Her Two Marines-Montana Momen...

By Heatherdeane83

288K 11.2K 553

Harmony is a small town girl with a heart of gold who is in love with her hero and hot Marine Brian. She wo... More

Part one of the Emails
Part 2 of the Emails
Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows
Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.
Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.
Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer
part 7 of the Emails-Taking care
Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.
Part Nine of the Emails- Enjoying the calm.
Part 10 of the Emails-Gone
Part 11 of the Email-Chapter -Back to base
Part 12 of the Emails-Decisions
Part 13 of the Emails- Future
Part 15 of the Emails- Friends For Life
Just get me to him.
Making Arrangements
Unexpected Friend.
Helping Where she can.
Taking Care of Each other.
Who do they think they are?
Healing at Walter Reed
Games to be played.
Putting her Food Down.
Don't Let Her.
One step closer.
Legalities Be Dammed.
I am no hero, I am but a simple Marine.
Home at last.
Settling in.
3 is more fun.
Too thin.
Seeing it from the other side.
Armed Harm.
Hiding in plain site.
Sunday Funday.
Wedding plans.
Two can play that game.
Happy Birthday Harmony.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
Harmony knows.
Surprise Dinner.
Surprise dinner Part 2
Welcome home.
There home.
Just need him
Harmony's Wish.

Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.

4.9K 204 12
By Heatherdeane83

7/20/17 Montana


I got your package in today and I don't know what to say. First thing first. You have so much faith in us and I that amazes me. The fact that you put your property in our name means the world to me. It feels like no matter what now I am not going to loose the place that means most to me. I would gladly give up the bakery to have a home and life with you. And then you had to throw in adding my name to your checking account. That means that I can write checks to Jessie or for other stuff to do with the house. You trust me with out condition. Bri you know how much that means to me. Your my night in ca-mo clothing. I just don't know what else to say other then thank you for believing in us.

BTW I have to call the lawyer that handled mom and dads estate and my trust fund. He left a message. Who knows. But wanted to let you know. I love you babe and thank you again for making me the happiest woman on earth. I am truly lucky god chose you as a piece to my life's puzzle. I will be sending out a box tomorrow or the next day. I depends on if I can make it to the department store for stuff. Love and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your co-land owner,


Sent a picture of the deed and his bank card paperwork with both there names on it. Also his check book.

7/20/17 Montana


Hey, Hope your OK. I am sure you are but still. No news is good news when it comes to the missions.

I want to be known for my kindness and the ability to forgive people for things they have to me.I want to be the kind of person who see's a need and fills it if I can. I think its up to everyone to help those in need.

Fear, Driving at night. I have never gotten over what happened to my parents. I will do it and i do but It makes me afraid. I keep remembering had it not been for the accident Brian and I would not be together in the way that we are. I think it would have taken a longer time for us to progress to the lake and house and stuff.

The cake was a hit. The couple loved it. I am so happy. Tomorrow I have to head into the store and get some of the little items we need that we don't order in bulk. Like chocolate coloring and different oils. Also have to pick up rose water for cookies and almonds. It going to be fun.

BTW did you know that Brian was putting my name on his checking account and the lake deed? It was a nice surprise that made me smile. Its the best feeling. Hugs,

Your friend,


Sends a picture of a older couple with a anniversary cake, A big five zero on top. The couple kissing next to it.

7/21/17 Montana


So the lawyer asked me if he could stop by so we could talk. We went into my office and he handed me a check for $100,000. Its part of my trust money. There is a stipulation that if I own my own property before my 25th birthday then I get the money to help build a place to fix a place or what ever. So on that note I deposited in your now our account so i could help pay for our house. I asked Jessie if its possible to have the walls, roof and windows done before the snow. She said maybe. Lets see how the weather holds up. So lets pray Bri.

I made it into the store today and ended up buying you and Cal both some necessities. Lets hope he has a sense of humor because we both know i sure do. Honestly Brian, Cal is a really good dude. If I was to ever fall for someone it would be a man like him. I also got some groceries, so now you don't have to worry about me eating. i don't want to worry you but I am back to having night mares Bri. I am so sorry that I am not stronger. I am trying so hard. I think I just need to have you and never let you go.

I have to be up early in the am for a cake delivery and to do some special bread for the church. So yahoo. I love you and I cant wait.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your soon to be fiance,


Sends picture of her in his Marine shirt with a full fridge.

7/21/17 Montana


I just jumped on to answer the last of your questions. At least the ones for now, I love that you wanna get to know me and not get into my pants. its something that I don't see too often. Your a true friend Cal.

My career goal is to expand the bakery so i could cater things too. I love to cook and most people love what i bring by. There are times when I will make a large pot of chili at the bakery and serve it as a lunch special with our Jalapeno Cornbread.

Something Brian does not know? hmm that's hard. I tell him everything. How about this one. I wear a pair of his old boxers to bed sometimes. It makes me feel closer to him. I have also sat in his truck in the garage and fallen asleep in the front seat a few times. I went out there to grab something and I got up in it put the seat a back and passed out. I feel like an idiot honestly but well it smells like him. I swear its warm sometimes like he just got out of it. He keeps this blanket in the back seat. We have used it when we went fishing and what not. I will put it on me and turn on his music. Spray a little of his cologne and just lay back. I also use his sun glasses when I drive. There big on me but I love how they look on him so I wear them. Please tell me I'm not nuts? Cause sometimes I feel like it. I guess Ill do anything to feel closer to him.

Your Nosy Friend




Hi babe, I took off an hour early and went up to our lake. The trees are down and the well rig is up there as well as a few other pieces of equipment. Jessie also had a port-a-potty brought in. She was joking around about freedom and liberty scaring the hell out of one of guys when he was peeing. He ended up pissing on his own leg. Apparently one of em chose the wrong tree to pee on and they dropped a dead fish or what on left of it on top of em. So ugly blue piss cubicle here they come. I almost died of laughter. I asked Jessie if we paid for a few more workers if it would move things along? and She said right now no but if we make to the point of roof and windows and walls then yes. So baby I am praying a lot right now. It would amazing to see the shell of it up.

I am sending you some pictures of whats going on up there as well as some I took of our eagles. Share them with Cal will you? Please

I love you babe, Always and Forever, Forever and Always. Hugs and kisses.

Your Happy Ass Girl,


Sends pictures the bird and the equipment at the lake as well as the porta potty.

7/22/17 Iraq


Were back right on time. I cant say it was fun but at least the mission was a success. Cal and I are fine. We both need showers and want hot food. i am glad you like your surprise. It is my way to letting you know that I love you and have faith in our future. That no matter what we will be together. One day soon you will be my wife and I will have the honor to be your husband. As for the house, do what needs to be done. I have seen the plans and they look perfect. The only thing I want to change is to add a spiral stair case that goes from our room to down stairs. So if you want to work late then you don't have to disturb people and I have always wanted on in my house. I think there super cool. I am off now. Heading for a hour long shower and a large meal. Hugs and Kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your future Husband,


p.s. in the next box can you send more jerky please. Smoke it? PLEASE BABE?

7/22/17 Iraq


We got back a few hours ago and I wanted to write you first thing but I wanted a shower more. Sorry, about that. I am glad you like my questions. I will try to answer yours to the best of my ability.

Please don't feel bad for me about not having a mom and dad. It turned me into who I am. Its OK. Things could have gone a whole lot worse. I have done my best to make the right choices but I have made mistakes. The marine corp turned the boy me into a man me. So it worked out out.

Would I ever have a 3 way relationship? I can't say never but i am not sure how I would feel about another man touching the woman I love. I think it would bother me a whole lot. I guess it I were to entertain the idea that it would have to be someone special that I cant see myself with out and the other guy better be a great guy. Someone I could trust and love too.

Do I believe in god? Hmm that's hard. I believe in a higher power so yes. I don't go to church. I pray. So yeah. I also believe in mother nature and such things.

How I think discipline should work with children? Well that's hard, I think time out is something that is good thing. I think explaining why certain things are a hard no or a rule. Like why a child cant play in the road. that is explaining why but there is a time and place to an explanation. If i am in the middle of a store and a child asks for something i may not have the time to explain why no is no. I think somethings need to be explained, for example why we should not stick a knife in the toaster. Explaining that they could get hurt and that its not just something we don't do like spitting in public. There are different types of thing. Some things are manners and somethings are harmful.Some times there isnt time for expnations.. I am not against a pop on the ass but there are very limited times I see that as the way to go. So yeah that's how i feel.

On to something harder. My fantasy? Well hmm. I fantasize about my honeymoon the most. My fantasy involves takes off her wedding dress and finding her in lingerie. We would take our time and drink a mixed drink and we would head into a Jacuzzi. It would be a long night ending with breakfast in bed.

Something I have never done? Well I have never been in love. Its something that I have always wanted to feel. I just hope i recognize it when it happens.

Something Brian does not know? well there is a lot but the one thing I think you should know I adore you. Having you as my friend is the best gift Brian could ever give me. I owe him big time. I don't know if he knows how much his idea changed my life.

So now that you know lots about me and I know a lot about you I think we can consider us friends. And I am going to call you my best friend. Thank you, Hugs.

Your Best Friend,


p.s. your too kind.

7/23/17 Montana.


I am glad you and Cal are safe. It was a long week with out knowing but I kept busy. I am thinking of going to a 3 day cake decorating seminar in billings. Its from 8/1-8/3. I am not sure if i should go or not. Reese offered to take those three days for me If I give him a few extra days off around thanksgiving so he can head to New Orleans to have some fun. If I go im going to take Mom-ma C with me. They are offering chocolate classes as well so it would fun for us both. We could use some time off. If we get a room to share it would be like a mini vacation and we could use it as a tax write off being as its education. So yeah. I am going to do it. I will bring the laptop with me but don't know if I will be on much. Its going to be fun. Lets just hope Mom-ma C stays away from the bar this time. She was a hoot at the last one. I'm excited now.

The stakes are up at the property. It's so amazing to walk threw then imagining the different room and the memories we are going to make in them. I am in love. Also a few geese have arrived on the farther end. One of the guys thought he seen a bear. I told him it would not surprise me. He did not seem to happy so is going to keep an eye out. Also I seen a huge buck in the field to the left of the home site. I would love to bag him but next year. I love you, I am going to relax in the tub then off to bed.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your wanna see the bear Girl,


p.s. I just want you to know that your my gift.

7/24/17 Iraq


You have no clue how much I appreciate you keeping me posted on every aspect of the property. It makes me feel like I am not missing out on so much of it. No matter what happens the house will be perfect for us. I think that you should take an extra day in billings and meet up with Jessie and go to the local building supply store and get some ideas. Also sense you know the dimensions of the counters and cabinets you can pick that stuff out. That's all on you. I am going to do some research on my laptop and can send you the UPC codes and you can check them out in person. I am thinking lots of wood. The master bath i know I want done with glass. Like glass walls on the shower. Also check out tubs. I like the idea of a large one. Chances out one of our kids are going to want to take a bath with mom. Its bound to happen. Do you want to check out furniture for your office and what you want as far as flooring? Lots to think about but we can do this. The only thing you cant touch is my garage . That's all mine babe. I know we have it set for two but I messaged Jessie if we can change it to four maybe six with a small room in the back that we can hose down with a sink and a drain in the floor. We could use it for processing fish and deer and elf and what not. To keep the smell out of the house. We know at some point in the future our kids are going to drive so we are going to need the space. Also asked Jessie about a small walk in freezer and Fridge. She added it in between the two kitchens. One on each side so when you walk threw from one to the other there are doors on each side of the walk. I think this is going to be the easiest. Especially if we both plan on hunting. Well I am getting off to do some pt. Yahoo. I love you babe. Your my rock.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your man,


7/24/17 Montana


Hey, Its OK I am glad you took a shower and what not. I can wait. We have a lot on common.

I too have fantasy's about my wedding night. Its scares me a bit and I am afraid that its going to awkward. I am a virgin and I have read books but it talks about pain. Its interesting and makes it seem no so much about passion. I picture my wedding night being passion filled. I also picture alcohol involved. Not enough to be drunk but just something to take the edge off. I am planning on finding some special lingerie for the special night. I also hope that things are not like the books. I picture my husband taking off my gown, me undoing his tie, him helping me with my heals. Me helping him with the buttons on his shirt.

We have a similar idea of raising kids and punishment. I remember only getting a spanking twice as a kid. The first on was when I told my father no. I was not going to do something. I was 6 and got a little too big for my britches. He told me to get back away from a horse he was working with. So it was a safety issue. The other time was when I was told to stay in a stall because they were bringing in a bunch of new cattle and they were putting them in the the stall next to me. Well I climbed up on the edge of the stall and seen a calf. It was cute and I wanted to pet it. I did not know my dad and his men were going to put the momma in with it. We were just getting in the first of our Scottish highlander cattle. I climbed in with it. Thank god my father checked the stall before leading the mo-ma in. Had he not I would have been stomped to death. I got a pop on the ass then and was not allowed in the barn for a good six months then. It broke my heart but i did not do either again. I was pretty well behaved but I knew not to press my parents.

Awww, you adore me and I am your best friend. That is so cute Cal. I love you tons. Your my best guy friend. Brian does not count because he wants to get in my pants err and a whole lot more . Its getting late here got stuff, I am off to bed. Hugs,

Your Bestie,


p.s. Cant wait for you to get your package, I just hope you have a sense of humor, If not i am in trouble lol.

Sends a picture of herself at 8 ish.

7/25/17 Montana


No need to thank me. I owe you a lot. You rescued me that night and have continued doing it every night. Your my strong man, my real life Gi Joe. I could not ask for a more perfect partner. As for the house I am fine with what ever changes you make. Just don't mess with my kitchens, or my tub. Other then that do what you need to. I want a large plush rug under our bed and lots of closet space for my clothes. I also need a spot for a washer and dryer. I love the idea of lots glass in our bathroom. Maybe in shades of blue to reflect the sky and the lake. I think we should also have wood floors threw out the entire bottom floor of the house, other then my kitchens. I would like easy to clean tile and stainless steel in the commercial one and lots of wood and see threw door in the normal one. Think country also lots of lighting, Windows and such and some that I can move to fit what I need. My office i think i want dark wood with a corner desk in dark wood as well. But that's down the road. That's all for now. Ooh Jessie said she will meet me for the day and Mom-ma c said she will cover it for me. I love my bakery family. There wicked good to me. I owe them a nice Christmas bonus. I love you!

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your taking a mini vacation soon girl,


Sent a picture of closet she wants for them.

7/26/17 Iraq


Hey, I cant wait to meet you in person. We have so much in common. I bet your a hell raiser and laugh a whole lot. Brian says your a wise ass. I can see that. He also says your affectionate with people. I am not used to that but I am sure I will get used to it being around you. I am the kind of guy who tries to stay in the background but will make it known i am around if need be. It takes a whole lot to piss me off but it can happen. I try to not to let things bother me. I also think pain is a sign of weakness so if I am taking something you can bet your tush i am in a whole lot of pain. Some say I am detached but with the stuff we see you have to be. Its not that I don't care about the kids and the dogs and stuff. I am aware there going hungry and its not there fault, and I give them what I food i can spare but I have to keep that away from reality if that makes sense. I cant dwell on them because if i do then I cant keep sane. I know that when I am done with this tour i am done with it for good. I have given the marine corp 16 years of my life and now that Brian and you have opened your lake and home to me I have a place to go. I have a place to set down roots at. A place to call home. That's what i have been waiting for.

Ooh I need to ask another favor of you, My truck is sitting in NC at the base and i want it waiting for me when i get home. Would you mind if i have my truck and my belongings shipped to you? I don't need you to do anything with it all. Unless you want to drive it. I don't mind. I would be willing to send you a check for tires and a tune up along with some for gas and what not. It could also use a detailing. If your OK with it, I will see about it being there around the sixth. I know you have your class but don't know exactly when. BTW i know she is not a nice as Brian's but she is mine and I love her. She is paid for but I plan on getting a new one at some point. Maybe. I don't know what kind of truck i am going to need for Montana winters. Let me know what you think.

Many many hugs, and thanks.

Your bestie,


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