A Trickster's Daughter

By RoseOfMyHeart

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Gabriel was screwed. Royally. He thought staying in a female vessel would be fun. No harm, no foul right? I m... More

Chapter 1: Oh Fuck
Chapter 2: Oh For Fuck's Sake
Chapter 3: Whatchu Talkin' About Willis?
Chapter 4: He Knew?!
Chapter 5: Holy Fucking Shit!
Chapter 6: Bitch!
Chapter 7: That's My Daughter!
Chapter 8: EAT IT KAREN!
Chapter 9: Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 10: What?
Chapter 11: Its Happened
Chapter 12: Tall Tales-Part 1
Chapter 13: Tall Tales-Part 2
Chapter 14: Tall Tales-Part 3
Chapter 15: Balls
Chapter 16: Tricky Angel
Chapter 17: Bitchcraft
Chapter 18: Mystery Spot
Chapter 19: Lesson One AC/DC Rules
Chapter 20: You Just Jinxed Us
Chapter 21: The Holy Swirly
Chapter 22: Something Really Stupid
Chapter 23: No Chick Flick Moments
Chapter 24: The Idiot Brigade
Chapter 26: When Dads Come Calling
Chapter 27: Quadruped?
Chapter 28: A Father's Lament
Chapter 29: Did You Mean It?
Chapter 30: Stubbornness A Family Trait
Chapter 31: Badass or Dumbass
Chapter 32: Brain Bleach Please
Chapter 33: The Final Countdown
Chapter 34: I'd Tap That!
Chapter 35: We Have Work For You
Chapter 36: Oh Thank Fuck. There Is A God!
Chapter 37: Audi Vocem Maem Parere
Chapter 38: Fun-sized and Super-sized!
Chapter 39: Demon Possession's a Bitch
Chapter 40: Douche-ariah
Chapter 41: Careful What You Wish For
Chapter 42: Marry Me
Chapter 43: Heaven and Hell
Chapter 44: Triple Feature
Chapter 45: It Burns!
Chapter 46: A Reveal or Two
Chapter 47: Doubt
Chapter 48: Was This Heaven?
Chapter 49: The Machinations of Heaven
Chapter 50: The Not so Fluffy Reunion
Chapter 51: Prophets (Ie Chuck) Suck
Chapter 52: My Stalker Angel

Chapter 25: Stay Out of My Head!

1.3K 51 3
By RoseOfMyHeart

March-ish 2008, Rockford, Illinois, United States

It was early in the morning, a day or so after Appleton, and Sam was the first one to wake up in the motel room. Sitting up he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a yawn and a stretch as he looked over at the other bed. Dean, for all his complaints about his snoring, was breathing loudly in his sleep, not quite snoring but close enough. That wasn't what had Sam suppressing an amused chuckle though.

Dean was sleeping on his side, back to him as he faced the door, and curled up against his brother's back was Maya. In her sleep she went from sleeping on her stomach, to sleeping on her side and snuggling into Dean's back, her arms stuck between them and her face pressed against Dean's shoulder blade.

Sam smirked as he looked for his phone. There was no way he wasn't getting a picture of this.

Puck, hearing the movement, woke up and perked his head up looking around from his spot on the bed. Seeing it was just the larger of the two males his mistress was travelling with he laid his head back down and let out a sigh. However, he made sure his keen eyes kept track of the male's movements. It might have been around a year since Springfield, Ohio, but Puck still hasn't let it go.

Tossing his phone on his bed, after getting the picture, Sam went to the washroom to grab a quick shower and get ready for the day.

Dean groggily woke up to the sound of water running from the bathroom and...a warm weight pressed against his back? A little confused Dean shifted to look over his shoulder to find Maya pressed up against him. He couldn't see her face but he could feel the warmth of her breath puffing steadily against him. Dean gave a soft huff of breath before pulling away and putting some distance between them.

He settled down again to catch a few more winks when his ears picked up a soft, tired groan of annoyance from behind him. Then the warm weight against his back returned with an added arm draped over him. He felt Maya nuzzle into his back muscles with her face before letting out a sigh and settling down again.

Dean frowned in irritation as he shrugged Maya's arm off only to have it return and hold on to him tightly with an accompanied groan of muffled protest.

"Goldy," Dean called behind him, "you awake?"

He received another muffled groan and a groggy, "No."

Dean gave a disbelieving snort, "Well, awake or not, I ain't your Teddy bear. So quit cuddling me."

"But you're so comfy..." Maya whined a little playfully, as she held onto him a little tighter. He really was comfortable and Maya didn't want to get up yet. She gave a whiney groan when Dean tried to pull away from her some more. So, she did the only logical thing that came to her sleep-addled mind.

"What the-?!" Dean yelped as he felt a weight push him over onto his stomach and settle on his back. He looked over his shoulder to see a mop of messy dark and curly brown hair. "Do I need to explain the concept of personal space to you?!" Dean demanded.

Maya gave a yawn before answering cheekily and with fake innocence, "What's this personal space you speak of? Never heard of such a thing."

Dean could feel the smile from the cheek pressed against his upper back. "Off," Dean ordered gruffly to no success. He just felt Maya's body give a quick shake from a dismissive huff and a quick nuzzle before fully resting on his back. He could tell she wasn't completely sleeping, but was still pretty relaxed.

Dean gave a put-upon sigh as he decided just to ignore the weight of the teen resting on his back. Not like he hasn't been an involuntary body pillow before when Sam was littler than him. Though if the giant tried what Maya did now, he'd probably put up more of a fight. Like hell he was going to let his little brother pancake him with his weight.

Something inside him whispered that he should be shucking the teenager off of him, that he didn't know her that well to let her invade his personal space like this. Another, larger, part of him told that whisper to go fuck off.

He was brought from his tired musings when the bathroom door opened and Sam walked out dressed for the day and toweling his long hair. Dean looked over his shoulder at Sam and their eyes met. Sam smirked at him.

"Dean, it looks like you've got a large growth on your back," Sam teased, making his way over to his bed.

"Ah, shut up bitch," Dean began pushing himself up to take his turn for the bathroom.

Sam's smile widened as he watched Maya retaliate against her uncooperative pillow by wrapping her legs around Dean's waist and her arms around his neck. Dean cursed at Maya, as he sat up and tried to get her arms to unlatch.

"Morning to you too, jerk." Sam smirked, even as he received an annoyed glare from his brother. Sam watched as Dean tried standing up to use gravity in his favor, but Maya just clung to his back like a koala.

By now Maya was more than awake and was enjoying the spontaneous ride on Dean's back as he walked away from the bed, turning this way and that to try and dislodge her. She smiled brightly at Sam who was watching them with an amused smile.

"What's wrong Dean? Can't handle a teenager?" Sam heckled good-naturedly. Dean spun quickly around to glare at him.

"Like to see you try and get this monkey off," Dean shot back, his grimace intensifying at Sam and Maya's laughter.

Then he had a brilliant idea. Dean turned his back and Maya towards his bed, then proceeded to jump backwards. He grinned in satisfaction as she let out a squeal and began pushing at his weight. The bed bounced and Puck decided it was time to get make himself scarce as he hopped off the bed.

"Dean," Maya whined, even if she had a small grin, as she tried to push the large Hunter off of her. "You fat ass! Get off!"

'Oh, how the tables have turned,' thought Dean gleefully as he pressed his back behind him, earning more muffled protests and shoving. Dean let out a laugh as he finally took pity on her and got up, this time cling-on free.

"I CAN BREATHE!" Maya gasped out dramatically as she flailed her arms behind her head with a grin. Dean rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to get ready. Giggling she tilted her head back so she could look at Sam with a wide mischievous grin.

Sam sat up straighter on his bed at the look, giving her a side eye glare. "Maya," Sam said in a warning tone, "don't even—"

Maya flipped over and launched herself at Sam with a laugh.

Dean had heard the scuffle happening on the other side of the door, along with Maya's carefree laughter and Sam's grumbling, but Dean wasn't too concerned when the noise died down. When he finished up and left the bathroom he found an interesting sight on Sam's bed.

Maya lay draped across Sam's lap on her stomach while he used her back as a table for his laptop. Her arms crossed and hiding her face.

Dean gave them a raised eyebrow, "Do you just wake up ready to cause mischief?"

She perked her head up to look at Dean and gave a wide grin as she shifted her shoulders to let Sam know she wanted to get up. Sam lifted his laptop off her back to let her roll off his legs.

"Hello~. Trickster. We eat, breathe, and sleep mischief," she laughed as she skipped to the bathroom, grabbing her bag for clothes.

Dean gave a huff of amusement at the teen before walking over to his brother. "Goldy seems playful this morning. And has no regard for personal space," Dean huffed.

Sam rolled his eyes at his older brother, "Probably her way of showing she likes us. Sees us as friends."

Dean scrunched his nose. "Yeah, but does she have to be so touchy about it?" he complained with no real seriousness in his voice. Maya didn't constantly invade either of their personal bubbles, so he didn't mind it too much. Not that he'd tell Sam or Maya that. "I'd rather be bought pie or beer."

Sam snorted at Dean's complaint as he continued looking at his computer. He knew his brother well enough that Dean didn't mind it one bit. So, being the little brother that he was, he called him out on it. "Like you don't like it, Dean. If you really were against it you would've told her up front to back off. Not let her cuddle your back."

"Whatever, bitch," Dean scoffed indignantly. "I've had to deal with your clinginess growing up, and you were way worse than goldly-eyes," he said teasingly, looking for a reaction.

Goldy-eyes. Golden eyes.

What the spirit Daggett from the Morton House said about her golden eyes and then Maya's reaction to it invaded his mind.

I swear I've been targeted like this since I was two!...Gold eyes and dark hair are apparently a hot commodity in certain circles...

Sam's gut twisted as a surge of rage and protectiveness welled up inside him, twisting his face into a grimace.

"Dude," Dean called his attention at seeing his brother's face. "What's with the face? You look like I froze your computer on porn."

"Something Maya said-after Daggett commented on keeping her alive for her eyes," Sam looked over at Dean with serious eyes. "She said she's been targeted for her eyes since she was two and that they were a hot commodity in certain circles," Sam watched as Dean's eyes turned a darker shade of green as his shoulders tensed.

Before Dean could say anything Maya emerged from the bathroom wearing a dark purple tank top underneath an open red flannel button up shirt with sleeves rolled to her elbows, and a pair of dark blue jeans. She immediately picked up on the tense mood of the room and looked at the Winchesters questioningly. "What's going? What's with all the tension?" she asked as she walked closer to the adults (questionable) in the room.

Dean turned to look at her with a tight face. "You've been targeted for your eye colour since you were two?" he asked bluntly. Sam made a face at his brother's bluntness.

"Yeah," Maya shrugged her shoulders. It was nothing new. Did she like it? No. Could she do something about it? Maybe, but she liked her eye colour. Not that it would stop all of them. "It's a rare colour, and some people are sick freaks," she let out a sigh. "I move around a lot and it just happens. Not to say I don't leave them uninjured, or not rotting away somewhere behind bars." She gave a smirk at that.

Dean blinked at her, uncomprehending, her slightly bland tone. Like she was boringly talking about the weather. "But two?!"

Maya gave a tight-lipped smile and huff, "Yeah. Out of Dad's sight at a park for a second. Got my adorable little self nabbed. I remember some lady and me struggling and crying because she wasn't my Dad. Then my Dad rescuing me and holding me tight in his arms."

"That must have been terrifying," Sam said in sympathy.

"I guess, but I was little and I don't remember much of what happened," she shrugged.

"Please tell me your asshole of a Dad did something to that bitch that tried to grab you," Dean growled, God he didn't get people sometimes.

"Dean," Sam said warningly at his brother's insult to Maya's Dad.

Maya just let the insult to her Dad roll off her. "My Dad told me when I was older that he may have visited the jail cell the police were holding her in and might've made her a little more cooperative when confessing, before winding up dead. He also may or may not have planted evidence of records of her clients who she sold kids to. Also not responsible for those that went to jail whom got killed when word got out to some hard core criminals about what their crimes were," she gave Dean a large smile. "Lot of kids got to go home."

Dean gave an impressed snort, "Your Dad did all that?" Maya gave him a nod. "Still an asshole though."

Sam just gave his brother a disbelieving look, before looking up at the ceiling in exasperation, even if he agreed with his brother's sentiments about Maya's father.

Maya barked a laugh at that. "Yeah, but you gotta admit, he's usually an asshole for a reason."

"Agree to disagree," Sam groaned getting up from his bed and putting his laptop away. He didn't feel up to any Tuesday flashbacks.

Maya sent him an apologetic smile, knowing where he was coming from. "Never said it was a good one."

"Again. Asshole," Dean snorted as he went to the front door of the room. "C'mon. There's a diner around the corner and I wanna see if they'll let me order pie for breakfast."

"Really Dean?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Well, he'll get it if he orders quiche," Maya shrugged with a smirk.

"What the hell is a quiche?" Dean asked dubiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Pie crust filled with beaten egg yolk and possibly vegetables or other meat," Sam explained offhandedly.

Dean looked between Sam and Maya with narrowed eyes and a scowl, "That is not pie!" He turned and walked out the room to the black impala, with Maya, Sam, and Puck following close behind.

"It's a pie crust with a filling. It's a pie," Maya argued with a smirk enjoying Dean's annoyance over the topic. "It's a breakfast pie!"

"Not a pie!"

Sam and Maya chuckled at the indignant Dean.

"You both suck," Dean growled as he started the engine.


Local Diner

"Dean I'm serious," Sam gritted as he ate his health nut of an omelet. "You've got two months left. We should be focusing on trying to find a way to break your deal."

"We can't put the job on hold going after something that might not even be possible," Dean scowled as he took a swig of coffee.

"Well, what do you want to do Dean? Just give up?" Sam asked exasperated.

"That's not what I'm saying," Dean sighed rubbing his face. He could hardly focus on his pie. Yeah, he was able to convince them to give him pie for breakfast.

"Really? 'Cause that's all I've been getting this past year from you. That, you've given up and aren't even trying," Sam pointed out. He glanced beside him at Maya who seemed to be trying to studiously ignore their argument as she poked at the last bit of fruit she'd ordered along with her quiche. The conversation from earlier made her crave it. "Maya, what's your opinion?"

Her head tilted in a flinch as her shoulders tensed, it was obvious she didn't want to get dragged into the brothers' squabble. She reluctantly looked between Sam and Dean who had focused their combined attention on her.

"Well...Dean has a point—" 'See!' Dean said leaning back on his side of the booth, while Sam narrowed his eyes at the both of them, "—but Sam also has a point." Maya finished reluctantly. Neither brother said anything but looked at her waiting for her to continue.

She rubbed her face tiredly before looking at Dean; "I'm with Sam about not giving up on breaking your deal, even if I share your viewpoint that it might not be possible. I mean they're pretty ironclad, aren't they? And wasn't there a stipulation about getting out of it?"

"Yeah," Dean sighed. "If I find a way to weasel out of it, Sam drops dead."

"We'll find a way around that. If we can find the demon who holds Dean's deal and kill it. The contract should be null and void," Sam persisted. "We just have to keep searching—"

"I'm going to stop you there, Sam," Maya interrupted. "I meant what I said about not giving up, but Dean has a point about the job you guys do. Whether you find a way to break the deal, or find the demon who has it, there are still people out there in danger who need help," she gave Sam a pointed glance. "People who might die, regardless of whether or not there's a way to keep Dean from going to Hell."

"So, basically keep doing what we've been doing?" Sam groaned slumping in his seat. "Hunting things and trying to find a lead in between?"

"Sounds like a plan," Dean shrugged, taking another sip of coffee.

"Better than you acting like a countdown clock," Maya skewered some remaining melon on her fork before popping it in her mouth.

Sam's head turned sharply to look down at her in annoyance. "I do not—"

"You told him within the last week, today included, that he has two months left, twice already. And don't think I don't catch you scowling at the calendars at motels and diners like you know they're plotting against you," she interrupted and pointed her fork at him offhandedly as she looked at her fruit. Maya decided to stab the watermelon. It was not as flavorful as she hoped.

Dean gave a snort as he took another bite of his pie. That just had the effect of Sam shifting his bitch-face at Maya to him.

"Not like you were keeping track," Sam accused.

"You got me. It's not like I already know my expiration date is coming due soon. Maybe enjoy what time I got left without being reminded exactly how much is left," Dean said sarcastically as he took an aggressive stab at his remaining pie.

Sam gave a pained face and his patented puppy dog eyes, "Sorry."

Dean looked up ready to retort but the eyes killed it and it died on his tongue. He let the tension bleed out his shoulders as he gave sigh and rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "Yeah, yeah. You don't need to keep telling me how much time I've got," Dean put his fork on his empty plate. "I've been keeping track."

Sam went to finish the last few bits of his omelet and Maya looked between the two, glad the argument was settled for the moment. It was also official that she didn't want to be in the middle between them in an argument. Made her feel uncomfortable and awkward like she was supposed to choose sides. She used her fork to stab some remaining grapes.

"Great," she said around a mouthful of food. "So, who should I make my mediator fee out to?" she gave them a cheeky smile as they turned to stare at her. "What? You think it's free? Pfft, please!"

Sam and Dean shared a look before both saying, "Twerp." Though Sam made a point of rubbing her head to mess up her hair. Both Sam and Dean shared a chuckle at her expense.

"Assholes. The both of you," Maya muttered with a frown, though her gold eyes sparkled playfully.


March-ish 2008, Lawrence, Kansas, United States

A middle aged black woman waited patiently in her home for her 'surprise' guests to arrive. Honestly those Winchesters getting themselves into all kinds of trouble. She wasn't sure what kind this time, but what she's been getting it wasn't anything good.

Hearing the banging on her parlor door she put down her magazine and went to see who it was. Opening the door she finds on the other side of the screen a one Dean Winchester and a one Sam Winchester.

"Oh, Dean Honey, what did you get yourself into?" Missouri shook her head reproachfully.

"What? No 'hello'?" Dean said a little taken back but smirked at the psychic all the same. "I'm guessin' you know why we're here?"

Missouri regarded him thoughtfully, "You got yourself tangled up in a demon deal." She looked over at Sam, "Your soul for Sam's life and only one year. Which is almost up."

Dean rubbed the back of his head and both him and Sam didn't make eye contact with her.

"We were wondering if you might know anything?" Sam hesitated before adding, "Or see anything that can help us."

"How 'bout you boys and your friend in the car and her dog come in?" She gave them a disapproving stare when she picked up on their thoughts and the slight tensing of their shoulders. "I'm not going to do anything to your little friend, or tell anyone 'bout her. Now, go on!" she shooed at Sam who gave his brother an apprehensive look. Dean looked in Missouri's eyes and her raised eyebrow and nodded to Sam. Sam went over to the impala that was out of sight.

Missouri opened the screen door to let him in. "Go on. Have a seat," Missouri motioned to her couch in her parlor. "And don't you put those feet on my coffee table!" She said pointing at him as she took a seat in the chair across from him. Dean tensed and gave her sheepish smile. They turned their heads as Sam, Maya and Puck entered the parlor.

"Oh my," Missouri said in slight wonder looking at the slender teenager in front of her. "What beautiful energy you emit. What a lovely gift."

Sam and Dean looked from Missouri to Maya in confusion and a little bit of concern, though Maya wasn't much better, she had no idea what the lady was talking about.

"What-?" Dean went to ask, but Missouri stopped him.

"Oh hush, there's nothing to be worried about," Missouri dismissed. "It's like when you say someone 'just lights up the room'. It's a little something like that. Again, nothing to worry about." she said flippantly. "Well? Sit down. Don't hover like vultures." She waited until Sam and Maya were seated, albeit a little uneasy. Puck placed himself at Maya's feet between her legs as he stared at the older woman intently.

"Now," Missouri began. "I'm sure you're not here just to talk about Maya here, but about demon deals and Hellhounds?" she queried looking at the trio on her couch.

"Did you guys tell her my name?" Maya asked a little perturbed. The energy bit had her a little freaked out. What did the psychic mean that she was emitting some kind of energy? Why was it a gift? What was it? The way she described it reminded her of something her Dad would call her when she was feeling down about her abilities or feeling really mushy and emotional. Usually happened when she was about to drift off into sleep.

"No," Missouri said with a knowing smile that had Maya sitting up a little straighter. "I can read thoughts and energies in a room. Seems your Father might have an idea of what I was getting at if he calls you his Morning's Glory." Her eyes twinkled at the wide-eyed look of the half-Trickster in front of her, seated on a couch with two other Hunters. What an interesting sight, especially with the thoughts running through the older boys' minds. Honestly, Winchesters and their repressed emotions. That girl couldn't be in safer company, than if she was with her Father.

Maya sat straight up with eye wide as she used her arms to cover the top of her head like it would keep Missouri out, "Stay out of my head!"

Sam smirked at Maya's reaction. "You know covering your head with your arms won't stop her, right?" he pointed out. "Neither will a tin foil hat," he added seeing her open her mouth.

Maya's mouth shut with an audible click as she turned to look at Sam with wide eyes, arms still on her head. "Now, you stop reading my mind!" she hissed.

"Ain't mind reading if it's obvious, Goldy." Dean said with a laugh as Maya leaned around the front of Sam to give him a bitch face.

Missouri watched the three of them bicker and snark at each other. She could feel young Maya's energy brush against the two brothers, pushing at the darker clouds that hung around them. It didn't banish them completely, as in, make the boys believe there wasn't a serious issue hanging above their heads, or Dean's head as it was. No, her energy pushed just enough so the boys could choose to take a moment to enjoy a light hearted moment between them and their young friend.

She could see what was happening between the three, but it was obvious that they were oblivious to it themselves. Her eyes drifted to a less tense Maya, arms at her sides now, and her honey gold eyes, alight with silent laughter, that were trained on the two Hunters to her right on the couch, an easy smirk on her lips.

'Oh sweet child,' Missouri thought. 'I hope you know the pain you've signed yourself up for.' She let out a full body sigh. It was time to move this meeting along.

"If I wanted to listen to children bicker I'd call up the relatives," Missouri said pointedly. At least all three had the decency to look a little abashed.

"Sorry, Missouri," Sam apologized. "We came here wondering if you could help us with Dean's deal."

"Sam here thinks maybe you can get a read on the demon that hold my contract," Dean sighed as he leaned back into the couch. "Or the very least help us find Bela Talbot." His eyes furrowed spitefully as he grimaced at the thief's name.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Missouri apologized. "I can't pick-up anything from this demon you mentioned. And unless you have something of this Bela Talbot, I'm afraid I can't help you there either."

Sam gave her a slightly helpless look and Dean sent her a chagrined one, before schooling the emotions away. Maya's face was sad with the news as she attempted to give Missouri a smile, to tell her it wasn't her fault.

"It's alright Missouri," Dean sighed. "Thanks for seeing us." They all got up, getting ready to leave.

"You're welcome, but," Missouri began gaining their attention, "there's something that's popped up."

"What kind of something?" Dean asked, turning to look at the psychic his interest piqued.

"Now, it hasn't made the papers yet, but a couple bodies have shown up. Drained of blood." Missouri gave them a pointed look, before snapping her eyes to Maya. "Don't you go cussing young lady!" she snapped.

Maya gave her a deer-caught-in-headlights look with her wide eyes as her body tenses up.

"Vampires? Djinn?" Sam asked speculatively.

"Not sure," Missouri admitted. "My client from the police station didn't see the body."

"You have client's from the police payroll?" Dean looked at Missouri in disbelief.

Missouri gave him a pointed look, "Not all local authority are closed minded. I've been asked to see if I can find a body or a missing person's from time to time."

"Huh." Dean looked away from Missouri's stare and to his brother. "Want to check it out? See if there's something here?"

Sam inhaled like he wanted to protest, to get moving to the next possible lead to break Dean's deal, but stopped himself. "Yeah," he sighed then looked to the psychic. "We'll look into it Missouri."

"Thanks boys," Missouri smiled at them gratefully before looking at Maya. "While you're busy with that you can drop Maya off here with me."

"Uh, why?" Maya asked confused. "I'm going to help the guys." She crossed her arms at the raised eyebrow Missouri sent her.

"Really?" Missouri looked at Sam and Dean who shared an apprehensive look between them. "I don't think the boys think you're anywhere near ready to take on a possible vampire nest or a djinn."

Maya furrowed her eyebrows in a frown at Missouri before looking at the Winchesters. "Guys?" she questioned, turning to look at them. Sam looked away, but Dean met her gaze head on.

"Sorry, Goldy. You're still on salt n' burns," Dean told her seriously. "Vamps and djinn are a bit more tricky than ghosts. If it gets too much we can't just stick you in a salt circle."

Maya opened her mouth to object when Missouri beat her to the punch.

"Honey, are you sure you won't freeze up when facing a vampire? A mistake like that can be dangerous, and," Missouri pointed out knowingly, "you don't have the best past experiences with them."

Maya pinched her face in thought as she thought about it, frowning before her shoulders sagged in defeat. Her first encounter with vampires was a little traumatic and she was stronger now, but that didn't mean she wouldn't freeze up.

Dean walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, don't worry about it. Learning stuff like this takes time. Sam and me will take care of whatever's going on, and later we can teach you how to properly swing a machete." Dean gave her a roguish smirk as he moved his hand from her shoulder to her head, rubbing it and messing with her hair.

"Hey!" Maya swatted away Dean's hand from her head giving him a playful glare as they all headed to the front door.

"It's still early enough we can probably get changed and head over to the morgue to check out the bodies," Sam stated. "Find out what we're dealing with."

Dean checked the time on his cellphone and gave Sam a nod of confirmation. "Sounds good," he looked over to Missouri, "we hadn't gotten a motel room yet, is it okay that me and Sam change here?"

Missouri waved them off, "That's fine, and while you boys are at the morgue Maya can keep me company here." Missouri was on point today because when Maya went to protest staying behind she didn't let her. "Oh, Honey, we all know you're too young lookin' to pass for an FBI intern. Let alone a new field agent."

Maya sent the woman an affronted face as her mind was once again invaded by the psychic. Sam and Dean smirked in amusement, glad to see someone else on the receiving end of Missouri's abilities, other than themselves.

Sam and Dean were changed into their cheap suits with their fake I.D.'s ready within 15mins and heading out Missouri's front door.

"Shouldn't take long to see what's going on," Sam said as he tucked one of his fake badges into his suit pocket. "Good luck with Missouri, Maya," Sam sent her an amused smirk at the glower he received from her. He went out the door to the parked impala.

Maya leaned against a wall as Dean paused in the doorway looking back at her and Missouri. "See ya in a bit Goldy," he gave her a small smile before looking at Missouri, "Anyone asks about her, your keeping an eye on her for her two older brothers."

Missouri raised an eyebrow at that. "Doubt anyone would ask, but all right. We'll just be here baking some sugar cookies anyway."

That little announcement had both Maya and Dean perking up and looking at Missouri expectantly. Dean looked reluctant to go at the mention of freshly baked cookies.

"And talkin' about why she feels it's necessary to avoid her Father," Missouri added on, much to Maya's horror.

Maya whipped her head at Dean and looked at him pleadingly, "Take me with you." Puck gave a whiney huff at her feet. She looked down at the little dog that looked up at her firmly. "Oh c'mon! You too?!" She got a confirmation huff from the little Jack Russell.

"Right," Dean said awkwardly. "I'm out. Later!" Dean made a hasty retreat to the impala and away from that discussion.

"Traitor!" Maya called out behind him, and gave a huffed as the impala peeled out of the driveway. She turned to Missouri to find her looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"So," Missouri began, "older brothers huh?" She wondered about the boys' emotional intelligence.

Maya just eyed the psychic warily as she gave a shrug. "Good cover if anyone asks why a teenager's travelling with two hulking men. Got mistaken as their kid sister when we started travelling together and it stuck," Maya paused as she regarded the older woman. "Do we...?"

"Oh you can bet your little Trickster behind we do," Missouri confirmed putting her hands on her hips. "If my James pulled the stunt you're pulling right now, Lord have mercy, when he'd finally show up I'd put his black behind through the ringer! He wouldn't be sittin' right for weeks," she marched away from the slightly terrified teen and around a doorway out of sight. Maya stood rooted to the spot, scared to move. She actually jumped a little when Missouri popped her head from the doorway. "Well come on then. Those cookies ain't going to make themselves," she said motioning Maya to follow as she disappeared again, the sound of cupboards and drawers opening and closing.

Puck went first, trotting to the doorway then looking back at his owner expectantly. Maya tentatively walked to the doorway and peaked around into the kitchen to find Missouri getting everything set up.

"Maya," Missouri said without turning around to look at her, "Check and preheat that oven for me? 350F, please. Puck, try not to get under foot, okay?" Puck gave a small bark in agreement before finding an out of the way spot under the kitchen table.

"You figured out he's not normal, and you're not freaked out about it?" Maya asked as she went to the oven, making sure it was empty before preheating it.

"Honey, I'm a psychic. I see and feel lots of things. An extraordinarily intelligent little dog charged with watching over a half-Trickster is low on the unusual scale," Missouri said as she began measuring out ingredients. "And yes I picked up from your thoughts about what you are and who your Father is."

"Is anything in my head safe?" Maya asked chagrined.

"Just don't think of anything you don't want me to pick up on," Missouri said chuckling as she turned to look at her.

"That's...so not helpful, 'cause now that's all my mind wants to think about!" Maya rolled her eyes in exasperation.

The older woman chuckled at her as she put sugar and softened butter in the large mixing bowl. "Yes. A bit of a catch-22 isn't it? Cream this please." She handed the bowl and spatula to Maya who began to expertly cream the sugar and butter together.

Maya couldn't stop the memories of when she and her Dad would bake sheets upon sheets of cookies when the mood struck one of them and they had access to an oven. She actually huffed a small chuckle when the memory of the time her Dad made one of the gingerbread men come to life and run around their place when she had opened the oven without him there. Maya had to have been about 8yrs, still too young to work the oven or stove without supervision. Her punishment had been to spend 2hrs trying to chase down that runaway cookie. It was both fun and exhausting, but her Dad also told her she couldn't have any of the cookies that night either.

A readily becoming familiar ache filled her chest as she thought of her Dad, accompanied by her annoyance and some wariness. Maya knew she was in a lot of trouble with him.

"I think that's creamed enough," Missouri spoke up, drawing Maya from her thoughts. She took the bowl back and added an egg and some vanilla extract, before handing Maya back the bowl to begin mixing again. "You miss him."

"Of course I miss him, he's my Dad. I love him and before we were always in touch..." Maya handed the mixed bowl back and Missouri added the flour, baking powder, and salt, and then handed it back to Maya.

"But you're afraid of what'll happen if you go back," Missouri stated solemnly.

Maya sighed a she put the mixed cookie dough on the counter. "I know he'd never hurt me, but I also feel that he'll no longer let me anywhere out of his sight. All over something that happened in a time loop that no longer has the possibility of happening!"

"I can't believe any version of Sam would do that," Missouri said with surprised disbelief at the flash of memory she picked up from Maya's thoughts. "No wonder your Father was wanting you to stay with him. I'd be going out of my mind with worry and fear if something like that happened with my son."

"At least you'd eventually let him go," Maya said a little bitterly. "It wasn't easy getting him to let me have a year on my own, and even then it was cut short by almost 11 months. After what happened in the time loop he doesn't think I'll be safe on my own," she looked down forlornly. "I know he just wants to protect me, but I can't stay with him forever."

"Mmm, true." Missouri admits. "But do you want to spend the rest of your life running from him? At least call the man. Talk to him. No matter how much he loves and adores you, his fear of losing you will overshadow everything else. So, the longer you wait to reach out, the more trouble you'll be in, and the less likely he'll want to listen. All he'll be thinking is how to keep you with him to keep you safe."

Maya let out a slow sigh threw her nose, not looking at the psychic beside her.

Missouri placed a hand on her shoulder. "I may be a psychic, but I'm also a parent. And losing a child? That's one of our greatest fears, and fear like that? It can be all consuming to the point you don't realize what you're doing will be how you end up losing them anyway."

Maya conceded in her mind that Missouri had a point. She'd felt the way her Dad had held onto her so desperately a couple of months ago, like she was about to disappear. It was a couple of days later after teaching that homophobe of a pastor about free love that her Dad had told her about what upset him so much. She was of course shocked and upset from what Sam did, but also pointed out her Dad's mistake. Giving Sam a target to focus on to get Dean back. If her Dad hadn't killed Dean that Wednesday then that whole thing wouldn't have happened. That of course sparked a heated argument between them, and her Dad basically telling her she was sticking with him from then on.

"What? Why?!"

"You got yourself killed! I'm not about to let you go off on your own again!"

"That was in a time loop of a timeline where you killed Dean! I highly doubt Sam still wants my head on a pike to get back at you."

"You don't know that! *sigh* Tootsie Roll I just want to keep you safe..."

"I get that, really, I do, but you said I could have a year on my own. I passed your test—"

"And you still got staked in the chest! I'm sorry Maya, but you're staying with me. That's final."

"I love you Dad, but I can't stay with you forever."

"That's what you think."

She remembered looking at her Dad and realizing that he'd never really let her go. That when she finally was an adult and wanted to start living permanently on her own her Dad would probably wave her off with a laugh, because what a silly idea. Why be alone when they could stick together?

That thought had scared her. The thought that one day her Dad might become more of a jailer than her Father.


"Stop those thoughts right now!" Missouri scolded after whacking her head with a wooden spoon. "The more you let thoughts like those consume you and keep you from talking to your Father, the more likely they will happen. Especially if you keep running away from your problems and they catch up to you," she said pointedly at the guilty teen. "Now your Father isn't all innocent in this either. From what I can gather he needs to learn to not let his fear of losing you blind him, but he can't do that if you run away and don't tell him what's running through that head of yours," Missouri waved the weaponized wooden spoon vaguely at Maya's head.

"I'll think about it," Maya reluctantly conceded as she turned her head to look into Missouri's searching eyes.

"Hmph, good." The older woman nodded at her, "C'mon these cookies won't bake themselves." They both stood on wither side of the cookie sheet and began rolling the dough into balls before spacing them evenly on the sheet.

"You used the allure of baking cookies to get me comfortable enough to talk didn't you?" Maya asked though it sounded more like a statement.

Missouri chuckled, "It worked didn't it?"

Maya gave a huff and pouted as she rolled cookie dough.


March-ish 2008, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States

University of Alabama

It was a couple of weeks since visiting Missouri and the Winchesters taking care of a small vampire nest that decided Lawrence was going to be its new hunting grounds. Since then the three of them have been visiting every reputable psychic, professor, and some okay non-black magic self-proclaimed witches they could find, while going on hunts in between. Sam and Dean have also been spending some time teaching Maya useful techniques in hand-to-hand, shooting, and decapitation. Mostly shooting though, neither of them wanted Maya getting too close and personal with anything quite yet.

Maya sat on a damp bench beside Dean in a campus courtyard in front of the school's library. Where Dean was eating a hotdog from a vendor, Maya was sucking away on an orange lollipop listening to some music. Sam was in the library talking to a professor who, supposedly, specialized on the occult. Puck was between Maya and Dean on the bench and looked at Dean's hotdog longingly.

"Rat, this is my food. I ain't giving you any," Dean growled to the little dog that gave him a pleading look and pitiful whine. Dean made the mistake of making eye contact with the canine. Son of a bitch...

Sighing in aggravation he tarred a small piece of hotdog and bun then looked into the little mutt's excited eyes. "No more whining. This is all you get. Capiche?" Dean said sternly, Puck wiggled excitedly where he sat as he eyed the tidbit in Dean's hand. "I know you can understand me, so nod yes that you know that this is all you get." Puck nodded his headed looking at Dean's face then back to his hand expectantly.

Rolling his eyes Dean held out the small piece he tore off to the little dog who wolfed it down appreciatively, then licked Dean's hand. Dean quickly retracted his hand, frowning in disgust as he wiped it on his pant leg, before going back to the rest of his hotdog. Puck stuck to the deal and stopped bugging the Hunter.

Dean looked around the courtyard waiting for Sam to come out when his phone began to ring.

"Yello?" Dean answered around a mouthful of food. "Hey Bobby! What's up?"

Maya popped out her ear buds to look over at Dean as he talked on the phone, from what she could piece together Bobby had a hunt for them. Probably a spirit was his guess. Great, another salt n' burn for her.

Sam exited the library and came trotting up to them as Dean finished the phone call.

"Yep. I got it. Okay, bye." Dean hung closed his phone and tossed Sam an empty can of soda as he stood up. "So?" he asked Sam as he took the final bite of his hotdog. Maya got up and walked up to Sam with Dean.

"So, the professor doesn't know crap," Sam said exasperated.

"Shocking," Dean said unenthused. Most academic types didn't know what they're talking about, and this professor was a long shot anyways. "Pack your panties ladies. We're hitting the road," Dean said smacking Sam and Maya's shoulders as he walked by. Maya rolled her eyes as she went to follow, Puck at her heels.

Sam turned to follow Dean with his eyes looking confused. "What? What's up?" Sam asked.

Dean pivoted, then looked around Maya who stopped, to look back at his brother, "That was Bobby. Some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio, and he thinks there's a spirit involved."

"So you two were talking about a case?" Sam asked for clarification.

"No we were actually talking about our feelings, and then our favorite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case," Dean said sarcastically, walking around Maya to approach Sam.

"So, a spirit—what?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, well, banker was complaining about some electrical problems at his pad for, like, a week—phones going haywire, computers flipping on and off, huh?" Dean said trying to sell the case.

"Uh-uh." Sam agreed, unmotivated.

Picking up on Sam's attitude Dean prods, "This not ringing your bell?"

"Well, sure, yeah, but, Dean, we're on a case," Sam said pointedly waiting for his brother to get it. Maya did and she was not looking forward to the upcoming argument.

"Whose?" Dean asked confused.


"Right, yeah. Could have fooled me," Dean responded, turning to walk away, but Sam wasn't done.

"What the hell else have we been doing lately other than trying to break your deal?" Sam asked in aggravated annoyance. Dean turned around to look at him.

"Chasing our tails, that's what." Sam inhaled a slow breath at that and looked away. Dean stalked towards Sam, "Sam we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer, and two-bit carny act in the lower 48. Nobody knows squat."

Maya saw the look in Sam's face as he got an idea, while Dean continued his rant.

"And we can't find Bela. We can't find the Colt. So until we can actually find something, I'd like to do my job," Dean was thoroughly annoyed now.

"Well," Sam began, shifting from one foot to another, "there's one thing we haven't tried yet."

"No, Sam. No," Dean shook his head looking away.

"We should summon Ruby," Sam proposed.

"Demon bitch? Seriously?" Maya asked incredulously.

Sam looked at Maya, "She said she knows how to save Dean."

"Well, she can't Sam!" Dean said raising his voice. Sam looked back at him confused.

"Oh, really? You know that for sure?"

"I do."


"Because she told me, okay?" Dean admitted, his voice no-nonsense as he stared Sam in the eye. He couldn't keep the eye contact and looked away.

Maya swayed awkwardly on her feet, not sure what to do. Definitely felt like she intruded on something private. Time to split.

"I'm just gonna..." Maya pointed over her shoulder uncertainly, "yeah..." she walked away with Puck quickly and left them to their conversation. She did not want to get dragged into another argument.

Leaning up against the impala she saw Sam stalking towards her and the car, with Dean a few paces behind him. Ooh, whatever was talked about didn't end well. She could feel the tension between the two...and she's about to get into a car with them. Wonderful.

"Um, so...what's the plan?" Maya asked hesitantly as Dean unlocked the car and they piled in.

"We're going to Milan, Ohio," Dean stated and turned over the engine.

Cue tense car ride for the next day or so.

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