Daughters of One Direction...

By directioner600

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When the one direction boys, once again prove that they are incapable of being responsible, Simon Cowell deci... More

Chapter 1: What do you mean adoption?
Chapter 2: Antisocial much?
Chapter 3: Can I really trust you?
Chapter 4: Why won't you tell me?
Chapter 5: When did that happen?
Chapter 6: Why can't I get it right?
Chapter 7: How Do You Deal With It?
Chapter 8: What did you think would happen?
Chapter 9: Why can't I be more like you?
Chapter 10: What is going to happen?
Chapter 11:How do I know that?
Chapter 12: Is everything a secret?
Chapter 13: Peanut butter?
Chapter 14: Seriously?
Chapter 15: What's going on?
Chapter 16: What did you do?
Chapter 17: Why do I do it?
Chapter 18: What just happened?
Chapter 19: Are they serious?
Chapter 20: Is she really okay?
Chapter 21: Do you really think that's gonna work?
Chapter 22: Why are you here?
Chapter 23: Why now?
Chapter 24: What would she want?
Chapter 25: Where is she?

Chapter 26: How old are you?

260 10 14
By directioner600

~Chapter 26~

Avery's POV

After the rehabilitation center burned down, the doctors couldn't exactly send us back. Caitlyn and I still keep in touch with Chloe and Gage (who by the way, is out of the hospital, but still has bandages on the burns,) but we don't get to see them often. They were meant to be there for a long time, so they're being sent back as soon as it's rebuilt. On the bright side, we're done with the bell-schedules, long hallways, and neverending lunch lines of the rehabilitation center. However, starting today. we have to deal with the bell-schedules, long hallways, and neverending hallways of high school. And we get to start halfway through the school year! Yay for make-up work! Ugh!

The boys say that my sisters and I would get mobbed by fans if we took the bus like most students, and they're too busy with work to drive us. We are going there early today to get our schedules and things like that. So, here we are, sitting in our uniforms, being driven to school in a black limousine, because that's totally not going to attract attention at all!

The driver pulls up in front of the school and we all get out with our book bags and walk into the main office. The receptionist at the desk looks up. "Hello," she says nervously, "I'm Amy. You must be the One Direction girls." We nod our heads in response. "Well, I have your schedules, locker numbers and combinations, and maps of the school. Which one of you is Erica?" Erica steps forward to get her papers. "And Avery is the short one isn't she? That's what students told me at least."

It's nice to know what people think of me.

Anyway, after we compare our schedules and my sisters finish laughing at the fact that Amy the receptionist called me the short one, we set up our lockers, which are all next to each other. Coincidence? I think not. The bell rings and we make our way to our first period class. I have Algebra with Holly. When we get to the room, instead of letting me just pretend I was always in this class like I would like to do, Holly chooses to drag me by my wrist and immediately start talking to the teacher.

"Hello," she says to a man who looks like he's in his thirties. "I'm Holly, and this is Avery. We're new here."

"Hello. I'm Mr. Ringle." I try to hold back giggles. I'm gonna call him Chris Cringle. "You can get your textbooks from the back of the room and just sit in any empty seat." Holly once again drags me across the room to get books and then rushes to sit next to a tall blond boy. I look around the room and sit next to a brunette girl near the back of the room, who just so happens to be texting at a mile a minute.

"Who are you?" she asks as soon as she finally looks up from her phone and realises that there is another person next to her.

"I'm Avery," I say.

"Are you in the wrong class? Primary school is on the other side of the building."

"No, I'm supposed to be here."

"I think you're confused. Let's go talk to the teacher and figure out where you're supposed to be." She then grabs me by my arm and pulls me across the room, without letting me say anything. People seem to be doing this a lot lately.

"Mr. Ringle," she says. "Shouldn't this little girl be on the other side of the building?"

"No Valerie," says Chris Cringle. "This is Avery Tomlinson. She's a new student."

"Oh," she says awkwardly, dragging me back to our seats.

"Are you really Avery Tomlinson?" Valerie asks me.

"Yes," I say.

"Wait a minute," she says as if I have another choice. Valerie takes out her phone and goes to my twitter page. She looks back and forth between me and my profile picture until she seems satisfied.

"Huh," she says. "I thought you'd be taller."

"I get that a lot."

"It's cute though."


"So, what are the boys like. Does Harry really walk around naked?"

"Not entirely." Not now that we're here, at least.

"What's Louis like as a dad?" I feel like I'm being interrogated.

"Ummm, protective?"

"Does he spoil you?" Is there going to be a quiz on this?

"I guess?"

"If you could have your old family back instead, would you?" What kind of question is that!? I don't know what would be worse; if she seriously meant that as a question, or if she was trying to make a joke out of it! Thankfully though, I didn't have to answer because Chris Cringle began lecturing the class about parabales. As the class went by, Valerie kept trying to interrogate me some more, and I kept saying that I had to pay attention so I didn't fall even farther behind. Finally the bell rang and everyone left the classroom.

Next, I had French with Erica. I took out the map to attempt to find the room, but clearly it didn't help much, seeing as by the time I got there, everyone was already in their seats. I quickly took a seat in the front, next to Erica.

"How was Chem?" I asked her. Did I mention that Erica tested into a bunch of classes that everyone else in our year is taking in a year or two. What can I say? She's the smart one, and it doesn't look like she has to worry about losing that title anytime soon.

"It was actually really fun. You would like it. It's a lot of math," she replied excitedly.

"Maybe I would. But in order to do that I would have to test out of Biology and Algebra first. Not everyone is as smart as you."

"You're smart Avery. You just missed a lot of school."

"So did you."

"I mean before all of this happened."

"Oh. Right. I knew that." Or at least I can pretend I did.

"Anyway, tell me about Algebra. Who did you talk to?"

"I met a girl named Valerie. And she interrogated me with fifty-thousand questions."

"And I'm guessing that by fifty-thousand you mean five."

"About five that I actually answered. And a bunch that I ignored."

Before Erica could say some Erica-like statement regarding how I should have been more polite, the teacher stepped up to the front of the room.

"Bonjour classe," ("Hello class,") she said.

"Bonjour Madame Weaver," ("Hello Mrs. Weaver,") they all responded in unison. I never understood why people do that. It's creepy and it makes them sound like they're posessed.

"We have some new students today. Would you please each say your name, how old you are, and one thing you like to do."

Erica stood up and began with "Hi. I'm-"

"En français s'il vous plaît," ("In French please,") Mme. Weaver interrupted.

"Bonjour, je m'appelle Erica. J'ai quatorze ans et j'aime lire." ("Hello, my name is Erica. I'm fourteen years old and I like to read.")

"Oh," said Mme. Weaver. "Qui est ton ton auteur favori" ("Who is your favorite author?")

"J'aime John Green a ce moment." ("I like John Green at the moment.")

"Et toi?" ("And you?") she asked me.

"Bonjour," ("Hello,") I said. "Je m'appelle Avery. J'ai quatorze ans et j'adore chanter." (My name is Avery. I am fourteen years old and I love to sing.")

"Oh!" she said. "Pouvez-vous chanter pour nous?" ("Can you sing for us?")

"Non, merci." (No, thank you.") Please don't make me. That has happened before and it was extremely awkward.

"D'accord. Peut-être la classe prochaine." ("Okay. Maybe next class.") Okay. I'm safe for today.

"Possiblement." ("Possibly.") Hopefully she'll forget.

The rest of the class passed while we conjugated verbs with irregular endings. The bell rang and I made my way to my English class, and just my luck, Valerie is in that class.

As soon as I got there Valerie dragged me to a table with two other girls.

"Valerie," said a girl with light blonde hair. "Who is this?"

"You'll see, Sophie."

"I am willing to bet five pounds that this isn't as cool as you say it is."

"Then take out your money."

"Ignore them," said the other girl, drawing my attention away from the conversation going on in front of me. "That's what I do. I'm Anna by the way" She was tanned and had waist-length dark hair with purple highlights.

"Avery," I said, shaking her hand.

"So, did you skip a few grades, or something?" Is everyone going to say something about that. Because I have actually grown half an inch since Louis adopted me and no one has noticed, except Louis.

"No. I just look a lot younger than I am."

"Clearly. You're not even as tall as my elbow." Oh, how I wish she was exaggerating. Before I could respond I was drawn away from the conversation by Valerie, shaking my shoulders excitedly.

"Tell Sophie who you are. I want my money," she giggled.

"Okay," I said taking her hands off of my shoulders before she could give me whiplash. "Hi. I'm Avery Tomlinson."

"No you're not."

"Yes she is! Check Twitter! Louis posts pictures of her all the time!" Sophie takes out her phone and once she finds the picture she wants, just like Valerie, she looks back and forth between me and the picture. Should I say something? Am I supposed to just stand here while she confirms that I am in fact, me?

"Come on," says Valerie, smirking. "Give me my money." Shouldn't I get a cut of said money? No? Okay then.

Sophie hands Valerie the money, and thankfully, before another set of questions can begin, the teacher, Ms. Provost, walks in.

"So," she says. "Since you are all talking I assume you are ready for your test?" The class silenced.

"Good," she said. "Avery, you're new here. Have you read Romeo and Juliet?"

"A few years ago," I answered. I borrowed it from one of the older kids at the orphanage. But they don't need to know that part.

"I had Caitlyn and Jocelyn earlier today and they hadn't. So, that's what the test is on. You can take it if you want. Since you weren't here, I'll only put it in the gradebook if you want me to after you see your grade. Okay?"

"Okay." Just perfect. It's my first day here and I'm already taking a test.

Ms. Provost handsout the papers and I begin writing my answers. After I hand in my test I sit back at my seat and stare at the clock in boredom. TIck... Tock... Tick... Tock... Ugh! Why is time so slow?

When the bell finally rings I walk out and attempt to find my History classroom. I may or may not have had to ask a few people, which was, by the way, totally embarassing. And it didn't help that they all thought that I belonged in primary school. Regardless, I eventually found the room I was looking for. I rushed to take a seat next to Holly.

"Hi," I said to her. "How were your classes?"

"Boring," she said to me. "Like always. Did you have English yet?"

"That's where I just came from. Why?"

"That's what I have last period. What do you do?"

"Did you read Romeo and Juliet?"

"No. You and Erica were the only ones who actually read that."

"Well then I don't know what you'll be doing. They're taking a test on it. She'll probably just have you read something."

"Ugh! Why couldn't you have just gotten into some other accident so we didn't have to come here?"

"Well gee. Thanks. It's nice to know you appreciate my tendency to be hospitalized."

"That's not what I meant, Avery, and you know it."

"I know. I'm just kidding."

"Then you have a strange sense of humor."

"And you've known me for how long, exactly?"

Holly laughs. I notice then, that the entire class has stopped talking and the teacher is staring at us. I kick her under the table to get her to be quiet.

"Well now that I've got your attention, hello class."

"Hello Mr. Bierly," they chorus back in the wierd zombie-like unison that I will always find creepy.

"So, clearly you are all aware that we have two new students in our class today. Would you please do us the favor of introducing yourselves?"

"Ummm... hi," says Holly. "I'm Holly Styles."

"Avery Tomlinson," I say. My face is probably as red as a tomato at this point.

"So, you would be the third and fourth students I've had today, from that boy band."

"One Direction," Holly interrupts.

"Yeah, them. How many of you are there, exactly?"

"Six," I said. "But Erica isn't taking this class."

"Okay," he said. "So lucky for you, we're just starting a new unit, so there won't be much for you to catch up on." He then addressed the entire class. "We're taking notes today. Get out your notebooks."

The rest of class passes slowly. Finally the bell rings and Holly and I grab our books and practically run out of the classroom.

"My hand hurts from writing," Holly whines as we make our way to lunch.

"Yeah, mine too. I don't like Mr. Beaver."

"Mr. What?"

"I'm calling him Mr. Beaver."

"Why?" she asks.

"Why not?" I shrug.

"You confuse me sometimes. You know that?"

"I confuse a lot of people."

"I can see why." she says as we arrive in the cafeteria and sit at a table in the corner with the rest of our sisters. I sit between Jocelyn and Briana. We brought lunch to school because according to Louis, school lunches suck, so we don't need to go in the lunch line. About halfway through lunch, Jocelyn nudges me with her elbow.

"Look at Briana," she says. I turn to look at her and apparently, she's staring across the cafeteria, at a table full of guys with spiked up hair and grapefruits, aka. biceps, or as I like to call them, yucky muscly-muscles.

"Eeewww," I say to Jocelyn, crinkling my nose. She laughs. A blond boy gets up to throw away his trash and looks over at Briana. He smiles and she quickly looks at the floor, smiling to herself. I start giggling and this time Briana comes out of her daze and looks at me.

"What's so funny?" she asks.

"You have a boyfriend," I giggle.

"No I don't!" she says quitely, covering my mouth to make me shut up. I simply continue giggling and bouncing up and down in my seat.

"And you wonder why people treat you like a kid," she sighs.

"Hey!" I cross my arms in front of me, glaring at her. "I'm the same age as you."

"And half my height," she responds, raising an eyebrow. I stick my tongue out at her.

"You're just jealous. I can hide behind the giant flour bags in the cabinets. You can't." Well it's true. And it becomes very useful when Louis goes into Mommy-mode and decides that I have to eat vegetables. Yuck!

"Oh, so that's where you disappear to?" I shouldn't have told her that. She's going to use that against me now isn't she.

"Ummmm.... No?"

"Sure." Is she being sarcastic? Yeah. I'm pretty sure she's being sarcastic. Right?

"Okay, let's make a deal," I say. "I won't tell anyone about your boyfriend and you don't tell anyone about the cabinets."

"Deal," she says. Good, because I'm pretty sure there's going to be brocolli tonight. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

The bell rings and I pick up my sparkly pink backpack, courtesy of Louis, and attempt to find my Biology class. This would be so much easier if I could use my GPS. Why can't they just put the inside of this school on google maps?

Anyway, I'm walking through the hall with my nose in my map, when I walk straight into someone.

"Sorry," I say quickly before walking around them and continuing down the hall. I make it a few steps before I hear this.

"Hey, kid!" Why. Why must I know that whoever this is is undoubtedly talking to me. I turn around to see Briana's boyfriend. Let the giggling begin.

"Are you lost?" he asks, crouching down to my height.

"Maybe," I giggle.

"Okay. Where are you trying to get to?"

"Ms. Moberly's room," I say, trying to stop giggling. "Biology."

"Okay, haha, very funny. Where do you really need to be?"

"I'm serious!" I say, offended. "Look!" I show him my schedule.

"Okay then," he says, surprised. "I'm going to the same class. Let's go." He stands up again, holding out his hand, because I'm apparently too young to walk by myself. I glare at him before begrudgingly taking his hand. I almost have to run to keep up with him. Stupid short legs.

We finally get there, and go figure, instead of desks and chairs, they have counters and stools that are as high as my nose. I find an empty one and first stand on my tippy-toes and slide my bag onto the couter, then practically try to jump onto the stool. Key word: try. This is like pull-ups in gym class. I don't like gym class. It's too much moving.

I feel someone picking me up from under my arms and immediately start kicking and squirming. I'm placed in the stool and look around to see Briana's boyfriend sitting next to me. I've decided that I don't like him.

"Hey Cody," said a boy with messy brown hair who needed to shave, sitting next to the blond boy, who I now know is named Cody.

"Hey, Alex," Cody responds.

"So, who's the kid?" Alex asks. Grrrrrrr.

"I don't know," Cody says. "What's your name, kid?"

"I'm not a kid," I say, glaring at him.

"Whatever you say," he laughs, ruffling my hair. I growl at him.

"I'm fourteen."

"Sure you are."

"I'm serious!"

"Okay," he says, putting his hands above his head. "So what's your name."

"Avery Tomlinson," I say, crossing my arms. "Look it up."


"Because it will tell you that I'm fourteen."

"Sure it will."

"Look it up!" I say, hitting the counter. He laughs, pulling out his phone and typing in my name. He clicks on the first link, which, go figure, is one of Lous twitter posts. I already know that this is not going to help me. I sigh and pull out my phone, finding the right website.

"There," I say, shoving it in front of his face. "See?"

"I see it," he says. "I still say you're a little kid."

"But it says right here that I'm fourteen! There is infallible evidence right in front of you!"

"I'm pretty sure that a celebrity gossip website doesn't count as infallible." He hands my phone back.

"Shut up," I say, turning away from him.

Before he can respond, Ms. Moberly walks in on her heels. Is it just me, or is it extremely unsafe to wear heels in a lab? It just doesn't seem like a good idea.

"Hello!" she says, smiling. "Take your notebooks out and I'll come around to check your pre-lab in a few minutes."

"What's pre-lab?" I ask Cody.

"We're doing an experiment today. We're supposed to have everything set up or we can't do it."

"So I already have something to make up?"

"You'll have to ask her."

"Oh." I say, turning back and looking at my hands. Soon enough, Ms. Moberly gets to me.

"You're new here, aren't you?" she asks me.


"And what's your name?"

"Avery Tomlinson."

"Oh now I remember," she said. "I knew I read it somewhere. I'm horrible with names. Anyway, you probably don't have the homework done."

"No I do not."

"That's fine. You can look on with another group and then copy it into your notebook later."

"Thanks!" I say, smiling. As I get out my notebook, I decide that she is my new favorite teacher. She then finishes walking around the room and everyone gets up and walks to the other side of the rom for the lab. I practically jump off my seat, and fall in the process. I then remember that I can't reach my notebook. Why must the tables be so high! I try pulling myself up on the counter to reach it, but gravity doesn't seem to like that idea.

"Need help, kid?" Cody asks, smirking.

"I'm fine," I say, kicking my feet in attempt to get higher.

"You sure about that?"

"Yup," I say, before my hands slip and I fall back to the floor. "Nope." He laughs, handing me my notebook and pen, which by the way, is also pink and sparkly, and has feathers on it. If I wasn't such a good person I would have already lost it. Stupid feelings.

After an hour of scary knives and chemicals, and Cody insisting on picking me up every time I couldn't see things, the bell rings and I pull my backpack down from the counter. After it almost crushes me, I run out of the room, and by run, I mean try to run, but inevitably get stuck behind a bunch of giants who feel the need to walk as slowly as possible. I eventually get out of the school and find the limousine, where Erica is waiting, with papers on her lap.

"Hey," I say.

"Shhhh," she responds. "I'm doing homework."

Okay then.


Author's Note

Hello again!

Long time, no see. I know. I wish I could update more often, but schedule is literally a mess of school and rehearsals and concerts. So much music! I only had the time to update today because it's Columbus day and everything is cancelled.

I don't even know when the last time I updated this was. Wow. Oh, and I almost had a panic attack because I had almost this entire chapter typed, and I went to add the end, and it said I hadn't typed anything. Luckily it was just a glitch and it worked the second time, but I almost passed out from hyperventilating.

So did anyone else cry when Niall turned 21? They're just growing up so fast!

Anyway, right after this, I am going to post the first chapter of my new fanfic. It's a 5SOS fanfic. Specifically Luke Hemmings. After that, I'm going to attempt to update Kidnapped by One Direction.

And now I will say all the things that you read, or don't read, every time I update. COMMENT! FAN! VOTE! TELL YOUR FRIENDS! ETC. If you follow me, I will follow back. If I accidentally miss you, then just tell me on my message board and I will fix thst straight away, or at least as soon as I'm on wifi.

I love you my little bunnies!



Part 2

So, I really don't know how this works, but maybe republishing it will let people read it on a phone, because apparently people can't. If it doesn't, does anyone know how I can fix this? :/


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