๏ผฃ๏ฝ๏ฝ‡๏ฝ…๏ฝ„- ๏ผถ๏ฝ’๏ฝ…๏ฝŽ๏ฝ…

By Aliabk1999

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๐Ÿฅ€Not Every Happy Couple Gets A Happily Ever After๐Ÿฅ€ __________________________________ 18+ content ahead. Th... More

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New Story


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By Aliabk1999

°There’s a sad, lone star in the dark sky once again
Goodbye, we said our awkward goodbyes
As I turned around and went on my way
It felt so far

I’ve stopped in that day with the old story
I’m going through heartache longer
than the times we loved
Past the Milky Way, in a faraway place
I’m going through our white memories
It’s alright if it’s just a dream

Let’s meet again
One Of These Nights°

Author's pov

"The truck containing the policemen heading towards Kim Taehyung's house will be leaving the station in 10 minutes, now once they leave that truck will constantly be on police radar's and in they're eyes. But they will pass through a tunnel, here, and it will take them exactly 3 minutes to cross this tunnel, but in those 3 minutes the police station will lose they're signal and they will be defenseless. Our job is to tail them quietly until they enter the tunnel once they enter we will, let's say confiscate the truck and dispose of the  men on board and take they're spot. Do I make myself clear" it had gotten dark, and Jimin and his team were now dressed in the normal police uniform looking exactly like the police. He was explaining the plan to his team who were all locked and loaded to go. All they're fear of going against the police vanished the instant Jimin showed his will and determination to complete this mission under any circumstances.

"Yeah, and what about the policemen patrolling and defending Taehyung's house........any orders on what to do about them" Taeil asks him as he raises his hand with a serious look on his face.

"Oh simple................we kill them" Jimin answers bluntly with a smile on his face, Ten and the others nod agreeing to his methods.

"Now any more questions" Jimin asks and nobody says anything.

"Good, then let's get this show on the road".

As Jimin and his team leave they're hideout and head outside, Lucas stops Jimin and looks at him with a cautious look on his face.

"Boss.....Do we really have to go forward with this hit tonight, I mean can't we wait a little until the heat dies down a little" Lucas says to Jimin in a worried tone as the rest of the team get inside a black van.

"What's bothering you Lucas, you know this isn't the first time you and I have done this" Jimin asks him with a blank face.

"It's just - - I don't know but I just gotta a bad feeling about this. Something doesn't feel right about tonight" Lucas tells Jimin's his feelings as Jimin keeps staring at him with a blank face.

"Lucas, my man, grow some fucking balls. I haven't seen you acting like a bitch like this since the time the Yakuza found you as a kid in your house alone with your parents corpses.............now let's go, the teams waiting, and I don't like to waste time so chop chop" Jimin grins while playfully slapping Lucas's face. But Lucas knows behind this smile, he holds unbridled and psychopathic anger and rage, and even though his tone is soft, Lucas still becomes intimidated as he lowers his nods whilst making his way inside the van.

Jimin also gets inside, and notices that all the necessary equipment they need is inside. As they all turn to him, Jimin puts a small silencer on a pistol and speaks to them.

"Be as discreet as you possibly can, we will go in quick and fast. Once we retrieve what we need, we will get out. So we can not let this thing get out the bag - - Now, Jeno. Floor it".

And upon his orders, Jeno punches the accelerator and they drive out.


At the Kim residence, there is only silence, with the only sounds coming of cars driving from far away, the sound of grass blades blowing against the faint night wind, the street dog barking, insects like crickets making they're presence known and the sounds of the multiple policemen patrolling the house and keeping watch over them and everything in the vicinity. All of them equipped with ammunition, and radios and ready for anything to come at them, and all of them on high alert.

While inside the house, even more quietness, the house darkened, with the absence of any light on the first floor. Everything in it's right place, the living room neatly arranged, the clean and washed dishes placed in appropriate order in the kitchen, the couches empty but still arranged. At first sight, anyone would say this house is empty and abandoned, but upon closely listening, and after tuning your ears. You could hear two hearts, beating along the same frequency and giving out only one sound, sound of heartbeats belonging to two souls, two souls that had two bodies but shared one heart. Each pumping blood and oxygen for the other, each a source of strength and courage for the other, and each a source of undying love for the other.

As you would go up dark stairs that resembled a dark void and abyss, upto the second floor of the mansion and you would be met with multiple rooms and the same darkness you faced downstairs, each room locked and void of any life, each hallway and corridor more lifeless then the one before. But deep inside the depths of the mansion, lied a room that had it's share of history, share of nightmares and dreams. A room of heartache and pain, a room that served both as a prison and as an open blossoming field giving freedom to the ones who lived inside. A room of horrors for both, and also a room where they shared happiness and where they rekindled the fire of they're love that was once about to go out.

As you make your way inside the dark room, only mind confusing blackness surrounded the room and it's four corners, placed in the middle of the wide room, a bed, on the bed lying two lovers, a husband and wife, lying in each other's arms, eyes closed, face to face, heart to heart. Considered lucky and fortunate by others because they found each other, but they're misfortunes known only by them, the punishments of they're sins that only they know. The price of the mistakes they made, payed by they're bodies but even through the fire and flames, they're bond stronger then ever, they're love for each other still pure and young, feelings for each other still young and growing each passing moment. But as they lie next to each other in sweet bliss, they are not aware that this bliss they feel is only Euphoria that they are feeling, they are not aware of the forces approaching them and things that will try they're hardest to drag them away from each other.

Even as they speak, they're voices are faint and are measly and small even when compared to a whisper, but still loud enough to make they're way to each other.



"There is something - - something I need to tell you".

A brief pause, a moment to think what he is about to hear from her mouth.

"What is it dear".

"I--I - -..................".

The peer pressure ceasing her to speak out and reveal something that was out of this world, something that would give them the opportunity to see this bland and colorless world in a new light.

"What is it Irene, is something wrong".

He asks as he places his hand on her face with softness in his tone, as she feels his touch on his face, tears make they're way out of her eyes and down her face, but along with those tears a beautiful and a yearnful smile appears on her lips.

"I'm - - I'm pregnant Taehyung. I'm pregnant with our baby".

And at that moment, the world stopped for him, the earth stopped revolving around the sun for him, time ceased in it's place for him, the mountains and oceans all dwelling into oblivion for him, the thousands and millions of galaxies stuck in they're place for him, only him and the woman who was going to give birth to his child were alive in his universe. For that moment, nothing else mattered, not the money, not the expensive cars, not the mansions, not the company, not they're past, nothing. Nothing mattered for him at that moment.

His eyes wide, a pool of tears forming in them, there was no human emotion that the brain could think of that could even begin to describe what he was feeling right now, his heart didn't know what to do, should it beat fast or should it beat gently and softly. His voice lost in his throat, his hands frozen on they're spot. But - - deep down inside his core, inside the deepest corners of his empty body, a small bright light was born, a light so small but yet it gave off comforting warmth to it's surroundings. And it was obvious, this light was going to grow, it was going to grow so big until one day it would be a source of warmth not just for him but for all those around him.

"I-I - - I, I-I'm go-going to be a d-dad" His words stuttering and slurring, his emotions out of control, his tears streaming down his face, and she saw a smile on his face that she only saw once in her life before, the day she said to yes to marrying him.

"Yes dear, we're going to be parents" Connecting they're foreheads, they were both weeping, but all those tears were the proof of the happiness they felt together, each tear an evidence of they're love.

"P-Parents - - u-us...... I-Irene, you your going to be a mo-mommy".

"That's right Tae, our dream since the day we found each other will soon be a reality, our baby, and a proof of our love, someone who will receive our heart and our limitless lov--".

Suddenly he grabs her and envelops her in his arms tightly as he sobs and cries and sheds tears as he kisses her neck, planting endless kisses while smiling and laughing. She had given him a happiness no amount of money could ever buy. Finally letting his emotions show, finally letting his heart command his actions. Finally he pulls away, and stares into her teary eyes.

"W-When did this happen babe" he couldn't stop his tears, there was no stopping them, there was no extent to the joy he felt, no limit to the happiness he was feeling at this moment.

"I found out a few days after Seokjin's wedding, I had to be sure so I visited the doctor and he confirmed it - - We really are having a baby Taehyung" She tells him as he connects his lips against hers in sweet surrender, never before had a feeling like this arose in his body, it was something unearthly.

The thought of becoming the father of a child was exciting and adventurous, finally he knew that this was his calling, his forgiveness he yearned for, for hurting her. He knew he could earn his forgiveness by loving the child of the woman he hurt.
It was his road to redemption, a purification of his sins and his mistakes.

"Irene.............................Thank you".


Jimin and his crew were now following the police truck, it was already late so the highways and roads were mostly empty with the exception of few cars. They were tailing them, and were being extra cautious to make sure they don't notice anything out of the ordinary until they make it to the tunnel.
There was not an ounce of fear in any of they're eyes, they knew what they had to do, and this wasn't the first time they had done this. It was all in a day's work for them, especially Park Jimin. He was giddy with excitement, his smug grin did not leave his face, because just the thought of returning to the house where he first touched Irene was something that gave him goosebumps and now he was again going there to complete his mission.

"When we go in, do whatever you want to Kim Taehyung and his house, I don't care. But - - if anyone of you so much as touch his wife, I won't hesitate to kill you on the spot, do I make myself clear" Jimin orders them with evil intent in his voice, and it is enough to scare the crap out of the others.

The others don't have the guts to ask him the reason behind his words, as they all remain quiet and nod while working on they're guns and equipment. As they are driving Jeno sees the tunnel and the truck heading into it and turns to Jimin.

"Boss, heads up the truck is in position" He tells him.

"Good, get in front of them. Time to go to work" Jimin says as he puts on a mask and ontop of it another police helmet that completely covers his face and conceals his real identity as he picks up his machine gun and cocks it. Same with the others, as they all get prepared.

Jeno speeds up the van until he is driving right next to the truck, as they both enter the tunnel, the truck disappears of police scanners giving Jimin and his team the window they needed. The police truck driver notices the shady black van driving next to them but he chooses to ignore it and keeps on driving normally. Until suddenly Jeno speeds up the van and gets ahead of them and then stops right in his tracks. The truck driver is shocked as his instincts act and hits the brakes hard at the last time, making the truck stop right at the last second.

"Hey, what happened - - why'd you stop" A policeman asks the driver from the behind.

"I don't know, this fucking guy just stopped his van in front of us" The driver tells him with an annoyed tone.

"Well do something about it, we ain't got all night. Officer Lee will be on our ass if we aren't on time" another guy tells him from the back.

"Goddamn bastard" The driver curses as he gets out the truck and walks toward the van parked in front of them. As he walks closer, he notices that there is no activity inside the van almost like it's empty, he goes upto the window and knocks on the window.

"Ay asshole - - move your damn va--" Suddenly a bullet comes from the inside that pierces the drivers brain, blowing his brain all over the road as his lifeless body hits the road.

"Let's go" Jimin orders them and they all quickly exit the van and head towards the back opening of the truck where the other policemen are also exiting the truck after hearing a bullet. As they all turn around they see 6 men standing before them in police uniform holding weapons.
One of the policemen slowly glides his hand over his gun as he slowly grabs it but that is when Jimin decides to finish them.

"Bye-Bye" and just like that they open fire on them, and it doesn't take long before a dozen dead bodies of policemen are piled along the road. Not showing any mercy, they brutally kill them all and take they're place inside the truck. Just like before Jeno gets in the driver's seat and the others get in the back.

"Jeno let's go - - as for the rest of you, good work" Jimin compliments his partners as Jeno drives towards the target. Just when the policemen at the station are starting to get suspicious, they see the truck's signal back on they're scanners, clearing all suspicions.

Jimin watches from the back quietly as the truck passes through the familiar streets and neighborhoods, all the places that he once used to freely roam. Places that he used to once call home, deep down even in his own heart he felt that what he was doing was wrong but it was nothing compared to the anger he felt, the anger he felt every time he saw how perfect Taehyung's life was, why couldn't his life be like that. Why did he get everything, perfect friends, perfect grades, perfect job and most of all the perfect girl. Why was life so unfair to him, what was his fault that he didn't get all of the things his so-called best friend had. And that angered him, and enraged him to the point he would lose his self-control. But that was all going to be over tonight, after tonight he was never going to get angry over anything, after tonight there would be nothing left in this world that could make him feel less.

"Boss, were coming up on his house" Jeno tells him from the front, snapping Jimin out of his thoughts and brain. As he shakes his head, he turns to his team.

"You all know your roles, you know what to do, so let's complete this hit professionally, and try not to leave a mess - - Jeno, after you drop us off, park the truck in a safe spot near the house, and notify us of anything from the station, and be here when I call you" Jimin tells them if they're roles and they all nod, agreeing to his tactics and plans.

Finally, the truck stops in front of the gates of the mansion belonging to Kim Taehyung. As the truck stops outside Jimin gets out first, and another policeman who was already guarding the house stops Jimin as he doesn't recognize him and his crew.

"Woah, wait a second - - who are you guys, I thought the chief was sending Eunkwang and his team" He asks Jimin as Lucas and the others also get off the truck and stand behind him.

"Yes, Eunkwang was supposed to be here but we got a call at the station about another small time robbery near the station at a local store, so he went there and the chief sent me and my team in his place" Jimin fabricates an entire lie in such a calm demeanor and with such confidence in his voice that no one would be able to tell he was lying.

"Well - - I guess it's ok since you guys are here, anyway I'm sure you all have been briefed before, Kim Taehyung and his wife are inside the house, we have no clue when the person targeting them may attack so stay on guard at all times" The policeman tells them as he believes Jimin's words and opens the gates for Jimin as he himself heads back to his position.

"Will do sir" Jimin says quietly with a grin on his face as he bangs the truck door slowly signaling Jeno to get away from here. And Jeno immediately speeds the truck away.

"Get to your positions, I'll give you the signal" Jimin whispers to his team and they all mobilize to they're locations, until Jimin is left standing alone in front of the house where he first touched the wife of his best friend, and now he could only smile as he realized that the two of them are inside the house oblivious to the fact that a monster has successfully entered they're home once again.

Jimin quietly scours around the mansion grounds, noting down the positions of all the men that are guarding the place. He walks by his crew members and tells them to stay stationary until he gives them the green light to enter the house. Jimin takes out his pocket knife and walks towards the one policeman who is standing feets away from the others, he quietly makes his way towards him from the back and out of nowhere stabs him in his neck and before the victim can react, Jimin drags the knife through his neck skin upto his face, leaving his face completely opened up with his skeleton and brain mucous visible. With the blood splattering all over Jimin's face making it crimson red, but he only grins as he drags the body and dumps it into some thick bushes.

Jimin then makes his way towards two more policemen, and just like before he singlehandedly decapitates them with swift movements and ear deafening silence, not even letting a squeak escape they're mouths before they die. One by one Jimin starts disposing off the policemen, one by one the number of victims increase, in a matter of couple of minutes, the entire mansion grounds are left empty with blood on the ground and one man left standing with body bloodied red, but the blood not his. He wears the blood of his victims with pride and takes pleasure in his craft.

"Now then, Taehyung, Irene. There is nothing left standing in our way" He talks to himself, as he signals his men. They all quickly gather around him, and they are not the slightest bit surprised when they see the bodies scattered all over the place. It's what they expect from the most gifted member of the Yakuza.

"Taeyong and Taeil, you stand guard here, Lucas, Ten, breach in quietly through the roof. I'll be heading in through the main door, and remember do whatever you want to Taehyung but nothing to his wife, she's mine.....now let's go" and on his order they all get into they're positions, Lucas and Ten waste no time in climbing the roof and as they do they jump off the roof onto a balcony. And upon contact, a small sound is heard around the area.

"Someone's here" Taehyung says as he suddenly gets up off the bed after hearing the sound, Irene also gets up worried and scared, afraid of what's coming to them. But as for Taehyung, he doesn't let fear win, his will strengthens even more to protect her now that he knows he bears the responsibility of protecting not one but two souls on his shoulders.

"Stay here, I'll go check outside" Taehyung tells Irene as he opens the door room and walk out.

"Taehyung - - is something wrong........wait I'm coming with you" Irene says as she gets off the bed and is about to head out when Taehyung turns to her.

"No! Absolutely not........please baby, lock the door and stay in, it's probably nothing. I'll just go check it with the police outside. I'll be back in a jiffy" Taehyung calms Irene down with a warm comforting smile on his face,
Irene heeds his words and nods as she locks the door and stays inside. While Taehyung carefully walks through his house that he doesn't know has already been surrounded.


Suddenly Taehyung turns around after he hears a loud bang coming from the roof, that assures Taehyung he and Irene are in danger. He quickly takes out his cell phone and presses a button that is directly linked with  the police station and alerts them to a emergency. As Taehyung is walking towards the sound, he hears another one coming from downstairs. More specifically the sound of a door opening from downstairs. Taehyung is still mentally conflicted where he needs to go when he hears the horrifying voice of the monster downstairs.

"Suicide, suicide wishing I were dead, 
Suicide, suicide deep in my head, 
Suicide, suicide cutting my wrists, 
Suicide, suicide I am so done with this".

He recites these words in a soulful tone, with harmony in his voice. With joy and happiness in each word he says. Taehyung's eyes go wide as he realizes who is here, Taehyung dashes downstairs and is left frozen as he sees him standing inside his house, face to face after so many months. Taehyung's anger reaches it's peak as he stares at him as he carries a bloody knife in his hand while he licks the blood of it.

"Park Jimin".

He looks at Taehyung with a maniacal smile on his face.

"Hello Taehyung, it's good to see you bro".

His words trigger Taehyung as he rushes towards him in rage to attack him, but just as he does something else hits him from the back, causing him to lose consciousness and fall on the ground completely blacked out. Jimin watches with a smile as Lucas and Ten both stand behind the lifeless body of Taehyung.

"So boss, what do you want to do to him" Lucas asks him as he stares at Taehyung. Jimin also stares at him for a while grinning before ordering the two of them.

"Tie him up, and then leave us. You two go and open his bedroom door. And don't let the woman leave" They nod as they grab Taehyung's body and put him in a chair and tie him up as Jimin just calmly watches. Finally his wishes were becoming reality. When Lucas and Ten are done, they are about to head upstairs when Jimin calls out to them.

"If either of you touch a hair on her head, I swear to God I will have you mutilated" Jimin growls at them, that intimidates them and they nod and quickly head up.


"One day, one day left until I die, 
One day, one day till the last tear I'll cry, 
One day, one day until I am all gone, 
One day, one day till the dark breaks the dawn".

Taehyung slowly comes back to reality as his mind slowly adjusts to its surroundings and the sound of his words again reach his ears. Slowly Taehyung open his eyes and he sees that monster sitting on a chair before him, Taehyung tries to move but realizes he is tied down. But he doesn't let that stop him and keeps trying his hardest while Jimin just watches him in amusement.

"You can stop trying to escape you know, your not going anywhere as long as I'm here" He tells Taehyung while grinning. Taehyung just stares back at him with hate in his eyes.

"Where is she" Taehyung says gritting his teeth in anger.

"Oh don't worry about her, she's ok" Jimin tells him smiling when suddenly a scream is heard.


Taehyung again flinches when the sound of Irene's scream reaches his ears.


"Calm down Taehyung - - nobody is gonna do anything to her, especially not those guys up there. I have already ordered them not to hurt her in any way......you'd really think I would let my men touch something as precious as that girl up there".

Taehyung slowly calms down as he stares at Jimin.

"Why........................why did you fucking do it Jimin" Taehyung asks in a calm Tone. Jimin slowly lifts his face and its burning red with anger.

"Why! WHY! BECAUSE OF YOU, BECAUSE OF FUCKING KIM TAEHYUNG, BECAUSE OF YOU I DID IT. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LIVE IN YOUR FUCKING SHADOW, IT WAS ALWAYS TAEHYUNG THIS, TAEHYUNG THAT, EVERYTHING WAS ALWAYS ABOUT YOU. EVERYWHERE I WENT, EVERYTHING I DID, EVERYTHING WAS ALWAYS ABOUT THE GREAT KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG. I WAS A NOBODY BECAUSE OF YOU, EVERYBODY KNEW ME AS THE GUY WHO WAS TAEHYUNG'S FRIEND. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT, I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THE GIRL. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME IN THAT FUCKING COMPANY YOUR CONTROLLING. AND YOU FUCKING TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME, YOU LEFT ME NOTHING, I BECAME YOUR FRIEND JUST TO DESTROY YOU............................. When I saw how much you were loved by others, how much you were preferred by others, I made a promise to myself to destroy you completely, I wanted to destroy what you stood for, what you did for others, your relationships and everything else - - that's why I fucking did it Taehyung..........................so my friend do you understand now" Jimin shouts in Taehyung's face before taking deep breaths and calms down and sits back in his chair. Taehyung lowers his head after he hears Jimin's story, but he slowly lifts his head.

"You! You fucking bastard, if you were jealous of me then why the fuck did you drag Irene into it............she didn't do anything to you, you son of a bitch" Taehyung asks him in a heavy and deep tone filled with hate.

"I did say I wanted to destroy you right. And by that I mean, I was willing to destroy everything you loved, including your precious Bae Irene" Jimin tells him grinning as Taehyung again pushes himself trying to get out. Just then Lucas and Ten come downstairs smiling and satisfied with they're work.

"She's a feisty one boss, but she's tied up in the room now" Ten tells him smiling as he hands Jimin the keys to the room. Jimin smiles as he grabs the keys and gets up and he turns to Taehyung.

"Well Taehyung, I guess this is goodbye. But don't worry, I'll treat Irene real good, better then you did. Who knows I might even get out of this fucking business and start a family with her" Jimin tells him with a smug smile on his face and afterwards heads upstairs to where Irene is. While Taehyung quietly watches and on the other hand slowly cuts the ropes by which he is tied with a very small knife in the back of his sleeve. After Jimin leaves, Taehyung turns to Lucas and Ten who are standing before him.

"Well I gotta say it's a pleasure to meet you Kim Taehyung" Lucas says smiling.

"Yeah, it is. But unfortunately we gotta kill you, sorry it's nothing personal just good business" Ten adds as he takes out a gun out of his jacket.
Taehyung quietly watches and doesn't say anything but keeps on cutting the rope slowly without the two of them noticing.

"Well any last words before I kill you" Ten asks smirking as he cocks his pistol and points it at Taehyung's face point blank.

"Fuck you".

Taehyung curses and Ten just chuckles. He is then about to press the trigger when suddenly he hears his name being called out from upstairs.


Ten and Lucas both sigh when they hear Jimin calling Ten. But Taehyung also breaths a sigh of relief when Ten puts the gun back in his jacket and away from his face.

"What the fuck now" Ten curses as he goes upstairs leaving Lucas and Taehyung alone.

"Don't worry, he'll be back quick. But this way you don't get to die by his hand, instead you die by mine" Lucas tells him as he takes out his gun and puts a bullet in it. After cocking the pistol he again points it in Taehyung's face.

"Goodbye Mr Taehyung" Taehyung closes his eyes as he realises this is the end.


Taehyung opens his eyes and sees Lucas also standing there staring up where the sound came from. Taehyung is also surprised to hear a gun go off on the second floor.

"What the fuck was th-" Lucas is wondering what happened as he stares upward when Taehyung finally cuts the ropes and launches forward, and before Lucas can do anything about it Taehyung jams the knife deep in Lucas's heart, causing it to instantly stop. Suddenly it gets quiet, both upstairs and downstairs, Taehyung stares down at the man he just killed in anger as he picks up Lucas's gun and rushes upstairs. He wastes no time in dashing towards his room.

"IRENEEEE" As soon as he opens the door and enters he sees the body of Ten lying on the floor with a bullet in his brain, completely motionless and very dead. As he looks ahead, he notices Jimin standing there behind Irene using her as a hostage and has her in his clutches and has a gun on her temples while Irene helplessly sobs and cries. .

"Well well well, look who joined us Irene" Jimin says chuckling as he stares at Taehyung.

"Irene, baby, did he do anything to you" Taehyung asks Irene as he stops as he takes a step forward towards her.

"Take another step, and I will kill you Taehyung" Jimin threatens him as he cocks his gun and points it towards Taehyung.

"Go ahead and shoot me you bastard but leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this" Taehyung says as he takes out Lucas's gun and points it towards Jimin.

"OH so Lucas must be dead if you have his gun - - well that is unfortunate. But if you don't put the gun down I'll shoot you" Jimin threatens him cockily as he smirks.

"You shoot me, I shoot you. So go ahead you coward, do it" Taehyung says with firm resolve as he keeps the gun steady. When suddenly a grin forms on Jimin's face.

"Ok - - let me rephrase that. Put down the gun or I open up her beautiful head" Jimin says as he puts the gun in Irene's temples. Taehyung is faced with a crisis as he looks at Irene's helpless face and the state she is in.
He is about to lower the gun, when she speaks.

"Taehyung - - please, please don't let him hurt our baby" Irene begs her husband, and as soon as these words reach Jimin his eyes go wide and a grin is plastered on his face.

"BABY! I did not expect that. So Taehyung impregnated you even after I raped you, wow that is something" Jimin says chuckling. As he is laughing, Taehyung looks into Irene's eyes and signals her and she clearly understands.

"HAHA HAHAHA, FUCKING HELL THAT IS JUST PRECIOUS. NOW I'M EVEN MORE EXCITED TO HAVE YOU IR----- OWWWWW FUCK" Jimin is laughing loudly when suddenly Irene steps on his foot causing him to whine in pain and agony as his grip over her loses.

"IRENE MOVE" Taehyung tells her as Irene frees herself and moves out of the way, Jimin also winces in pain as his hand goes over the guns trigger. Taehyung doesn't waste a second and fires. Irene closes her eyes as she ducks underneath.


Slowly Irene opens her eyes, and her eyes go over to where Jimin was standing and sees him against the wall with a hole in his heart and blood coming out of his chest. He looks at Irene with a smile on his face as blood comes out of his mouth.

"Suicide, suicide deep inside my head, 
Suicide, suicide now I am almost dead, 
Suicide, suicide turn out the lights, 
Suicide, suicide goodbye and goodnight".

With his last words Irene watches as Jimin runs out of breath and drowns in his own blood and dies before her.
Irene is scared to death as she watches him die before her very own eyes.


Irene turns around after she hears her name, and her eyes go wide in shock and horror and become filled with tears when she sees Taehyung standing with a bullet penetrating his chest and blood coming out soaking his clothes.

"Ta-Taehyung" Only one word escapes her mouth as Taehyung falls on the ground. She rushes over to her beloved and puts his head in her lap.

"no no no no no no, please don't, no please don't, Taehyung don't do this to me, please no" Irene begs her heart out as tears fall from her eyes when she sees Taehyung breathing getting abnormal and his eyes slowly closing.
Her tears fall on his face, as Taehyung slowly moves his hand and wipes a tear of her face and smiles at her.

"I-I'm, I'm sorry........Irene. I-I'm so sorry for e-ever hu-hurting you, p-please for-forgive me" Taehyung asks forgiveness from her as he feels himself fading away.

"NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME TAEHYUNG, DON'T DO THIS OK. DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE, I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT, I CAN'T. I NEED YOU WITH ME TAEHYUNG. WE NEED YOU" Irene begs her as her cries get louder. Taehyung's hand slowly goes over her stomach and he rubs it slowly.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I am sorry that I won't get t-to see you be b-born, to-- see you grow up, b-but I will always be with you. A-and one day wh-when you grow u-up, an-and when my Irene gets old, y-you better take care of her the way she takes care of you" Taehyung whispers as tears fall from his eyes and those yearnful wishes to see his child be born fade away slowly.


"I-Irene don't ever le-let anyone tell you your not strong enough...................y-your the strongest woman I ever met in my life" Taehyung tells her as he grabs her hand and holds it tightly.

"Taehyung....................why, why do you have to leave me so quick. Why do you have to leave when we were so close to having happiness" Irene asks as her pleas get lower and she just quietly sheds tears and kisses his hands.

"B-But we did Irene................w-we found happiness the day we found each other" Taehyung tells her smiling through his tears as Irene also closes her eyes and keeps crying.

"A-And Irene, can you do me a favor" Taehyung asks quietly as he looks at her.

"What dear" Irene says as she cries.

"P-promise me, promise me, if it's a girl you'll, you'll name her Joohyun............I-I really like that na-name" Taehyung says in a faint voice smiling while Irene just cries and nods as a small sorrowful smile form's on her face.

"I promise baby I will, I love you so much" Irene says crying her eyes out.

"I-Irene, tha-thank you for making my life beautiful, but I must go now" Taehyung says as his eyes start to close. Irene tightly holds his hand as she looks at him. One last time Taehyung opens his eyes and looks into Irene's eyes and smiles.

"Let's have a drink the next time we meet Bae Irene".

The heartbeat goes flat, as the eyes shut down. And the love of Irene's life fades away in her arms.

The police and Taemin finally arrive and gun down Taeil and Taeyong and head inside and find Irene still holding Taehyung in her warm embrace and rubbing his hair with tears in her eyes.

Not everyone gets a happy ending

*2 Years later

"Mama, mama".

Irene is sitting in her room writing something on a letter when she hears her child calling out from her behind her. As she turns around she sees her crawling on the floor towards her.

"Joohyun, how did you get out of the crib again. Come here, it's really late and mommy needs to go to work tomorrow" Irene says as she puts down her pen and picks little baby Joohyun off the ground.

"There, there. Mommy's gonna read you a bed time story and then back to bed ok. Let's go" Irene tells her smiling as she kisses her and walks out of the room with her child.

The wind coming from the open window blows the paper Irene was writing on to the ground and as we go closer, this is what she was writing.

*The house seems so quiet,
and I'm not sure what to do.
I can't remember how I lived
Before the day that I met you

Maybe I should just stop thinking.
And take myself to bed.
I'll crawl beneath the covers,
And lay down my weary head

Tomorrow is a new day,
The first of many that I'll face
Without you here beside me,
Without your strength, your wit, your grace

I'll try to carry on
Or at least I'll try to exist.
Until one day you reach for me,
And guide me into death's mist*

My Love and the bravest man I knew.
Kim Taehyung.

The End🌷

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