Her Two Marines-Montana Momen...

By Heatherdeane83

288K 11.2K 553

Harmony is a small town girl with a heart of gold who is in love with her hero and hot Marine Brian. She wo... More

Part one of the Emails
Part 2 of the Emails
Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows
Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.
Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.
Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer
part 7 of the Emails-Taking care
Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.
Part Nine of the Emails- Enjoying the calm.
Part 10 of the Emails-Gone
Part 11 of the Email-Chapter -Back to base
Part 12 of the Emails-Decisions
Part 13 of the Emails- Future
Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.
Just get me to him.
Making Arrangements
Unexpected Friend.
Helping Where she can.
Taking Care of Each other.
Who do they think they are?
Healing at Walter Reed
Games to be played.
Putting her Food Down.
Don't Let Her.
One step closer.
Legalities Be Dammed.
I am no hero, I am but a simple Marine.
Home at last.
Settling in.
3 is more fun.
Too thin.
Seeing it from the other side.
Armed Harm.
Hiding in plain site.
Sunday Funday.
Wedding plans.
Two can play that game.
Happy Birthday Harmony.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
Harmony knows.
Surprise Dinner.
Surprise dinner Part 2
Welcome home.
There home.
Just need him
Harmony's Wish.

Part 15 of the Emails- Friends For Life

4.7K 202 5
By Heatherdeane83

7/27/17 Montana


Brian has me pegged for the most part. I am a wise ass. I believe that laughter and affection can heal many things. I am a big huger as I have said before. I think that they help people feel at ease. As to you getting used to being hugged, it would not be a bad thing. I think that because of your past that you did not get a lot of them and I am going to change that. If i makes you uncomfortable and you want to feel comfortable with it the only for that to happen is for it to become a normal part of your everyday life. See Harmony, give Harmony hugs lol. I think you can do anything you put your mind to. I have faith in you.

Please feel free to send your truck to the house. I will be glad to have it there. I will also empty it out and put your things into the guest bedroom closet. Don't worry about sending me the money. We can settle it when you get back. I take chocolate and hugs. As long as its four wheel drive and had good tires, maybe chains you will be fine but I'll check it out when it gets here.

I am heading our for a few days to take a cake making class. I want to learn how to use isomalt and what not. So if you don't hear from me from the 31st threw the 4th don't think nothing of it. Its going to be so much fun. And I am going to go pick out some counter tops and what not for the house or at least get an idea as to what I want.

So i have to make a thousand cupcakes for the day after tomorrow for a corporate even in billings. Should be fun. Thank god they only want four flavors. Easy as pie. Hugs.

Your cupcake Machine,


7/27/17 Iraq


No need to thank me. Your the best. And as far as what you want for the house. Your wish is my command. The blue tiles in the bathroom sounds amazing. The subway kind would be down right cool.

The guys wanna know if you would send them some more cookies. The last time you sent them we used em as poker chips. That's how valued they were. It was a lot fun. So whats new? nothing really here. Sand sand and more sand. Don't even ask about the beach for our honeymoon lol. I am starting to think about that too. The wedding that is. I am thinking in the field. That's as far as i got lol. Well that and a few ideas as to the wedding night. I would say we should spend the night before separate but i want you rested, not dead on your feet. So new idea. We spend the night in each others arms and then we make breakfast together and then we part ways. Just let me know. I love you. Hugs and Kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your man with a plan,


p.s. Give me some ideas. What can I do?

7/28/17 Iraq


Any time you want to give me a hug I am open. I agree that the more I get them and feel at home the less I am going to feel at odds with it all. I know you being around is going to be a big help. Much appreciated and wanted. Brian is a good dude. He has a big heart and shows it. He is someone that the other guys look up to. I admire that in him. Although I may be ranked higher then him he is my equal. I think its great your going to go learn more. Life is a journey of sorts and knowledge is power. I am more and more amazed by you every day. Your one hell of a catch Harmony. Brian is one lucky man. So what do you plan on doing for labor day? I know its over a month away but Maybe you should think about doing something. Take a day off and just chill.

I am going to go to bed. Its hard to sleep here. The activity is beginning to pick up and its gets loud here at times. On that note send me ear plugs will you lol. Just messing I love that dude. He has eagle eyes.

Hugs and have a drink for me. I prefer Budweiser personally.

Your hug-able Friend,


p.s. I miss you when we go out. Just so you know. I really look forward to your letters.

7/29/17 Montana


Cookies went out today lol. i sent out like 300 this time. Two in each bag. I hope they like them. There good guys and its the least I can do. I sent it priority so it should be there in like 4 days. I also sent you and Cal a few extra treats.

About Cal, I think he is awesome and I want to like take him in my arms and just hug him for a long time. He is a good guy Brian. We don't have many guys in the small town like him. I snagged the only one. You. So yeah. I think he is adorable and sweet. He is the kind of guy If i was to consider a three way relationship, it would be with someone like him. But yeah. I love you tons. Hugs and kisses. And more. wink wink

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your adoring Girl,


7/29/17 Montana


Your too sweet to me. You make me smile and blush. Expect many hugs from me and Mom-ma C. She loves to give hugs. We are a loving town. Everyone helps everyone. We all pitch in when someone needs help. Its like one big family.

I think I need to do some retail therapy. That's what i am going to do for labor day. Take the Sunday and close the bakery and do an over night trip to billings with mom-ma c. Her and I could go get some crap for the house. I need new sheets and shit. Brian and I went over a budget before he left not that we needed to but he was used to doing it before I was here, any ways he had a account set aside for this kind of thing and I have not touched it. He is a stickler for that kind of thing. Not to waste money but he likes it spent to make sure that I'm simply not just ignoring it. He wants to know that I'm using the money. Like I'm not so into the bakery that I don't do anything else. I tend to do that. The sheets I have are thread bare. So yahoo.

Hugs to you. And ask Brian for you present. and the tracker says the box should be in tomorrow. That does not have baked good in it. Just stuff i found at the local department store.

Your friend,


Sends a picture of herself. Her eyes are shining and her cheeks are pink.

7/30/17 Iraq


I got your box in today and the guys laughed there asses off. I think the shirts are the best. "Marines do it right, and all night long". Yeah they keep ragging me. If they only knew you were a virgin. Cal does that's why its the funniest to him. They keep ragging Cal about his shorts too. Omg, and me too. Asking if you are going to see his nuts. I simply tell them if she wants too. I am manly enough to know that I have your love. Thank you for the huge box of mixed jerky and the SlimJims. Cal and I have enough for a week or two maybe. BTW we heard that we may be going out on another week long mission. Leaving on the 3rd. So I wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I love you and admire your courage. I swear babe then this tour is over so am I. I need to be home in your arms. Your the best gift. Hugs and Love.

Harm, Are you falling for Cal? I mean I understand he is a great guy, just wondering?

Always and Forever, Forever and Always

Your man who wants to wink wink,


7/30/17 Iraq


Damn you are a wise ass. The guys keep asking Brian if i am going to show you my bits. Umm not at all. I mean not that you are not a good girl but your not my girl. The only nuts i plan on showing you is the ones in boxes mixed with chocolate. Also those shorts. Really? but there funny as shit. So yeah you got me. I will return the favor someday. I wish you were there to see the funny shit Brian had to deal with. I don't understand why he thought you would send him normal stuff. You defiantly live up to your reputation. We are being sent out again for another week long mission. I cant wait to be in Montana with you and Brian. and not going out but until then I will smile and be OK. Hugs,

Your suck it up pal,


p.s. I cant wait for the cookies. Yum, ooh Ty for the socks and the jerky. I always need stuff like that. Now i owe you again.

7/31/17 Montana


No I am not falling for Cal but if I were to would you be OK with it? I mean. I don't know. He is just Cal. My bestie. So I don't know. I don't want to lie to you but how do I explain. Ill try another time for now I just want to. Let things be

But anyways stay Safe. I am leaving early in the am. I am glad you found my gifts funny. Score one for me. I am trying to find ways to make you smile. Its sounds like it worked. I will pray for your safe return. And as always please message me the moment you get back. I love you and anything you want for the wedding. I don't care honestly. Just as long as at the end of it its just me and you.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always

Your Girl,


sends a picture of a wedding dress.

7/31/17 Montana


Just wanted to drop you a quick message. I am heading to bed. Gotta be out of here by 6am. So early am. Brian asked me if i am falling for you? I was a little taken aback. I don't think I am. I know that your important to me and that I consider you one of my two marines. But i think that falling for someone take seeing there smile and holding there hand. And all that happy crap. We have never done that. So no I am not falling for you but I do love you. Your a good friend and one hell of a guy. Am I saying I wont ever fall for you? I cant say that because i cant predict the future. Are you falling for me? Hugs

Your not falling for you friend,


sends a picture of her packed bag.

8/1/17 Iraq.


Your question about falling for you make me think. Hard. I am not falling for you. I agree that falling requires at least a kiss. So no but if I ever fall for a woman I hope she is just like you. I think I would feel bad for falling for you. I know you and Brian are open to it but I just don't know but if i ever do feel more then friendship for you. I promise to let you know first.

I think its amazing that you can be honest with me. Some times it hardest being honest with ourselves. Have fun at you class. Cant wait to see some pictures of what you do. Bet its great. Hugs.

Your pal,


8/1/17 Iraq


Would I be OK if you fell for Cal. That is a hard question only because I am not sure how I would react with the whole touching thing. But nothing wrong with Cal. He is the best of the best. I could not think of a better man for you to fall for. So yeah. That's the best I can do to answer your question . You have fun at your Class. Tell Mom-ma C hello. I love you babe, Hugs and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always

Your man who loves his best friend,


8/2/17 Montana


So I am done with my second day of classes and Its been a blast. i have learned a shit ton of techniques and some better ways to do things. I also learned how to add different types of motors into cakes so I can spin things on top and other fun stuff. Tomorrow is about cake trends and things they see trending soon and how they differ from last season. Its been an eye opener. I am tired and ready for bed. Could you share this with Cal? So i don't have to type anymore. I am so tired. Like beyond tired. Mom-ma C and I went out for dinner. Chinese, yahoo. I love you and stay safe.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your tuckered out GF.


Sends pictures of different cakes

8/4/17 Montana


Hey Babe, Just got back from Billings, We had fun. Glad i stayed the extra day to meet with Jessie. I sent you a bunch on links on her site. i think we figured some stuff. Keeping price in mind along with what i want. This house is going to last for ever. So i better like it. I also found a rug for our bedroom floor. Its so soft. Just what I wanted. We picked out cabinets today. There perfect. I am so excited to see them in our house.Lots of glass. The other kitchen is going to have more shelves and less door so if my hands are dirty I can grab just what I want. Also so I can see everything.Picked out stove and fridges for both kitchens Along with hoods and ovens. We did sinks and dishwashers. A few other things as well. I am going to take a shot of JD and go to bed. BTW I made sure to eat today. So don't worry. I have only lost ten pounds sense you have been gone. That means I can eat more chocolate. So send me some babe. lol. I love you! Praying for your safe return.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your decision making woman,


Sends shots of a few things.

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