The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Charter 12. There's More To You

2.1K 47 79

(Y/N) POV.
I slowly stirred in my bed. Still feeling very sleepy, eyes still heavy and iron. I start to slowly. Very slowly wake up. But it was honestly a fight to even wake up. I don't know what's worse a fight to stay wake, or a fight to wake up. " *yawn* aw man..." I mutter. I then stretch my legs and thighs. I go to stretch my arms. But something stops me. "Huh?" I question. I try to get up, again I stopped. I turn to my left. To see...... A certain red head.....

I nearly scream, but I cover my mouth to block it. "HOLYFUCKHOLYFUCKHOLYFUCK!!!" I scream in my head. I try to back away, but something less had a grip on me. I turn my right, and I see her adopted sister.... Her arms also around me. "OH SHI-....!!" I cover my mouth. Praying no one heard me let out a small scream....Nothing. I sighed. "Oh thank god." I sighed. Until "Morning..." A voice said. My eyes winded. I turn my head. Yang was awake. "Yang.... What... The fuck... Are you doing in my bed!?" I ask her as quietly as I could. "Well that's kinda rude." Yang said smiling a bit. Again, having this tone in her voice. "But, I'll let it go. Especially for a kind cutie like you~." Yang said. She then sits up, and slowly starts to crawl over to him. "Y-Yang...?" I question. I keep moving back. She then crawls, beside me. Growing ever closer. My face grew more red each time. "Y-Yang stop it...stop being flirting please!" I said quietly. "Why~?" Yang asks. "I know you find me pretty." She said.

Yang winks at my and smiles. Making my face feel like lava. Hotter then lava. "Every boy would do anything for a girl to sleep next to them, soo~" Yang then grabs me and brings me back to where Ruby was sleeping. She again wrapped her arms around me. I was about to die of embarrassment. She hugs me so close to her body, and she presses me against sleeping Ruby. "Look im not gonna do anything weird... I just wanna cuddle ok? And we have all night. The night's still young." Yang mutters, then she snuggling into my chest. I blush hot red. Redder then Ruby's battle skirt. "Y-Y-Yang...?" I softly studded. "Shh sorry (Y/N) but just relax. I grantee you you'll ever joy it soon. Just feel our warmth..." Yang softly mutters. "Yang why....?" I mutter. "(Y/N), it's ok though... Just relax and enjoy it. Don't you like it?" She asks. "No-no but yes- I'M MEAN NO- OR YES- I MEAN-" Yang cuts me off. "(Y/N) it's ok. Just close your eyes. It's ok." Yang mutters again. I then uncomfortable close my eyes, trying to fall back asleep, do to it still not being morning. "Why Yang..." I mutter.

Timeskip. Morning.
I had such a difficult and embarrassing time last night. But, I rather not talk about it.... But. Where I, Yang and Ruby we're right now is the locker room. Where in encountered a boy black haired boy with a pink streak through it. And a girl with orange hair. Who was a hyper energetic girl. She kinda reminded me of Ruby. But she was a different way of hyper. And this black haired boy was a very chill kind of guy. Like things don't really get under his skin. I believe his name is Ren. And the girl is named Nora. Since the two said there names aloud. Especially Nora. Like she can say his name so many times to which if you'd take shots each time she said it, you'll be stumbling drunk.

And she talks hella fast. Like I could barely keep up. She said something about teams...or something but it went something like this. "What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work, he has the school. I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal! *gasp* a secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a Sloth?" She asks...... As some godlike speed. "Nora... " "Yes Ren?" She asks him. "I don't think sloths make a lot of noise." Ren said. I'm absolutely amazed how calm voiced he is. Especially Nora. Can't tell if there friends or a couple. Maybe I'll ask them. Nora continues her fast talking. "That's why it's perfect! One one will suspect we're working together." She said. I did a massive faceplate.

"Come on Nora. Let's go." He said as the two walk off. Nora happily following. While saying. "But not, 'Together' together. *giggle*." I think they look like a couple. But maybe I'm wrong. "Wonder what those two are so worked up about." Ruby asks as she goes through ther locker. While I sat on a bench with Yang. But she soon stood up. "Oh, who! You seem awfully chipper this morning." Yang said. "Yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you stuff. Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby said hugging her gun. "Adorable." I mutter. "Well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together." Yang said. "Ugh, you should like dad! Ok, first of all what dose meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!" Ruby said crossing her arms. "PFF HAHAHA!" I laughed. "It's not funny it's true! You shouldn't be talking. Your not even going to the woods." Ruby said. "Speaking of that. What dose Ozpin need you for?" Yang asks. "I don't know.... Talk to me about something most likely. " So are you just gonna be assistant a team or something?" Ruby asks. "Is that a thing here? Teams?" I question. "Yeah. Today is the day you get to be assigned your teams." Yang explined. "And Ozpin really picked a bad day to have a meeting with you." Yang said turning her head to the right looking off in the distance. "Please don't remind me... " I mutter. "Why do you look scared?" Ruby asks. "Because I have this weird feeling he's gonna talk to me about something, more... Dark. I don't know why." (Y/N) said. "It's just a talk
(Y/N). It's not like he's gonna yell at you. You'll be fine." Ruby said. I give a small girn. "Thanks Ruby." I said.

"Awww Ruby that's so cute!" Yang exclaimed. Ruby then gentle punches her. "Well. You two Be careful. I wish you all the luck in the world." I said. They smile warm smiles. It makes my heart jump. And heat up in my face. I try to hid it. "Is something wrong?" Ruby asks. "No, just rubbing some sore muscles..." I said. "Oh ok." Ruby said. Got away with it. Ruby and Yang then suddenly started to talk about this team thing again. I didn't catch everything because another hunger pain hit me. So I got distracted. "Uhm, I don't know, i-i'll just be on your team or something..." Ruby said. "Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang suggests. Kinda sounding worried. While stroking her long fluffy hair. I really wanna touch it. It looks so soft. But Ruby was honestly offended by Yang's suggestion. "My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!?" Ruby asks having one angry expression. "W-what!?! No! Of course I do, I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you break out of your shell!" She examined putting her hands up. "What the!? I don't need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely-" "Ridiculous!" Jaime cuts in. "There's no way I can out my gear in locker 636 yesterday!?" He exclaimed. "I would've remembered having to count that high!" Poor Jaune having more problems. "Ugh, why dose this have to happen today!?" He shouts. Walking by Weiss and a bright red haired girl. Until I found out her name is Pyrrha. "So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you would like to be on? I'm sure everyone much be eager to unite with such a strong, well known individual, such as yourself?" Weiss asks. "Hmm... I'm not quite sure. I'm planning on letting the chips fall where they may." Pyrrha responded. "Well, I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together." Weiss said. "Well that sound grand!" Pyrrha exclaimed. "Great!" Weiss replies. When randomly

"This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class. Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now: We'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, well get perfect grades! Nothing could come between us now!" Weiss said with the most evil smile.... Ever seen by man. "You know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune said. Weiss looks irritated. "You again?" She asks. "Nice to meet you Jaune." Pyrrha said waving and having a smile. He then pushes past her. "Boi seriously!?" I shout in my head. "Yeah, yeah. So, Weiss! Couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day." Jaune said. Weiss was not having it. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." "Don't worry, no need to be embarrassed! So, been hearin' rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me could make a good one. What do you say?" Jaune asks. Being very bad at making a girlfriend.

"Actually, I think the teams are comprised of 4 students each so-" "You don't say." Jaune was not making a good example. And especially to Pyrrha. "Well, hot-stuff, play your cards right and maybe you could join up with the winning team." He said to Pyrrha. I faceplam. Weiss bolts in. "Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who your talking to?" She asks. "Not in the slightest, Snow Angel~." He said. With a flirty tone. "Oh my FUCK Jaune!" I shout. "(Y/N) don't ruin the moment just because I'm doing this." Jaune said. "Your runining your own moment." I replied. "Hello again!" Pyrrha said happily. "Aww." I mutter. It was kinda cute how she's being kind while Jaune, not to be mean, being a tool. "Pyrrha graduate top of her class at Sanctum." Weiss explained. "Never heard of it." Jaune said. "Ah! She's won the Mistrial Regional Tournament 4 years in a row... A new record!" Weiss exclaimed. "The what?" Jaune questions. Weiss made a you are so dumb look. And Pyrrha looked concern. "It's a tournament bro. You know? Fighting people to win? Beat everyone to make it to the top? Any of that make since blondie? Ya dents?" I asked. "Uhh...." Jaune was, STILL. Confused.

Weiss had enough. While waving her arms at light speed, she shouts "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!" Jaune FINALLY got it. "*gasp* That's you? They only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!" Jaune exclaimed. "Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you." Pyrrha said. "So, after hearing all of that, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?" Weiss asks. "I guess not... Sorry..." Jaune apologies. "Actually Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader." Pyrrha said. "D'oh, stop it!" Jaune said acting like he's all flustered. "Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged!" Weiss said putting her hands on her waist. "Sounds like Pyrrha on board for team Jaune. Spots are filling quick. Now I'm not supposed to do, but, maybe I could pull some strings. Find a place for you. What do you say?" Jaune asks leaning into her face. "Alright, that's a bit too close! Pyrrha, a little help please!?" Weiss asks. She did just that. As Pyrrha chucks a spear at him! Sending him flying. "Ahhh!" He yells. "Ooh." I mutter. "I'm sorry!" Pyrrha shouts. Feeling bad. Then the announcer spoke. "Would all first year students please report to Beacon Clift for initiation? Again, all first year students report to Beacon Clift immediately." Glynda said in the intercom. "Clift? What the hell kind of school has a clift?" I asked. "This one." Weiss said. I make a straight face. "I'll see you around." Weiss said walking to her destination. "Yeah good luck! Careful!" I shout back. "Thank you!" She replies. "Pyrrha walks by the pinned down Jaune. " Nice meeting you!" She said grabbing her spear back. He falls into the ground. "*sigh* Likewise." Jaune said softly. "Havin' some trouble there, Ladykiller?" Ruby teases. "Oooo, ouch." I said. "Be quite (Y/N)..." He mutters. "You know I'm right." I said. He rolls his eyes. And he pouts. "I don't understand... My dad said all woman look for is confidence." Jaune said as Ruby helps him up. "Where did I go wrong!?" He asks. " 'Snow Angel' probably wasn't the best start." Yang said. "Well (Y/N), well see you when we make our teams." Yang said turning to him. "Yeah see ya guys. Again be careful and I wish you all the luck." I said. They smile. Even Jaune. "Thanks!" Ruby said happliy back. They make there way to the Beacon Clift. While I walk out the locker rooms and to find Ozpin's office.

I've been wonder though these halls for quiet sometime now..... And I still can't find this old man's office.... Or any important room in this big ass school....... I can escape from many lab with crazy ass people, I have super human strength, speed and durability..... But I CAN'T. FIND. ANY SIMPLE, ROOM!!!!! IN THIS FUCKING SCHOOL!!!!! What's worse was that I was having those hunger pains again, only fueling my irritation. Especially since it grows more and more painful. And there wasn't the any vending machines in sight. "I'm running on fumes... I'm digesting my own stomach..." I groan. I hold my stomach with both my hands. Like that'll help. The pain continues. Growls emits from my gut as it tells me that I need food. "Aw fuck....where is that damn office!?" I question to myself. I keep walking, slowly dying of hunger, until. "GAK!" "AWW!" I again, run into someone. I fall but save myself before I fall fully down. So I just landed on my bottom. Still hurt though. "Oh I'm sorry miss-!" "Come on watch where your going!" The female voice cut me off. Her voice has some serious sass and attitude in it. Reminding me of Weiss. I finally look at the girl. Another blonde haired girl. Not that I'm complaining, i'm just saying. There is a lot of blondes. Like damn this is the third or fourth one I've seen. "I-im sorry miss...! I was just trying to find-" "What!? Trying to do that thing where you bump into a girl and try to grab something perverted!?" She questions angerly. "Wait what? No! The hell?" I said with a confused and worried face. "Ooooh sure! Trying to act all innocent..." She said glaring daggers at me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by another voice. "Mistress!" The voice exclaimed. "What happened!?" She asks. The blonde girl with a red bunny ear like bow on her head, which I just now noticed glared at me again. "This pervert here was trying to touch me." She said. The girl who just joined our conversation look at me, with one scary-ass look. "How dare you touch mistress like that....💢" She mutters pissed as hell. "Wait, wait, wait, wait! L-let me explain!" I said quickly. This girl looked like she was gonna kill me. And her blonde friend was basically framing me for an accident. "Wait, wait, wait hold on! Hold on!" I exclained. "Before I die let me expline! I bumped into her but it was an accident! She jumped onto conclusion!" I said quickly. "I swear on my own grave it was an accident!" I yelled. The dark blue haired girl and the blonde girl looked at me suspiciously. "Hmmm..... Fine. Well believe you." The blonde girl said. "*sigh* oh thank you-" "BUT. I will have my eyes on you...." She said giving me.... A terrifying look. "Y-yes, yes ma'am..." I mutter. "Good." She said. I got good look at them. And I must say.... For giving me scary threats. They are.... Kinda pretty.... The blonde girl still look irritated though.

"Again.... Sorry.... Um... But could I ask you something?" I asked. "What?" The blonde girl asks. Sounding less mad. "Where could I find Professor Ozpin's office?" I asked. After she gave me some somewhat confusing directions, I finally found out where the hell this dumb office is. "Thank you! Thank you...." I pause. Not know this girl's name. "Chitoge." She said. She then looks at her dark haired blue friend. "I guess if Mistress is giving you her namme, I guess I'll tell you mine." She mutters crossing her arms. "Tsugumi." She mutters. "N-nice names. Well, i'll be taking my leave. See ya!" I exclaimed speeding off. Not turning around. Those girls could have done something....bad to me. If hadn't reacted as fast as I did.

Finally, FINALLY...... I found the office. "AwwWwWwww.... Finally.... " I moan in relieved. After entering an elevator to the man's office. I lean against the wall in the elevator. Thinking and reflecting on life. Manly, the night I escaped. "Would GenTek really just give chasing me like that? Would they.....? And would Ozpin believe me, or would he think I'm a crazy ass? No.... No GenTek wouldn't just give up on me like that. Not after the effort they put in to keep me there.... I have to keep guard and keep a look out for any GenTek bullshit... " I mutter. Finally. A doors open. And Ozpin's office is reviled. "Woah...." I mutter. I step in. Impressed. "Nice Office." I said to myself. "Why tha k you." A voice said scaring the soul out of me. "DAH! Uh? O-Ozpin...?" I question. "Arnt you suppost to be at the Clift?" In asked pointing my hand off to the distance. "Yes but I ask Me Glynda to take over for me while we have our meeting." He explained. "Oh.... Well...." I said. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked. His face went serious. "Many things (Y/N). After that night we met with Ms Ruby Rose, As you were settling in. I started to research a few things.... A few things that, contact. To you." He explained. My eyes went wide. "We have a lot to discuss about. And after my research, I realized." Ozpin starts. "There's more to you then you think." He said.


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