That One's Mine! -Ryan Haywoo...

By AH_LilMadFree

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For Hannah's birthday her sister/best friend Ashlynn gets her tickets to go on a tour at RoosterTeeth. She's... More

Chapter 1: Don't Say it.
Chapter 2: Birthday Tour- Behind the Scenes
Chapter 3: 'Hi Hannah'
Chapter 4: She's Back!
Chapter 5: 'See you again?'
Chapter 6: 'Boo!'
Chapter 7: Romantic Picnic.
Chapter 8: A Wonderful Weekend
Chapter 9: Geoff's Proposition.
Chapter 10: Darkly Protective
Chapter 11: Found Him
Chapter 12: The Storm
Chapter 13: My New Favorite Game.
Chapter 14: Worst & Best Job's (Part 1)
Chapter 16: The Long Flight
Chapter 17: What a Surprise...
Chapter 18: Family
Chapter 19: The Fighting Begins...
Chapter 20: A Pleasent Surprise
Chapter 21: Seriously Mom?!
Chapter 22: An Anniversary Outting
Chapter 23: The Gentleman
Chapter 24: Home at last...
Chapter 25: Lock Up
Chapter 26: Am I Sick... or?...
Chapter 27: Q&A
Chapter 28: So! You're...
Chapter 29: I Can't Even...
Chapter 30: Last Day: RTX
Chapter 31: News Breaker
Chapter 32: "Together"
Chapter 33: Let's Name!
Chapter 34: Damn Hormones!

Chapter 15: Worst & Best Job's (Part 2)

2.1K 43 13
By AH_LilMadFree

SOTC: 'PDA' -By Backstreet Boys

We started talking about everyone else's bad jobs they hated and then we took a break after a hour went by.
We ate lunch and then came back and started playing the same game again.
"What was your best job Ryan?" Gavin asked. Shit...
"Uhh... I'd say this one is up there." I stuttered slightly.
Geoff chuckled quickly, "up there with what?"
Shit, I don't want to tell them. I felt embarrassed. "Uhh..." I paused. "Well, I did have a job after the pool thing... that was not bad..." I said, they're going to ask what, son of a bitch.
"What was it?" Gavin said.
"It's been a very short amount of time as a s... uhh..." what do I say? I'm gonna be made fun of. I glanced at Hannah as she was looking my way, this doesn't help. This is not helping, I felt more nervous now.
"Sex line worker?" Gavin asked.
"No... well, almost." I sighed.
"He does not want to say it... as a what?" Geoff said smiling brightly and glancing at me.
"He's a little nervous, yea." Jack said, thanks guys, you're not gonna live this down... I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply.
"Spit it out Ryan!" Gavin shouted, smiling also.
"What was it!?" Ray spoke up.
"I..." I paused, looking over at Hannah as she watched me, waiting for my answer. "Was uhh..." I started to speak quietly... mumbling words out as I felt like I was blushing. "Professional model...." I winced slightly.
The room echoed with laughs as Hannah join in with the crew.
"You're professional model?" Jack said as if he was still processing what I just said.
"You do that here!" Ray shouted.
"Why you always complaining about taking photos for Risinger?" Geoff asked, chuckling.
"Cause I sucked at it." I said carelessly, shrugging.
"If you were a professional, clearly you were decent enough , y'know to get paid for it." Jack spoke up, laughing slightly.
"I didn't get paid a lot for it really, thee-thee," I sighed. "My actual work evolved, uhh, I was in one magazine." I bit my lip slightly, trying to think of the name of it.
"What magazine?" Jack asked.
"Saved by the bell magazine?" Gavin smirked. I shook my head.
"I think it was called twist," I said, Jack started laughing. "Still exists."
"Twist magazine." I confirmed.
"Internet go!" Geoff said.
"Go! Find it!" Gavin giggled.
"Good luck if you can find it, uhh.." I heard rapid typing come from Hannah's direction. I glanced over there, sure enough... she was trying to look for it.
"I'm pretty sure tumblr already found it." Ray spoke up.
"And uhh, and I did one run way show which I was dressed up as a gnome... in a magical forest." Gavin was squealing after I said that, Jack and Geoff joining in.
"I need you Internet! I need you badly!" Geoff begged.
"Oh my God!" Jack laughed.
"Internet, please! Ryan as a gnome!!" Gavin said as Jack started laughing, again.
"Uhh, yea- Same..." Ray shook his head.
"The only good part about the job was that I got to go to New York for a while and Milan for a while, that's when uhh I got mono from Italy it was because I was in Milan."
"Milan, isn't that a movie?" Ray repeated.
"Not-Not Mulan, Milan."
Geoff started laughing, "Ohh I'm so happy."
"Unbelievable.." Gavin mumbled.
"Professional Male Model." Jack sighed.
"I-uh-I used to be cute, I don't know what happened... Age." I sighed.

They started talking about the game again, wanting iron and shovels and shit, oh my god... I hope no one finds those pictures of me in a gnome suit. And maybe they'll stop talking about it...

"You did a runway show?.." Gavin asked, I spoke to soon.
"It was less of a runway, they had us all stood around in this like... I was standing-"
"Gnome stand?" Geoff's voice cracked.
"I was standing on a-"
"Sexy gnome." Geoff held Back and laugh.
"I-uuuhhhh" I sighed.
"HOOOORDE!" Geoff yelled.
"Iunno if it was that sexy.. I was standing on a mushroom." I rolled my eyes. Yet again, Jack and Gavin cracked up laughing.
"It just keeps getting better!" Geoff said, smiling like a idiot.
"On the other hand I did get paid $500 an hour, but-"
"Jesus..." Jack mumbled.
"How come we don't get to do that here?" Ray asked.
"You got $500 an hour to stand on a mushroom..." Gavin said.
"Why the hell are you working here?" Ray asked.
"Why'd you ever stop?" Jack asked, can I please answer one question at a time?
"I sucked at it." I said, shifting again.
"They could shove the mushroom up my ass for $500 an hour." Ray said, Gavin giggling like a idiot.
"I'm pretty sure... I'm pretty con-, see I don't mind saying this because I'm pretty confident that no picture of either of these things Exists."
"You don't know that." Ray said.
"Oh no, they exist." Jack said.
"We got a zombie in the compound." Geoff said, whacking one.
"I'm also sure th-... The company that I worked for uhh, they're mail devision also went under so that part is also gone from the Internet so..."
"If it existed somewhere..." Jack said.

Then a zombie horde came and it got off the subject again. I sighed, falling in our trench and shooting a zombie in the head with my crossbow.

-Hannah's PoV-

Oh my God, I can't believe my ears, Ryan, a model!? Kill me now! I kept searching for the photos, having no luck so far. This is unfair.
I glanced at Ryan and smiled, this is gonna be fun teasing him about it.
I just can't believe it, a model... Wow...
"Alright, lets take a small break. I have to take a coffee shit." Geoff said, getting up and taking his headphones off.
Here's my chance, "Hey babe?" I smirked, turning in my chair.
"Yea?" Ryan said, working on GameFails.
I got up and walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Why didn't you tell me you were a model?" I whispered in his ear as I rubbed his chest lightly.
Ryan shrugged, "I don't know, it was a job that I was a little embarrassed about." He sighed.
I giggled slightly, "Don't be, sexy gnome." I nipped his ear lightly. Ryan bit his lip, whimpering slightly.
He sighed, "If anything I'm The Mad King now. Not a 'sexy gnome'." He whispered.
"Fine, but you're still sexy regardless. My Mad King.." I kissed down his jaw to his neck, nipping every now and then.
He coughed to hide a moan, but I heard it and smiled. "What's wrong?" I asked, kissing his soft spot.
He whimpered, "You're not helping me right now babe... and we're at work..." he whispered, turning his chair around. I climbed in his lap and smiled. I made sure I sat right against his crotch and shifted, making sure I grinded against him.
"I'm not helping? Aw, I thought I was." I pouted as I rested my back on his chest, my head laying on his shoulder. Ryan moaned in my ear quietly.
"Well, you were, but in a different area." Ryan said, kissing my cheek and lifting me up and setting me in his leg.
Gavin got up and patted Michael's shoulder. "I'm hungry Micoo, lets go get something to eat." He whimpered.
"What?.. Gavin you just ate like... 2 hours ago-"
"I know! But I didn't eat all my lunch. Lets go." Gavin said, tugging on Michael. Michael sighed and got up, an left with Gavin.
I got up and smiled, "Want something to drink babe?" I asked as he grabbed ahold of my hands.
"Yea, Bring me back a coke please." Ryan smiled. I nodded and our hands slipped apart as I walked away.
I walked out of the office and went into the kitchen to find Gavin and Michael stuffing their faces. "Aye bitches." I smiled as I got Ryan his coke and me a Ginger Ale.
"Ayo!" Gavin muffled as his mouth was full. I shook my head and chuckle.
"Don't inhale all of that at once, you don't want to choke." I warned, just then Gavin started coughing. "See." I raised my brow and shook my head.
"Breathe my Boi breathe!" Michael patted Gavin's back. Gavin inhaled air and coughed.
"Thanks Boi." Gavin smiled, taking a drink of his water. I waved at the lads and walked back to the office. Once I walked in I smiled and walked up behind Ryan, quietly placing our drinks on the floor so I could cover his eyes.
I did as I planned and earned a chuckle from Ryan as his headphones slipped off his head onto his neck. "Guess who..." I whispered in his ear.
"Uhh, Edgar?" He chuckled again quietly as he removed my hands and turned around. "Oh, it's you." He smirked. I playfully slapped his arm and leaned down to grab the drinks, I handed him his coke.
"Is that the last Ginger Ale?" Ryan asked, pointing to my soda. I nodded. "I want it." He smirked. I shook my head no.
"Nuh, you wanted a coke, if you wanted a ginger ale you woulda asked for it but you didn't. So it's mine." I glared at him, "there was no Dr. Peppers so I had to choose this or no soda at all." I said pulling my drink back as he reached for it.
"But I want it..."
"No!" I growled.
"You mean you won't even share with me?" He pouted.
I shook my head, he placed his coke down in his desk and stood up.. shit..
"Hmm..." Ryan smirked, slowly stepping closer to me as I stepped back every time he got closer. "You should give me that drink, Hannah..."
I shook my head, turning around and running towards the door. He quickly grabbed me around my waist and doing a full 360 turn. I squealed as he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, holding on tightly.
"Let me have that drink!" He chuckled, trying to grab it.
"No!" I squealed, kicking my legs. Extending my arm to keep the soda away from him.
"No? I think I can change that." He chuckled as he started walking. I couldn't see as I was trying to hold back laughter. All of a sudden I was tossed of his shoulder onto the couch.
"Mine!!!" I laughed, holding the soda close. Ryan climbed on top of me, smirking. "No! it's mine!" I whined.
"Give me," he paused, getting close to my face. "That soda..." he said, pressing his body against mine.
He growled slightly as he parted my legs and started grinding against me. Just as I was about to moan Ryan connected our lips, pressing his body harder against mine as he deepened the kiss.
I moaned in his mouth as his tongue begged for entry. I allowed him in, his tongue exploring my mouth and battled my tongue.
I was putty in his grasp, I let go of the soda as it landed on my left. He pinned me against the couch and moaned.
"Ryan..." I moaned, breaking the kiss and gasping for air. "You win..." I whimpered.
Ryan chuckled, "I didn't want it." He smirked, connecting our lips again. I closed my eyes and moaned as he continued to grind against me.
He broke the kiss and trailed his kisses against my jaw, to my ear and down my neck. "I wouldn't mind taking you home with me tonight, touching you all in the right places..." He moaned as he nipped my ear. He's killing me... He kissed my soft spot, making me gasp and moan.
Ryan chuckled again and pulled away. I whimpered as he got off me. "Ryan... why?" I asked, shifting to sit up.
"Payback from earlier. Ill take care of you later." Ryan winked as Geoff walked in. "Alright fuckers come on!" Geoff yelled as he popped his head out of the office.
Soon the other guys walked in and looked at me. I growled and pouted. "Cheer up babe, we'll go home soon." Ryan smirked as he sat down in his chair and opened his coke, taking a sip.
They started recording again. I sighed, sitting back at my desk and opening my soda. I took a drink and sat it down, pulling my headphones over my ears and started to edit the latest GTAV video.
I looked at the time and sighed. 3 more hours till we can go home and I can have all of Ryan's attention...

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