Caged- Vrene

By Aliabk1999

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🥀Not Every Happy Couple Gets A Happily Ever After🥀 __________________________________ 18+ content ahead. Th... More

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New Story


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By Aliabk1999

Namjoon's pov

I have known Taehyung for quite a long time, I have known him since he was just a kid. We were both friends since middle school, then in high school we were also together and then when we both chose the same subjects to major in, we eventually ended up going to the same university as well. So the point of saying all this is, that I have known Taehyung for so long but this is the first time I have seen him shed tears this much. He was never the kind of person to let any sort of negatively get to him, no matter what happened he would always be looking on the positive side and would put a smile on his face even if he was hurt. He encouraged his friends to always word hard, he encouraged and helped me through my times of hardship and I owe alot to this guy.

And now as I am sitting here in his office and I see him quietly weeping while keeping his head lowered and only his soft sobs making they're way towards me ears, I feel worse much worse then I have ever felt before. And all because of that fucking scumbag, from the first day I met him I knew there was something wrong about him, something unsettling and that made me uncomfortable to be even near him. I don't know why or what made Taehyung befriend him, but it was something that I know he regrets to this day. And after what he did to Irene, it just made me hate him even more. I think if we ran into him now, I would kill him way before Taehyung has a chance to put his hands on him.

Irene is a very precious girl, someone who deserves to be protected from anything bad in this world, in high school she was always the shy/pretty girl who never interfered in others business and was always lost in her own little world, and the one thing I liked most about her was that she was real, she was always herself and never tried to be someone else to fit in. When we found out that Taehyung and her became a thing, my fondness for her just grew even more. She was like a little sister to me, and even though we never told her but Seokjin and I were quite the overprotective older brothers.

Among the two of us, Irene knew Jin a little more better then me and he told me one day that there was this guy who was bothering her by sending her letters and teasing her and whatever, now normally Taehyung was the one who would deal with this stuff but I remember he had some family issues because of which he had to be absent from school for a week or two. So when we found the guy who was bothering Irene, we did what any protective older brothers would do. We beat him up and we trashed his car and threatened him to such extent that he never even looked in the direction of Irene ever again. And even though Jungkook was a junior even he would act like a grown up when it came to sticking up for Irene. So when she became Taehyung's girlfriend, we were thrilled and probably as happy as Taehyung was himself because I knew his feelings for Irene, he was literally spending his days and nights thinking of Irene. There was never a time in the day when he wasn't thinking about her.

But...................that night on Taehyung's wedding night. After he left the hotel, I called him after a while to check up on him to make sure everything was good. I called him over ten times but he never picked up, I was naturally worried so the three of us. Me, Jin and Jungkook drove straight to his house, upon reaching there the moment I stepped out the car I knew something was wrong, I could just feel the tension in the air. As we walked toward the entrance, I stepped ahead of them and knocked on the door. I must've knocked a dozen times before I heard any movement from the inside, as the door finally opened a little my eyes went wide in shock because of the sight I saw.


Author's pov

"I-Irene.......... What happened, what happened to you" Namjoon was barely able to get his words out as he saw Irene standing with bloodshot eyes, bruises on her wrists, red slap marks on her face and dark bags under her tired eyes. But even still she managed to put a faint smile on her face when she saw Taehyung's friends.

"H-Hello............. I'm so-sorry I didnt op-open the door earlier, you must be looking for T-Taehyung, h-he is upstairs resting right n-" Irene was speaking when she was cut off by a much heavier and deep voice from inside the house that caused her to flinch in her place.

"Move you whore" Namjoon and the other's look behind Irene and notice Taehyung standing there with a grim expression on his face, as he walks toward the door Namjoon tries his best to figure out what the hell is happening but he can't put anything together. As he walks towards Irene, he grabs her wrist roughly and pushes her inside.

"Get the fuck upstairs slut.............. I'll deal with you once I come up" He curses Irene who looks terrified upon hearing these words but still obeys his command as she lowers her head and slowly walks away, as Namjoon and the others watch this they became more angry and confused.

"What the fuck is wrong you Taehyung........... What do you think your doing to Irene, why are you hurting her" Jin suddenly snaps as he pushes Taehyung inside the house, Namjoon and Jungkook also walk inside and close the door to make sure that commotion doesn't reach the neighborhood. Taehyung slowly recovers from the sudden push as he looks up at his three friends.

"What am I doing................ I am doing what a husband is supposed to do on his wedding night, I am teaching that bitch whose let me say this to you Seokjin, don't fucking push me ag-" Taehyung is cut off again when Jin pins him down to the ground and  starts pummeling his face, enraged and furious because of his words.

"YOU FUCKING MORON.........HAVE YOU LOST YOUR GODDAMN MIND, THAT IS YOUR IRENE YOUR CALLING A SLUT" Seokjin becomes even more enraged as he repeatedly lands his fist on Taehyung's face so much that blood starts seeping through the open pores and even from Jin's knuckles. Jin completely lost it upon seeing Irene in that condition and what was worse that for him it looked like Taehyung was the one who hurt her. Namjoon and Jungkook just stand there and watch as Taehyung gets broken because they share the same feelings as Seokjin at this moment.

"STOPPPPP" suddenly Jin stops and as he looks up he is surprised to see Irene standing there with tears falling down her face, looking helpless and alone, "'t hurt him anymore, I beg you".

Seokjin is more shocked to hear this, he wonders why she is sticking up for this guy who was literally cursing her and even beat her on her wedding night, as Jin lowers his sight and sees Taehyung's bloody face, he takes deep breaths to calm himself down as he gets away from Taehyung and stands next to Namjoon. As soon as he moves away Irene runs to Taehyung's pummeled body and sits down on the floor as she places his head on her lap while cleaning the blood using her shirt.

"Irene, please tell us what the fuck happened here.........or I swear I won't be able to control myself from killing this bastard here right now" Seokjin warns Irene one time to try and get answers but all he receives is silence as an answer. Irene's sobs while cleaning her husband's face, while a grim and enraged expression forms on Taehyung's face as he eyes his friends standing before him.

"N-nothing happened just leave us be, thank you for your concern" Irene slowly answers after a while and they're eyes go wide upon hearing her defend Taehyung this much, while Taehyung manages to drag his body to stand up but as he does his legs give out a little, but before he can fall Irene again stands up as his support to help him stand. Taehyung looks right into Jin's eyes with detest and hate on his face.

"You heard her, now get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops.............and Seokjin, I better not fucking see you anywhere again" Taehyung curses as he points towards Jin who shares the amount of hate and anger in his eyes. Jin matches his eyes one last time with Irene whose eyes only show emptiness and sorrow, but he knows there is nothing he can do, as he slowly lowers his head and walks out without saying anything else to Taehyung. Namjoon and Jungkook both stand there speechless and shocked, but Seokjin gestures them to follow him and they do as they walk out of the they're house and drive away, leaving Irene to face her horrors alone.

End of Flashback----->


Namjoon's pov

That is a memory that haunts me everytime it pops back up in my brain, and I can't imagine what Irene went through. After that day Taehyung cut off his connections with most of the public including Jin. I figured out what really happened pretty easily, I mean who wouldn't. Jimin took Irene home when she was alone and drunk and took advantage of her, Taehyung went home after and found Irene at the crime scene alone and since Jimin was nowhere to be found, he started taking out his anger on Irene even though it wasn't her it wasn't hard to put the pieces together.

"Taehyung" I call him suddenly which makes him look upto me in tears. Now I know that I shouldn't interfere in his personal life but I can't just sit here while he cries like a small orphened puppy.

"I don't want to overstep or anything but is this because of Jin's wedding" upon hearing my accusation his eyes grow a little, I can easily tell that he was not expecting to hear something like this.

"How.................. How do you know about his wedding" he stutters a little as he tries to make sense of the whole situation while I sit there unamused staring at him.

"Are you kidding me............Jin's one of my best friends, do you really think he wouldn't invite me to his wedding. And he told me about inviting you and Irene to his wedding as well" He becomes even more surprised when I explain further to him, after Taehyung's and Jin's falling out I still kept in contact with Jin because he was a good friend and a good man. He would ask me from time to time to keep an eye on Taehyung to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. And he also told me how he ran into Irene a few weeks back in some restaurant and how he invited the two of them. And ever since I was made aware of this, I was also a little bit anxious because of what might happen. I notice as Taehyung lowers his head a little.

"Namjoon..............what if Jimin is also present there, Irene and I are trying really hard to move on from our past horrors and start a new life............ If I run into him again, it would send us back to square one........especially Iren-" as Taehyung starts to express his feelings I cut him off in the middle. I know how worried he is about coming face to face with that filth, and I'm sure he isn't worried about himself but for Irene. And I can tell it's the same for Irene, that bastard left deep wounds that have took a long time to heal and are still healing. Meeting up with him again is like sprinkling salt over those wounds and making them even worse.

"Taehyung shut up...................Just make one thing clear to me, right here and you love Irene" He is taken back a little from my sudden and straightforward question as his eyes grow a little, but he quickly recovers.

"..................... More then anything in the world" I can tell by his words that his answer is short but sincere and straight from the heart. His answer relieves my pressure a little, as I manage to put a smile upon my face.

"Then I assure you..................nothing will happen to Irene you understand................your my brother and Irene is like a sister to me and there is no way I will let anything happen to the two of you..........." I see a smile form on his face upon hearing my easing words and I really mean each and every word I said, ever since Taehyung's parents passed away, I thought of him like a brother and even though we drifted apart a little because of his closeness with Jimin, we eventually found our back to each other.

"Thank you Namjoon.................. I can never repay you for your kindness towards me" He says letting out a sigh of relief while smiling widely. Well thank goodness he is in a good mood now, I don't like it when this guy gets all mopey on me.

After talking about different things I excuse myself as I head towards the door with him following behind me. I stop as I turn back to face him one last time.

"You wanna repay me for my kindness Taehyung.................treat Irene right and don't ever make her cry again" His eyes go wide upon hearing my words but I don't give him a chance to say anything back as I turn my back to him.

"Oh and by the way one more thing".

"Yeah what is i--" Suddenly I send him flying back by throwing a punch at his face, as he recovers from the shock he holds his bleeding nose while furiously looking at me with eyes full of anger.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR" He curses out loud.

"For hurting Irene.................... See ya pal".


Author's pov

The next couple of days go flying by, as Taehyung and Irene's relationship moves more and more towards the positive side, Taehyung and Irene's life becoming more and more the way the dreamed it would be. They're love for each other soaring higher and higher as more days went by. But as days went by  it also meant that Jin's wedding was closing in faster and faster. One part of Taehyung was anxious and worried because this would be the first time he was going to face the people he shut out many months ago, while his feelings were shared by Irene she was also afraid of what people might think about her and Taehyung and what she went through during the early days of her marriage but she knew that only Taehyung and his three friends knew about her ordeals so she mentally tried to keep herself calm and collected.

And finally the long anticipated day had arrived.

The Wedding day of Kim Seokjin and Kim Jisoo.


Well guys I'm sure you can tell but the next chapter will be Jin's wedding day. And I want to give you guys some hints but I feel it will ruin the surprises and fun so please stay tuned for that.
And this is the first time we got a namjoon pov, and I thought we needed a little more depth on Taehyung's friends and what the aftermath of Irene's rape was after Taehyung found her. And also the reason Taehyung fell apart with Jin.

So guys, for those of you who read this story and also read my other story the fallen. I posted a message on my wall explaining what happened to that story, and I feel really bad about it but you can just go and read it and check out what happened.

So anyway thank you guys for reading and supporting this story. Please vote and comment.

See ya

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