Midnight Cigarettes ; The Out...

By poisonousmalfoy

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He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Sodapop Curtis, but you can call me Soda" he answered. "Sodapop?" I ch... More

Authors Note


9.8K 147 219
By poisonousmalfoy

Elliot's P.O.V

I looked over to the clock on the dresser to see it was 7, which gave me about and hour to get ready.

I walked out of my room and quickly over to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth. I walked back to my room and closed the door quickly behind me.

I walked to my dresser thinking about what I should wear. A dress maybe? Or maybe something casual? Maybe a little dressy?

I had no idea.

I walked out to Steve and Soda who were sitting on the couch.

"Hey Steve, Evie's comin over right?" I asked

"Yeah, why?"

"What's her landline number?"

Steve wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"Thank youuu" I said and walked back into my room.

I picked up the phone on the dresser and typed in the number he gave me.

"Hello?" Evie's answered.

"Hey Evie! It's Elliot"

"Hey Elliot! I was just about to get on my way to ya'lls house"

"I need a small favor if you can ... I'm not sure what I'm suppose to wear to these things"

"Hhmmm I'll bring some things over with me"

"Thank you Evie, you're a life saver"

"Of course" she giggled lightly as we both hung up.

Was this a date? Or was it just us hanging out?

Geez stop overthinking it Elliot.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and let myself breath. Tonight was gonna be a good time, I was sure of it. I got to be with SodaPop and Evie and Steve. They were some of my favorite people her in Tulsa.

I'm just a few minutes I heard Evie's voice in the living room. I opened my door to see her making her way down the hallway. She walked in and laid some shirts and a pair of pants on my bed.

"Skinny jeans?" I asked, I'd never in my life wore skinny jeans.

"You'll look great" she smiled "now try some things on"


After an hour of getting ready with Evie's help. I still looked the same but with a little mascara, a bit of bronze eye shadow, and a new outfit. I insisted on wearing my converse to keep in touch with myself. And I made sure I didn't have too much makeup on, I was never one for a lot of makeup.

Evie looked me up and down "someone's not gonna be able to keep their hands to themselves" She giggled.

I chuckled "Thank you for helpin me out, I'm new to this stuff"

"Of course doll" she smiled "now let's get you out there, the boys are probably waitin"

She opened the door of my room, letting me walk out with her behind me.

We walked out of the hallway together, talking about whatever we had to talk about and ending the conversation once we entered the living room where four boys sat on the couch.

"You Boys Ready?" Evie asked.

Steve and Soda turned around at the same time.

I looked over to Soda who was laughing about whatever Steve had said and when he looked over at me his face went from laughing to complete awe.

I looked behind me as if it wasn't me he was looking at. I guess I'm just not use to that kinda thing.

I never even knew Soda even remotely felt that way about me until Steve pointed it out.

I had on a checkered, spaghetti strap shirt that was tucked into a pair of black skinny jeans along with my jean jacket and converse.

He got up quickly, he had on his normal jeans and boots with his reddish brown flannel and a white t-shirt under.

He walked over to me, already smiling. "You look — great".

"Thanks ... so do you" I smiled lightly, I could feel my face was hot.

"Are you sure you don't need us to stay?" Soda asked, leaning over the couch to Ponyboy.

"Yeah I'm sure SodaPop, Johnny's gonna stay for a bit" Pony replied

"You need anything ... you know where we'll be" I said, Pony looked over at me and nodded.

"Bye guys" I waved to Ponyboy and Johnny as we walked out, Soda holding the door open as always.

I had wondered if Soda was like this with all girls. Was he sweet and gentle with other girls. Or did he act differently. I knew Soda was a 'lady's man' but I wondered if it was different with me.

I was snapped out of my thinking as we got up to Steve's car. Soda and I got in the back and Evie and Steve got in the front like the last time.

Steve pulled out of the side of the grass and onto the road. I looked out the window and then turned towards SodaPop who was looking at me.

I could feel my face get hot "what?" I asked.

"You just, you look amazing. You always do" he said, wrapping two arms around me and pulling me to him.

"I have to warn you, I'm not a very good dancer" I scrunched my nose.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you" he winked.

Steve pulled up into the small parking lot of the bar and it looked pretty busy inside, I would assume most of the people in there are greasers maybe a few socs.

We all got out of Steve's car. Sodas arm wrapped around my waist like normal as we made our way into the bar.

It definitely was full of people.

Soda made sure I was close to him the whole way. Once we made it to the middle of the place, where the stage was, Soda turned me towards him.

"Alright, just follow me" he said, loud enough to where I could hear.

He took one of my hands and put it on his shoulder and took my other one into his hand then put his other hand on my waist.

He pulled me close to him so we were almost touching.

"You know, I can't really see you dancing" I said to him "despite the fact that you're so happy-go-lucky"

He lead me as best he could but I'm pretty stubborn when it come to this stuff. I looked down to watch my feet.

"Don't look down" he said, causing me to look back up at him.

"I'm sorry I'm no good at this, I just know you like to so I-" I began but soda cut me off.

"Elliot you're fine, just being here with you makes me happy"

"You know how to make a girl blush way too well"

"It's a gift" he grinned

I looked down but then remembered I shouldn't be and looked back up at him.

"Hey SodaPop"


"Is this a date or ...?" I hated asking, I wasn't one to do that but Soda made me feel differently.

"Do you want it to be?" He asked

"I don't know, I'm not good at all this boy stuff" I chuckled "it's all new to me"

He smiled "alright, then it's a date"

"Okay" I nodded and laughed a bit at my awkwardness.

"You're gettin the hang of it"

"I don't know, I feel like I'm doin an awful job at this" I laughed and looked up at him.

"Awe you're doin fine, think you can speed up a bit?"

"I can sure try" I said, biting my lip lightly.

"Just follow me" he whispered.

I did as he said, following his movements. He spun me around here and there. I wished I had realized what a good time I would've had sooner, despite the fact that I'm a bad dancer.

The whole time I could tell I had a huge smile on my face, always laughing with whatever joke or stupid thing Soda would do or say.

After a few songs Soda and I found a small table and we sat there, just talking for a bit.

"So, tell me a bit more about SodaPop Curtis" I asked, taking a sip of the water I ordered.

"What's there to say?"

I shrugged "Well I know you like Drag racing and dances. What else should I know about SodaPop Curtis?"

He thought for a moment "Well uh ... I eat grape jelly on my eggs"

"You what now?" I snickered "grape jelly?"

"Don't judge" he rolled his eyes playfully "I guess I dig sweet things. Ponyboy's always telling me when I make icing for cake that there's too much sugar"

"I can accept that, but not the grape jelly part" I laughed "what else?"

"I'm left handed, my favorite color is blue, and uh my lucky number is two" he said, cocking his head to the side "your turn"

"Hhmmm I play a little guitar and my favorite color is yellow"

"You play guitar?"

"A little, I had a lot of time on my hands when I was a little kid in New York and we had this old one that use to be my Dads so I taught myself some of it" as much as I trusted Soda, I didn't wanna tell him the real reason I learned guitar.

"I probably couldn't learn how to play an instrument" he chuckled

"It's not too hard, just takes practice"

After a little while of us talking a slow song came on. Specifically 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You' by Elvis Presley.

Soda stood up and held his hand out for me. I smiled and took his hand gladly. He lead me out to the floor where everyone was dancing.

I lifted one of my hands to his shoulder but he took the other and put it on his other shoulder. He took his arms and wrapped them around my waist and lightly pulled me to him to where our bodies were lightly touching. My arms slipped around his neck.

I softly sang along to the song to the song, it had to be one of my favorites. Elvis was a huge inspiration of mine.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he tightened his grip around me. Soda was always warm. Being in his embrace made me wanna stay there forever.

"Mmmhhh can we stay like this forever" I whispered, snickering at myself for saying that.

He chuckled "I wish"

I lifted my head up to look at him, I was only a little past his shoulders.

He looked down and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"SodaPop, I don't wanna let Dallas know that we're 'goin out' ya know? Like to him we're just friends ... ok" I said, biting my lip "being here with you makes me happy, and Dally he's protective over me. Sometimes I wonder if the whole tough thing is an act"

He nodded "I get it, I'd rather not be beat by him" he grinned "he'd beat the tar outa me"

I laughed a bit "I could see why"

I leaned back against him and enjoyed the time while it lasted.

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