all I need" Harmony pleaded. After what the doctor told them Cal being a ass was the least of it. She has forgiven him and went on,

"Sure Harm just know we need to finish it. What do you want for dinner"

"Home, I miss home but sense I cant have that How about Chinese?"

"Sounds like were having Chinese tonight but only if you let me pay. Do you know where there is an ATM?"

"I do and ill let you take care of it. Are you fine with getting a few different things and sharing? I would love peanut butter chicken and wanton soup. Also some sweet and sour chicken would be amazing. With friend rice?"

"Ill share anything with you baby girl you have my heart already. I want some beef and broccoli and general tso's please. By the way when you go shopping tomorrow I'm paying for that as well. I know you have not used my card at all for any of it."

"Cal I'm not with you for your money, Be right back, I'm going to head down to the ATM. Its just down the hall. I'm going to grab us some Soda. Or do you want milk? I could go for some chocolate milk honestly." Harmony grabbed her purse and took off out the door but opened it back up quickly and went over to Cal. Cupping his face with her hands she looked into his eyes and kissed him, His hand coming up to hip. "I almost forgot. Sorry. I love you. Now I can go. Make out with me later? Please?"

"Babe if you don't leave I'm going to start it now and say to hell with dinner. You got me hard again. I love you" Cal moaned to her. His eyes heavy with desire. She left this time but was back in a matter of minutes. Carrying milk and soda and a few more of those smoothie things she has fallen in love with. She ordered there food. And handed Cal the cash she took out as well as the receipt.

"umm you need to call your bank. There must be a mistake with you account. I think its screwed up. Look at the receipt. "

Cal looks at it and frowns. Shaking his head "Nothing wrong with it other then they have not deposited my pay in it"

"Don t you think there is an extra digit some where or hell two of them"

"Nope. Harm I told you I invested well. I think now is the time to have the covo, Better yet lets call Brian, I don't want to do this twice. I don't like talking about it"

"OK. I'm freaked out now. Cal no matter what I can take care of you. The bakery is doing well." Harmony assured him as she put the opened the lap top and called Brian. He answered on the second ring.

"What up ugly, hi beautiful"

"Do you have a minute to talk. Harmony seen the number on the ATM receipt and she is kinda confused. So I wanted to have the conversation with you both being as were all in it as a unit"

"OK but you don't have to but I understand. Ill do the same. Ask Harm about it. She has my cards and access to everything. So whats up"

"So you both know how I told you that I invested and it did well. It did really well. I am one fourth owner of the largest security business in the united states. Harm, got a paper and marker or pen?' Cal asked her, She grabbed her purse and handed him what he asked for. He wrote for a moment then put down the pen. Three figures were on the paper.

"Can you both see? The first number is what I have in checking account. That's what I use for every day stuff. That's the number Harmony seen. The second number is my savings account. The third number is what I get every three months as partner in the business. About that it changes but thats the extent. Ohh Wait I have two more numbers to write down" Cal picked up the pen and wrote down two more numbers.

"The fourth number is what I get for my pay. Its going to change because of the disability but I don't care. The last number is what I have in asset's. Investment properties and such. So. Now that you know. Don't question when I ask you to use my account please. Harm. " he told her looking at her. If he could not take care of her physically he could financially/

"Don' t expect me to let you pay for my stuff Cal. Not going to happen. #Friendshipisfree But its nice to know. My numbers are not that impressive but I'm not wanting for anything. Brian Either. If you want numbers I can get for you. Can we shred that paper please?"

"Baby Girl we are far more then friends. I just need to make that clear to you. The moment you kissed me friendship went out the door. I feel the need to have you in my lap and never let you go. I would say bed but that's going to wait for the three of us. Well the really good stuff is going to." Cal told her as kisses her. His hand cupping her breast. Brian had to interrupt them.

"umm hello. That is my future wife right there. Come on now. That's not fair. I want in. If only. Damn it Cal. I'm with her on this Cal. I don't care. Its nice to know that if anything happens to me she is taken care of. I cant stay on though. Training at the crack ass of dawn. Love ya babe. See your ugly ass tomorrow Cal.'

"Love you babe. Be safe and his ass isn't ugly its fine.mmm" Harmony told him licking her lips. She blew him a kiss and then flashed him.

"Good night bro" 

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