Wait... Me! an adopted by bts...

By AshtonPena3

59.4K 1.3K 288

Eun-Kyung is an 12 yr old boy who lives in an orphanage. (a/n I know the name is a girl name but who cares XD... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Not an update
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
about book 2....

chapter 32

933 19 7
By AshtonPena3

Eun pov

I woke up to knocking on my door. I got up and lazily walked to the door. I unlocked it and opened it a little.

"What do you want" I said to namjoon.

"Jin said to come downstairs" he said.

"Tell him I'm not hungry" I said closing the door. I went back to my bed and laid down my arm across my face.

A few minutes passed and I hear knocking on my door again. I groaned and got up. I walked to my door and opened it a little.

"What Jin" I said.

"Come downstairs for breakfast" he said.

"And I told namjoon to tell you I'm not hungry" I told him.

"Eun you didn't eat dinner last night your coming downstairs to have breakfast right now" he said sternly.

"Fine" I sighed. I walked out of my room closing the door on my way out.

I walked downstairs behind Jin and walked to the dining room. Once we reached the dining room I sat down at an empty chair. Jin placed some cereal in front of me and I thanked him.

I sat there occasionally eating the cereal but I was mostly playing with it. Jin sat on the other side of the table eating his cereal but mostly looking at me.

"Do you wanna talk about it" he asked calmly.

"Not really" I said. I continued playing with my food. I heard him sigh and get up to go to the kitchen. He came back and sat down at his chair.

The whole room was quite. No one dared to talk. Jungkook, taehyung and jimin would be talking about some things, namjoon and hoseok would talk about work things or something and yoongi would be sleeping.

But no one was doing that. No one was doing they're everyday thing like they would do. They stayed quite.

"Can I go back to my room" I asked looking at Jin.

"Not until we discuss the whole school thing" he said.

"Well what if I don't want to discuss it" I told him not breaking eye contact with him.

"Then you stay down here until we talk about it" he said.

"Or I could do this" I said getting up going up stairs. I was walking upstairs when someone grabbed my wrist. I look behind me to see Namjoon.

"Let go of me" I said.

"Eun I- why don't you just talk to Jin" he said.

"Cause he won't believe me" I told him.

"Eun I'm sure he wi-"

" NO HE WON'T! HE WON'T CAUSE HE TOLD ME IN THE CAR HE CAN'T BELIEVE ME SO WHAT'S THE POINT IN TALKING ABOUT IT!" I yelled at him. Tears were straming down my face because I was so upset. " JUST LET GO OF ME AND LET ME GO TO MY ROOM" I yelled at him. I pulled my wrist from his grasp and ran to my room. I opened the door and slammed it shut locking it and climbed on my bed. I got my phone and called Mark.

Phone convo with Mark

Mark: hello

Eun: Mark can I come over please

Mark: Eun are you okay? Why are you crying?

Eun: I just- can I come over please Mark

Mark: sure do you need a ride or do you wanna meet somewhere?

Eun: lets meet at the little cafe near my place

Mark: okay see you soon

Eun: okay bye

Mark: bye

Phone convo over

I hanged up and got up from my bed. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I changed my pants to some plain white sweats and put on a black shirt with bambam's jacket on.

I put on some black eyeliner and grabbed my phobe before I went out my room. I unlocked the door and went downstairs.

"Where are you going" Jin said.

"Out" I told him. I walked out the door befire he can ask anymore questions.


(A/N so I updated again yay! Anyway do you have any questions comments concerns you wanna ask just ask kay. Anyway love y'all and thank you for reading my book! 💜💜 bye I'll try to update more)

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