Her Two Marines-Montana Momen...

By Heatherdeane83

288K 11.2K 553

Harmony is a small town girl with a heart of gold who is in love with her hero and hot Marine Brian. She wo... More

Part one of the Emails
Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows
Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.
Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.
Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer
part 7 of the Emails-Taking care
Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.
Part Nine of the Emails- Enjoying the calm.
Part 10 of the Emails-Gone
Part 11 of the Email-Chapter -Back to base
Part 12 of the Emails-Decisions
Part 13 of the Emails- Future
Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.
Part 15 of the Emails- Friends For Life
Just get me to him.
Making Arrangements
Unexpected Friend.
Helping Where she can.
Taking Care of Each other.
Who do they think they are?
Healing at Walter Reed
Games to be played.
Putting her Food Down.
Don't Let Her.
One step closer.
Legalities Be Dammed.
I am no hero, I am but a simple Marine.
Home at last.
Settling in.
3 is more fun.
Too thin.
Seeing it from the other side.
Armed Harm.
Hiding in plain site.
Sunday Funday.
Wedding plans.
Two can play that game.
Happy Birthday Harmony.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
Harmony knows.
Surprise Dinner.
Surprise dinner Part 2
Welcome home.
There home.
Just need him
Harmony's Wish.

Part 2 of the Emails

7K 183 28
By Heatherdeane83

May 23rd 2017- Montana


Hi, Brian asked me to write you. Said you could use a pal cause you did not have one. You do now. That is if your OK with it. I could use another friend to be honest. I don't make them that easy. I will keep this one short because I don't really know what to talk about. I'll tell you a little about me.

My name is Harmony Ann Rae. I was born in Billings Montana and raised not far from it. I am 19. Don't even say it. I know I'm young. I get that all the time. I am sole owner of A cherry on top bakery. Its my baby. I'll tell you more about that another time. I have no family other them Brian and Momma C. She was my moms best friend. I love to hunt and fish. Camp but don't like cold showers. I am not a girls girl. I can dress up but don't often. Prefer Brian's old shirts and jeans. I like to collect aprons. I have a few funny ones. I also have a thing for Lingerie. Blaming that on Brian. I love to cook and bake. Baking is my out, that and running but in Montana I don't get a lot of that. The treadmill is not the same thing but use them If I have to. I have never traveled out side of Montana. Don't see the need to at the moment. Everything I love is here other then a certain Marine that is in a bunk near you. That's enough about me. Hugs. Btw I'm a hugger.

                                                                  Your new maybe friend?

                                                                        Harmony Aka Harm

P.s. What do you want sent in the next box? Gotta have a special treat.

Sends a picture of herself and Momma C covered in flour, a full case of baked goods in the back grounds, a funny apron on them both.

May 29th 2017 Iraq


Thanks for the email. Brian asked me about writing you and honestly I was not so sure but after reading your message I figured why not. He is a good man. I am also not good with people at times. I don't have family other then my Marine corp family. Don't get me wrong there amazing but I think it would be nice to write to someone out side the corp. Someone state side. I don't know what to say honestly. So here goes.

My name is Calvin Seth Markson. I was born in Ohio and spent the first 18 years of my life there. On my 18th birthday I left for boot camp. After that I never went back. I have nothing there. I am 34 years old. I have traveled but all for military purposes. Ohh I forgot. I do have four buddies err business partners. I did not forget about them. Just forget sometimes there not all Marines. One was in the air force and one in the Navy. He is seaman. I pick on him about it but that's for another time. Anyways I live the Corp. Its my life. When there is no reason to go back to a place I called hmm cant say I called it home either. I'm more of a nomad of sorts. I go where the corp sends me. I don't remember the last email I wrote that was not work related. I like to wear my fatigues. Another thing to think about. I don't have anything to wear other then my soldier stuff. I guess I have no life outside the corp. Don't ask me to bake or help in the kitchen. Something will end up on fire. I can cook a mean piece of bacon and know a microwave pretty well. Can peel potatoes like no ones business due to that being my foster parents favorite chore for me. I don't want you to think the corp is bad. At all. It saved me from a life of bad shit. I was doing some stuff I should not and they turned me into a man. So I hope that gives you an idea of who I am. Feel free to ask me anything. I will do my best to answer with honesty. Many well wishes. Now this Marine need to shower and eat. Brian shared his cookies with me. The lemon shortbread. They were divine. Anything lemon is my thing. I don't know why other then its bright. A lot of the food we get here is dull. Thank you for the email and cookies. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

                                                                                                    Your new friend.

                                                                                                   Calvin aka Cal.

P.s. Your remind me of a 50's pinup. Love the frilly aprons you and Momma C are rocking. She is beautiful too. Your lips have a smile on them but it does not meet your eyes. I just want you to know I see that.

May 29th 2017-Iraq.

Hey babe,

Just got back. Got a shower then went to my computer to check for messages. I'm not mad about you telling mom and dads. They do deserve to know. At least two of them do. The other can piss off. I am skipping chow because I would rather eat your goodies. Damn I wish I could eat you instead. Wont even lie but I am going to have to settle for jerky and pb bars and cookies and a coke. Cal mentioned you wrote him. I appreciate it. He said it with a smile too. That's what you do to me so I'm happy. Your comment about not being sexy is utter bull shit and don't keep up or well you know. You could be wearing a potato sack and you would be the sexiest woman living. Your beauty is not just skin deep. I know you babe. Your giving and sweet and kind. You always want to help others and make them feel amazing. Your perfect for me. My soft sweet better half. Let me think about the culvert. I would say for now just walk down in. Its a pain in the ass I know but I don't want you stuck up there. No neighbors for a bit. Make sure you carry. I got the email about my pistol being done. Its paid in full when you go to billings would you pick it up for me please? I'm tired our and pt first thing. I love ya babes. Sending you a picture of a puppy we found today. don't know he is going to make it. Pray for him please. Hugs and bites. Yummy Bites.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

                                                                                                                  Your missing you man,

                                                                                                      Brian aka your blue balled soldier

P.s. I need more jerky. Think you can get some or make some?

May 30th 2017 Montana


Babe, I glad your not mad about your parent knowing. Your stubborn when it comes to that. I wish you would forgive him. He was only doing what he thought was right. He does love you. More then you care to admit. I guess the way I look at it is I wish I had my parents here to be mad at. I would give my left arm to have them here. It all worked out for the best in the end. Were together and that's all that matters I suppose. Anyways your buddy Cal sounds nice. He needs to find more to live for then the Corp. I understand its its life but having nothing or no one but marines corps does not seem healthy. I hope I can be that for him. I will pick up your gun when I go for the monthly restock for the bakery and the house. I know you find me sexy all the time but at times I don't. Glad I have you to put me in my place. I wish you were home so I could cook for you or better yet we could together. Us in the kitchen is one of my favorite things in the world. The touches, the kisses. The stolen caresses. The love that happens. I know its one thing I hope we do the rest of our lives. Be ninety and were still making dinner. Besides your the grill master. I think I could but why do it when I have you to make the perfect steaks. I'm off to the bakery. I have a cake order due. Let Cal know I'll message him later. My man comes first. Love you tons and more.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

                                                                                                        Your loving Girlfriend.


P.s. I find you tasty as well. Having your cock in my mouth is a treat.

P.p.s. Will make jerky in a day or so. Need to take out the mix and what not. Expect it in two weeks. Will make ten lbs is that's enough. Half beef, Half Venison. Half of each in stick, Some sweet, Some hot. I know you. You like your variety, I mean look at the lingerie you buy me. Also will make some chicken treats for your new pal.

May 30th 2017 Montana


Hi. Glad to know you like my cookies. It makes me feel good. I am going to send out a bunch of stuff in like four days. Ask Brian for your package. He may try to eat it on you. I know him with jerky. He is a damn pig. I love him but I'm honest. I feel bad for you. Sounds like you had a shit childhood. I had a great one, up until I was about 16. Then life at school became hell. Then at 17 my life changed in a major way. I never expected it to. One never does expect there parents to die and them to almost die too. Brian saved me. That night and then again when I lost my shit. Its a long story and I'll get into another time. It would take a little of Brian's Jack and my bed. Not tonight. I'm sitting here at the bakery getting ready to turn off the lights. I have finished the cake for tomorrow for a special little boy named Mark. He is battling cancer and loves Batman. So I made him a cake to honor his remission. He is an amazing kid. Love him. Also make cupcakes for a event at the YMCA a few towns over. Started prepping for a wedding cake for this weekend coming up. I think I am going to go home, take a shower or bath, take out meat for the jerky for you and Brian and you people, take out a roast for the crock pot then hit the hay. If I can sleep. So tell me more about you. I want to know it all. Just random stuff I guess. I'll tell you some random things about me.

I hate muddy boots in my house. If someone wears them my bitch switch will go off. I tell you. I love the feeling of fluffy carpet on my bare feet. I like to sit at the end of the dock at the lake and just be. Its my perfect spot. Ohh another thing. I drink a lot of iced coffee. More then I should. Its bad for me. I have cut back to one a day but sometimes I just need the sugar. One more random thing. I want to learn how to use power tools. So I can make my own stuff for the bakery. Right now I have someone who helps with it.

Well good night, Sweet dreams. Many hugs.

                                                                                                Your friend forever,


P.s. Thanks for the compliment about being a pinup. I think that's cute. Great idea for some shots to send Brian.

Sends a picture of Muddy boots in the garage. One blue rubber with cup cakes on them one black rubber pair that are plain.

May 31st 2017 Iraq.


Thanks for getting back to me so quick. You sound so busy. I don't know how you do it. So tell me about your parents? Not what happened just what they were like? Also I make sure Brian gives me fair share of goodies or else. Btw the puppy we found is going great. He has some large paws. Thinking some sort of shepherd. Maybe sending flea stuff and shampoo and DE-wormer and food would be a good idea. I don't know whats going to happen to him but for now he is a safe. I'll tell you a few random things. I don't like muddy boots either. I think that a house should be kept clean. I'm not above helping with household chores. If I can make it dirty I can make it clean. I don't like being cold. I like toasty warm. I would love to learn to make sausage. Odd thing but sounds fun. I hated how cold Alaska was but the training was amazing. I have always wanted to make love in front of a fire place. Not sure if I should be telling you that but its all good. I'm getting ready to suit up soon to play test dummy for the dog to bite. Sounds like fun right? Lol. Wish me luck Cupcake. Btw I love your boots. I guess hugs? Not wanting to cross a line here. But I think hugs are ok? Help please.

                                                                                                             Your friend.

                                                                                             Cal aka doggy chew toy.

p.s. So what kind of desserts do you like to do most?

Sends a picture of some padding

June 1st 2017


Sorry I did not get back to you yesterday but Cal umm. He had to get stitches. I'll let him tell you about it. Its funny. At least it is for me. Him not so much. As for Ken goes. Aka one of my dads, Well he should have kept his nose out of my business. When shit when down with your parents it was not the time to try to start shit about us being together because of your age. It's not like it was about sex. He could not get that. Fuck your still a virgin and will remain so until our wedding day. He has no right to demand that when you needed me most that you be someplace else. Then tell you your parents would be disappointed in you. Like hell. Your dad wanted us to be together. We both know that. I think he was just hurting and being an asshole. Until he admits that shady shit he pulled was wrong then he can go to hell. He almost cost my military career. I could have gone to jail for the shit he pulled. Over two fucking weeks never the less and Momma C was here for the first week of it. So yeah. I miss them but I cant think about it right now.

So Cal asked me if was ok to sign his letter with the word hugs. I don't care. Sign it kisses too for all that matters. He does seem super happy. I mean its Cal. So one cant tell. He keeps his emotions in check as we all do.

So we should start thinking about where were going to build the house? I think we have an idea but need to start thinking about what we want in it. I know the only thing I need is you there in the kitchen. In our bed. In my arms. You have no clue what you mean to me. You say I saved you well you saved me too. Your my angel Harm. You don't know what having you at home waiting for me does for me. That I have a future Matthews waiting on me to get home and make her legally mine. You to make me legally yours. How have you been holding up? Please tell me your sleeping and eating and taking lost of baths? I noticed you have not touched the money for the house? Whats going on with that?. if you need anything let me know. I love you.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always

                                                                                              Your Man, Your future husband.


P.s. Sending you A picture of Cal's injury because I know he would not. Its not that bad.

Sends two pictures. One of a butt cheek with the underwear pulled up. Blue ones. A dog bite with a bunch of stitches. Lots of bruising. Second one is of two guys and a girl. One is Brian. Does not say who the others are. There all in there camo. Tats showing, guns on there hips, arms crossed. Bad ass at its best. All three are wearing sung glasses. 


Hi, Brian asked me to write you. Said you could use a pal cause you did not have one. You do now. That is if your OK with it. I could use another friend to be honest. I don't make them that easy. I will keep this one short because I don't really know what to talk about. I'll tell you a little about me.

My name is Harmony Ann Rae. I was born in Billings Montana and raised not far from it. I am 19. Don't even say it. I know I'm young. I get that all the time. I am sole owner of A cherry on top bakery. Its my baby. I'll tell you more about that another time. I have no family other them Brian and Momma C. She was my moms best friend. I love to hunt and fish. Camp but don't like cold showers. I am not a girls girl. I can dress up but don't often. Prefer Brian's old shirts and jeans. I like to collect aprons. I have a few funny ones. I also have a thing for Lingerie. Blaming that on Brian. I love to cook and bake. Baking is my out, that and running but in Montana I don't get a lot of that. The treadmill is not the same thing but use them If I have to. I have never traveled out side of Montana. Don't see the need to at the moment. Everything I love is here other then a certain Marine that is in a bunk near you. That's enough about me. Hugs. Btw I'm a hugger.

Your new maybe friend?

Harmony Aka Harm

P.s. What do you want sent in the next box? Gotta have a special treat.

Sends a picture of herself and Momma C covered in flour, a full case of baked goods in the back grounds, a funny apron on them both.

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