His fake assistant

By tom-yumke

2.8M 86.3K 29.1K

When a bubbly farmer Faye gets sent on a mission by her best friend, the infamous journalist Elizabeth Venice... More

Eww? (1)
My father isn't the king (2)
The billionaire sure loves to cuddle (3)
Doing nothing (4)
The beast woke up (5)
My daily dose of drama (6)
Huge bloke, Marc (7)
20 questions (8)
Say bible (9)
Are we friends? (10)
Does it upset you? (11)
Cookies are a yeah (12)
Sweet...too sweet (13)
Famous? (14)
Taking care (15)
Safe (16)
Be kind, always (17)
Living together (18)
Movie night (19)
Befriend him (20)
Make one (21)
Christmas kiss (22)
It's real (23)
Mother-in-law (24)
Rival for life (25)
Family diner (26)
Heartbroken (27)
Until you (28)
People can't change (29)
It will all be okay (30)
Mine (31)
Broken remote (32)
I'm shook, they shook (33)
Q&A chapter
Fairy lights (34)
I love mushrooms (35)
She said YES! (36)
I'm the villain (37)
Nightmares (38)
Realizations (1)
Drunk Faye (2)
Caged like a doll (3)
Perfect world (4)
Breaking point (5)
The beast is destroyed (6)
Break in? Kind of (7)
Ovulation test (8)
Preg-nant (9)
straight SAVAGE (10)
Lies, lies and lies (11)
Horrible father (12)
Spooky spook (13)
Little snitch (14)
Break the cycle (15) - the end

Epilogue (39)

34K 878 449
By tom-yumke

"He stole my heart so let me steal his last name."



I stared right in front of me, forest green eyes staring back at me... for some reason they looked all so familiar, but at the same time I couldn't recognise them anymore.

Have I lost my mind?

There was a glimmer of pure joy and excitement hidden behind those big orbs, but most of all there was madness and craze... it was the silence before the storm.

The girl who sat behind the mirror was paler than I had remembered, she looked sick, like she had been suffering for months only now facing the consequences of being ill. Big dark under eye bags were dominating her features, bags that she couldn't remember having.

She blinked once and then twice, following my every move.

She couldn't escape, she was trapped inside this mad world... in her own living hell.

My hands reach out, trying to touch the girl in an attempt to comfort her, but my fingers are only met with the cold glass of the mirror.

The reality suddenly comes crashing down as a heavy weight.

      That's me?

I couldn't believe it... where has that once bubbly girl gone?

I've lost my happiness along the way, trying to please others... but where has my own will gone?

I can't do this anymor-



I jump off my chair from the ear shrieking voice of.... who could it be other than our lovely Elizabeth Venice.

Auwchhh! I almost want to cry, my bum hurts so badly. I rub my bum, getting helped pulled up by two friendly girls inside the changing room.

"Thank you", I smile at them forcefully, clenching my teeth from the feeling of my soon to be bruise.

I instantly turn my head around, almost snapping my neck in process... well it's worth it to send my stinky glare to the woman standing behind me.

She had a nasty grin plastered on her magnificent features. She looked like the goddess of calamity, ready to start a war with whomever coming in her way.

Upon first sight she would seem like a strong woman, but I knew that behind that vile face was a very warm person.

Elizabeth Venice, my best friend of over an eternity. If I would tell anyone that I had seen her panic over her losing her favorite pen would probably be a shocker for everyone.

I know that she has a heart of pure gold, even when she never shows it. She even cried during 'Nemo' and the most important part of all is that....

       she would always protect me.

My glare completely vanishes only being replaced by a soft smile, dancing around my lips.

"You're creepy, Faye", Liz laughs, shaking her head multiple times.

I slightly pout a bit, making her smile widen. She seemed very cheerful today.

     "By the way, who even sleeps an hour before their own wedding?", she goes on rambling in a stern tone.

I look down at my fingers, I'm tired, the big dark bags were the prove of it. Although I had enough sleep I couldn't help, but be mentally exhausted.

This all felt like too much for me. This was pure mental torture.

     "Could you please like change her lip color to a glowy lipgloss", Liz points to my lips in disgust, commanding one of the girls who helped me get up.

The girl with short black hair immediately obeys, wiping the lipstick on my lips away.

     "OH MY GOD! WHERE IS HER HIGHLIGHTERRRRR???", she rests the back of her hand on her forehead, making it look as if she was about to faint. "Faye, needs to glow like a goddess! There are going to be soooo many photographers. You can't do her dirty like that."

She shakes her head in disbelief, mouthing to me:"I can't believe those cheap ass girls."

Little did she know how she looked right now with her cheap blond wig.

     Long time no see Lisa-Patricia.


"Faye, it's finally time", Sierra's voice beams happily through the room.

I stand up from the chair, my knees buckling in process. They felled weak, like jello. My angst was taking over my whole body.

"Easy there", she said, holding my arms to support me. "Smile, Faye, it's your wedding day don't be so anxious. I know for a fact that Mason will love you even if you came up in your pyjamas."

I was only able to send her a mere smile, making her even more ecstatic.

We stood in front of a big door which led to the room which was full of people celebrating "our wedding".

"Okay, stand here I'll give sign that you're ready so when you hear the music the doors are going to open and you just have to walk in."

Before I could even think twice she was already gone.


And the piano notes of "Rivers flow in you" from Yiruma was already playing.


The doors open, revealing the full room which was staring right at me..... I looked like a dead fish, staring back at them.

Welp, this is awkward.

I've always hated being the centre of attention, but this is way too much.

"Faye", Sierra whispered softly to me, making me fall back to the reality.

I look right in front of me.... and there he stood.

In the middle of the gigantic room stood Mason. He looked magnificent in his black suit.... and his Bordeaux red tie which I had bought for him.

His smile lit the whole room up. He was mesmerizing, his whole frame immediately calmed me down and gave me the energy to walk up to him.

The surroundings in the room vanished. I wasn't aware of anything happening. The time was frozen. I could only focus on him, Mason. Our gaze never broke off until I was inches away from him.

His hand reached out, taking my tiny palm in his big, warm- all too familiar hands.

"Hey, princess. You look absolutely breathtaking", he whispered softly in my ears while we walked up to the officiant.

And of course our officiant could be none other than....

Nathan Ryan Brown.

Nate, gave me two thumbs up when we came to a stop in front of him before he immediately went into his serious mode.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Mason's and Faye's ceremony"

The whole room immediately bursted into a loud applause, making my blood run cold.

This is too much.

"It's okay, baby. Just relax", Mason squeezed my hand softly, making me instantly melt into his affection.

"Let's begin then, would you both kindly look each other in the eyes", Nate stated as the serious officiant he is. He surely takes his job seriously.... for the first time in his life.

Mason cups both my hands in his large warm palms while burning holes inside my face from how intensely he's looking at me. I look up, melting in his metallic grey eyes.

"Would you please repeat after me, mister William. I, Mason Alexander William, take thee, Faye Louise Jackson, to be my wedded wife."

"I, Mason Alexander William, take thee, Faye Louise Jackson, to be my wedded wife", he repeats in his deep velvety voice, making my knees buckle.

My heart was pounding so heavily.

"Faye", Nate turns his head to me. "Please repeat after me. I, Faye Louise Jackson, take thee, Mason Alexander William, to be my wedded husband."

"I, Faye Louise  Jackson, take thee, Mason Alexander William, to be my wedded husband", I almost stumble over my words, but for once my words were pretty stable.

Ooffff, luckily. Thank God!

"Would you both kindly repeat after me: to have and to hold, from this day forward..."

"To have and to hold, from this day forward."

      "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer..."

      "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer."

      "In sickness and in health..."

      "In sickness and in health."

      "To love and to cherish, till death do us part..."

       "To love and to cherish, till death do us part."

     "According to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you..."

    "According to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you", we both vocalised, staring at each other's eyes until our orbs melted into one diamond like pool.

He squeezed my hand a bit, an electric shot through my body. I could feel his angst and excitement.

"I love you", he mouthed to me, making my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.

Wow, I didn't know guilt could make me want to jump off a building so badly.

"Let's go over to the ring exchange thing there", Nate's voice louds.

Yeah, he surely is the best officiant ever.

"Wait, where are the rings???", he panics and right on that moment the doors open revealing....


Could this wedding get even crazier?

Why is my chicken here attending my wedding?

My head immediately turns around to Liz who could only laugh, mouthing "surprise".

I looked at Mason's face which portrayed total distaste. Yeah, he surely still dislikes Bertha.

Bertha walked up to the isle with a black box on her back. All the photographs and journalist kept on taking pics of her. I could see her straightening her neck, looking up to me.

     What a sassy queen.

When she comes to a halt in front of us I bow down to take the box from her back and of course I pet her a bit. I love my baby.

I give the box to Nathan who opens it up and starts speaking once again.

"Take these rings as a vow of promise and love that you'll be together forever"

We both take a ring in our hand, I almost let it fall of the ground by the amount my hand palms were shaking and sweating.

"But first.... is there someone who objects this loving couple to be bonded for an eternity? Speak now or forever hold your peace"

The whole room goes silence.... until

"I object!", the all to familiar voice of Liz beams through the room, making everyone gasp.

"Lisa-Patricia?", Mason mouths in confusion.

"Haven't you figured out who I truly am yet?", she asks Mason with a bright grin, making him shake his head like a little boy.


Her black hair fell over her shoulder, revealing her true self.

"ISN'T THAT ELIZABETH VENICE???", someone in the room yells, making Liz smirk softly.

She looks right at me, making me look away. I met Mason's confused face for a split second, what the worst possible decision was. His face portrayed pure betrayal and agony.

My heart dropped, this is it.

"Faye, tell him", she screams loudly, the room was pinned silence. "Tell him how you never loved him. That this was all a mission. That you've destroyed him just like he has destroyed others. Tell him, everything!"

My eyes fall down in shame, the truth was choking me alive. I wish I could have just melt into a puddle on the ground.

"What? Liz, you had told me that this whole mission was over?", the betrayal in Nathan's voice louded next to me. "Faye? You were still into this? Why? You loved him, rig-"

"You knew about this?"

Everyone's head turned around, seeing Marc standing there. He looked right at Nate before walking away in disappointment.

"Wait! Marc!", Nate screamed, I saw his serious face, frowning in pain, all his playfulness of his normal self was gone, I couldn't recognise him anymore. He spurted after him.

My heart was squeezing I was happing for air. I am lost. What.... what should I do next?

The loud chattering of everyone in the room made me shake in shame. The snapping of the cameras made me know that this would be on head pages tomorrow morning.

Everyone in the whole world would know that the beast got rejected.... by me.

Everything comes crashing down by a warm hand cupping my face, making me look up.

I came face to face, eye to eye with the person I wanted to see the least right now.

Mason's grey metallic eyes were sparkling in madness. They shone brighter than I could remember. His face was breaking in pain. Every aching he felt was perfectly portrayed on his facet.

"I-Is it.... true?", his voice broke, he had to stop for a moment to speak. His breathing was heavy, but he still managed to never break the gaze.

"...", nothing came out of my mouth.

His name was struck in my throat, Mason, Mason, Oh God Mason.

I just looked at him blankly.

An hour before the wedding

Both girls got basically kicked out of the changing room by our dear Liz. Leaving only Liz and I in the room.

     "You look great, Faye", she finally utters, standing behind me.

Our eyes locked through the mirror. A sincerity I haven't seen in a while.

One of her arms tightly surround my neck while her face was buried in my hair. I couldn't believe it.... she was cuddling me???

     "Thank you, Faye. Thank you so much for helping me", she whispers in my ear, a vulnerability breaking in her voice.

Tears almost escape my eyes. Yes, this was the right thing to do. I'm helping my best friend, right? I wasn't so sure anymore.

I turn around, wrapping my arms around her waist.

    "I-I don't know what to do, this is so cruel of me", I stammer out in complete disgust with myself.

Her hand goes out, caressing my hair in a soothing manner.

"Please, Faye don't back out right now. It's almost over. You have to destroy him like he has destroyed others. He's a bad person. Faye, I beg you. I will do anything for you just let this day pass by. P-please, this means so much to m-me", she was choking on her own words, tears falling down her cheek.

"I won't. I won't back out"

I was determined. It was almost over. Just a little bit and I would be free of this torture.

"Just pretend everything.... Don't worry I will be the one handling everything."

That was the last thing Elizabeth stated before leaving the room.

The only thing I could hear was the beating of my raging heart.

Mason and I were staring at each other for what felt like an eternity.

I didn't know what to do or say, the clicking of the cameras became louder and louder, mixed with loud chattering.

"What's the truth?"

"Wait, was Elizabeth Venice behind all of this? What a sneaky journalist."

"I really pity mr. William."

Please, stop talking....

My head was aching, urghhh what is this madness in my mind.

"Faye, just tell him... tell everyone in this damn room", Liz shouted, making me look around the room... everyone fell quiet.

My heart beat increased... shit, what... okay... just breathe in and out, in and out. My eyes fluttered open, staring right at the broken glazed pair.

I can do this.

"Yes, it's true", I stated loudly, the words echoed through the shallow of the room, the blank emotionless voice I had, made even me shiver.


My heart stopped when I saw Mason drop to his knees, breaking down in pure vulnerability.

He looked up, his eyes begging me, groping me to stop.

Close your eyes, Mason, I can see your heart through them.

    "Princess", he breathes out as if it was his last oxygen left.

    I couldn't respond.

    "Please, say that this is a stupid joke. You're fucking testing me, right? Please, I beg you. I can't live without you. I need you in my damn life."

      Again, I held myself quiet.

      "You are leaving?", he gasped in panick. "Fuck, you are really leaving. No, I can't..... Shit, please stay. Faye, damn it, don't.... please."

"I'm sor-"

Before I could even finish my sentence his arms were already tightly enclosed around my waist. He buried his face in my abdomen, leaving soft butterfly kisses above the place of my belly button.

     "Faye, you're destroying me. Please stop", he whined in pain, it felt like a bullet went through my heart. "Just give up, drop everything, give in. I will just forget everything and let's start fresh. I forgive you, baby. I forgive you."

     "This was the plan all along", I whispered ashamed.

     I can let go.

     "I love you", he looked up.

A teardrop ran down and fell over his nose.

I felt my heart squeezing, I couldn't do this anymore.

     "It's over, Mason. The mission is over. Everything is over."

That was the last thing I said before walking away.

I didn't look back, instead I just walked away while all eyes were on my back.

     Silence... the robbing of speech wrapped around us all.

    "Are you happy now? Huh? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY?!"

I keep on walking, walking away from this place, away from everything.

Happy? The only thing that really made me happy was my farm, friends and...

"You are my lioness."

"You own my heart."

"I'm yours, baby. All yours."

"I love you princess."



I tried not to fall in love with him,but I already did.

The flame of beast has risen, calamities will burn if not for it to be extinguish.


Listen, I know,

I know people will stop reading, because of the ending.

People officially hate Faye,

I do not approve what she has done... if someone does this in real life to you, you should definitely leave them.

BUT DO NOT FORGET that this is ALL FICTIONAL, people sometimes do get caught up too much into a story.

Another thing...


I had to end the story here... I won't tell you too much, but expect a POSSESSIVE Mason and an... nah, I won't tell you too much.

The Sequel will be first published the 16th October 2018.



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