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I'll explain!

I am so sorry I haven't been updating! The holidays have kept me so fucking busy and I haven't had time to write at all!

I swore I would update before thanksgiving but so much has happened, I just, couldn't make time to write for shit.

I had just gotten home from spending a whole week at my cousins house for New Years, (which we have stayed up all night and only got about 4 hours of sleep each night) and the ride between my house and my cousin's is 6 hours long and I'm just dead beat tired, so I am catching up on my sleep right now.

Now, on to what's more important right now.
Happy New Years!...bout 6 days late but eh fuck it.

My family (well like 2 people in my family) asked me what my New Years resolution was going to be or if I even had one.
I told them I didn't, but then suddenly, as I was staring at one of my chapters I was currently editing with what I had written down, made me think of one.

My New Years resolution is going to be writing More and to get on a better schedule of posting chapters. So, right now I'm shooting for trying to post a chapter once a week, but I haven't set a day yet.

That's really it. That's all I got lol.
The next chapter that I'm working on will be up sometime this weekend or next weekend (currently going to work on a OWNA chapter) because I have to catch up on homework and all that nasty shit.
Other than that, I'm going to do my best to regularly update once a week.

I'm really tired, so I'm going to sleep now. This will be deleted later possibly. Thank you for reading this and patiently waiting for updates, I'm really trying I swear. I appreciate the feedback and all your kind support.

Tell me in the comments below what your NYResolution's are or if you have any!

Stay Mad!

I love you!💕

That One's Mine! -Ryan Haywood FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant