That One's Mine! -Ryan Haywoo...

By AH_LilMadFree

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For Hannah's birthday her sister/best friend Ashlynn gets her tickets to go on a tour at RoosterTeeth. She's... More

Chapter 1: Don't Say it.
Chapter 2: Birthday Tour- Behind the Scenes
Chapter 3: 'Hi Hannah'
Chapter 4: She's Back!
Chapter 5: 'See you again?'
Chapter 6: 'Boo!'
Chapter 7: Romantic Picnic.
Chapter 8: A Wonderful Weekend
Chapter 9: Geoff's Proposition.
Chapter 10: Darkly Protective
Chapter 11: Found Him
Chapter 12: The Storm
Chapter 13: My New Favorite Game.
Chapter 14: Worst & Best Job's (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Worst & Best Job's (Part 2)
Chapter 16: The Long Flight
Chapter 17: What a Surprise...
Chapter 19: The Fighting Begins...
Chapter 20: A Pleasent Surprise
Chapter 21: Seriously Mom?!
Chapter 22: An Anniversary Outting
Chapter 23: The Gentleman
Chapter 24: Home at last...
Chapter 25: Lock Up
Chapter 26: Am I Sick... or?...
Chapter 27: Q&A
Chapter 28: So! You're...
Chapter 29: I Can't Even...
Chapter 30: Last Day: RTX
Chapter 31: News Breaker
Chapter 32: "Together"
Chapter 33: Let's Name!
Chapter 34: Damn Hormones!

Chapter 18: Family

1.6K 36 14
By AH_LilMadFree

(No SOTC This time, Can't find anything that matches that I like. Sorry)

-Next Day, Afternoon-

 I walked into the living room to play xbox with Azura, Yea, we have something in common. I'm very impressed in her gaming skills. She put in Mortal Kombat 9 and set it up, "Who you gonna be?" She asked.

"I don't know, maybe Rain, I love Rain." I smiled as I sat down on the floor in front of the tv with her. "How about you?" I asked as I selected Rain and a costume for him.

"I'm gonna be Sheeva!"

"She's a cheating character! you can just tap down and up on the stick and she flies in the air and lands on you! She sucks!" I whined. I forgot I was playing with a 7yr old. 

"No she's not! how about Baraka?" She asked as she looked at me.

"She totally is!" I chuckled. "Baraka was my first favorite character when I started playing this game when I was your age." I admitted. 

"Baraka Rules!" She giggled. I nodded as she kicked my ass.

"What!? Ok I'm not going easy on you!!!" I shouted, throwing my hands up. The next round I kicked her ass, she was a good sport about it. "Let's make a deal, Whoever wins 2 more rounds. they get the last ice cream bar that's in the freezer, deal?"

"Deal!" She shouted as another round started. 

After the rounds were met, I won. I got up and ran to the kitchen and got the Ice cream. I ran back in the living room and sat back beside Azura. I smiled and opened the bar and handed it to her.

"But you won..." She said, I shrugged and smiled. 

"I want you to have it, you're a great sport, You deserve it." I smirked and she took it.

"Thank you." She smiled as she took a big bite out of the bar.

"Hey! Everyone's showing up! Stop playing games and come out back!" Mom scolded, I mumbled curses under my breath as I stood back up. As I stood straight Azura stood up too and took my hand. I smiled and we walked out back.

Azura ran off with the other kids and started playing as she finished her ice cream. I smiled, I think I like that little kid. I was pulled from my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Is that my favorite Niece!?" My Uncle boomed. "Hannah! You've Grown!" He smiled brightly.

"Uncle Kitty!" I ran up to him and hugged him, He hugged back and kissed the top of my head.

"How are you!? I heard you found a boyfriend, is he here? Do I need to talk to him? Is he treating you alright? Do I need to pull out my gun and clean it?" He asked, in a serious tone, he has always been protective of me, I don't know why. I mean, Yea, I was his only niece, but you know.

I chuckled, "He's not here sadly, our boss wouldn't let him take a week off... It really sucks, and no keep your gun put away, he treats me perfectly, Don't worry Uncle." I smiled, we started walking and we ended up out front.

"How have you been?" Uncle asked, I shrugged.

"Good actually, I found the love of my life, I have the best Job in the world, I am away from the family..." I mumbled the last part.

"Why did you leave?" He asked, we sat down on the grass in the shade, looking at the sky.

"Life turned to shit, everyone was taking mom's side and no one believed me. Mom always yelled at me and called me a bitch and she even once said that she wished that she never had a child..." I sighed, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Really?,,, I didn't know, I'm sorry, I was always on your side." He sighed, relaxing as he laid down.

"Yea, I know, Besides you, Ash was always on my side too."

"Did I just hear my name?" Ash said, walking up behind us. "What's up? Hey Uncle K." she asked.

"Nothing much. How are you?"

"Good, thank you. Hey Hannah, You need to come back out back, I have a surprise for you." Ash said. I sighed and got up, "You coming Uncle K?" she asked.

"Yea I'll be there soon." He smiled. We nodded and left. When we got back in the back my eyes were blinded by hands.

"Guess Who.." The voice spoke, it had a slight tint of country in it.

"I don't know, tell me." I said, sighing.

"Really? You don't remember me?" The person took their hands off my eyes and I spun around. My mouth dropped.

"JOEY?!" I shouted, smiling like a idiot. "OH MY GOD!!!" I hugged him, my best friend from my childhood was here.

"My God! You've grown!"

"So I've been told, you look great!" I smiled, letting go.

"I havent seen you in years, I lost your number." He sighed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I'll give you my number later. Let's talk about how you and Debi are! Did you 2 get married?!" I asked, squealing slightly.

"Yep! We're a happy Married couple." He smiled, "So, Ryan, Is he good to you?"

I sighed, "Yes, He is. How do you know his name though?" I asked, getting a Dr. Pepper.

"Ashlynn, She filled me in." He smiled, I rolled my eyes as some other family Member's started walking up to me and talking to me, it became awkward quickly though.

-Ryan's PoV-

I sighed, working on my own footage on '7 Ways To Die'. Then Hannah's voice filled my ears, I missed her. I smiled and turned it up, Listening to every word she said. I saved what I edited and decided to call her. I Pulled out my phone and selected her contacts list and it started ringing.

"Hey Baby!" She chirped, I smiled.

"Hey babe, how are you? How was the reunion?" I said, looking at the clock, it was 10pm here.

"Good," She groaned. "Hold on let me go somewhere more quiet, Joey won't shut up and He's yelling at the tv" she said as I heard "YOU STUPID IDIOT! IT'S LLAMA! LLAMA!!!" in the background. Then it became quiet, "Alright, I'm outside, How are you babe?" She asked.

"Good, I miss you. Do you know what day you'll be on your way back home?" I asked, Hoping it wouldn't be longer than another few days.

"I don't know, I wish I was home. Azura Kicked my ass today! She's great at Mortal Kombat! She used my favorite Character from MK2, Baraka. It was awesome."

"That's awesome, I'm taking it that you're getting attached to her." I smirked, chuckling slightly.

"Yea, she's cool. I want you to meet her. I wish you were here..." She whimpered.

"I wish I was too. We'll see each other soon." I sighed, relaxing in my seat.

"I love you Ryan."

"I love you too baby.." I smiled.

"Hannah! Joey Want's you!" Someone yelled.


"Go ahead and go baby, I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'm gonna head home anyways." Which was true, I started shutting everything down.

"Aw, but..." she sighed, "alright, I love and miss you baby, Kiss the animals for me."

"I will babe, love and miss you too." I kissed the phone and sighed. She kissed back and hung up. I stood up and collected my things and headed out. I locked everything up and got in my car and headed home.

Once I got home I just went striaght to bed after I let the dogs out and Back in. I walked upstairs and took my pants off and climbed in bed. Sighing as I covered up and closed my eyes.

-Hannah's PoV-

I hung up with Ryan and walked back in the house. "What do you want!?" I snapped. I was not happy that every time I go to talk to Ryan I get interrupted.

"Woah, you mad? I'm sorry, I just wanted to know if you wanted to play Mortal Kombat." Joey threw his hands up in defence.

I growled and shook my head. "No, I'm going to go to bed, I'm Exhausted, sorry Joey." I sighed. Leaving Joey alone in the living room. I walked upstairs and went to the bathroom and then walked into Azura's room. "Hey, I'm going to bed early Azura, Don't worry about being quiet." I smiled as I climbed in her bed.

"Alright, Night sissy." She smiled. That was the first time she called me sissy. I shrugged and curled up, missing Ryan and his warmth... Just a few more day's Hannah, just a few more...

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